PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDING» Saturday, December 9, 1922 FU LC H IST M A S SALE WON B IG R E D U C T IO N IN P R IC E S To Reduce Our Stock Before Taking Our Annual Inventory THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY AND THE LOGICAL TIME TO BUY FURNITURE FOR THE HOME Below we are quoting a few of the BIG BARGAINS that we a re offering. Don’t buy a Dollar’s Worth of Housefurnishing Goods before looking over our line, as we will save you many Dollars on a Bill of Goods. Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Wedgewood Stoves,Ranges ADVERTISED PRICE (See Sat. Eve. Post) OUR PRICE 9 by 12 feet—advertised price $18.60 ................................... $13.95 9 by 10 feet—advertised price $16.25 ................................... $12.20 9 by 9 feet—advertised price $13.95..................................... $10.45 3 by 6 feet—advertised price $2.50............................... . , . . $ 2.06 3 by 4 feet 6 inches—advertised price $1.90........................ $ 1.59 IS by 36 inches—advertised price 7 5 c ................................... 49c THE WONDERFUL WEDGEWOOD RANGE is by far the Best Range on the market. It is not only a beautiful stove, but is a fuel saver and splendid cooker as well. While it U ih » ‘ very best, the price is cut Io the limit during this sale. Don’t miss buying one of these ranges if you are in need of a stove. Note the low prices— Always look for the Gold Seal which designates Congoleum and is guaranteed by the manufacturers. There are many cheaper rugs called Congoleum, that are not the Gold Seal and are not nearly as good. $100.00 Full Fast Range, polished top, full nickel trimmed, at $85.00 Combination Gas and Wood, full nickel trimmed, burns wood and coal and gas—gas oven and gas broiler—a beauty. Regular pi ii t* $165.00. Sale p ric e .................$125.00 CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL ART RUGS Fine Enameled Range, regular at $95.00, cut t o .................$75.00 (This is an elegant range, oven thermometer, nickel trim) more than supply the exacting demands of the person seeking an attractive, sensible Christmas Gift. Splendid Wood Ranges at ................................................ ...$60.00 LINOLEUM RUGS ALSO CUT IN PRICE FOR THIS BIG SALE Notice the Big Cut in Rocking Chairs $15.00 $12.50 ,.lV. $ . 6.00 Reed Rockers—cut t o ................................................ $10.00 Reed Rockers—cut to .................................................. $8.00 IT i i i> i 4 i. o Hard W ood Rockers—cut to ................................... $ e 3.50 MULE SKIN ROCKERS t As i durable n ' i price • $20.00—cut «ton on r t r o ............$16.00 oicen as i leather—regular ' 1 1 $45.00 OVERSTUFFED CHAIRS AND ROCKERS OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS A o 4 Fine quality of 1 tpcstry and Elegant Patterns—regular price $85.00—cut to .......................................................$60.00 av ka cut to $35.00 during this Sale - All goods are marked in plain figures—no deceptive code used. Come early while the lines are full and buy freely while you can get the BIG BARGAINS. Big Sale Begins Monday, December 11 J DODGE & SONS - Reliable Houseturnishers RED ( ROSS MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT Lccal and Personal NOTICE You and your friends are kindly On S aturday. Decem ber 9, the T he a n n u a l m eeting of the Ash- F o u rth S treet m eat m ark e t will open la nil branch of the Am erican Red requested to be p resen t at u n d e r new m anagem ent. It will Cross will be held on Tuesday even­ AN EVENING OF MUSIC MODERN WOODMEN MEETING ing a t 7:30 o'clock, a t th e Civic w ith the Duo-Art R eproducing Piano. han d le all fresh and cured m eats at Moose hall, Monday evening De­ club house. All subscribers a re re ­ reasonable prices. E. B. Decker.82-3 ALICE LAVINA ANDREW S cem ber 11. E lection of officers and quested to be present. i M ezzo-Contralto) assisting a rtist. o th e r business. A fter th a t d ate, the Splendid m usic. Fine floor, Con­ P. K HAMMOND, C hairm an. CIVIC CLUB HOUSE cam p m eets on second and fo u rth genial crow d. F a ir G round Pavilion S aturday. D ecem ber 9, 8:15 m. Dance, S aturday. L e t’s go! 83-fr-s Tuesday evenings of each m onth. NOTICE-— We do a general real under th e auspices of S3-1 F. L. NUTTER. Consul. Dance. S aturday. L e t’s Go! e sta te business, but am ong ou r o ther ROSE BROS. 83-1 listings, at present, we have a num ­ Have your clothes cleaned and ber of very good hom es for sale. Or W e have an o th e r lot of those Ya- NOTICE pressed a t P a u lse ru d 's. 78tf sm a lle r p roperty, e ith e r here o r in i kim a N etted Gem P otatoes No. 1 A rm enian lace sale, S atu rd ay af- grade. Plaza M arket, 61 No. Main M edford, m ight be considered in ex­ Cliff Payne has spur st??l ladders. change. Yockev & Co.. 177 E. Main iernoon. 