Saturday, December 9, 192i SS3ÏLAWB DALLI YIÎtïHGÏ Vas PAG« THRKÏ» ■NM •S B I Cut This Out— I t Is W orth Money V isitin'; in A shland— Grasshoppers’ F a v o rite D iet. Mr. and Mrs. Cam pbell, of SLEEP OVER NOTHING Cut out th is slip, enclose w ith 5c When various spring grains are and m ail it to Foley & Co., 2835 ford, w ere visiting F riday w ith Mr. available the grasshoppers prefer oats B A R B E R One cent the w ord naca tu âo . Sheffield A /* ., Chicago, 111., w riting and Mrs. C. D. W oods a t th e ir hom e Explorer's Story of a Bad Night He to any of the others, reports a United Spent in Venezuela Makes your nam e and address clearly. You on G resham stre e t. States Department of Agriculture in­ Safety blades resharpened PH YSICIANS. INTER U R BA N AUTOCAR CO, Amusing Reading. vestigator in Montana. However, when will receive in re tu rn a tria l pack­ like new. Single bit, 20o B e tte r be safe that, sorry'- See DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practic (E ffective J a n u a ry 1, 1922) age co n tain in g F oley’s Honey and William J. La Varre, Jr., who dls- food is scarce the hoppers will not doz. Dobule bit, 60c do«. lim ited to eye, ear, nose a c t Daily (E xcept S unday) ¡T ar Com pound for coughs, colds and i B eaver R ealty Co. about your in su r covered diamonds in South America, go far out of the way to search for j tiie plants please their palates th ro a t. Office hour«, 10 to 12 am LV. M EDFORD LV . ASHLAND croup; Foley K idney P iils for pains ance. Phone 68. Childreo’e Work A 2 8 7 ti tells as follows of an exciting adven , . that . , ,, „ „ 2 to 5. few a d tn burg Bldg., Ass 7 :00 a. ni. 7 :0 0 a. m. tore he had in Venezuela, says the ' ^ “ A g ricultural D epartm ent Bulle- in sides and back; rh eu m atism , Specialty land, Ora 73-t 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. R em em ber D ecem ber 5 to 8. W in -! World's Work. 9 :00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. backache, kidney and blad d er a il­ DR. J. J. LMMENS— Physic an ac ! 10:00 a. m. j The nearest I have ever come to 10:00 a. m. m ents; and Foley C a th artic T ablets, te r F a ir. Surgeon. P ractice lim ited t 11:00 a. in. ---------- catching up with adventure was just 11:00 a. m. a w holesom e and thoroughly cleans­ eye, e a r, cose and th ro a t. G lass- I 12:00 noon R e tu rn s from C alifo rn ia— over the boundary in Venezuela when 12:00 noon •applied. O culist and a u ris t fc j 1:00 p. m. 1 :0 0 p. m. ing c a th a rtic fo r constipation, bil- A1 McNabb who has been spend- 1 sought the hospitality of a night at S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and 15 2:00 p. m. 2 :0 0 p. ra. headaches, and sluggish -ng th e lagt nionths in E u re k a , i the cabin of a Spanish ranchero in the Bldg., M edford. Ore. Phone 16 ! 3:00 p m. 3 :0 0 p. m. bowels. Sold everyw here. an d o th er n o rth e rn C alifornia tow ns, Iu turne(l ¡tg bad£ CONVALESCENT HOME 7:30 a m. M arket. 10:00 a. m. We have a full line of N uts and Can- jo me, t 00k tiring position and blazed 1:00 p. m. CONVALESCENT HOME — Good 2 : 00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. dies a t th e lig h t prices. Plana M a r-1 away. Instantly loud squeals from the 5:00 p. m it cheer. Good care. Good food. 39 DON’T DISCARD your R ubber Sunday Only 83-tf brush resounded and to my Immense 153 G ranite ket, 61 N orth Main. T erm s reasonable. 10:00 a ra. Boots. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPIT­ 306-lm o 10:00 a. m. relief I learned th a t the discussion of St. P hone 411-R. 4:30 p. m. AL will R ETR EA D them for you. O p en » New Pool Room — i 4 :30 p. m. tiie night before referred to the pig A MASTER lecture I G rants Pass w aiting room — Tht NEW MACHINERY ju s t installed. which was to be slaughtered for my Ja m e s H. Cooke, who recently T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. Bonbonniere, phone 160. 79tf ren ted a portion of th e b u ild in g oc­ breakfast. Office and w aiting room — No. FOR prom pt and carefu l service cupied by th e Square Deal grocery, a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cab Leaves for P o r t la n d - opened his pool room th is week. Mr. COULD REBUKE WITH EFFECT W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 Jesse W inburn left th is m orning Cooke w as form erly in th e room novi Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n e a r H o lt Kindly Cardinal Manning Had Caus­ A shland. • 6 St: The Most. Pow erful, I ndeniab le, D< . i.‘.nt and E volutionary A d­ for P o rta ln d for a sh o rt trip. occupied by th e Irw in pool hall. tic W it, Which He Only Occasion­ dress ever deliv«>i-e«l from a public platform . T. L. POWELL— G ENERAL TRANS ally Employed. ---------- At Your Service— Coughs and Colds in; W inter F E R — Good team and m otor ; F ire , A uto and A ccident Insurance. Di th is lecture you w ill learn W H ) you have l»e»-onie what tru c k s. Good service a t a reasot Here on B usiness— Indoor sed en tary life in w inter has Car(J,na, Mannillg”liad a caustic wit able price. P hone 83. A. R. B rashear, live-w ire resident City H om es, B usiness P ro p e rty and a d ire c t hearing on th e .prevalence of and j,e ,oVed »take down” those you are, and HOW you may b ecom e w liat you desire. of Rogue R iver, in the n o rth e rn p a ri ¡R anches bo u g h t and sold on com m is-i coughs and colds. Kee|> the bowels wlio exhibited pomposity. In “Pages "" situ a tio n w a n ted ; the county, was in the city F rid a y ¡sion. H ere since 11901. Staples active and overcom e co nstipation From the P ast,” John Ayscough (Rt. A rouse that G iant G sl. i ping n yom Subconscious Soul, W ANTED— Middle aged lady to aftern o o n an d today. Though a r e s i- , R ealty Agency. 75tf w ith Foley C a th artic T a b lets. Colds, Rev. Mgr. Count Beekerstaffe Drew) w hich w ill carry your “ M essage to G arcia.” work for her board and room and dent of Jackson county, Mr. B rash-j ---------- tells how the cardinal snubbed an coughs, croup, th ro a t, c h est and a sm all wage. Call in person a t ostentatious prelate. A com plete line of c h ild re n ’s toys bronchial tro u b le quickly It is your B irthright. Let sei ve you. relieved 90 F ifth St. SOtf car rep resen ts the Closset & D evers: Once he brought a very magnificent concern of P o rtla n d and Seattle. * in balcony. E a st Side Pharm acy. 7 8t w ith F oley’s Honey a n d T er. Con- i bishop, who by no means despised Come to hear th is lecture, j in i you w ill com e to all that fello w . WANTED. tain s no opiates in g re d ien ts p rin te , ornam ent, to see St. Thomas’ semi- Here front M e d fo r d - on the w rapper. L arg est se llin g cough I I)arv HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes posi­ Vis teti front Y rek a— P aul M acDonald, of M edford was m edicine in th e w orld. Mrs. Alice M. Young of Y reka, re- “ Foley’s “ It is very plain,” rem arked his j tion in fam ily, w here she can work for her hoard and clothes ceutly visited h er son-in-law and in the city F rid ay n ig h t to a tte n d H oney and T ar is w on d erfu l for a t ­ lordship, scanning the rather austere | the perform ance of “ The Gold Dig­ tack s of coughs and colds,” w rites facade. ; I and go to school. In q u ire 