FAGB TWO Ashland ASHLAND DAILY TXDXIHM Tidings Eithbliahed 1876 Every E vening Except ! Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. F d burned -- “ jpau.iaca f ' V/ C h ristian E ndeavor a t 3:45 p. m. Young people’s m eeting a t 6:30 p. m. W estm in ster Guild a t 6:30 p. m. P ra y e r m eeting W ednesday a t 7:30 p. ni. Topic, “ The Holy Spirit in i he Old T e sta m en t.” The glad hand is extended to all. C. F. K oeh­ ler, pastor. Saturday, December s>, 1922 every one, the o p eretta is sure to be a success. JUNIOR HI NOTES Jo h n McHale died a t th e G ranite [H A N D City H ospital Sunday m orning. N o -’ OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY vem ber 19, from an ulcerated tooth PAPER which resu lted in an abcess on the TELEPH O N E 3 9 brain. K. LOGAN, Editor Jo h n had been a pupil in Ju n io r a Y ¿ '& £ R T - - M O S E S High for two years and was well E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat liked by every one. He took a g reat A ppetite laughs a t law s and ter. In te re s t in a c tiv ities, being rig h t — 7 T T -----—-------77 7 ----- 77— 7 7 7 ' i *«> suprem e courts. g u ard on th e school football team . bubscriptiou Price Delivered in C itj: j , W hile v isiting o u r m id-w inter fair, F low ers w ere b ro u g h t by m any of One m onth ....................................$ .65 I W hen fuel is scarce, loose T h e su re to go to th e N ataorinm and his friends, and six of the football T hree m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 1 Six m onths .................................... 3.7 3.7:>j • boards on a fence supply an ir- imake yourself a t hom e a t th e W. C. players acted as pali-bearers. They One year ..................................... ‘ '* • resistible tem ptation. <•- t u .. ta k e tim e to road posters and w ere th e follow ing: A rt B urns A ll -------------------------— Mail and Rural Routes ---------- help y ourself to som e lite ra tu re . A Parr, Jam es H err, A. M organ, Ste­ One m outh ....................................$ .65 A hobby th a t gets you up ^ ¡ p ic tu r e will be tak en of the booth. T hree m onths .......................... . . 1.95 - phen ju d io w and w. Hui _______ Rlx m onths .................................... 3.59 ♦> early in th e m orning is one , J u n io r High is planning to exhibit j Ons year .................................... th a t will add to your years. ! The follow ing poem wa3 presented several d iffe re n t a rticle s in th e W in-! ADVERTISING RATES ’ ---------- <8>.by Mrs. W. G. C urry, tak e n from te r F a ir. The seventh grade is go- . Display Advertising W’hen a good th in g comes ¡he B rockw ay ville R ecord, of Brock- Stogie in sertio n , each in c h . . . . .30c i ing to e n te r exhibits of tow els and j OUTlSlS Of • along, everybody should shove <• -w ayville, P a., dated Novem ber 24, dresses, and th e e ig h th B girls are YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising • over a little and m ake room . ---------- The C afeteria Class is going to serve Two tim es a w eek..........................25 c creasingly p opular as a national < ? > ---------- < S > j TH E M’H ITE RIBBON Nvery o th e r d a y ............................ 20 c a m eal some tim e d u rin g the W in ter playground is shown in figures ju st ’■ The th in g th a t counts big- : (D edicated to the W hite R ibboners F a ir. Local Readers Each line, each tim e ................... 10c •• gest in business is th e num ber <£jat the Mrorld and N ational conven- given out by the P o rtla n d office of A large A m erican flag now deco­ To run every o th e r dtey for one the U nited S tates forest service. The of tim es the cash re g iste r rings. tions, P h ilad elp h ia, P a., Novem ber rate s th e assem bly of Ju n io r High. m onth, each line, each tim e. . 7c ---------- ♦ ¡11-19, 1922.) Seven h u n d red and eig h ty -th ree is estim ate, which is based on reports To run every issue for one m onth A m bition is freq u en tly th a t ? Tis a m odest little bow, Ok m ore, each line, each tim e . . 