4 W M M O O M W M 4> MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- <$ vive three months in the rich <§> ozone at AsLla-nd. The pure do- <$> mestic water helps. ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, wiinout * 4> the aid of medicine, cures nine 4> ♦ cases out of ten of asthma. 4 This is a proven fact. <$ ♦ A * (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Vol. 43) CELEBSAM $> $> $ <$> <$> ;?> <$> <$> Q> COMING EVENTS MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1922 No. 84 EXPECT BATTLE Poultry Awards Scattered Over Entire State; Many Ashland Exhibitors Take Awards at Fair 4>; i> MOONSHINERS FIGHT ® ---------- ! <$>. XMAS DAY TWO WEEKS I AWAY. 11. — D esperate m oonshiners, 4> D ecem ber 12.— A nnual m eet- 4> _______________________ arm ed w ith high powered rifles, 4>l in i Red Cross. Civic Club. ’ I 4> a re holding a t bay prohibition <$> D ecem ber 12— W. C. T. U. <§> i A w ards m ade in th e poultry de-| S. C. W hite L eghorns (76 b ird s) ent, second cock, first hen, second forces twice th eir num ber in <$>' m eeting. <$> p a rtm en t a t the Southern Oregon — A. P. W heeler, P leasan t H ill, Or., pu llet; Mrs. F. A. D enser, M edford, m ountain fastnesses n ear here. ® P o u ltry A ssociation exhibition. in first cock, first hen, first cockerelj th ird cock; J. Decem ber 16— B azaar and ______________ L. F reem an, , C entral The b a ttle has been raging for th ree days. Two governm ent <$> food sale. C hristian church. • ^ ‘connection w ith the W in ter F a ir ,'a n d first pu llet; E. O. Sm ith, second Point, first cockerel and first pullet. <$■ agents have been killed— R o b ert 4> D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, a re as follows: and th ird cock?, th ird hen, second In d ian R u n n er Ducks— H enry Van . V <$> Duff shot, and stripped of his <♦> Treadw ay m ortally wounded. o p e re tta , “ The C aptain of Ply- 4>ito n - O r > iir s t cock, first antl second) Mrs. W. D. Booth, A shland, second BOTH SIDES ARK MAKING PR E­ ford, A shland, all aw ards. PARATIONS FOR COMING <•> The prohibition forces are 4> m o u th .’’ 4- hens, second pullet an d first young hen, second young pen; Mrs. W. C. Tolouse Ducks— Vern Tem ple, arm ed w ith m achine guns. All STRUGGLE D ecem ber 18-19— U. S. navy 4>( Pen; Mrs. V ictor B ursell, C entral Boliou, second pu llet; A. C.| Crews, A shland, all aw ards. ;■$> the m oonshiners a re expert 4 \ ---------- reci uiting officer here. P o in t, Or., second cock, th ird hen; , A shland, th ird young pen. Gray Call Ducks Glenn H ead, Decem ber 25, Monday — <$> H orace Beardsley, O akland, Calif., I Brown L eghorns — D ark — Law- riflem en, and it is believed they MANY SENATORS READY <£ never will be tak en alive. C hristm as Day. first cockerel, first and th ird pul- rence W heeler, P leasan t Hill, Or., A shland, all aw ards. TO JOIN DEMOCRATS Decem ber 25— C hristm as ball 4 )«<»; Mrs. Rosa B. W illett, M edford, firs t cockerel; Ned S. M ars, Asli- Special Premiums • benefit 484’h com pany, A rm ory. 4> Or -> second cockerel and th ird young land, second cockerel; Theo. P Best exhibit in show, one breed— Borali, La F o llette and Capper Arc * i> <$><$><$> pen. J. V. M iller, Goshen, Or., th ird ) C ram er, G rants Pass, Or., first, sec M. M. Lower, Gaston Or. A m ong T hose W illing to A ttack __________________ i cockerel; E. C. B urt, A shland, sec- ond and th ird pullets and firs t young Best bird in show— B ert Senter, Subsidy; F ia it R eported R otting ' ond young pen. L ight m atin g — M. pen. Hood R iver, Or. In W arehouse, No Ships at Hand. M. Low er, first cock, first and th ird Buff L eghorns— (35 b i r d s ) — Mr. Best exhibit W hite P lym outh ! cockerel, first and th ird pullet, first and Mrs. A lbert D. Larson, C arlton, Rocks— B ert Senter, Hood River. ^ WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.— Both young pen; C. Bruce W heeler, G o sh -Jo r. first, second and th ird cocks,- Best exhibit W hite W yandottes— j sides “ dug in ” today for a b a ttle ten Or., first hen, second cockerel, second hen, second and th ird cock- D. B. Gold, A shland. lo v e r the Ship subsidy bill, which is second pullet. erels, second pullet, first old pen Best exhibit. R hode Island Reds— expected to develop into one of the W hite P lym outh Rocks (22 b irds) and second young pen; E. R. Strom - Mrs. W. C. Boliou, M edford. j g rea test stru g g les ever waged. — Jack B ertram , L ents, Or., first quist, B eaverton, Or., first and th ird Best Plym outh Rock cockerel — Senator Jones, W ashington repub- cock, second hen, first cockerel, hens, first cockerel, first and th ird H orace Beardsley, O akland, Calif. ; lican, ch airm an of the sen ate com- th ird p u lle t; B ert S enter, Hood River pullets, first young pen. Best W hite Leghorn cockerel— m erce com m ittee, planned througli- Or., second cock, first hen, second S. C. Anconas (24 b ird s )— A. C. A. P. W heeler, P le asa n t H ill, Or. ! out the firs t skirm ish lines in su g ­ SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 12.— A cockerel first pu llet; E. 0 . Sm ith, McMillan, A shland, first cock, second Best Brown Leghorn cockerel gesting th e bill be m ade “ unfinished A shland, th ird hen; J. L ark in G rubb,; hen, first cockerel first and second L aw rence W heeler P le asa n t Hill, o r. squadron of five airplanea left K el" business.” PORTLAND, Dec. 11.— A cold A shland, th ird cockerel, second pul- pullets, first young pen; J. R. Best Black M inorca cockerel— G | ly Field today in search fo r L ienten- S enator Borah, of Idaho LaFol- snap has stru c k P o rtla n d , e a ste rn let, first young pen. J W heeler, Goshen, Or., first hen; G u s lw . Speight, H ubbard, Or. 1 ! an t C harles W ebber and Colonel lette, of W isconsin, N orris, of Ne- cis M arshall, m issing aviators, Oregon and e a ste rn W ashington. A P a rtrid g e Plym outh Rocks (6 R. Beck, T alent, th ird b e n ; Jam es R. Best laying pen W hite L eghorns F — ran — m inim um of 24 degrees was recorded b ird s ) — All aw ards to Gus R. Beck, Eads, G ran ts Pass, th ird pullet, sec-; (o’.d) — G. W. Allen, Ashland. ® , I; am ong those ready to join the demo- I last T hursday in th eir flig h t fro m !am ong those ready to join here last night, w hile it is expected T alen t, Or. ! ond young pen. Best laying pen W hite Leghorns c ra ts in a tta ck in g th e proposed sub- San Diego to F o rt H uachua, Ariz. to be colder tonight. - Columbian P lym outh Rocks— 23 R. C. A nconas— All aw ards to J .¡ ( y o u n g ) — E. C. Lockwood, A shland.i F ear is expressed th a t th e m e n js’dy- Y akim a, W ash., re p o rts 4 degrees b ird s )— All aw ards to H. R. Dam -i \v. W heeler, Best type laying hen R. 1. Red— m ay have crashed in an enforced) Senator Jones says if the bill fails below zero, w ith zero te m p e ra tu re at nton, P o rtla n d , Or. W hite Faced Black Spanish— All E rn e st W ebb, C entral Point. “■ the A m erican naval defense and I landing in the m ountains, or fell Spokane. W alla W alla has 12 above 1 W hite W yandottes (15 b ird s) — aw ards to H arry Sitton J r., B eaver­ Best display W hite L eghorns— E. com m erce would su ffer seriously. He .th ro u g h an a ir pocket over the Ari-j Bend, Or., was one degree below D. B. Gold, A shland, first, second and ton, Or. O. Sm ith, Ashland. said recently th a t B ritish in te rests zona desert. zero last night w ith six inches of ¡th ird hen, firs t and second young Black M inorcas— John F. B utler Cham pion B arred P lym outh Rock had offered to construct vessels ad- snow, which closed som e roads in pen; Eugene Senter, Hood River, Or. A shland, first cock, second and t h ir d ! pen— Bruce W heeler, Goshen, Or. j ap table to handling the C alifornia Bend. P rineville is w ithout tra in first cockerel and first pullet, 1 hens, first and second pullets; C. H. Best tu rk ey in show— Mrs. J. L. I grape crop, and th a t “ in storehouses service due to a tra in s trik in g a; P a rtrid g e W yandottes— Mrs. W S.; W heeler, P le asa n t H ill, Or., first hen)> jen, A shland. in W ashington th ere are thousands hoard frozen to th e track , and de­ E astm an , A shland, all aw ards. ! and second cockerel; G. W. Speight, Best Rhode Island Red hen— Mrs. of carloads of apples spoiling because railed. : - i i Silver W yandottes— C. B. W heel H ubbard, Or., first and th ird cock­ W. C. Boliou, M edford. of lack of shipping facilities.” er, Goshen, Or., all aw ards. Best pen B arren Plym outh Rocks erels. Robinson, of A rkansas, blocked B u tt W yandottes— Ira R. Aldrich W hite M inorcas— G rover E ast. —M. M. Lower G aston, Or. I the effo rts of Jones to force an im - La G rande, Or., all aw ards. C entral P oint, first and second hens, Pen laying m ost eggs d u rin g show I m ediate consideration of the hill. 1 R hode Island Reds (38 b ird s )— th ird p u llet; John F. B utler first — G. W. Allen, A shland. -------------------- ------ E rn e st W ebb, C entral P oint, first and second pullets, Best exhibit Anconas— A. McMil-i The a n n u al m eeting of the life CLEMENCEAU’« LAST SPEECH cock, second hen, th ird cockerel. Buff O rpingtons— E. O. Sm ith, lan, Ashland. IN V. 8. TO BE BROADCASTED th ird pullet, second young pen; D. B. first and second hens, first cockef-i Best exhibit Black M inorcas— m em bers of the S outhern Oregon .¡Gold, A shland, second cock; Mrs. W. I els, first and second pullets, first | j ohn F. B utler, A shland. C hautauqua association, w tih head- ■—------- , f . Boloiu, JVIedford, first hen, first young pen. j Special ribbons given by Rhode Q uarters a t A shland, is called for 8 NEW YORK Dec. 1 ! The fare- ■ and second pullet, first young pen, liver Spangled H am biirgs — All | islan d Red club of Am erica — F o r o’clock ton ig h t, in C hautauqua Pio- well speech of Georges Cleraenceau I best shaped cock, Mrs. W. C. Boliou, ¡n ee r hall, A shland, for th e purpose M» th a I m ted S tates W!l broad- Conti ¡buttons to d ate, money de-[ first old pen; Tom Jo h an sen , R ainer, aw ards to C. Bruce W heeler. casted by radio to r n audience of Blue A nd u lu sian s— .Ml aw ards to; M edford; best shaped hen, E rn e st of electing officers and to consider posited to the A m bulance Fund, a re : Gr > B rst an<( second cockerel. m ore than one m illion persons T ues­ , Webb, C entral P o in t; best shaped the m a tte r of the disposition of the A shland Daily T i d i n g s .................$100 Black Jersey G iants (11 b ird s) — C. Bruce W heeler. day night. The a ir will be cleared Capons— J. L ark in G rubb, on 1 cockerel, E rn e st W ebb; best shaped ho.dings of the association, w .th cer- I < Winl urn ............................... 100 aw ards to Theo. P. C ram er J r., for the F rench sta te sm a n ’s final W hite Plym outh Rock capons, a ll; pullet, E rn e st W ebb; best colored lain leserv atio n s fo r holding the an- Dr. George Jar', is ........................ 100. G rants Pass. !good will m essage In th is country Blue Jersey G iants— All aw ards to aw ards. cock, E rn e st W ebb; best colored hen, 1 nual C hautauqua sessions, and such Dr. Wood ................................. v . . 100 I from 8:30 until 10 o’clock. D exter P. U pham , B ellm ar, N. J. Bronze T urkeys (11 b i r d s ) - - M r s .' Mrs. W . C. Boliou; best colored co ck -; o th e r business as m ay law fully come J. P. Doclge & S o n s .............. . . 100 | The “ T ig er’s ” speech will be de- L ig h t B rahm as (9 b ir d s ) - j . L. Neil, A shland, first cock, sec- erel, Fred Johansen, R ainier, Or.; before the m eeting. S outhern Ore- G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 j livered a t the a n n u al d in n er of th e Dr. S w e d e n b u r g ............................. 100 a ,d G ear, A shland, Or., first hen. ond hen, second cockerel th ird pul- best colored pullet, Mrs. W. C. ; gon C hautauqua A ssociation, by W. ‘Am erican C om m ittee for D evastated Judson O ldfield, president. .le t; Miss I. Mabel M cFadden. T ai-¡B oliou. Î j U I’ v iViO36S 50 first cockerel. j F ran ce to he held In th e Hotel Penn- I O. P a u l s e r u d ............................. 25 I sylvani?. here. His talk, given be- 15 COW TESTING SHOWS Loo. n is C. LOCAL JEW ELER MAKES SOME , IRVINE SELECTED SECRETARY 1 fore 2000 persons expected to atten d 1 w. DePeau LARGE COW POPULATION EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS p v GOVERNOR-ELECT PIERCE the dinner, will he picked up bv O ther co n trib u to rs declared but) ( m icrophones in the banquet hall and By adding several thousands of j relayed by W estern Union w ires to not' yet paid, are II. G. E nders Sr., dollars to his estab lish m en t, O. H. ; PORTLAND, Dec. 11.— W ard A. sta tio n W JZ in N ew ark. T esting of th e dairy cows of Ash- $100; Mrs. E ugenia A tkinson, $25; Johnson, local jew eler, now has the Irvine, P o rtla n d new spaperm an, and and ' a,ld bas shown a la rg e r cow popula-' the M utphy E lectric Co., $25, The w ords of Clem enceau will be ltio n than m ost tow ns its size. E ighty- finest sto re of its kind in so uthern son of B. F. Irvine, editor of the broadcasted from the N ew ark s ’a- A shland Elks lodge 944, $50. ) th ree cows were tested th is forenoon. Oregon. New wall cases, of q u ar- Oregon Jo u rn a l, accepted the posi- tlon T hat 8tation, which is operat- A re-test or reading will be taken tered oak, have been installed, and t»on today as private secretary to jjy t jie W estinghouse com pany, T hursday a t th e sam e places th at a balcony built, while th e e n tire G overnor-elect W alter Pierce. The covers the United S tates east of the MINISTERS INVITED TO GO tests were tak e n today. building has been refinished inside, position cam e unsolicited to Irvine. M ississippi and, under favorable WITH BOOZE RAIDING PARTY In addition to the im provem ents,: He is a g rad u a te of Jefferson high conditions, San Francisco and Lon- I Tom orrow testin g will s ta r t a t Mr. Johnson lias th is year placed on school here and a tte n d ed the O re-i(jon PENDLETON, Or., Dec. 11.— Fol- M r- N o tterag e’s place a t 8 o’clock. An unusual new spaper has been . . .. , ,, , _ , lowing a visit of local m in isters and and a t Mr. W a it’s a t the south end turned in to the T idings office by J. disPla y in his s to re ’ the m ost com ' g A gricu ltu ral college and Colum- plete stock of jew elry carrie d in th is bia university. He served in th e _ W om en's C h ristian T em perance Un- A shland a t 11, The Belleview p. Sayles, who brought it back from section of the state. navy d uring th e war, and was Ore- ; SHOR1 ( ’1R< T IT Cz USES ion leaders of this city to D istrict d istric t will be visited in the a fte r- ¡ th e Phippines w ith him. The nam e TROUBLE ON STREET Lit; UTS Mr. Johnson, by his purchase of ¡gon publicity m anager for Jam es A ttorney K eato r, County Ju d g e noon. | of the publication is “ Freedom.— the new equipm ent and stock, shows his Uox, dem ocratic p residential candi- Schannep and S heriff H ouser, the Cow ow ners whose cows have not) G iant of the O rien t,” and was pub­ the date, d u rin g the last election. | A short circuit on the s tn t liglit- sh eriff issued a sta te m e n t show ing yet been tested should endeavor to lished in M anila, Island of Luzon. faith in A shland and believes the tak e up his duties p rio r system a t the c o rn er of the l’laza fu tu re will com pletely ju stify is desire to enforce th e prohibition get the anim als to one of these loca- Tuesday, Ju ly 4 1899. to Ja n u a ry 1. ¡and N orth Main stre e t, caused some The cover is highly colored, w ith expense he has »lc lin e d - law, but explaining th e difficulties tions. ------------------------------------------------------ of the people who had occasion to bo under which he w orked, and invited ------------------------------------------------------- th e A m erican flag in the upper left cloudiness on the stre e ts about 3 o'clock Sun­ W EA TH ER OUTLOOK FOR W E E K p e ra tu re , considerable the m inisters to accom pany a raiding sw ear to the w a rra n t. S heriff H ouser hand corner, and the B ritish flag in day m orning to look in am azem ent WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.— W ea- and occasional rain. p arty when i w ent out to seize li- explained th a t w ithout m oney to pay th e upper rig h t. Between the two, a ______ N orthern Rocky M ountain and t the unusual b rightness. Some of quor or stills. Saying th a t he would stool pigeons o r assistance from the under clasped hands, is a picture of ^ ier 1,11 h'«hilities foi __ .______ _ D ecem ber 11 to 16 inclusive, a re P lateau Regions— T em p eratu re be- t,1O:,e " l‘° aI 1 fd >» the ' ¡ty d u rin g act on any inform ation bro u g h t to public, it was d ifficu lt to get accu- Dewey, under which a re th e w ords forecast as follows: low norm al, considerable cloudiness, th e tim e th a t the lig h ts w ere so him, if tl.i' com plaining person would ra te inform ation. I “ O ur G eorge.” A village scene is de b rig h t say th a t the h ead lig h t on an Pacific Coast S tates— Norm a! tern- snow in m ountains. ► ♦ » » » » « « ♦ « ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » « « ♦ « « > « * » * > « « > » > > < » » « « ; picted across the low er h alf of the autom obile was easy to face in com ­ <»»>«»»<«»»»»»♦« paper. parison w ith every stre e t light in A dvertisem ents cover th e entire th e city a t th a t tim e. back page, and include such as the; The trouble was caused by a high “ G rand B azaar La P u e rta Del So!,; I voltage w iie com ing into contact articles from S cent u p w ard s” ; H.i w ith th e s tre e t circu it, but, fo rtu ­ P rice & Co., W ine & S pirit M er­ nately, very few globes w ere burned chants, sole agents for C alifornia out as is generally the case when W ines and R ain ier B eer,” w hile Ju an an y th in g of th is kind happens. W ork­ Soler declares his shop contains a men w ere busy today repairing the very fine a sso rtm e n t of laces and w ires and gettin g everything in ribbons and th a t E nglish is spoken.) shape again. Special a rticle s w ritte n hv various soldiers a re on th e two inside pages, ■ Legion P lan s F eed— tw o of which are titled “ How I K illed; A shland post, A m erican Legion, ¡an In su rg e n t.” A nother, th e story will have its a n n u al election of o ffi­ ; of a nervous m an on gu ard , rela te s cers tom orrow evening a t th e A r­ how an innocent pig was m istaken m ory, followed by a big feed. It is fo r a m a tiv e , and slain. A long f e a - ’. p a rticu la rly desired by th e officers tu re story is told bv an in fan try m an ' th a t every m em ber of th e post who about being c ap tu red and co n d em n ed ) has n othing else on his m ind, try to die by T agalogs. and m ake an e ffo rt to a tte n d the The new spaper contains fo u r pages final m eeting of th e year. Incident­ Tl i- is the monument unveiled nt Spring Place, Gn., a few days ago to,in and P a n te d w Ph five col-; ally, word is sent out rem inding all John Ilew an l Payne, author of “Home, Sweet Home.’’ Members of the Old um ns, all of th e w ork being hand-set legionnaires th a t the dues for 1923 Guard of A tlanta, a historic organization composed of some of the best-j type, w ith num erous e rro rs in sp ell-, a re due, and to b ring th ree bucks to known business men of the city, are shown back of the monument. Spring 1 ing. due to this fact. ) the m eetings. The feed will well be Place was selected as the site of the monument because it was there that ) Mr. Sayles greatly cherishes the Right to left, Mrs. Tillie Klimek and Mrs. Nellie Steriuer Koulik, cousins, w orth the price of the dues. Payne w; > arrested and held in prison for a while because of his sympathy ¡oi