637 d a u g h te r, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. May­ g ers.” Several people from M edford “You are light,” rejoined the eurdl- ■ W. H. G ray. Venice, C alifornia. Sold E ast Main. 82-4* berry, who la te r took h er hom e in nal most sweetly. ‘ Quite. There is m otored down for the show. th e ir car. everyw here. nothing vulgar about it.” FO R R E M . On another occasion the same pi el­ L et us clean and press your clothes We have the best prices on used No T. B. at Valley View— ate was a fellow guest, with the FDR RENT— Four room furnished cars to be found in th e city. Come before th e holiday season. L ad ies’ T uberculosis tests of d airy cows cardinal, of royalty. The bishop came A dults jn and look them over. Buick , work a specialty. A shland Cleaning a p a rtm e n t, with garage. re tu rn e d from the V alley View dis­ in purple; the cardinal presently ar­ 72t! and Dyeing W orks. A uto delivery. only. 1101 Boulevard. 7 6tf Agency. tric t show th a t th e re was not a re a c ­ rived in liis ordinary black coat, ¡P hone 63. 7 9tf to r p rese n t o r even a suspicious a n i­ lweeehes, gaiters, and apron; to whom FOR RENT— Six room house, also i llie bishop rushed up, much perturbed Do Molny In itia te s — fu rn itu re for sale. 183 G resham W hy not buy her a Singer Sewing m al in the e n tire section. i a t thus eclipsing in splendor a prince Several local boys w ere in itia ted j R O Y A L M IX E D F E E D St. 78-6* i i M achine fo r Xm as. >5 down and $3 Dolls rep aired . F ix it Shop. 8 2 tf oi tbe church. into the o rd er of De Molay a t Med per m onth will put one in your home. “Never mind, my dear lord,” said FOR R E N T— Six room house, a ls o : iord T hursday n ig h t, th e boys rep re- the cardinal. “It does not m atter. I S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. Straight Car Just Received Y ou’ll need one of P a u Jse ru d ’s ■iirniture to r tale. 193 G resham 'r e n tin g practically all p a rts of the dare say no one will notice you.” F ir St., M edford. ______ ___ ______ 19-6 R OgUe R iver valley. V isiting Masons su its d u rin g the holidays. 7 8 tf 16 p e r c e n t p r o te in — $40.00 to n FDR RENT— A splendid th re e room ) from G ran ts Pass, M edford and Ash- W ill Study in Los Angeles— Evil BetctL Evil. Unsurpassed for Dairy and Poultry furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only, i land v, ore p resen t fo r th e cere­ Sunday Dinner— Miss P au lin e P lu m m er expects to Evil ev en ts from evil causes spring 357 Vista St. Phone 122. SO tf1 m onies. E a t your Sunday d in n er a t th e leave Ja n u a ry 1 for Los A ngeles, to : —A ristophanes. Hom e R e s ta u ra n t and B akery, <59 FD R R E N T — H ousekeeping a p a rt-, e n te r th e Bible in stitu te . H er S2-tf m ents, close in. 573 E. Main St. I Com plete sets fo r dolls a t Needle- friends will m iss h e r in C hristian N o rth Main. craft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc., E ndeavor and Sunday school activ i­ reasonably priced. 80if ties, but rejoice in th is splendid op­ Changeo R esidence—• T H E TH EA T ER PFJHJTJFin FO R RENT— Two fu rn ish ed a p a rt Mrs. Claire M inard, of th e P laza p o rtu n ity for study th a t she will TODAY ONLY m ents, both have outside room s confectionery, has tak en ro o m s over L ibby’s Mince M eat in bulk and Will ren t for the w inter very ja rs. Plaza M arket, 61 N. M a in .7 8 tf‘ have. the W estern Union te le g ra p h office, cheap. P hone 263. Mis. M. J. having moved th e re front 52 G ran ­ Piano Tuning— Shook. 