ASHLAND DAILY TIDETCK P A G I TWO December i l 1U22 -*M H S S Ashland Doris K leinham m er, w ork in Third Legion Lyceum Number Saturday sh e riff’s office ................... i Geo. B. Alden, deputy s h e r­ "Reaching the Goal” Evening's Subject iff’s trav elin g expenses . . Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except, Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ------------------------------------------------------I OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPH O N E 3 9 ¡D aily’s Taxi, sh e riff’s expense : L. D. F orncrook, deputy sh e r­ iff’s tra v e lin g expense . . . F. J. N ew m an, work on tax m atte rs ................................. C. E. T errill, s h e riff’s tra v e l­ ing expense .......................... Susanna H. C arter, in stitu te expense ................................. 400.00 78.00 Susanne H. C arter, school su ­ p e rin te n d e n t’s office ex­ fi.59 i pense ...................................... 8.25 1.50 E lizabeth B urr, school su p e r­ 57.09 ! visor's trav elin g expense . 12.20 H. & M. C. Co. school su p er­ in te n d e n t’s supplies . . . . . 4.00 300.00 W estern Union Tel. Co., school su p e rin te n d e n t’s telegram s 1.78 61.31) Denman Thompson’« Successor lain, in steel mills a3 everything from a fiunkie to an executive, in the min­ istry as pastor of th ree prom inent churches in Indiana. Although he C. K. LOGAN, Editor declines to m ention his experience« in either of these capa ’Hes his I B Y i'B E R T - E n te re d a t the A shland, Oregon STEWART I.LQNG.VETERAN OF broadened point of view and pra. treat P cstoffice as Second-class Mall Mat T otal, $856.59 philosophy bespeak a wealth of i- 4 Going th ro u g h life h ittin g on 4 TWO WARS TO LECTURE ON eral ter. Total, $1225.32 information. 4 high is a sh o rt journey. 4 (To be continued.) ■REACHING THE GOAL” On his appearance in this city, Mr. Subscription P rice D elivered in City: C lerk’s Office ♦ ---------- 4 Long will deliver his lecture ‘ Reach Chauncey One m onth ................................... $ .85 F lorey, county The pen is m ighty, b u t the 4 Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 4 A man who has had experiences ing The Goal.” The lecture is purely CHAMPIONSHIP DEBATES c le rk ’s salary ......................$166.66 Six m onths .................................... 3.75 4 ty p ew riter m akes the m ost 4 but declines to talk about them is inspirational, m eant as an encourage­ SLATED FOR THIS EVENING M ildred Neil F lorey, deputy One year ..................... 7.50 4 noise. 4 Stew art Ira Ixmg, lecturer, who will m ent for strugglers, a lesson in never Mail and Rural Routes c le rk ’s salary ..................... 125.00! ---------- giving up. 4 ---------- < be one of the num bers on lecture One m onth ....................................$ .65 D elilia Stevens, deputy c le rk ’s UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eu- course this season. Mr. Long has traveled the Chau­ W hen a p atien t m an finally 4 T hree m onths ............................... 1.95 4 salary .................................... 110.00 Sen e- Dec- H . — O regon’s first in ter- tauqua and lyceum circuits for sev­ Six months .................................... 3.5 0 4 decides to use fo rte , you can <$> eral years with “Reaching the Goal” R u b e rta Pearce, deputy c le rk ’s . coIleS‘a te debate of the- year with On« year ................... .................. 6.5< 4 look for a real scrap. 4 and sim ilar lectures. He has been ADVERTISING RATES salary .................................... 90 0 0 i Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college th is ev- 4 ---------- ® one of the most popular lecturers in M attie Stevens, deputy c le rk ’s Display Advertising jening, is a ttra c tin g in te rest on th e , A c ertain am o u n t of rheurna- 4 the field. His lectures, though in­ single insertion, each in ch ............ 30c 4 The subject, “ Resolved, s a ,a ry .................................... 