D ecem ber 11 1922 BBS tititife tii B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L DR. ER N EST A, WOODS— Practie lim ited to eye, ear, nose an th ro a t. Office hours, Id to 12 an 2 to 5. S w ed sn b u rs Bldg., A?, land, O.-e 73-1 aa seéêsfi INTERURBAX AUTOCAR CO. (E ffective J a n u a ry 1, 1922) EDFORD LV . ASHLAND a. m. 7 :0 0 a. m. a. m. 8:00 a. m. a. m. 9 :00 a. m. OK. J. j. LM54KNS-—P b y sic’an a t a. m. 10:00 a. m. Burgeon. P ractice lim .ted v a. m. 11:00 a. m. eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Giasse noon 12:00 noon supplied. O culist aDd a u rlst fe p. in. 1 :0 0 p. m. 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. P. and B p. m. 2 :0 0 p. m. Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phone c« p m. 3:00 p. m. p. m. 4 :0 0 p. m. DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Residence p. m. 6:00 p. m. and office, 1C8 P ioneer avenue p. m. 6:00 p. ra. Telephone 28. Office house, 10 p. m. 7 :0 0 p. ra. to 12 a. rii.; 2 to 5 p. m., only. p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. ra. DR. II. M SHAW— Physician and p. m. 9:30 p m. Surgeon. p. m. Sat. ouly 10:30 p. m. E ars, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses f it­ Sunday Schedule ted. Room 6, Mllls-McCall Block. Leave M edford for A shland and Phone 79 or 28. A shland for M edford every h o u r on the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; DK. G. C. P H E T T E I’l.A t E— Dentis*. •th e n 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. — to W. E. . B uchanan. ~ successor x. , . ' | A shland w aiting room — E a st Side Special a tte n tio n given to stra ig h t- p h arm acy ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. ‘ ' _______ Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5. Office phone 151. Residence A S .ll AXD-ROSEBURG STAGE phone 201-J. Cam ps B uilding, Daily (E xcept Sunday) A shland, Oregon. 45tf LV. ASHLAND LV. ROSEBURG _ _ _ _ _ _ ■ ■ - _______— -------------- 1:00 n. in. 1:00 p. in. T ravel by stage; sh o rte st ro u te by CHIROPRACTORS- 20 ni’les; one of O regon’s most DR. E . B. ANGELL— C hiropractic scenic tripe. F a re — Ash land-R ose­ au d E lectro-T herapy. L i e combi burg, $ 4 .6 0 ; M edford - R oseburg, nation does w onders. 1,1st N at” _ ,, _ . Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. G ,ants Paes-Roseburg, $3.00. H ouse Calls M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily (Except Sunday) 1T. MEDFORD LV. G’T ’S PASS :00 a. m. 7:30 a ra. CON VALESCENT HOM E 1:00 p. ra. :00 p. m. CONVALESCENT HOME — Good 6 :00 p. m. :00 p. m cheer. Good care. Good food. Sunday Only T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite 1 :00 a. m. 1 0 :0 0 a. m. St. P h o n e 411-R. 306-lm o 4:30 p. m. :30 p. m. G ran ts Pass w aiting room — The Bonbonniere, phone 160. VETERINARY Office and w aiting room — No. 6 DR. J P. CHISHOLM — G raduate! V eterinary. W alker Ave. UHLAND IïÂILÎ "fEMNSS PAGS T H R fli' H o £ B reeders to . O rganize— R ussell W illiam s, salesm an for F o r th e purpose of perfecting an Healy Bros, a P o rtla n d fu rn itu re association for so u th e rn Oregon, r _ll4. . . . . . . . T 1 ¡Crude Method Employed by Ancient ' house, was a v isitor in the city Sat- breeders of H am pshire sw ine in J a c k - 1 Peoples, but It Conveyed the De­ iurday. son and Josephine counties will m eet sired Information. tom orrow evening a t th e Oxford ho­ ------ F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e i3 tel, G ran ts P ass. The m eeting will Practical telegraphy is not so en- here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on be a tte n d ed by all of th e prom inent] Drely a product of modern science as peel, raiBins, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, b reeders of th e two counties, mini- many may suppose. It is tradition that su g a r, etc., D e tric k ’s G roceteria sells b ering about 35, m any of whom have "gnniemnon telegraphed the fall of obtained recognition as Troy f loy to to Greece Gieeve by by means means of of bonfires bonfires on on for lesB. 48tf alread y the mountain tops. Although there may grow ers of ex tra fancy stock. C. C. be much doubt as to whether this Is Cliff Payne has sp u r s t? il ladders. Cate Jackson county agent, and B. " t “ a m ere legend there caQ be Qo W. Cooney, county agent of Douglas question that in the second century Visitor from Weed— county, will be present. before Christ there was a system of T. R. Bundy, of W eed, Calif., is ---------- telegraphing In Europe by which mes- here v isiting for a sh o rt tim e. Mr. B e tte r he safe th an sorry. See sages were sent from one place to Bundy was form erly here w ith the Beaver R ealty Co. about your ln su r another by means of fire, the word« 287ti being spelled out letter by letter. lau n d ry com pany, b u t has been em ­ ance. P hone 68. , The letters of the alphabet were ar- ployed! by the W eed L um ber com ­ R em em ber D ecem ber 5 to 8. W in- ranged In five columns, so that any pany for som e tim e past. te r F a ir. letter could be designated by stating _______ In what column it was contained and If you w ant th e best th ere Is in Save by buying doll clothes at its nuinl>e r in th at column. To convey bacon, boiled ham «, chipped beef, the N eedlecraft Shop. SOU thls iniof “ a « °n » distance two lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ _____ _ ¡men, each having five torches, were ric k ’s. W e sell fo r less. 48tf ! stationed behind two barricad es; the P av in g Nearly fo m p ctetl first, by holding up the necessary num- P av em en t all the way from th e her of torches, Indicated the number Do not fail to look over th e doll C alifornia line to C orvallis will b e ! of the column that contained the let* sets a t th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf b u t a m a tte r of days now, a c c o rd in g ! ter lie was sending, and the second in­ to a recent report. Six m ore days dicuted similarly the actual numerical Leaves fo r P o rtla n d — Jesse W inburn left for P o rtlan d will be req u ired to com plete th e w ork Piflce of the letter in th at column. It a t Canyonville. A fter th is is fin- is ev,dent tliat b-v a s*rie* «rations S atu rd ay by au to and was ac­ Ished, it will be allow ed to set for lIlieSSaSes. of an? could have com panied by Mrs. B. F. Irving and been sent—say from Rome to Athens. Miss H elen D etrick, who have been 21 days a fte r which it will he op­ his guests since T hanksgiving Mr. ened to traffic. HOLD VARIOUS BIRDS SACRED W inburn expects to re tu rn to A sh­ M erry C hristm as will soon be here. land th is week. We have a full line of N uts and Can- Pe°ple of Many Lands Strengly Super- i ¡ One cení th e w ord each tim&. P H Y B IC I AN 3. tie OLD FORM OF TELEGRAPHING 7~ a COPPER VEIN FOUND IN BLUE MOUNTAIN DISTRICT W. A. SHELL BARBER HAINES, Or., Dec. 11.— W hat is regarded as one of the biggest pay ¡strea k s encountered here in m ining ( operations d u rin g th e past several years is th a t of the W estern Union ¡Mining com pany, w orking two tu n - Safety blades resh a rp ei like new. Single bit, Sic T9a doz. Dobule bit, 60c «Jos. Children's Work A Specialty P , the , f 1* « ? a in e s B,Ue m ountains ^ s t west j M alnes- The vein discovered is Kray copper ore was found about 400 feet from the en tra n ce of an old tunnel, th e firs t developm ent of the property. The a ssa y e r’s report, re­ ceived today, rate s the values of the ore a t $87 per ton, ajid specim ens of th e ore have been rem oved from the m ine th a t will yield from $300 to $500. True Wisdom. Wisdom consistetb not in knowlns many things, nor even In knowing their, thoroughly; but io choosing anc In following what conduces the mosi certainly to cur lasting happiness aiu true glory.—I.andor. ...w 1 a ...—— ..L _ x- _____ «0 TH E VIKING CREAM S E l’ARATOR is a n o th e r Catalog House b u rste r at P eil’s. Prices, $31.00 and up. Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll of fencing a g ain st anybody else’s prices. New and used Sewing M achines for sale or rent. Garden tools and everything for the farm er. »fcJPxM-.eMT C! hi 12 i !1 h CHRISTMAS RREAD specially baked fro the finest, choicest and sw eetest flour m ade, we will have on hand d u ring the Holiday season, besides Xmas cakes, mince and pum pkin pica fat, thick and luscious, besides all kind of pastry th a t is m ade from the choicest ingredients and by skilled bakers, th a t will ba a tre a t for th e dainty palate. stitious Concerning Some of the dies a t the rig h t prices, P laza M ar- DON’T DISCARD your R ubber Feathered Tribe. 83-tf ket, 61 N orth Main. Boots. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPIT­ Some Indian tribes will never hurt AL will RETREAD them fo r you. Libby’s Mince M eat in bulk and PEIL’S CORNER L1THIA BAKERY r»i *< 1 * £»1 kt m ! «0.» or even touch certain birds, regarding NEW MACHINERY Just installed. ja rs Plaza M arket, 61 N. M a m S t f . the,n u3 th# abu(J< M8iuiMted 79tf ¡souls of their dead uhlafa. In Bug- P ian o T u n in g — ¡lund and Scotland, especially, the At Yonr S e r v ic e - Now is the tim e to have your piano robin is regarded as sacred. Its red Ri&r F ire , A uto ^nd Accident Insurance. tuned. C arl H. Loveland. Studio, breast is supposed to be of that color City H om es. B usiness P ro p e rty and 135 E a st Main. P hone 465. 66tf because a drop of Christ's blood fell R anches bought and sold on com m is­ or a robin, and thenceforw ard all rob­ ins were so marked. sion. H ere since 11961. Staples Local W om an G ran ted Pension— TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. It Is deemed unlucky te kill a swal­ R ealty Agency. 75tf Am ong the 15 O regonians recen t­ FO R prom pt and carefu l service low or to destroy Its nest. T hat is ) ly gran ted pensions, ran g in g from au to tru c k s or horse drays, cal because swallows were said t» have $12 to $30, is H attie Boyd, of Ash­ Hero for Visit— W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 11? THAT SOME DAY, SOMEHOW, FORTUNE W ILL flown round the Cross of Calvary cry- ! Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n ear Hote E«len Man E x h ib its— Mr. and Mrs. Roy A shcraft, of land, who has been allow ed $30. ing “Svala S v a la !” which means com- i Among th e poultry exhibitors from A shland. 6 6tt FAVOR US W ITH FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. two o th ers received th is fort. It will be noticed that the swal- ! Susanville Calif., are here for a few Only ibis section to exhibit a t the S outh­ w eeks’ visit w ith relatives and am o u n t Maggie Ross. Im bler, and low gets its name from this peculiar T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS DON'T BE MISLED. F E R — Good team and m otor ern Oregon P ou ltry association show friends. W illiam T. M innick, of O akridge. cry of "»Svala.” tru c k s. Good service a t a reason was E. C. Lockwood, of th e W hite The wren is another sacred bird, be­ W ing P o u ltry farm , of Eden precinct. a b le price. Phone 83. FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE IS EARNED BY TH E cause, according to an old belief, it L ast week I insured a Ford, an a u ­ A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys His birds w ere ineligible to com pete, Yeo, of brought fire form heaven te the earth in balcony, E a st Side Pharm acy. 7 8t tom obile and a tru ck . W ANTED. INTELLIG ENT USE OF MONEY. W HICH DEMAND« as he had th e ir wings clipped, th is course. P hone 274-J. 79tf wlien tlie human race bad »» knewl- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL w ishes posi-j b a rrin g them from en tra n ce for high- edge of liow to create fire. REGULAR SAVING. W hy not buy her a Singer Sewing The thrush is a bird af lack, and tion in family, where she can lest scores, though the fowls w ere j M achine for Xm as. $5 down and $3 O ur candy prices are rig h t, qu al­ to luive one build in the gardea ef w ork for h er board and clothes fine quality. per m onth will put one in your home. ity considered. Rose Bros. 7 4tf one's home is said to be a sign of and go to school. In q u ire 637! S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. coming good fortune. 82-4’ V isite d fro m Y r e k a — E a st Main. Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf F ir St., M edford. Peacocks are unlucky. Mrs. Alice M. Young, of Y reka, r e ­ Bread. 52tf FO R R E N I. cently visited h er son-in-law and A s h la n d , O reg o n John A n derso n H o no red — Woo in Flower Language. d a u g h te r, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. May-j D ance G reatly E njoyed— Jo h n A nderson, a sen io r a t the FOR REN T— F o u r room furnished berry, who la te r took her hom e ini The language of flowers ia the Near The football dance a t the Jackson E ast is no simple form of speech that U niversity of Oregon and an Ash- a p a rtm e n t, w ith garage. A dults th e ir car. ______ land boy, has been nam ed one of Hot Spring S aturday nig h t, given by anyone may understand, l.otig and only. 1101 B oulevard. 76tf! »w •'•L'-ö-T. Floyd Dickey in honor of th e local elaborate communications may be seat We have the best prices on u s « d ,tbft m em bers of the G re a te r Ore- gridiron sta rs, proved a huge suc­ by bouquet if the lady is not too lazy FOR REN T— Six room house, also . , » , , .. .. fu rn itu re for eale. 193 G resham cars to lte toun(1 in t,ie Clt>’ Come Ì gon com raittee. organized to prom ote cess, according to those who were to learn a complicated code. There Buick and advance the w elfare of th e Uni­ present. The m usic was excellent, ! is. say those Turks who d a n n to un- St. 79-6* ¡in and look them over. 72t? versity. O thers from so u th ern O re­ and a live crow d, almc*3t all of whom derstand it, a direct and uh indirect FO R R E N T— A splendid th re e ro o m !“ " gon who were nam ed are E arle Voor form of flower message. furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. hies, G ran ts P ass, W ilbur Godlove, were from A shland, kept th in g s go­ Buys M edford E lectric Shop— The indirect message goes by words 357 V ista St. Phone 122. 80tf 1 1 1 .1 ■ ■■ — ■ — « ■■ Carl N ew bury, of ing every m inute. A fter you are sick you can call a doctor. D R. Conner, of A shland, has p u r­ M edford, and that rhyme either with the name <«f FOR SALE. K lam ath F alls and M edford. A fter you are in trouble yon can call a lawyer. chased the W alker E lectrical com ­ E at b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. the flower or with the meaning of the name of the flower. They ge to pany, from Max G eB auer, who re ­ FO R S A L E —Dry laurel wood, plenty But alter a fire, an accident or a theft von cannot call 7 4tf lengths in selecting and collecting V o u ll need one of P au lseru d s of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, pents purchased th e estab lish m en t an insurance expert. HE can only help von BEFORE posies for bouquet« te be sent singly $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; from Mr. W alker. Mr. Conner h a S :Suit8 d u rin g the holidays. 78tf Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf you need him. amt in series that would be quite ti»e 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25; i2tf much trouble to the average Ameri­ Bread. delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* had considerable experience in the: Insurance prevents your needing help. Tt prepare« electrical line and has an experienced Sunday D inner— can. To the average American girl FO R SALE Oft RENT- P artly ’.u rn - b a tte ry man. The nam e of the sh o p ' ^ n t jo u r Sunday d in n er a t the W hy does Yeo w rite so m uch in­ It sounds too complicated te interest the day before an eventuality. TODAY, when all it Ished house. 311 G ranite lias be n changed to the R adio Bat-i Boine R ^ I a u r a n t and B akery. 69 surance? T h e re ’s a reason. In su re anybody but a lady shut up I n a court­ W ELL, you need to arrange your insurance. q u ire Nelda Cafe. 82-tf w ith him and “ spend the d ifference.’’ yard without a telephone. tery and E lectric shop. He is plan ! N orth Main. We should he glad to talk with you on any insuran«« SV» EET CIDER M ade fresh every n ing on m oving to M edford as soon Phone 274-J. 79tf matters. May we talk with you TODAYf day. Two gallons 75c, one gallon as lie can secure a residence, says : M