1 o’clock. Rose Bros. Vic- See E n d ers Co. for special prices St. Phone 146. 83-sat-m -w tro la room. Mrs. Sam M cNair and Best prices on spuds at E nders. Mrs. A,. A. M arske in charge. ‘ on spuds balance of th is week. 80-3 SWEDISH INVENTOR HAS NEW OIL LICHT ( I aim s \ \ liitei ami Much Cheaper L ight than E lectric or Gas When Winter Is In the Air Don’t fill your house with steam by w ashing a t home. Don’t risk sickness hanging your wet clothes out in the icy w eather. Send us th e weekly w ashing and keep your hom e b rig h t and pleasant and yourself free from colds and sickness. The care, thoro u g h n ess and sa n i­ ta ry processes we use in o u r plant is resu ltin g in an in creasin g num ber of satisfied patrons. \ Ed ¡sou enabled us to enjov the benefits of eltcr.c iight, Count Wels- b ach ’s m an tle m ade it possible to have ihe ncandescent gas iight. bio It em ained :or i Swedish m g in eer nam ed Johnson, now living in ? o rt- d to devise a lam p th a t would b u rn ordinary, everyday kerosene oil and produce a light said by th e m any scien tists who have seen it to be w h iter th an electric. The lam p is as sim ple to op erate as the old style oil lam p, b u rn s w ithout odor, sm oke c r noise, and is proving a sensation w nere oil light is used. Mr. Jo h n so n offers to send a lam p J on ten days’ free tria l and will even SenJit give one to th e firs t user in each lo- j entity who will help in tro d u ce it. A le tte r addressed to V. M. Johnson, 31 j N F ifth St., P o rtla n d , Ore., wiA W ir- M. W rifilili. Owner bring full p a rtic u la rs about th is won­ PHONK 165 d erfu l new lam p. He has an in te r- j Good Work i*roinpt S ervice esting agency offer, too. — adv. | Ashland Laundty Co. FO R SALE— R adio o u tfit, d etecto r and two phase am plifier, in cabi­ net on bakelite panel 12x36 inch. FO R SALE— Cream se p ara to r, brand DR. J. P. CHISHOLM — G raduate V eterinary. W alker Ave. Cost $120, price $50.00. Com plete new, cheap. Phone 396-J. 83-2* ------------------------------------------------------ 1 'less a battery. W. H. R., Siski- 83-3* AUCTION SALE— H ousehold goods, FOR SALE AT AUCTION— H ouse-j you. Oregon. 2 j ____ ________________________ ——-—- for cash, next S aturday a t 2 p. m .' hold goods, W ednesday at o’clock. Mrs. Jam es Lowe will FOR RENT— A ¡m all fu rn is h e d Mrs. Jam es Lowe 102 Oak St. cell 'Household fu rn itu re . 102 Oak 83-1* a p a rtm e n t; also a cabin fixed fo r St. 83-1* w inter. Phone 411-R. 153 G ra n ­ ------------------------------------------------------ i MALE H ELP W ANTED ite St. 83-1 WANT PA R TIES w ith or w ithout CONVALESCENT HOME— Are you too thin or too fat? Diet tr e a t­ cars, io travel in Oregon end C ali­ m ent is the ‘Safe and Sane” load , fornia. A splendid money m ak­ to “ N orm al.” w here you will re ­ ing proposition. If in terested , call gain health and keep it.______83-1 Room 111, Hotel Ashland. 83-1* VETERINARY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COM E AND HAND LOOM HEAR! TH E MISS DOROTHY NICHOLS, of Chicago, speaks on th e them e, “ MY L IFE IN THE CONVENT AND MY CONVERSION TO PROTEST­ ANTISM ,” Sunday, 7 :3 9 P . M. at l l ie P resbyterian Church. SUNDAY AND MONDAY <73 JÍ. V io la D a n a flU T O M O V I E S BY LEE DOM'S TIRE HOSPITAL as him * was O FFER SICK FOR FAIR. THE DOCTOR SAID " G O G ET T he A IR is © A HARRY BEAUMONT PRODUCTION Scenario by Rex Taylor -■ Story from The Saturday Evening Post .— ------- ■ ■ ----- Also---- “ JULES OF THE RIVER” with IRVING CUMMINGS and PATHE NEWS Xo Im perfections— No Dirt Spots A Full Pound in E very B ox SPECIAL HOLIDAY 1 told —the one the Solitary Kid p a w n e d — a f t e r it g o t through being a baby Quality POUND PAPER ¿he proper amount of air is good for a tire— J EST not too much and not too little. If your tire refuses to hold air let us vulcanize it. If any part of your tire is injured or worn out, let us repair it. T h ie e Pounds of Paper and Three B u n ih es E nvelopes « 8 .2 5 at • •