Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 09, 1922, Image 1

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    ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w u n u m
$> th e aid of m edicine, cures nine
<& cases o u t of ten of asth m a.
<> This is a proven fact.
® <&<$<$> i>
A shland D aily tidings
❖ MALARIA GERMS cannot eur- ♦
'■$» vive th re e n o n th s in th e rich <3>
ozone at A shland. The pure do-
*§> m estic w ater helps.
(International News Wire Service)
4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43)
; «> ■§» •
<$- <®> ® <§> <§• <®> <$> <$• <§> <$> <$>
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.— By $>,
•> a vote of 11 to 5, the proposed <®>!
• ship subsidy bill was reported <5>
•• favorably to th e sen ate th is af-
• ternoon from the senate com- <U
m erce com m ission, by S enator <®>:
- Jones, W ashington, republican, ♦
• its chairm an.
Ten republicans voted solidly <S>;
ARMORY IS FIL L E D TO C APACITY • to rep o rt the m easure, one dem- $>|
• ocrat w ith them and five o th e r <$>i
• dem ocrats against.
Navy Men and Kids Racing Their Pigeons
No. 83
|<s> new search has been s ta rte d by
I <•> S heriff T raeger and his depu-
i <®> ties for Clara Phillips escaped
■«» “ ham m er m u rd eress.”
i «> her escape last Tuesday, she
; <•> has played “ hide and seek”
®> w ith the au th o rities.
Police a re questioning Guido
Spingola, alias “ The M euse.” in
«> San Francisco, who is suspected
♦’ of aiding Mrs. P hillips in her
zs> getaw ay.
. • '
O regon Man is E n tirely “Solti” to
Subject He D iscu sses; L ocation of
A shland and L itliia P a ik R eceive
Mu« h P raise by V isitor.
B u sin ess Men D iscuss I'uiiiii* anil
( a ic for H om eless; Supplies Need­
ed and Are B eing R ushed from
P ortlan d ; Steam« r Is Burned.
.ASTORIA, O r., Dec. 9.— From
E vangelists for m any creeds have
chaotic ruin, citizens of A storia have
Navy men from the naval air station on North Island, California, ami school children of San I)...... recentlv com-
appeared before tlie public im bued
pledged th eir h e a rts and w orldly
forces and held a big carrier pigeon race in which scores of birds were released bv the youngsters to race hack
w ith th e principles which they advo­
th a t the “ city by the sea” shall
to their lofts at the air station. The photograph shows Ensign Charles G. Shone starting one of the races
cate, b ut never has one stood before
| youngster is holding a bird.
• rise to g re a te r heights. R e p re se n ta ­
a large audience m ore “ so ld ” to his
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9.— An arm y
t i v e business men m et th is m orning
su b ject th an F ra n k Branch Riley, of
Owners of cows in A shland will and m ade plana for reb u ild in g the
of 22,000,000 school children in the
P o rtla n d , in f his illu stra te d story of
have an opportunity to get the a n i- 'c ity and succoring the 2000 hom e-
United S tates to com bat “ the n a ­
the “ L ure of the G reat N o rth w est,”
m als tested on Monday of next week. less. Food for hom eless people for
tional enem y,” th e forest fire, will
delivered a t the A shland A rm ory
The city council has announced th a t io days, clothing for 1000 and coal
he rec ru ite d by Chief F o re ste r W il­
Sixteen (lays yet remain be- /»
F rid ay evening as the crow ning fea-.
a m easure will be ready for adoption a re the u rg e n t peeds. Supplies are
liam B. G reeley, of the forest serv­
C hristm as. Shop now.
tu re of th e W in ter F air.
a t its next m eeting Decem ber 19, and being m ade up in P o rtlan d and will
ice, United S tates d e p a rtm e n t of ag-
i ®>
Decem ber 12.- —A nnual m eet- <•>
A fter a few m inutes talk with Mr. |
will be enforced com pelling all who be rushed here.
) ric u ltu re.
j <♦> ing Red Cross, Civic Club.
Riley, the desire comes to dispense,
sell m ilk or its products to live up
N ational guardsm en and ex-sol-
Greeley said th a t he had w ritten
i è
D ecem ber I 2- -W . C. T. U. <$>'
w ith all fo rm alities, and to speak to
to the testin g and sa n ita ry inspec- diers are patro llin g the streets. Rev.
the sta te su p e rin te n d e n ts of schools
; m eeting.
him as “ F ra n k ,” so g reat is the
W. S. G ilbert, m ajo r of th e old T hird
calling a tte n tio n to th e d an g er from
' <®> D ecem ber 16— Bazaar, and -$■
charm of his m anner and of his p e r-'
T esting is being done free a t th is Oregon d u rin g the w ar, is chairm an
the dry condition of the forest and
■ ®> food sale. C hristian church.
sonality. The secret of his success
tim e by the federal inspector, Dr. of th e relief com m ittee.
w oodlands a t this tim e of year and
! <S> D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, <®/
lies in the fact th a t he does not tell; ■ seeking to brin g before the children
Bishop, w orking in co-operation w ith ;. j t is believed by Mayor B rom m er
le c tu re r Lyceum course.
PH ILA D EL PH IA , Dec. 9 —
PITTSTON, Penn., Dec. 9.— F o u r
of the w onders of the n o rth w est and
the county a g e n t’s office. All who and Chief of Police Carlson th a t th e
¡th e need of care w ith fire.
D ecem ber 22.— High school « are dead and one dying as a resu lt o t ; . ., . . . .
come in the nam e of the im m ortal !<®>
. .
Oregon in p a rtic u la r but he throw s
F o re st fires. Greeley declared, ex­
, .
, p a il to get th e cows tes.ed a t th is ’ co n flag ratio n was incendiary ami
him self into his subject witli aban-i act an appalling toll of property
tim e will probably have to pay qu ite was s ta rte d bv radicals. They say
peace,” was the greeting of Georges/®» m o u th .”
«' Black Diam ond Pow der com pany a t .
, .
. . . . .
don, and his love of th e country is,
heavily to get inspectors in lo r the the blaze broke out sim ultaneously
dam age in the U nited S tates each
) —
—— <
M n cnnn
tir o m
m iles
i l o c from
ir n m
as deep and his devotion as g rea t I year. He estim ated th a t 33.000 for­
j work.
on both sides of Com m ercial stre e t.
>?■ cause is undeterm ined.
The dead
as th a t a m other shows tow ard the est fires occur annually, m ore than forum in a b rief ad d ress m ade here. «» C hristm as Day.
T hree cen tral locations have been
Homes and the rem aining build-
The “ T ig er” says lie is a m an of $> <$> 3> <®> <®» <®> <?> <®> i®- <®’ <®> <®
\®> a re: Ray Alaugli, W illiam W right,
babe in her arm s.
(hosen for cow ow ners to m ake use ings becam e residences last .right for
GO per cent of which “ a re caused by
peace, and avers th a t if G erm any
F ra n k G arran and Ralph Brum m .
“ I th in k th a t L itlila park is the
of in g ettin g th eir cows to the tester, the hom eless. All pow er is off and
hum an carelessness.”
had suspected th a t Am erica and Eng-
; Sebastian F abian is dying.
m ost delig h tfu l com bination of w ild;
Use the one which is handiest to flickering candles and lam ps were
“ Each y e a r.” he said, “ these fires
| land would e n te r into the w ar, th ere
beau ties and m an-m ade ad o rn m en ts i
Many w ere in ju red by flying glass
place. The ca ttle of the south the only lights th ro u g h the storm y
burn over 7.500,000 acres, an area
and o th er m issiles. Trees were up-! en(1 of tQwn wU, |jp teffted at thg b a ,.n „
I have ever seen,” declared Mr. Riley j g re a te r th an M assachusetts, Con-i would have been no w ar.
th is m orning. “ It is a m odel and necticut, New H am pshire and Rhode!
of Mr. B aughm an a t the upper end
p a tte rn for all such to u rist parks. island com bined. Seventeen m illion gressor nation in the fu tu re th a t it
A r f l ’ i n m*Ies away.
Pow der kegs were of the cem etery n e a r H aw thorne]
PORTLAND, Dec. 9.— A supply
\ r l II ¡ it strew n for blocks away from the ex­ school, at 8 o'clock a. m. Those of tra in , furnished by P o r t’and civic or-
A shland is one of the m ost favorably j dollars of o u r co u n try 's w ealth is' will have m ore n a t / ’ns to fight than
V I v U l l plosion. P ractically all the 15 b u ild ­ the c en tral p a rt of town a t the Sm ith ganizations, left early thi. afternoon
situ a te d cities in the w orld, nestling! each year reduced to sm oke and gray the one a tta c k e d .” he said.
“ T ig er” sa t in the historic chair of
ings used in the m an u factu re of ex­
am ong w onderful hills and a t the
b arn n e a r th e cream ery a t 10 a. m ., fo r the stricken people of A storia,
a sh es.”
Jo h n Hancock and placed his hand
plosives are dem olished beyond re- and those of the n o rth end of town i t carried rations for 2000 persons
m outh of a b eau tifu l canyon th a t
A lready pair .
on the L iberty Bell when the “ Mar-
reaches out tow ard a broad and ie i- « Kj K| ?KATE BIRTHDAYS
will m eet at 1 o’clock at the big red for a ten day period. 1 included
¡fo u r d eaths and num erous accidents j
tile valley.
A shland is a t once a
j barn on Alm ond and W im er streets, canned m ilk, sugar, potatoes rice,
! in various p a rts of the sla te have!
challenge, and should be the object
belonging to Mike M organ.
coffee, flour, b u tte r, crackers, m aca-
j been reported as a resu lt of the
of every person who to u rs the w est.”
Mrs George W. Loosley and Mr.
T ake p a rtic u la r notice of the tim e roni and o th e r provisions.
j storm , which, w ith m any of tire roads
T hough he has delivered his lec- E l, j^eji ceiebr ated th e ir b irthdays
and places of these testings if you Cross nurses a re ready to go fo rth
¡closed to traffic and d rifts piling up
tu re on the no rth w est in h u n d red s j j ojn^jy F rid ay evening a t th e home
; wish to tak e advantage of the free in case sickness b reaks out.
1 along the upper C olum bia River
of cities and to tho u san d s upon thou- oi u ls Loosley on Oak stre e t, w here)
(te stin g , M onday, Decem ber 11.
highw ay today seem worse th an it
sands of people, Mr. Riley delivered a tjne ¿ jn n er was served to those;
__________________ PORTLAND, Dec. 9.— The Ione”
has been a t any tim e s lice the tem ­
his talk last night with the en th u si- vv|lQ ,la(| g a th e red to help m ake the*
I AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY , was swept by fire today while docked
p e ra tu re began to descend the early
asm of a school boy declaim ing hi- (i ,y a p leasan t one for those cele-'
harbor. The loss of the steam -
i p a rt of the week.
m aiden e ffo rt.
i b ratin g .t h e an n iv ersary of th e ir
j er is $4000 and $6000 ad d itio n al
5 The d eath s deported a re:
“ Few people west of the M issis-1 pir(h
DUBLIN, Dec. 9.— Dublin is com-;
tjie to its supply paper. The “ Ione” was
Both Neff and B aughm an were de-
Adolph Croupe, 23, who died in ■ paratively q u iet today, a fte r the
At the reg u la r m eeting of
sippi riv er realize the collosal i. nor-
Those present d u rin g the evening
f o l- 1 engaged in riv er tra ffic betw een
mice of th e west th at I find th ro u g h - v v,.., -qr an(1 Alrs E E Loosley and clared to be technically legal players the storm in the C atherine Creek sum m ary execution of " R o ry ” O 'C o n -'Am erican LeS 'on A uxiliary the
f0,. C am as,V ancouver, W ash., P o rtlan d
out tlie east, and I have talk ed he- son ot-
Calif., Mr. a n d ; a t the eligibility hearing in Salem hills near La G rande; F ra n k E. Ar- nor and th re e o th er republican ir- iow,,ig officers were elected
of M
M ontague,
ontague, Calif.,
oj. and way points.
H. C.
fore various cham bers of comm erce, Mrs. C. V. Loosley and two children, J today, according to a sp ecial w ire not, who w as crushed under a fall- reg u la r chiefs. T ogether w itu the! 1923: P resid en t, Mrs
civic bodies, public gath erin g s and Mr. and Mrs. F red Neil, sons Joe to the Tidings from George A. Bris- *n& limb in a logging cam p n ear F ree S taters th re a t of fu rth e r execu-:COtt’ first vice'l)resid en t- Mrs. S. A .'
ed ucational in stitu tio n s,” Mr. Riley and Kay and d a u g h te r, and Mr. and coe, su p erin ten d en t of schools. This M arshfield, and David Linn, ow ner tions, it gave a tem porary setback t o ! P eters Sr.; second vice-president, H<)l ”
will end all fu rth e r controversy upon Qi th e Eugene Sand and Gravel com- republican plans for co u n ter re p ris a ls • ^ 1S*
S o u th er, secretary , Mrs.
declared. "T he questions asked of Mrs. G. W. Loosley.
tre a s u re r, Mrs. Don-
“ 7. Y
me follow ing niy lecturhs show the
the subject.
‘11IU '«vneuce.
._. „ .. .
„! The M artha G illette c h a p te r of
most elem ental know ledge of the G ascliiu, S ale; Heavy—•
q u a r­
to rep a ir a cable broken by high wa- tak en to g uard th s lives of F re ei S pencer’ ch aPla in > M rs- Lynn Slack:
n o rth w est. People are su rp rised , a l­
T here were 5,405,454.2 gallons of HONOLULU SAID SHIVERING
terly banquet last evening in the
s ta te officials and governm ent p ro p -' p ia n ist’ M rs' Cecil N orton; sergeant
m ost asto u n d ed , to learn tlia in gasoline sold in Oregon during Octo-'
WHEN MERCURY READS 71 te r in the W illam ette.
P resb y terian church. T hirty guests
W illiam Cosgrove, F ree S ta te ! a t a rra s ’ M rs' S' A' P eters J r -
Oregon pavem ent exists out :dc the jj,,r according to rep o rts filed w ith
sat dowh to a table p rettily deco­
d o lla is was sent to sta te
HONOLULU T. H., Dec. 9. “ Cold bureau reported th a t H onolulu had leader, says th e re is “ only one way t o 1 P>'e
lim its of the la rg e r cities.
-•'ani K ozer, secretary of state. The
rated w itn C h ristr as scarlet and
L h iistm as
D uring his a n n u al to u rs of the sta te tax to ta ls $112,254.60,. W hile W ave H its H aw aii” is the way the had its coldest w eather in many crush conspiracy and assassinations, liead<iuarter!’ 101 t,ie
cheer fund, and $10 to the Am erican S’ een , ancI loaded v-ith th e d elect­
east in the in te rests of the n o r th - , ga3Ojjne s a ies decreased 15 per cent ed ito r headed a story in one of the years. The tem p e ra tu re dropped to and th a t is by strik in g te rro r into
tneri an able viands, to which all did am ple
w est the press of the larg e r cities as co,n .)areii to the previous m onth, local new spapers when the w eath er 71 degrees.
j the h e a rts of the c o n sp irato rs.”
Legion C hristm as fund. In stallatio n
» I
V» r. new year «..Til
of officers for 4 the
will justice. A happy fea tu re was th e
devote e n tire sections to the subject , aleg of ¿¡stiU ate show a gain of
fake place a t the next re g u la r m eet­ opening of th e m ite hag, tot -ling the
p resen ted by th e lec tu re r, w hile m ore th an 30 per cent.
am ount in the tre a su ry at $50. Of
ing, Decem ber 22.
m any of th e new spapers carry in g an O. A. C. Yaeaton Soon—
this, $10 was paid on tlie church
illu stra te d section, come to him and
S tudents now a tte n d in g the Ore­
fund, $10 to the union C hristian col-
beg to be given pictu res of the gon A gricu ltu ral college a t Corval- Entertain Berean Class—
To M eet in New Club H ouse —
Leaves fo r Dunsimiii*'—
leges in the O rient and $20 to the
n orthw est.
I s will be re tu rn in g hom e for the
The m onthly m eeting of the Bap-
The L adies’ A rt club will hold
C. E. H orne left th is week for
COMMUNITY HOUSE TONIGHT w om en’s board of m issioins for Guild
Mr. Riley counts th a t lectu re a a n n u al C hristm as vacation in a sh o rt tist Berean class, Mrs. O. F. Carson, th e ir reg u lar m eeting Monday even- D unsm uir, Calif., w here he has been:
failu re th a t does not find himseU ; inie ypp vacation period will be- teach er, was e n te rta in ed by Mrs. ing and a re tak in g a d v an tag e of ihe tia n s fe rre d by the Southern Pacific
Lovers of m usic will be given a
Mrs. Jam es R udd, a patroness who
su rro u n d ed by a larg e and eag er gin ¡n a n ttle m ore th an a week. C hannell a t her cozy new b uilt home new C om m unity club house which com pany.
The H orne’s have been tre a t this evening at the C om m unity has gone to C alifornia for the win-
< rowd. anxious to verify the state- Oregon and o th er colleges will close on Fairview and Union stre e ts, they will use for th e ir m eeting for residing on Iowa stre e t, and the club house, when Miss Alice Lavina ter, had sent a gift, as did Mrs W il-
m ea ts he has m ade and the tru th d ieir doors a few days later.
T hursday aftern o o n . A fter devotion- the first tim e.
The hostesses for fam ily are leaving shortly,
Andrew s will d em o n strate the Duo- liam L indsay, of F allon, Nev., a for-
of his lectures. In m an; instances L! nuith t > (»per, Season—
al exercises, the afternoon was spent the evening a re M esdames Short- Beep Snow on D ead Indian—
i A rt reproducing piano. Twelve num - m er m em ber.
The sp irit of good
it is h ard for them to gra p ihe la d
Official opening of the C hristm as in review of Bible work in the Sun- ridge, P a tto n and H arkins.
Jam es Sm ith, of Phoenix, and a hers a re on the program , m ost of fellow ship, in num bers and in serv-
th a t they are real and not the w ork season at K lam ath F alls will be m ade day school. The study of the life of G ran ts P ass Men Id entified—
p a rtn e r ta m e in from the Dead In- which are the very best in the m usi- ice the Guild is becom ing an increaa-
i»f som e a rtist wi h a g re a ’ im ag i- q'uesday. C hristm as trees tor stre e t C hrist will be tak en up a t the next Positive id entification of Oregon
dian country T hursday, and rep o rt cal world, w hile the playing is a re- ing joy to all who a tte n d .
So great is the am ount o ' deco::, ions, one for each 25 feet, m eeting in Ja n u a ry .
Delicious re-; and Dewey Jones, charged with high- th re e feet cf snow on the fa rth e r side production of the best a rtists of the
T om orrow ’s program
in te re st, Mr. Riley states, th a t it i will be supplied to m erchants (a t $1 fresh m en ts
consisting of ice cream way robbery n o rth of G rants Pass of the m ountain. They spent all day day.
prom ises to be of exceptional m erit
seldom he is ahi» to find opportunity e a ch ).
High school boys will cut and th re e kinds of cake were served ¡last Septem ber, as convicts 1909 and W ednesday trav elin g by foot from
The program is being given by a t which tim e Mrs. C harles R oberts
to w rite hom e until 2 o'clock of
the the trees and bring them to to w n ., d u rin g the afternoon. Those p resent 1910, by officials of the O klahom a Lost P ra irie to the H unt ranch on Rose B rothers, m usic d ealers of this will speak on the po? ry of India,
m orning follow ing his le c tu re .