82-2 H ealin g i?. W aived— Now is the tim e to have your piano ite street. Mrs. Mabel Nichols, confessed tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio. FOR SALE. W e have w h at you w an t fo r th a t slayer of R obert G reer a t the Sum- 1135 East Main. Phone 465. After you are sick you can call a doctor. 6 6tf X m as gift a t th e V ariety Store. Best FD R SALE— Dry lau rel wood, plenty m it stag e sta tio n a week ago th is _______ After you are in trouble you can call a lawyer. of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, m orning, has waived prelim inary! R e tu rn s to R ogue R iver­ values in tow n. 89 N. Main St. 75tf $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3 .7 5 ; But after a fire, an accident or a theft you cannot call Miss Lillie A nderson, who has 12 inch second grow th fir, $2 .2 5 ; hearing and has been bound over to. Cheap in su ran ce is costly at. any an insurance expert. HE can only help you BEFiIRE delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* the grand ju ry , now in session a t been visiting Mrs. C harles R obert- you need him. K lam ath Falls. Bail was fixed a t : son on th e B oulevard fo r a few days, price. F o r sound in su ra n c e at; r e a ­ FDR SALE DR RENT— P artly :u rn - sonable ra te s, see B illings A ypncy. $5000, w hich she was unable to re tu rn ed to Rogue R iver today. Insurance prevents your needing help. It prepares ished house. 311 G ranite I - E stab lish ed 1883. 3 4tf 72tf furnish. q u ire Nelda Cafe. the day before an eventuality. TODAY, when all is Fancy Y akim a N etted Gems, $1.31 SW EET CID ER— M ade fresh every WELL, you need to arrange your insurance. 80-3 M oves R eported — P o ta to special balance of th is week per cwt., a t E nders. day. Two gallons 75c, one gallon C. N. G ilm ore h as moved fro m 346 We should he glad to talk with you on any insurance 80-3 40c, delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. . a ' E nders. Help celeb rate w ith th e football L ib erty stre e t to 575 on the sam e matters. May we talk with von TODAY? FD R SALE— F o u r room cottage, cit> | stre e t. Rose bo- v s a t Jack so n H ot S prings S atu r- F o r th e best chill. Trv w ater and lights, large lot, some E. H olm an recen tly moved into 74tf day n iSkt. 80-4 Real Estate and Re^l Insurance Bros. fru it garage, nice location. Low th e p roperty a t 426 A stre e t E stablished 1885 price for cash or will sell on te r m s .‘ O rres cleans clothes. P hone 64. Here from Kr'rby— R epresenting the See Mrs. C. E. Lane, T idings. 7 6 -6 ’ B e tte r in su ran ce a t reasolpabli ----------- Mr. and Mrs. S. W illiam s, of K ir- INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA by, w ere in the city th is w eek, on ra te s . B illings Agency. P h o n e 211. “ T he Oldest A m erican F ire and M arine Insurance C om pany" FD R SALE— Or tra d e for city prop­ “ Tlie Gold D iggers” Pleases^— Wi ll a laugh in nearly every l i r e , ' business, Founded 1792 erty , five acres, house, o u tb u ild ­ Ask y our grocer fo r Golden Sheaf an excellent cast and fine stage fit- and o th er first-class com panies ings. reservoir. P rice $2500. &2tf L ast week I in su red a F o rd , an a u ­ B read. tings, Avery Hopw ood’s comedy,! Consult your insu ran ce agent as you w ould your law yer or din-tor Mrs. W. G. Day, back of norm al tom obile and a tru ck . Yeo, of The Gold D iggers,” delighted a school. 7S-6* 79tf Returns from Business Trip— large audience a t the Vining th e a tre course, P hone 274-J. roaring melodrama cf the Fnnen North H. G. E n d ers J r. re tu rn e d F rid a y FO R SALE OR RENT— Piano. 