75.00 cam pus. 4 tism is necessary to qualify you <$• YEARLY CONTRACTS spirational are practical. W ithout th a t a federal co urt w ith pow er to Display Advertising reciting facts and figures, they are Lucile Koontz, deputy c le rk ’s 4 for a reliable w eath er prophet. 4 nforce its decisions be e s ta b lis h e d ' One tim e a w e e k ......................... 27 s a la ry .................................... 7 5 .0 0 ^ full of useful Information. ® fo r th e a d ju d icatio n of in d u strial Two tim es a w eek......................... 25 c Both the lecture and the lecturer Alice M. Poor, deputy clerk 's W hatever you expose yourself 4 Nvery o th e r d a y ............................ 20 c • d isp u tes.” The question has been have been highly commended by the s a la r-v ................................... 70.00 $> to, you get, and this applies to 4 Local Renders press. “Reaching the Goal” has Irm a M artin, w ork in c le rk ’s chosen in view of th e railro ad and Each line, each tim e ................... 10c 4 happiness as well as to th e flu. 4 been described as “rich in illustra­ office .......................... «5 00 coal strik es of last sum m er. To ru n every o th e r (Jny for one 4 ---------- 4 ’T ’nEODORE ROBERTS, the well tion,” “full of hum or,” “dram atic”. Dan M. P earce, work in c le rk ’s Those who will debate for the uni­ m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7c known Paramount motion pic­ 4 The suprem e duty of both the 4 Long has been called “a finished ora­ To ru.n~every issue for one m onth versity a re F red erick Rice and office ...................... ture character actor, has just fin­ 63.00 tor,” a “m asterly lecturer” a “rapid- 4 governm ent and the individual 4 ok m ore, each line, each tim e. . 5. C harles Lam b for th e affirm ative, B urroughs A dding M achine ished what is said to be one of fire speaker.” Classified Column ¡ 4 is to get along w ithout th in g s 4 and R alph Bailey and • Boyd Isem - the greatest characterizations 0? Go., c le rk ’s office expense To the few unthinking people who One cent th e word each tim e. 3.75 ’ 4 th a t c a n ’t be afforded. his career. It is as “Uncle Josh” inger for th e negative. All four a re : B ushong & Com pany record To ru n every issue for one m onth 4 claim the spoken word has lost its _______ in “ The Old Homestead,” the or m ore, % c th e word each tim e. P o rtla n d men. books, c le rk ’s office ___ power, Stew art Long is a living refu­ 4 HEZ HECK SAYS: 107.13 classic of the stage in which Den­ Legal R ate tation. H earing his lecture is be­ Chauncey F lorey, stam ps and This debate in previous years has man Thompson played for moro “ Men is jis t as curious F irs t tim e, per 8-pt.'nt lin e ......... 10c 4 I lieving once again in this most an­ express ................. been a tria n g u la r contest with O re­ than thirty years. Each subsequent tim e, per 8- 4 as w im m in, b ut they hide 16.45 cient medium of public expression. Glass & Prudhom m e. c le rk ’s gon A gricu ltu ral and Reed colleges. Like his predecessor in the role, point line 5c Æ* it b e tte r.” Long is one of the younger g e n e ra -, Since the la tte r in stitu tio n has w ith ­ supplies . . Gard of t h a n k s ..............................$1.00 Mr. Roberts has had a remarkably tion of lecturers who is introducing O bituaries, th e line ..................... 2 Vic 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 long and varied career as an ac­ K ilham S tationery Co., c le rk ’s 150.49 draw n from the league, the rem a in ­ new and modern methods into his F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies tor. Fcr many years Mr. Roberts supplies ............................ 291 50! ing m em bers will fight it o ut for the address. He draws generously up A dvertising for fra te rn a l order* was a traveling stock company STEW A R T I. LONG Chauncey Florey, fre ig h t and ' sta te cham pionship honors. The uni-: WHAT! AGAIN? anecdote and illustration believing o r societies ch arg in g a re g u la r initi actor and he saw* Mr. Thompson’s Stew art Long has served in the express, c le rk ’s office u 99 versity team s w ere victorious la st the superiority of its appeal as ct atlo n fee and dues, no discount. R e ­ “ No one here appears to know the characterization many times. Spanish Am erican W ar as an enlisted pared with the old tim e sta tist ligious and benevolent o rd ers will be w hereabouts of S enator S tanfield ________ _ year. W ith practically th e sam e per- charged th e reg u la r ra te for all ad who has been ab sen t from th e senate man, in the World W ar as a chap- and involved argum ents. T oial, $1430 20 sonnel com prising the team s and the F ath er Should Know. vortlsing when an adm ission or othei since T han k sg iv in g ,” says a W ash­ Ail were quiet in the cinem a watek- Treasurer’s Office sam e coach shaping the w ork, hopes charge is m ade. 1 ing a comic c h a rac te r counterfeiting are high for a n o th e r victory. ington, D. C., press rep o rt. Accord own tre e s ,” a sse rts H. P. B arss, plant! COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS A. C. W alker, county tre a s u r­ ! Intoxication. T he silence w as broken What Constitutes Advertising ing to the rep o rt, th e d e a r se n ato r p athologis. a t the Oregon experi­ e r ’s s a l a r y .............................$150.00 hv 11 sm all hoy’s shrill voice. “T hat In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ accom panied a P o rtlan d b a n k er to m ent sta tio n . “ Such pests and dis­ The follow ing is a schedule of ex­ A. C. W alker, stam ps for M incem eat In bulk and jars. Plaza a in 't th e way to he drunk, is It, far- ing am ong som e as to w h at consti Chicago, and from th a t point to have eases m ake the problem of produc­ p enditures of Jackson County, Ore- tre a s u re r’s office .............. 5.90 M arket. tu te s new s and w hat advertising, ; ver?”—London Morning Post. we p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which gone fu rth e r west. F u rth e r, th ere ing clean fru it and healthy trees ! gon, to g eth e r w ith a list of the claim ­ A. C. W alker, tre a s u re r’s t r a ­ la used by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ has been no inform ation passed out m ore difficult. a n ts and a rticle s of service for which veling expense ................... 12.60 a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re when th e se n a to r would re tu rn . The The sta te h o rtic u ltu ra l law pro- < th e claim is m ade and which were K ilham S tationery Co., tre a s ­ event«, wheTe an adm ission charge se n a to r should subm it to an am p u ­ \ ides the m ethod by which such passed upon by the C oun‘y C ourt of u r e r ’s office supplies . . . . 3.15 la m ade or a collection is tak en IS cases can be handled. Appeal to j Jackson County d u rin g th e m onth of M edford N ational Bank, tre a s ­ tation of one lim b, so he could not A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to u r e r ’s office expense . . . . o rganizations an d societies of every run aro u n d so m uch. T ouring the your county fru it inspector or to the O ctober 1922 10.00 The ^ B o w in g bilIs w ere allowed D orothy east w ith all expenses paid -by O re­ sta te board of h o rtic u ltu re who have kind as well as to individuals. Bedwell, deputy Pocket Knives, $2.50 values.................... All rep o rts of such activities a fte r gonians seem s to be a fav o rite pas­ th e enforcem ent of the law in th e ir ' na .1, tre a s u re r ’s salary .............. 90.00 .u u ,as foIlows’ Wlth the exceptions Pocket Knives, $2.25 values.................... ) they have occurred is news. tim e of th e erstw hile sheep-herder. charge. Keep a fte r them u n til th e> sb o w n . All com ing social or organization offending property is cleaned u p .” 1 Pocket Knives, $2.00 values.................... T otal, $271.65 m eetings of societies w here no County C ourt a n d Com m issioners F o u rth of Ju ly decorations re ­ Pocket Knives, $1.50 values.................... j m oney c o n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti School Superintendent’s Office P lacing the roo sters in the breed­ G. A. G ardner, county ju d g e ’s atlon charged, or collecton tak e n IS m ained up for som e tim e; the L abor Susanne H. C arter, school su ­ Scissors, $2.00 values—Sale P ric e.......... $1.19 s a l a r y ...................................... $166.66 NEWS. Day b an n ers w ere s tru n g across the ing pens th is m onth is advisable in p e rin ten d e n t's salary ....$ 1 6 6 .6 6 Scissors, $1.50 values—Sale P ric e.......... . .98 s tre e ts for a week or two a fte r the o rd er th a t they becom e accustom ed V ictor B ursell, county com ­ E lizabeth B urr, school su p e r­ to th e ir su rro u n d in g s and acquaint- Scissors, $1.25 values—Sale P rice.......... m issio n er’s salary and ex­ celebration: the Jackson county fair . .83 v iso r’s salary ..................... 120.00 pense ...................................... 63.00 Lucile Goold, school su p e rin ­ was heralded long a fte r it had passed cd w ith th e balance of the flock be­ BIBLE THOUGHT Scissors, $1.00 values—Sale P ric e.......... . .49 Jam es Owens, county com- ” into histo ry b u t the W in ter F a ir fore eggs a re saved for hatching. te n d e n t's a ssista n t ............ 75.00 W h ile They Last— Get Busy! — FOR TODAY— m issioner’s salary and ex­ signs disappeared by S atu rd ay n ig h t, E lizabeth B urr, school su p e r­ Thoagrhta memorized, will prove a “ Listen for th e singing h e n ,” a d ­ priceless heritage in after years. and by Sunday, th e tre e s strew n pro- pense ...................................... 71.50 v isor’s trav elin g expense . 18.70 vises F. E. Fox, of th e Oregon exper­ m iscousuly aro u n d th e city had been E. H. F rench, county court Susanne H. C arter, school su ­ im ent sta tio n . “ If you haven’t any; 87-80 North Main St. Phone 203 g ath ered up. All of which goes to w itness ................................. 3.00 p e rin te n d e n t’s trav elin g ex­ in your flock, the chances a re th a t MONDAY, DECEMBER i t prove— nothing. H. L. H asbrouck, county co urt 50.00 pense ...................................... .von a re gettin g very few* eggs. HEAR TH E W ORD:— O e a rth , expense ................................. 25.00 C hange th e conditions of feed and e a rth e a rth , hear th e word of care, if necessary, to b rin g th is F lo ra Thom pson, stam ped en­ th e Lord. Jerem iah 22: 29. velopes, county judge . . . 25.50 a b o u t.” -M oses . WAR VETERAN TO SPEAK HERE Cutlery Sale 97c SIM PSON’S HARDWARE Oregon Products Need Advertising Through Country SPIRIT OF THE WEST Scarcely had word been sent th ro u g h o u t th e w orld of th e devas­ ta tin g fire a t A storia, b u rn in g ru in s had h ard ly ceased to sm oulder and 1 to tte rin g walls com pleted th e ir f a ll- 1 Those who have studied the ques- ing am idst clouds of du st and sm o k e ,' tion of s ta te developm ent and bettei when plans were fo rm ulated for the a d v e rtisin g for O regon, point to the upbuilding and replacing of th e city. 1 g rea t need of m ore national a d v ertis- No tim e was lost in silen t contem - ing for Oregon products. Many of plation of the heaps of rubbish th a t ou r read ers probably saw* in last m arked w hat only a few days ago j w eek's issue of the S atu rd ay Evening w ere proud buildings and su c c e s s fu l1 P ost a double page cen ter spread ad- businesses. No tim e was occupied ! vertisem en t in colors for the Oregon in th e w ringing of hands and loud j c ity W oolen Mills. In two d iffe re n t callings to see w hat adversity had j jssues of the S atu rd ay E vening P ost heaped upon A storia. Succor for t h e ' tb js y ear, the Oregon City W oolen hom eless was the first th o u g h t, fol- have tak e n th is g rea t ad vertise- lowed closely by plans for rebuilding nient, which is the larg e st and m ost and th e carry in g on of tra d e , not expensive adv ertisem en t in the next year, nor next m onth, but im- w orld. its cost is $17,000 per is- m ediately. Such is the sp irit of th e i gue, but tbe o regon City W oolen D raughty houses and dam p poul­ T otal, $354.66 try litte r a re to he guarded ag ain st, Cireuit, C ourt p a rtic u la rly a t th is season of the j F. Roy Davis, co u rt re p o rt­ year. e r ’s salary .............................$116.66 A palatab le wet m ash will bring pullets into production when they A. R. Thom pson, circu it court a re slow to lay. It Is advisable to c rie r ...................................... 2 7.‘00 feed it in such a m an n er th a t the F. M. C alkins, c irc u it ju d g e ’s activity of the bird will n o t be in te r­ office r e n t ............................. 45.00 fered w ith d u rin g th e day. A hun- J. E. E dm iston. grand ju ry gry hen is a w orking hen. 6.00 w itness ................................. WHEN THE READER KICKS T otal, $194.66 Justice Court My fa th e r says th e paper he read s Jam es Bowling, ju stice ju ro r $ 1.00 a in ’t p u t up rig h t; 1.00 He finds a lot of fau lt, too, he O. M. C ornitius, ju stice ju ro r 1.00 P. C. Bigham , ju stice ju ro r . does, p e ru sin ’ it all n ig h t; 1.00 He says th e re a in ’t a single th in g I H. G. B urgess, ju stice ju ro r 1.00 in it w orth to read 1 C has- C arlton, ju stice ju ro r . 1.00 \n d th a t it doesn’t p rin t the kind B ert Collins, ju stice w itness of stu ff the people need; ¡M rs. C ozark, ju stice w itness 2.20 1.00 west- Mills have found, as have m any oth- it aside and says it’s D. W. D riskel, ju stice ju ro r . He tosses A storia exem plifies the sp irit th a t j e r a d v e rtisers, th a t by p u ttin g the Glass & P rudhom m e, ju stice strictly on th e h u m , has prevailed a fte r o th e r d isa sters | nier^ th eir product squarely be- c o u rt expense ..................... 11.15 B ut you ought to h e a r him holler of a sim ilar n a tu re in th e w est. fore th e nation thev bave enlarged W. H. Gowdy, ju stice f e e s .. 327.85 w hen the paper doesn’t come T hough stunned p erh ap s for a mo- theJr business and t h u s absorbed the He reads ab o u t th e w eddin’s and J. W. H atch er, constable fees 36.90 m ent. m en and women of th at ^ i r *v" j CO8t of a d v ertisin g in the econom ies Geo. H itzler J r., ju stice court he sn o rts like all get o u t , ing seaport city soon m astered them - ()f operation 1.50 w itness ................................. He read s th e social d o in ’s w ith a selves and began to th in k about th e Thlg a d v e rtisin g for the Oregon O. L. H arm on, ju stic e ju ro r . 1.00 fu tu re. 1 City W oolen Mills is handled by m ost derisive shout. He says they m ake th e papers for Vern H astings, ju stice w itness 2.20 “ W e’ve got no tow n left, b ut we’ve B otsioriV C onstanf j ue iO m pany. th e J. O. Isaacson ju stice w it­ still got the best h a rb o r on th e Pa leading n ational adv ertisin g agency the women folks alone. ness ........................................ He says of info rm atio n it doesn t 1.50 cific c o a st,” declared Jam es B rem ­ of th e n o rth w est, w ith offices a t John K irk p atric k , ju stice have a crum b— m er, m ayor of A storia. “ We will P o rtla n d and S eattle. Botsford-Con- B ut you o u g h t to h e a r him h oller ju ro r ...................................... 1.00 s ta r t reb u ild in g at once on th e old sta n iin e com pany are also conducting tb e p ap er doesn’t come. I J. M. L ofland. ju stice ju r o r . . 1.00 site. These th in g s have happened larg e a d v ertisin g cam paigns in all. ,g ftlwayg first to grab it and p. y . M edinski, ju stice ju ro r 1.00 before; to us, to San F rancisco, to Chicago, and m any o th e r c itie s ,’yet o i the co“ ntrJ ,or ®u<* ^ ° d’ !he read s it plum b clean th ro u g h . H. G. Nicholson, ju stice ju ro r 1.00 ucts as Tillam ook cheese. Hood R iver Hg doesn-t n liSS an item , or a w ant J. D. S kinner, ju stice j u r o r . 1.00 folks have gone ahead and b u ilt big­ apples. Snow flake crackers, A lbers ad_ th a t is tru e ; Chas. Schneider, ju stice w it­ ger and b e tte r cities on th e ruins. W e n tz e n sw im m ing ness ........................................ hope to do ju st th is.” This also ex- ' c cereals, e re a ls- M apleine, Ja Jan tzen Hg gayg thev don>t know w h at we 1.00 j em pliries the sp irit of the west. s u its - G oodyear ru b b e r footw ear, and w ant th e d a rn new spaper guys. Geo. O. Timothy, constable fees .................................... From all p a rts of th e sta te . Pa- others. _ I “ I ’m goin' to tak e a day som etim e 2.50 ! cific coast and N orthw est, have come Oregon is rapidly a p p io a c h in g tlie a n d go a n d p u i *e,u w ise; G. O. T aylor, ju stice fees. 1 2 4 .0 0 , offers of food, supplies, personal point w here we should have m any “ Som etim es it seem s as th o u g h M artin Zanon, ju stice co u rt help and o th e r form s of assistance, o th er natio n ally advertised products. t bey m ust be deaf and blind a n d ; w itness ................................. 1.50 P o rtla n d has sent 15 carlo ad s of p a rticu la rly o u r fru its salm on. l um * 'dum b— •• j — supplies to the strick en city; banks her, etc. It is estim ated th a t ( ali- you ougbt to h e a r him holler Total, $525.30 have sent word they would give fi- fo rn ia co-operative associations and wben tbe pape r d oesn't come. Sheriff’s Office nancial assistance and help in re- such products as the Del M onte can-i -W aterb u ry A m erican. ' C. E. T e rrill, s h e riff’s salary $209;33 organizing; relief com m ittees wel- ned goods are spending aro u n d six ----------------- ---------- Geo. B. Alden deputy sh e r­ fare organizations and individuals m illion d o lla rs a year for natio n al Bishop Reformed iff’s salary .......................... 126.50 have extended generous offers of advertising. This has helped to build Philip Brooks likes to have his Joke help to th e f.ltiz e n s of A storia, near- th e w onderful rep u ta tio n for C alifor-j a3 well as any man. One day Mr. L. D. F orncrook, deputy sher- ly 2000 of whom w ere m ade hom e- nia p roducts which exists in all p a rts Baldwin of the Christian union was ! iff’s sa la ry .......................... 110.00 less by the conflagration. of the w orld. writing to him and slipped into the ' L. D. F orncrook, fin g er prin t w ork ...................................... 15.00 All of these th in g s, the a ttitu d e of -------- ------------------- - j lciît‘r a newspaper dipping of a talk the people of A storia and of those FARM , he li:,d gîven 0,1 profanity. Promptly Edna Snyder, deputy sh eriff FARM REMINDERS REMINDERS th ro u g h o u t this section of th e coun- No progressive progressive o o rch should ll1®. an5" er fro,n tl)e good h ire ......................................... 93.00 “ “ No rch a a rd rd ist ist should bishop: ‘1 have ju st finished reading i Hazel T etherow , deputy sh e r­ try , is typical and personifies the sta n d for th e neglect of o rch ard trees your rem arks on profanity. You will iff h ire ................................. ad jacen t to his p roperty w hich will be glad to know th at I agree with spirit o í the west. 85.00 resu lt in the developm ent of diseases ( uieni and have entirely abandoned the D alton T e rrill, deputy sh e riff I h ire ...................................... Read the v a s t ads. 1 and pests which will spread to his habit.’’—Boston Transcript. 80.00 1 D o d b e B rothers □ an M any women who co u ld well afford more expensive closed cars prefer the sedan for their personal use. They find it easy to drive, easy to park, econom­ ical to run, and comparable in the beauty and richness of its appointments with cars much higher in price. The upholstery is done in genuine mohair velvet of a singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The seats are roomy and luxurious. The hardware and minor fittings reflect thoughtfulness and rare good taste. Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) screen the under part of the car and harmonize in a most effective way with the new grace and smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently brought to the lines of the body. GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. 1 6 -1 8 S. Fron t St. M edfo rd , O regon Phone 3 0 4 i