5c the average num ber of J u n io r High from the forest ran g e rs, gives a total Classified Column condition of m ind th a t seeks a D ainty, neat and w hite as snow ; stu d e n ts served every m onth in the of 1,029,972 people who sought re ­ One cent the word each tim e. creatio n w ithin th e b o undaries of • way to be relieved of the neces- -?! E m blem atic of a purpose in its b irth . C afeteria. To ru n every issue for one m onth ♦ sity for w orking. Born in faith and hope and love Evelyn M iller, M ary H ow ard and the national forests of Oregon and or m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. 3> -------- Of this R eindorsed by H eaven above, Legal R ate H arry C reighton are new m em bers W ashington d a rin g 1922. ♦ Now its ra d ia n t beam s en g ird le all of th e Glee Club. num ber, 457,706 visited the n a tio n ­ F irst tim e, per 8-pchit lin e ......... 10c ♦ HEZ HECK SAYS: Each subséquent tim e, per 8- “ All the lo afin ’ th a t’s th e e a rth . F rom Novem ber 20 to 27, nine al forest of Oregon auu 572,266 those point line ...................................... 5c good fe r a m an he kin git new pupils en tered Ju n io r High. j of W ashington. Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 Both in form and beauty rare , < ? > w hile sleepin’.” < ? > The figures include autom obile O bituaries, th e line ......................2 Vic They are from th e follow ing places: This its m otto to declare: trav elers, ped estrian s and others. Of F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies : “ To o u r God and Home and C ountry Two from E v erett, W ash, » one from these, 734,494 cam e by autom obile: A dvertising fo r fra te rn a l orders P o rtla n d , one from M edford, and one ever tru e .” o r societies charging a re g u la r in iti­ 80,203 w ere h u n ters and fisherm en; from E agle Point. a tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re ’N eath its law -com pelling sway, The 7-A and 8-A girls a m g o in g :173’300 Iin~erert to enjoy the privil- tiglons and benevolent orders will be P ro h ib itio n ’s here to stay! charged th e re g u la r ra te fo r all ad j to play for th e cham pionship in t h e , e ° es o l tbe !orest cam ps, and 3884 ! ’Till the sun and moon ad s ta rs shall T srtislng when an adm ission or other : had perm its for sum m er homes. W ith basketball series Monday. fade from view. charge is m ade. this heavy recreatio n al use of the na- M ethodist Episcopal Chuccii t.o a a l forests, which is encouraged Sunday school a t 9 :45. Classes As its beauty g a th e rs charm ALMUNI NOTES VUtat Const it ales Advertising by th e forest service as having a In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ are provided for all ages and all are All th e nations shall disarm , M ingus A itken, w ho is a F re sh ­ ing am ong som e as to w hat consti welcome. At th e m orning church And the w orld shall be em erged in m an a t U. of O., spent the T h a n k s­ d istin ct value in th e life of the n a ­ fa te s new s and w hat advertising, service the p asto r will speak on the endless love. giving vacation a t home. All he tion, conies an increased h azard for v s p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which j N eath its hope-pervading sway, seem ed to know or scy was U. of O. m an-caused fires, according to for­ Is used1 by new spapers to differenti- su b ject, “ The Pow er T hat P re v ails.” e stry officials. They point to the a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re • i The E pw orth League m eeting a tj “ Peace on e a rth ” shall come to and “ Bend over I ’ro sh .” event», w here an adm ission charge ¡6 :1 5 p. m., to which all young peo- stay, Mabie T ro tt was hom e for the fact th a t 58 per cent of the fires in is m ade or a collection is tak e n I > 1 pie a re invited. T here will be no Till the scroll of tim e’s re tu rn e d to week-end fro n D rai:., w here she th e Oregon n atio n al forests, and 76 ADVERTISIN G.” T his applies to per cent of the W ashington national evening church service on account of God above. teaches school. organizations an d societies of every the union m eeting a t the P re sb y te r­ — J. G. Daily, P h ilad elp h ia, Pa. kind as w'ell as to individuals. The football squad have o rdered forests d u rin g 1922, w ere m an- All rep o rts of such activities a fte r ian church. A special num ber by sw eaters from A lfred Payne, form er caused; of these 21 per cent in O re­ they have occurred is news. Next re g u la r W. C. T. U. m eeting A. H. S. stu d e n t, who rep resen ts a gon and 31 per cent in W ashington the choir a t the m orning church All com ing social or organizaticn were caused by cam pers and sm ok­ service. All a re cordially invited to will be Tuesday, D ecem ber 12th, a t P o rtla n d k n ittin g house. m eetlngs of societies w here no 2 :3 0 o’clock, a t the hom e of Mrs. all the ers. The federal fo re ste rs fu rth e r m eetings a t th e M ethodist m oney c o n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ H arlan d M jW iliiains, who g ra d u ­ M. B. R iley, 141 High stre e t. V isit­ church. point out th a t the continued success S. J. Chaney, m inister.- ation charged, o r collecton tak e n IS a te d from A. H. S. l a s f year, is m ak ­ NEWS. ors a re welcome. ing good as principal, s u p e rin te n ­ of the to u rist in d u stry in the n o rth ­ Christian Church dent, pro p rieto r, b o ird of tru stee s, w est is v itally dependent upon the ■ A TTminT--TT2 : C orner of Second and B stre e ts, teach er and jan i or < f the L ittle Red prevention of fo rest fires, for, they BIBLE THOUGHT^ John F. L eggett, m in ister » ¿43 School H ouse on the; G reen Springs a sse rt, the to u ris t cannot be expect- M ountain avenue. Sunday school a t — FOR TODAY— road. “ Mac” gave r successful has-, i ed to come again and b rin g his 10 a. m. M orning w orship a t 11 k et social a t h it school last F rid a y | friend,3’ if be \3 offered n othing b e t­ Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a priceless heritage iu a fte r years. a. m. S ubject, “ O ur F a th e r ’s W ill.” evening, and had m any of his high te r th an blaqkened hillsides and C hristian E ndeavor, 6:30. E vening O PER ET TA TO BE PR ESEN TED sm oke-hidden m ountains. school friends a s guests. service, 7:30. Subject, “ The Holy DECEM BER 21 SATURDAY, DECEM BER 9 E th a A bbott, who g rad u a ted in the S pirit and the Living W ord.” This is S edan’s Siow Development. class of ’21, is ta k in g a P. G. course T he score books and lines for “ The TH E GOLDEN R U L E :— As ye It has taken 277 years to develop the second of a series on the subject C aptain of P ly m o u th ,” have a rriv ed in Linconl H igh a t P o rtlan d . (he one-passenger sedan, carried on would th a t men should do to you, of the Holy S pirit. and w ork has begun in earn est. The poles h.v men. into the luxurious seven- do ye also to them . L uke 6: 31. /assenger, gas-driven sedan of 1922. first fu ll re h e a rsa l was held in the N azareno C hurch In the first three-quarters of the Eigh­ Gym., F rid ay , D ecem ber 1. C orner of F o u rth and C stre e ts. ASK AND YE SHALL R E C E IV E teenth century the sedan was at its The personnel of the cast is as At the close of a th ree-d ay session Services for Sunday, D ecem ber 10: zenith of usefulness in England, follow s: though it was in general use in Naples held recently a t W alla W alla, W ash., Sunday school a t 9:45 a. m ., T horn- in 1G45. The nobility and people of m em bers of the sta te board g ran te d ton S. W iley, su p e rin te n d e n t. P reach- Miles S t a n d i s h ............ V ictor P ieffer wealth owned their own beautifully paroles to 80 out of 91 ap p lican ts ing services a t 11 a. m. P reaching Jo h n A l d e n ........................ Jo h n Galey 'ecorated sedans, which were often and recom m ended 25 out of 70 a p -j services at 7:30 p. m. P ra y e r m eet-; ^ ‘scllla ........................ R u th F lackus padded and cushioned with brocaded ' • ” , - ’ - — I M e r c y ................. M argaret D ougherty plications for com m utation of s e n - ; *QS W ednesday, 7:30 p. m. You a re i silks. “ V ery in te m p e ra te and e x a g g era t­ tence to G overnor H art for action. i cordially invited to come and wor- K a t o n k a ...................... L ourdes R aine The sedans stood in the lobby of the M urderers sentenced to life im - ship w ith us. J. E. M cShane, pastor, E ld er B rew ster . . . . R alph Robison e d ,” is th e ch tree erization m ade b> town mansion ready for instant use, E rasm u s ................. M arshall B arber George R. Wil iu r, of Hood River, de­ and It was an interesting sight to see prisonm ent generally serve b u t from j R ichard ...................... D onald Snyder p a rtm en t com n a u d e r of th e A m eri­ several gilt sedans, carried by flunkies Fii"st C ongregational C hurch 15 to 20 y ears for the crim e; lesser , S t e p h e n ................................................ Ray R can u g er Legion in Orego l, of the rep o rt and escorted by “link boys” bearing B oulevard and Main stre e t. Sun­ crim inals, sentenced for in d efin te j G i l b e r t ............................................... H ugh Bates cabled from ’a tis q uoting Dr. E d ­ the richly dressed members of the sentences a re usually tu rn e d back to day school a t 9:45 a. m. w ith classes P e c h s u o t ........................................ W ilbur T m u ck er L. Gro , d elegate to th e n a ­ family. M’hen the family was de­ und prey upon the society they w ere or- , for all grades and ages. B ring your livered in safety from footpads, the M orning service, 11 a. m. W a ttaw a m u t .......... E dw in F reem an tional conven ion of the Legion a t tiered to leave; seldom does an i n - 1 Bible. link boys thrust their flambeaux into M aidens m ate of a sta te penal in stitu tio n i S,lb>e c t’ “ The F ru its of N egligence.” New O rleans from contin en tal E u ­ the trum pet-shaped extinguishers Ju n io r C h ristian E ndeavor, 4 p. m. C harity ...................... M axine M onger rope, as sayit g ih it th e conference which were placed nt each “door ever serve o ut his tim e. P a t i e n c e ...................... L illian R eim er was ruled by mob and th a t d ru n k - cheek” of the high and mighty, and Of w hat use a re our police forces, C h ristian E ndeavor, 6:30 p. m. Ev- disappeared until time for the home M a r y ............................... E ileen N u tte r our prosecuting a tto rn ey s, our co u rts e n in « service’ 8 ra’ Subi e c t’ “ The snness was pr ivalent. journey. M artha .............. C ath erin e P ittin g e r and our penal in stitu tio n s, whose up- F u t,lity of R esisting th e Divide Ap- “ T here was p ieu tj of boisterious- B etter suited than coaches to the keep are such a burden upon the Peal ” Tbe m id-w eek service every, H e s t e r ..................... D elph.ne S ackett ness and hilai tty, b u t not any m ore steep streets and narrow lanes ol sta te , when a fte r heavy costs for W ednesday evening a t 7:30. T he. R u t h .................................................... Ione Bechtel than one obse ves at any convention Edinburgh, sedans were more used it c ap tu re and prosecution, the prisoner 8llbi ect for consideration next week | H o p e ................................................. V iolet W the ilton size of tha o.ie i ; New O rlean s,” that city than even in London. Now is released upon dem and. The The aver- wiH bu “ Self-D enial,” based upon C o n s ta n c e .............. .. Maxine Rose continued Comma ider W ilbur. they ’c ave all gone into discard and aver-1 M atthew 5: 29 and 30, and Luke 19: !( ° u if o r t ............ K ietha B rookm iller ‘T here was no best, action of prop­ are only to lie seen in museums a s : age convicted m an tak es his sentence 8-10. The public is cordially in v it- , P ru d en ce ........................ R u th A itken erty. The ac.ion ot the convention curiosities. lightly, know ing of the appeal th at --------- --------- ed to all these services. W. Judson E lizabeth ...................... R uby D errick and th e reso lu tio n s dopted m arked can be m ade, th e work of friends on Betty ............................... E dytli H azen its as tem p erate and progressive. It Sweet Cider, m ade fresh every the “ o u tsid e” to obtain his r e le a s e , m in ister Sailors day, two gallons 75c, one gallon 40c ! occurs to me th a t t i n delegate from a fte r serving but a portion of the F irs t C hurch <:f C hrist Scientist Ray Oslin, Evan C am pbell, Hugh P aris failed to (list: iguish betw een delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll, period of incarceration. P ioneer avenue South. Sunday B ates Ray R uger, H ow ard Hobson, the convention delegates and the P aroles in exceptional cases are „ J services at 11 o clock. Subject of E lton K erby, Glenn W ild. H ow ard very large nt m ber of irresponsible very well, and in m any instances th e a . , .. , , , . . ,, lesson. “ God th e P re se rv e r of M an.” M cClanahan, E a rl Edsel, Ja sp e r M or- young m en who sw arm ed in from form er prisoner will redeem him self. , . , , ,, , , , ... , „ „ , Sunday school a t 10 o clock. M ed- n s , H enry H ughes, F ra n k Moore,, neighboring tow ns of - L ouisiana, , but when any bodv of m en g ra n t pa- , .. . _ , , , ' . . J , r.esdav evening m eetings a t 8 o clock. Soldiers Texas and M ississippi to tak e a d v an ­ roles n the w holesale m an n er as did „ _ u . . . . . . . .. . R eading room open daily from 2 un- Max M offit R o b ert W rig h t, Don tage of th e occasion for a good tim e. the board ol directo rs for th e M ash- „ _ . „ , . til 5 p. m.. except Sundays and hoh- W rig h t, H ubert G illm ore. F red Jo h n - Many of these w ere not ex-service m gton pen iten tiary , it is tim e to call , . days, son, M oreland Sm ith, H om er C ulbert­ m en and m any who w ere did not a halt. son, H orace D unn, Jo h n C hurchm an, w ear Legion buttons. • I T iin ity Episcoiad C hurch i H arold K itto Riely P itte n g er. “ Dr. Gros was disappointed b e ­ M assachusetts still has its Lodge, V icar, th e Rev. P. K. H am m ond.! Squaw s cause th e convention refused to g ran t C alifornia its Johnson. M ichigan did Holy com m union a t 8 a. m. Sunday! Guilda Selby B erdena E lder. F lo r- a subsidy to P a ris post in th e way —There is no more appro­ have its N ew berry. Oregon is a school a t 9:45. M orning service and ence W ilson, Synda O eder, R u th of financial aid. I w onder if he did stro n g co n ten d er for honors. w ith serm on a t 11. S tra n g e rs and v isit-(P u rd y . E m ily W e n tn e r, R osetta Mc- priate way of expressing the not go hom e with a g rouch.” ï ors cordially welcomed. S enator S tanfield. Gee, M argaret McCoy. M ildred Stev­ true Christmas spirit than ens, G race Ludlow , D orris H itch- F o r sale a t N eedle2raft Shop, baby by sending Greeting Cards P ivsbyterian, C hurch cock, Jo sep h in e B arber, D rothy G e-( doll setg> garden get;> bloom er s u its . P ress dispatches say a comm ission to those you wish to remem­ Subject for th e m orning serm on,! B auer. 80tf has been w orking for th e past six ber. Our display is noM’ at “ Jesu s the G reat P hysician: Of the Indians (Junior High) m onths on the problem of who s ta r t­ M ind.” Miss D orothy Nichols will M’ilb u r T ucker, L ester B a rn a rd , its best. Make your selec­ ed th e w ar. Never m ind who sta rte d speak Sunday evening at 7 :3 0 an th e E v e rett McGee, Stephen L udlow , tions early while assort­ it, we know who finished it. subject, “ My life in the convent and Jo h n H enry F ra n k Bloom field, ments are large and varied. my conversion, to P ro te s ta n tis m .” ( R efer B arn th o u se, F ra n k lin Bechtel,; Some people’s heads are as bald Miss Nichols comes very highly rec- V ernon D ecker, W ayne B loom field,' lc to $1.00 inside as they a re outside. gonnnended by clergym en from every F ayne W ilcox. See Speeial Display HOT WATER HEATING SYST7?! section of the country. H er ad d ress This o p e re tta is to be given De Seem» Reasonable. For Small or Large Houses will be constructive and e d u c a tio n a l.; cem ber 21, In th e H igh School Gym. Me do net in the least object to a i3 en tirely free from abuse and i t is a comic opera founded on the Our New L*ne o f H eating Stoves row In an adjoining apartm ent. But Are Now In. invective. She h a s spoken to capac- se ttle m en t of P lym outh by th e P il- are kept awake by tt we think ity audiences in m any of th e larg e grim s. it only fair and equitable that w< U nder the direction of Miss Mars- »tiiHihl be perm itted thviougbly to un churches of A m erica. The ad d ress \ 'S f o n T&e (b »stand and enjoy i t —I ’hiladelp.ila is ire e > b ut an offering will be taken, te rs the w ork is p rogressing rapidly Public Ledger. ’Sunday school a t 9:45 a. m. J u n io r and w ith th e h e a rty co-operation of « J W . C. T . U. Column Northwest is Rapidly rt • " * Becoming Mecca for nPieflCa It Would Ruin Them. Roberts and W nlker had discussed the question of life a fter death for more than two hours. Roberts held that the grave was merely a gate into a greater and eternal life. Walker could not be convinced of the exist­ ence of the hereafter. “Say what you will,” W alker In Bisted, “I cannot help but believe that death ends nil.” “I don’t see how you, a lawyer, can say that," Roberts retorted. “ Why, If death ended everything most of you lawyers would starv e!”—K ansas City Star. KLAMATH FA LLS CONTROVERSY OVER COURT HOUSE CONTINUED KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 9.— No­ tice of appeal from C ircuit J u d g i • S kipw orth's decision which decree 1 the Main stre e t court house the o f­ ficial K lam ath county te a t of gov- | e m in e n t was served on the opposing ' a tto rn ey by th e county court. County C leik Delap had sta rte d m oving the c le rk 's off.ee into tho Main stre e t building. The notice of ¡appeal cam e on the heels of this I move, b u t County Judge Bunnell 1 would not say th a t the clerk m oving Romance and Mush. The Woman has a friend whose lit­ ¡had hastened th e c o u rt's action. tle boy is a devotee of the movies. Rut not long ago he came home rather bored. The movie had been about ro­ mance, he said, at least, that was its Birds and Animals Exterminated, title. So curiously did he pronounce lands Aga: s'Z I'ucrtes. the well- the word that his mother felt confi­ known i.a i'T alist, says that about fifty dent thut he didn’t know what the ••pecles of Mrd.s anim als have been word means. *.\terminait*il in the United Slides, “Son,” she asked him, “do you know while s« \era l o th ers a re on the verge what romance means?" of exterm ination. The huflalo (ot “Sure,” he said, and then added dis­ bison) is u<»t extinct, th e n beit g n ear­ gustedly, “it means mush.”—Chicago ly 7 0 ,9 0 0 l i v i n g buffaloes :u the United Journal. S tales today. THE UNIVERSAL CAR A t the Churches High School News n lU H T iin tT n r r m » VIJEGIOS) Scatter Sunshine with Greeting Cards J S i r OS «5 SEtìba. Buy Now- Doriî Wait A n d r e m e m b e r - th e lo w e s t firs t cost, th s lo w e s t upkeep an d th e highest resale va lu e o f a n y m o t o r c a r e v e r b u ilt. L et th e Ford O ne-T on T ruck cu t your hauling and delivery c o s ts . R e c o r d s of s a v in g s m ade by h u n d red s of thousands of u sers in p r a c t ic a l ly every lin e of b u s in e s s a re actually astounding. L et us show you. You do not o b lig a te yourself in any w ay. Equipm ent P n eum atic T ires an d D em ountable Rims. Your choice of either th e special gearing of 5 1/6 to 1 for speed delivery or the stan d ard gearing of 7 1/4 to 1 for heavy hauling. Harrison Brothers Ford, Fordson and Lincoln Dealers In Stock Duplicating Sales Books W ITH CARBON Two Books .............................................................. 25c Per D o z e n .................................................................$1.25 In v estig ate our Ideal Two D o z e n ...............................................................$2.25 Arcola One H u n d r e d ...........................................................$8.00 McNair Bros. II we Provost Bros. ASHLAND TIDINGS