573 la st night. The a ttra c tio n was es­ from a sh o rt b usiness trip to San O ur candy prices a re rig h t, q u a l­ E. Main St. 81-3» pecially enjoyed, in th a t A shland 7 4tf F rancisco and som e of th e o th e r hay th e a tre goers are seldom given an ity considered. Rose B ros. F O R S A L E — B ull. S ilver L ad 2D 717- cities. H e re p o rts lots of rain in th e o p p o rtu n ity to see a production of 947; price $100. V. H. C hapm an. E at b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros south, and is glad to get hack to this kind here. Neil Creek. 83-3* 74 tf A shland. Buy th a t Xm as gift a t the V ariety K \ KRIIKARING R A SPB ER R IES Home from Eureka— 7 2tf D etrick sells fo r less. St. 76tf LA FRANCE, the larg est and m ost Store. 89 N. Main ______ M ike P arton re tu rn e d T h u rsd ay prolific, 50c each 3 for $1; E r ­ If you w ant the best th e re Is i n ’ i rom E u re k a, C ality a i l e r having A n o th e r big dance a t Jack so n Hot Notes, .Bonds, Insurance Policies or similar A NORMAN DAWN PRODUCTION skine P a rk , R anere an d St. Regis, bacon, boiled ham«, chipped beef, .sp en t the past two m o n th s in th a t S prings S a tu rd a y . The football team jiapers are unprotected while kept around the th e best shippers, 10c each or $5 lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D e t-!section of th e country. He also m ade will he p resen t. W ill you he th ere? house. per 100. E verbearing stra w b e r You’ll find abundant ric k ’s. W e sell for less. 48tf a sh o rt t r ‘P to San F rancisco and 80-4 ries. $2 and $3 p er 100; M arvel ______ o th e r cities ab o u t th e bay, w hile in thrills in this smashing and Siovilll, $2 per 100. T he Cory Y sited Mrs. A bbott— A safe deposit box at this bank costs less than ^ba neighboring sta te . Returns from Visit in E ast— out-door story of love and T hornless B lackberry, tips 15c Mrs. H. G. E nders re tu rn e d F r i­ Mis. A. R. Mount and son, Rob- a cent a day and gives the necessary protection each, 20 for $2.50 or $11 per 100. Ask your grocer fo r Golden Sheaf day m o rn in g from a th re e m onths adventure that delves deep »■it, were recen t guests a t th e hom e against file or theft. I have trie d B urbanks and th re e 5 2tf visit w ith h e r m o th e r in A m sterdam , of Mrs. A. F. A bbott, re tu rn in g hom e Bread. into the roots of human o th e r kinds an d th e Cory is the Mo. Mr. E n d ers re tu rn e d T hursday tin e a rlie r p a rt of th e week. only “ th o rn le ss” p lan t th a t will nature and finds those evening from a several d ay s’ bu si­ TA K E OUR A D V IC E -U S E produce enough fru it to pay to O ur box candy a sso rtm e n t is the ness trip to ’Frisco. tommon faults that knit plant and cultivate. 14-m onth-old mOst com nlete in A shland. Rose mankind together. p lan ts have produced 25 pounds of Rros W hy does Yeo w rite so m uch in­ 7 4tf large b erries and no tho rn s. D. P. ’ ______ T U lo o n o m y SAJM/VC POW DER su ran ce? T h e re ’s a re a so n . In su re —Also— ¡w ith him an d “ spend th e difflprence.” Blue. 500 A shland St., A shland, Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf “ T O R C H Y STEPS OUT” PLUM M ER’S GROCERY Oregon. 8 2 -5 * -B read. 52tf Phone 274-J. 79tf XV. A. SHELL B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L HAL H. URDAHL The Key of Knowledge Revealed Sunday, Dec. 10th at 3 P. M. Locai and Personal Women’s Civic Glub House Ashland Fruit Association Like Samson, Hf Tore The Brutes Jaws Asunder / The Day Before You Need Help Billings Agency js e k London s ES0NOF EWOLF Unprotected Papers w Edith Roberts CALUMET The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon