PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGR Dies H ere Saturday— Dr. H a rry E. M itchell died S a tu r-i day aftern o o n a t 1 o’clock a t the hom e of C. M. W aite on Iowa s tre e t Dr. M itchell cam e here very recently ' to visit w ith friends and was s tric k ­ en w ith paralysis. The fu n eral ser- j vices will be held Tuesday a fte ra c c n a t 2 o’clock from J. P. Dodge & Son’s fu n eral parlo rs. In te rm e n t will takp . place in M ountain View cem etery. Local and Personal NEW S is any hum an activity or ev en t th at is o f in terest to oth er h um ans. T he BEST new s is that w hich in terests the greatest num ber o f people. The T idings w ould greatly appreciate it if yon w ould call 3 0 w hen you have an item o f in terest. Thank you. F ram es, pictures, album s, land. y enetian Note in Costumes to Fore S '" \ photo 84tf ! Off H ere from H ilt— So D iffe r e n t F ro m Mr. and Mrs. Fay F. P o tte r a r ­ rived here from H ilt Calif., and are spending a week visiting w ith re la ­ tives and friends in th e city. They expect to leave th e la tte r p a rt of this week for th e n o rth e rn p a rt of the s ta te for a visit w ith o th e r relatives. H e rs. E dith—“Jack wants me to set the date for our wedding." Miss Flyrte— •‘Goodness! Do your fiances take their engagements as seriously as that?”- Bostou Evening T ranscript. Spuds— Spuds— Spuds— All you w ant, $1.25, and my nam e is Dennis. 81-3 NOTICE On S aturday, D ecem ber 9, th e F o u rth S treet m eat m ark e t will open H ere on S ta te B usiness— u n d e r new m anagem ent. It will Lee R usk, rep re sen ta tiv e of the handle all fresh and cured m eats at bureau of labor for th e sta te of Ore­ reasonable prices. E. B. D ecker.82-3 gon, Is spending a few days in Ash­ land, looking over c e rta in equipm ent M ake your clothes a X m as pres- ■ which is inspected by th e sta te every e n t of a cleaning and pressing. La ! few m onths. He a rriv ed from K lam ­ dies w ork a specialty. A shland a th F a lls S atu rd ay and will leave C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone ' in a few days on his trip n o rth , sto p ­ 63. A uto delivery. 84tf ping a t various places w here boilers and equipm ent a re to be inspected. Spends W eek-E nd H ere— Always see me firs t about your B. R. Jones, of H ilt, Calif., spent in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? th e week end visiting in A shland. Ask me. Yeo, of course. 84tf Splendid m usic. Fine floor, Con­ genial crow d. F a ir G round Pavilion I Dance. S aturday. L e t’s go! 83-fr-s! S un W o rs h ip e d in F a r ly T im e s. Centuries ago the sen was wor­ shiped by practically every race on Dance. S aturday. L e t’s Go! the face of the earth. Babylonians, ancient Persians and Armenians, Assy­ B etter clothes for LESS a t P aul- rians, Ammonites, Ethiopians, Ara­ s e ru d ’s. 84tf bians and several others had their own sun gods. ( ’¡tfe O w ner A bout A gain— B argain in used ‘ b ik es.” F ixit R. A. Avery, ow ner of th e N elda 84tf i Cafe, m ade his firs t appearance a t Shop, his place of business S atu rd ay fol­ low ing several w eeks' illness. Mr. T h e C a te r p illa r P e it. France, in the middle ages, had a A very’s condition was quite serious for several days and his friends are rem arkable method of dealing with plagues of caterpillars. „In 1120 the glad to see him about again. Bishop of l.aon pronounced a solemn sentence of excommimk ation against W e have a n o th e r lot of those Ya­ caterpillars and grasshoppers. kim a N etted Gem P o tato es, No. 1 grade. P laza M arket, 61 No. Main FIGHT FIR E ! P ro tect home and property. If you Let us renovate your su it now and think you should insure, if you in ­ avoid the holiday rush. P a u lse ru d ’s. tend to in su re p re tty soon, DO IT NOW p. d. q., and avoid cause for Exper ts to Move Here— SAD R E G R E T and self chatisem ent. R. N. T aylor a civil engineer of R em em ber also th a t th ere is as F o rt Jones, Calif., spent several days g reat or g re a te r risk on your house­ last week in A shland. He was here hold effects and clothing and it costs lookiug fo r a house to move into, as $4 or less per year per $1(100 for in ­ he expects to move his fa m ily .h e re surance on o rd in ary dw ellings and ab o u t th e first of th e year. contents. Good old line com panies NOTICE— W e do a general real th a t have paid th ro u g h all the g rea t e sta te business, but am ong ou r o th er l ° n t, |e Jin<, p n d w iV (,rs .„ „ „„ j, change. Yockey & Co., 177 E. Main "|,ingS so |ie Will have none, not Infre St. P hone 146. 83-sat-m -w quently mixes the dope for some one •Ise.— E x c h a n g e . New shipm ent of suits and o'coats ju st in. W ill be glad to show them , i Photos m ade now delivered for 84tf P a u lse ru d 's. 84tf I Xmas. Studio A shland. Buys New Car— H e re fr o m R o s e b u rg — Monday, December 11, 1022 $ IE VENETIAN note struck last sei * son is still on th e crescendo. The tri-corne h a t, bouffant sk irt tra ilin g into slender side points, tig h t bodice, buckled shoe, black lace flounc­ ing, all prove th a t th e note is being echoed in th e m illinery world, the gown world, and the world of accessories. It is indeed a fashionable woman th a t affects thia period. In th e accom panying photo of Pola N egri, th e fam ous E uropean screen sta r, who is now m aking the R obert H ichens story, “ Bella Donna,” as a P aram o u n t P ictu re, she is shown w earing h at. «»own, and cloak th a t are each th e m ast chic ad ap tatio n s o f th e V enetian mode. The tri-corne h at is of black h a tte i’.; plush— as it should be; and it is hoe?, I in tarnished silver, and trim m ed w ith a cocarde o f th e same. T arnished silver 111 " is, by th e way, very much sought a fte r. The older it looks, the b e tte r! Í. ' &•!• The gown has th e V enetian tig h t bodice, and the sk irt is bouffant, tra il­ tV £ ( ¿ R ! (CV !V£ N e r/v\ rv in g into side points, as shown • Ì I in the sketch to th e left. Black lace form s the u p p er p a rt of the bodice and the long tig h t sleeves th a t come well down over th e hands. It m ay be noticed rp, ■ • .. . th a t no strap s hold up th e black taffeta bodice, the lace top doing straps b<* practical for a larger woman. rnuca-. {«, . ± 1 “ i u u rsegn, our not practical lo r a la rg e r woman. fe e t shod i-fsaH n an ? a£ e the s k irt’ th ro u Kh which ca" be seen Miss N egri’s fe e t shod in satin, and silver buckled. Black lace stockings she also wears. e cloak is velvet, and has a deep lace collar p a tte rn e d a fte r those sketched in the frieze a t the top ;e picture— in. tru e V enetian style. F V ie n n ^ R e rH n ^ n d P ™ ? th 3 t P ° Ush Star haS brouSh t with hor to tbis co u n try — exquisite things A Sit Skeptical. Country Doctor (after using stetho­ scope on patien t)—Well, I've located the seat of your trouble. William. Old Bill Jones (heretofore healthy, man and boy)—I hope so. Doc, hut to tell the truth I ain’t got no faith In divinin' rods, be they old fashioned or new-fangled.—American Legion Weekly. A PERSONAL MESSAGE AT CHRISTMAS TIME T hat is w hat a photograph of you at Christina will mean lo your d ista n t relatives and friends. You cannot m ake a m ore acceptable choice. Many consider a photograph the Ideal Gift. Now is the best tim e to a rra n g e appointm ents free from the bustle and confusion of C hristm as W eek. A large picture free with every dozen. DARLING STUDIO “PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE” REGARDLESS of sales or special offers we can sell you CLOTHES lor LESS PAULSERUD’S E xports o f A m erican A utom obiles D oubled in 1 9 2 2 A» O. P. Austin • ^'.atistitian T he N ational C ity B ank of N ew Y ork (Fe«w t i t W EEKLY T R A D E R EC O R D I s s n t d i t T i t N a t i o n a l C i t s Banlr) The Am erican autom obile is again invading foreign fields W ith the re-action in w orld m arkets which followed the close of the w ar and the big accum ulation existing abroad at that date, our exports of autom obiles were tem porarily re- duced in 1921 but are again ap- proaching norm a' and give prom ise of steady gains in the future. T he num ber of m achines now going out of the country is m ore than double that of the corresponding period of last year, and the total num ber ex- ported in the calendar year 1922 will be twice as great as in 1921 and three tim es as great as in the year preceding the war. Of course, the total for 1922 cannot be ex- pected to reach th a t of the d o s in g years of the w ar when the m ilitary activities dem anded enorm ous num - bers of m achines of all types, but when we com pare the exports of the 9 m onths of the calendar year 1922 w ith those of the correspond- ing m onths of 1921 we find an in- crease of 90%, and in the latest single m onth for which details are available, Septem ber, there is an in- crease of 150% when com pared with Septem ber of last year, sug- gesting th a t the grand total for the complete year 1922 will be fully double that of the full year 1921. This increase occurs in all types of autom obiles. P assenger cars ex- ported in the 9 m onths ending with Septem ber show a total of 48,328 against 23,900 in the same m onths of last year, an increase of over 100%, and m otor trucks, of which we exported but a small num ber prior to the war, are in the 9 m onths of this year 8,080 against 5,945 in the same m onths of last year. Passenger cars in Septem- ber alone w ere 5,862 against 2,197 in Septem ber of last year. Curiously, too, this big increase in th e 1922 exports of autom obiles occurs in large degree in shipm ents to those parts of the w orld which are recognized as m anufacturers of autom obiles. T he total num ber of passenger m achines sent to the eight European countries enum- erated in the D epartm ent of Com- m erce m onthly record of countries of destination is over 13,000 against less than 3,000 in the same period of last year. To Great Britain alone« the greatest m anufacturer outside of the United States, the total of passenger m achines ex- ported in the .9 m onths of 1922 is 3,645 against but 2992 in the same m onths of last year; to Belgium, also a m anufacturing country, 3,329 against 344 last year; while to Can- ada, now a considerable nianufac- tu re r of autom obiles, the ntim he. is 8,661 against 4,644 in the corre sponding m onths of 1921. To A ustralia and New Zealand, in which all sorts of American, manti- factures are gaining in popularity, the num ber of passenger cars is 8,354 against only 2,217 in the cor- responding m onths of last year: to South America over 3,000 against a little more than 1,000 in the same period of 1921, and to British South Africa 1,350 against 337 last year, To India there is a m aterial in­ crease, but to tiie extrem e Orient, China, Japan, the Philippines, and the Dutch E ast Indies, the num ber exported in 1922 is slightly less than in the corresponding m onths of 1921. These big increases in our ex­ ports of autom obiles in 1922 as com pared with 19’1 are especially gratifying in view of the evidence which they furnish that the foreign world recognizes the value of this type of Am erican m anufacture ‘and gives this recognition after a severe test. The total num ber of autoino- biles of all s i ts exported from the United S tat -s during the decade ending with 1921 was about 650.0(0 and their a g g re g a te value a billion dollars, and the fact that the world after its thorough acquaintance with them, including the “acid test’’ on the battle fields of Europe, is now doubling its purchases of our m achines when com pared with those of last year, indicates that it is re co g n izin g th e high quality >1 this example o f'ti e products of the A m erican factory. T he United States is now producing over, three- fourths o f the au tom obiles of the world. H ow ard P a rk e r who has been em ­ Miss Vida B radshaw , teach er in ployed for som e tim e by th e C ali­ th e W agner Creek school, bought a fo rn ia Oregon Pow er com pany, a t new Ford the la tte r p a rt of last Roseburg, spent Sunday visiting w ith week. his p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. P arker. X m as F ru it Cake— Also w hipped cream puffs. Home NOTICE FOE INCLUSION I W. York, Chas. A. Gray, Agnes MAC. No. 53; thence east 770 feet; M ortgage for sale, am ple property Bakery and R e sta u ra n t’, 69 N orth Gray, Jan ies A. Cook, Bessie M. thence in a southw esterly direction 84t f i security, also responsible personal Main. L ¡ore th e Ho:uxl o f is.rectors of th e Cook, C. A. B urns, L illian B urns, W. following th e no rth line of the coun- ______ guaran tee. A m ount $5000, will sell Irrig a tio n D istrict, Jackson B. Beebe, Mrs. W. B. Beebe, W. A. ty road approxim ately 2700 feet; L ast m onth th e A utom obile S p e c -ja t P ^ e to yield 9 per cent. Confi- County, O regon. Cooper, Mrs. W. A. Cooper, R. ith en ce in a so u th easterly direction Staples R ealty ialist insured th re e tru c k s, six auto-J dentini business. S cheidereiter A. Scheidereiter, J. C. following the west p roperty line of 84tf m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. Agency. To the T alen t Irrig a tio n D istrict P e tit, Mrs. J. C. P e tit, O. D. Low, thV S. P. R. R., approxim ately 1200 Yeo, of course. 84tf and to all free holders, legal voters Mrs. M. M cW illiam s, Mrs. E lla B. feet; thence south to th e southeast First Steam Transatlantic Trips. and assessm ent payers of said dis-! Mills, C. Guy Crosley, Mrs. Susie, corner of the n o rth e a st q u a rte r of The American vessel Savannah tric t and to all persons in terested in R andles, T. T. R eedsr, Jos. E. R a n --th e n o rth e a st q u a rte r of Section 23, How A re th e R oju Is?— iM U irlre In re g a rd to UK condi-| " o sso d II,e Atlantic frotn SnvaaaaK the lands lying w ithin the T alen t Ir- dies, Mrs. Millie Jensen, Mrs. E m m a Twp. 39 South, R ange 1 E a st; thence llo a a t the rondo Io th e so u th o l 7 '', , , ) “ ,1M' f partly rigation D istrict and w ithin the Eske, W illiam R oberts, E m m a Rob- west S50 feet; .th e n c e so u th '280 Ashland have been m ade and m ight! tinder steam but mainly by sail. In boundaries of the te rrito ry described erts, W m. J. K eeton. Geo. W. G ran t, feet; thence w est 470 feet; thence be answ ered as very good, consider-, IS33 l)H; K(iya| vVilliaiu, ,,f $30 tons, in this notice; you and each of you W. L. Huxley, Amy L. M oore, W. L. south approxim ately 550 feet to the ing th a t one c ar drove from Wood-1 ,iui|, in Canada, made the first trans a re hereby notified th a t a p e titio n ! Moore, O. J. R ath b u rn . point w here the located line of the land, C alif , Sunday and two o th e rs: (lt|lint[c voyage entirely under steam, has been filed in th e office of the! proposed A shland L ateral of the Tal-j S etting fo rth th a t th e said peti arrived here in th e evening, h a v in g ' ■ ■ »»„„I u..«x.ure Ol m e ra ie n t ir-; tio n ers a re th e ho]derg of title and ent I r n Satl0 n D 's tn c t crosses the m ade the trip from R edding. T he An In v estm en t Snap— rigation D istrict of Jackson County, holders of evidence of title w est boundary of the so u th east q u ar- occupants of the ears rep o rt th a t Two lots, paved stre e t, R. R. «»s-; O regon, by the follow ing nam ed I»e-!senting a m a 'o rit • f l h > „ te r fhe n o rth e a st q u a rte r ol Sec- snow was falling all the way from tric t, ren ta b le building $900, will t.tio n ers: a cert a jn nortio'i^ of e a c r®a - p tion 23; thence in a n o rthw esterly R edding until they a rriv ed at th e je a r n 12 per cent net. Staples R eal-j G!enn L Inm an (fop Mrg £ Q a d ja c e n t to ° th e ” boundaries" o f 't h e direCti° " fo,,ow in- the line of the B arron place a few Ashland. Spoiling His Plans. Green (new io country life))— Where are those duck eggs I brought home yesterday? Mrs. Green—I put them under the hen. Green—Under the hen? Good heav­ ens ! And I wanted to hatch out ducks from those eggs. m iles south of ty Agency. 84tf In m a n ), C. A. Brown, J. W. McCoy T alent Irrig a tio n D istrict and they located line of the said proposed A sh’ -------- ~ (liq u id a tin g agent, also rep re sen tin g do petition the Board of said D istrict 1and L a te ra l to a P °n it in Section 1 TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY S tate Bank of A sh la n d ), Ja s. W. for inclusion of all lands w ithin said 15’ T w p’ 39 S° Uth’ R ange 1 EaS‘’ See our bargain windows for X m a s ------------------------------------------------------ Y oung Wm F Yartpr \k r n n r e i 1 • 1 , j i w here said canal line in tersects the r if ts Studio Ashland 84tf AUCTION S A L E -H o u s e h o ld goods, A, v \ m » M drga bflllnilarie8 to be " E lu d e d and ad- hotindarv of th e citv lim its of gifts. Studio Ashland. SaUn,day a t m . g a r t e r . Mrs. Vesta N. Brown, Betty m itted to said T alen t Irrig a tio n Dis- °aat, bounda^ of tbe c ,t> *lm t8 ot thence follow ing in a Mrs. Jam es Lowe 102 Oak St. ! G ottsche, Carl G ottsche, Mrs. Luke tric t. The boundaries of tb e body A shland « win A uto for sale, good as new Over-, 83-1*, Bounin, F ra n k Beswick, F red C. of land petitioned to be included in n o rth e rly direction the e ast boundary) land sedan, ru n 5000 m iles, less t h a n ; , , _ — — ------ - - | Homes, N. I , Huxley (p e r Ada J. said irrig a tio n d istrict are situ a te d line of the city lim its of A shland to bB f fprm« «itanlp, H p » H v E° R SALE OR TRADE— Two fresh “ , \ \ „ 7 irn g a u o n d istrict are situi ig e n e v si f cow s- ph o n e A B Chapm an. J ’ E G ow ,and- Jo b u in Ja ck so n C ounty, Oregon, a n d a re the point of beginning, all in Jack- son county, Oregon. Agency. 5>ru _ thu Prohboes, S arah Frohboes, L uke p a rtic u la rly described as follow s: 84-mon- You a re fu rth e r notified th a t the I Bounin J. C. B arnard, Isabel M. Bar-1 B eginning a t the N orthw est cor- said petition has been set for hear- Haiul R eh earsals Postpones! FOR SALE— F resh m ilk goat (tw o Hard. H. C. Moore, Eeaver R ealty Co. ner of Section 10, Twp. 39 South. R egular Monday night practices by, y e a rs ), fo u r q u a rts second kidding ( b / Eliz. Y ockey), W ells D. Jack- R ange 1 E a s t- thence E a st 1555 ing f° r T uesday. J a n n a r> 2. 1023, a t the city band will be discontinued ,a st Ju ly tw o q u a rts now i0I1g son, J. W. M illner, C. E. Johnson, L feet; thence south 555 feet; thence 9 ° ’clock a . m ” a t th e ° ffiCe ° f th6 until a fte r the first of the year, ac- lactation perio 1. $50. In q u ire Chas. M iksch, Mrs. Hazel K irk p atric k , east 420 f e e t- thence south 1260 Board oi D irectors of the T alent Ii- cording to word given out by C arl D rue 50 T hird s t M artin & W illiam s (by W. O. Mar- feet; thence east 1100 feet; thence r iSation Distric t. a t T alent, Oregon, II. Loveland, d irecto r, th is m orning. o u r. n u i j . ,, R A- Avery. C. J. F o ster. J. E. n o rth 1815 feet to a point on th e and , to , ap p ear a t .. said tim e u and place T his m eans th e re will be no reh ear- FOR SALE— Crochet and em broid- W ikl, Geo. W. T refren , A lbert C. Jov. n o rth line of said Sect’on 10- thence and show cause’ lf any yOU haV6' why sal th is evening. ery pieces su ita b le for X m as gifts. L _ j . Hessenaner, Mrs. L. J. Hessen- in a so u th easterly d ire c tio n ’ follow- the Pe tition should not be granted. a , a 'U ’ '’Old V Ia n e r’ M rs’ E rank Beswick, O. V. ing th e south bank of B ear C reek to D ated at T alent. Oregon, Decern-) X ! W IR E W H E E L SERVICE at I 'ee' rs - - 0 in-__________ Richie, E. D. Briggs, V. V. Haw ley, a point w here th e said south bank of j j er (lorn’s T ire Hospital. Broken spokes kes WOMAN WANTS W ORK by hour Kimer Jensen, Ila M. M yers. I. J. Bear Creek in tersects th e west prop- replaced 25c. 84tf 84-6* 1 M eyers, A lbert L. Peachey, C. F. Til- e rty line of M arcus P. T ru e; thence A ttest: O. ARNSPIGER. A ddress Tidings office. ton, W . B. P ra ch t (fo r Mrs. Mary W . south and east follow ing the south O. ARNSPIGER, W atch our w indow . Som e new WANTED— To tra d e two h eifer P ra c h t), Geo. M cW illiams, E lizabeth and west p ro p erty lines of th e lands a rticle each, d ay at c o « . . Special calves for sow and pigs or some A. Sm ith, C a rte r Land Co. (p e r E. V. owned by M arcus P. T rue. Jesse Neil. S ecretary of th e Board of Direc- Tuesday—C lapper Dolls. A arietv feeder hogs. P hone 18F12. W. C arter, Pres.)- J. P. C hisholm , C laude Mina P. Bayliss and C am elia E. Ow- to rs of ^ e T alent Irrig a tio n D istrict. S toro. 84-1 1 R Ha> ter, ow ner. 84-2* ^M illet, J. R. M axedon, Paul Held. F. ens to the southw est corner of D. L ., (S eal) 84-4 mon ¿Today Only— VIOLA DANA - - ill- ‘The $5.00 Baby’ ----- Also----- “ JULES OF THE RIVER” with IRVING CUMMINGS and PATHE NEWS THREE DAYS BEGINNING TOMORROW JSJSE L.LASKY ’■Jhe O ld Homeslead11 Theodore R o b erti, G eoide Faw cert T.Roy Barnes, Harrison Ford, Fritei Ridiway fc»— GtyammountgWurv ® ' TONIGHT, 8 p. m. HAL. H. URDAHL Author, Lecturer and Teacher SUBJECT “TH E HEALING FO RCE”— “ TH E M IRACLE” “ TH E MEDICAL CU RE” Tuesday, December 12,8 p. m. “ TH E SOUL”— “ TH E SUBCONSCIOUS EN TITY ” “ YOUR B E TTER S E L F ” A Class in Developm ent of Self is being form ed to meet twice daily, afternoon and evening, sa th a t those who cannot come even­ ings may a tte n d in the a fte rn ions, to com m ence Tuesday, Dec. 12. You will be shown how the Law o perates and how to use it as a fully vitalized Pow er of w onderous P o ten tiality , harm onizing Body, Mind and Soul. You cannot afford to miss this O pportunity— it will mean so m uch for you in th e fu tu re. Make all class a rra n g e m e n ts early w ith Mr. Ogg or Mr. Rue, Hotel A shland. COME TO TH E F R E E LECTURES Women’s Civic Ciub House