In- The stores will not be open in the beside th e hostess, w ere: M esdam es; sta te refo rm ato ry , has been
m ade the Dead Indian road. They w alked city, who a re local agents for the Miss Eva I’cley on In d ia ’s m usic,
v itations, le tte rs and phone calls a r e vening, hut every m erch an t
will O. F. Carson C. A. C otter, J. H The ea ste rn sentences were
given in from the H unt ranch T hursday, in stru m e n t tired d u rin g the evening, and will sing “ In the Secret of His
received in a veritable flood.
Mr. his windows decorated
and P h ilp o tt, S. A. P eters Jr., Elda An- Ju ly 12, 1917. Oregon Jones is said The men have been trap p in g and re- The public is cord ally invited to at- P resence,” w ritten by a H indu Mrs.
Riley is m ore than a lec tu re r, talk - u -h te d .
. derson, E. Spates, C. T aylor, H. to have been released from the Ore- port having cau g h t two fine ani- tend the program .
K oehler will speak on “ W hat India
ing on his su b ject; he ;s a m ission- Biael Bear Near City—
H am ilton and F. Dodge.
i gon sta te tra in in g school a t Salem m ala, one being a fisher and the
Can C ontribute to C h ristian ity .” A
ary of the northw est.
W hile going up the canyon road M eets w ith M rs, C o tter—
in Septem ber, 1916.
o th er a m arten.
A ttend Salem Hearing-—
welcome is extended to all women
N early 1000 people g ath ered in one m th is week, W. A. Con-
The F rid a y A fternoon E b ro id ery Gives C ard P a rty —
¡Football Donee Tonight—
! G. A. Briscoe, sup erin ten d en t of who can a tte n d .
the Arm ory la s t n ig h t, u n til a ll a v a i '- 'n r a,id Mr. K elts spied a good-sized club met yesterday aftern o o n a t th e;
Mrs. H enry C arter gave a d elight-,
In honor of th e football team , schools, and B. F. F orsythe, princi-
abl ■ sta n d in g room was tak en , and black bear crossing the road ju s t hom e of Mrs. C. A. C otter, on H arri- ful “ 500” p arty a t her hom e on Floyd Dickey has extended an invi- pal of thp high school, left last night ENDERS AND YINING WIN
m any w ere unable to gain a d m ittan ce above the th ird bridge beyond the son stre e t. The afternoon was s p e n t; Sixth s tre e t last evening, which was Ration to all th e football squad to for Salem , to atten d the eligibility
to fth e building. Mr. Riley expressed low er reservoir.
Mr. C onner says in the rush of com pleting m any followed by a delicious lunch. Mrs. a tte n d th e dance as his guests a t hearin g reg ard in g two M edford foot-
him self as he ng delighted with the th e hear did not see them approach- dainty th in g s for C h ristm as gifts, Alex L iviugstdn won first prize and Jackson H ot Springs th is evening, hall players. The hearing was set
F irs t prize in window display corn-
a tte n tio n given him by th e audience, ing u r il the- w ere only a short dis- d u rin g which tim e light refresh m e n ts Mrs. C. R. D. Jones was able to hold The following m en have been invit- for 10 o ’clock th is m orning, b u t petition d u rin g the W inter F a ir was
and th e lack of any d istractio n so tance aw ay, but th a t he m ade tra c k s w ere served. Those present w ere: fo rth for the next prize. Those pres- ed: Beeson, M arske, Hobson, Chap- n e ith e r of the two men could esti- given to th e E n d ers Company, with
common with a crowd of th at size.
in a g reat h u rry once he saw them . M esdam es Roy H ale, M ark Sm ith, ent ior the evening w ere: M esdames m an, C arlton, W entner,
Caldw ell, m ate the tim e th a t would elapse be- the Holm es grocery second and
Mr. Riley will speak at Kl vmath Mr. C onner also says th a t on T hurs- W alter F ru la n , O. W. Long, J. C. ■ C. R. D. Jones, R. E. H all, Tony Bowernian, Dix, M offit,
L o ck h art fore the decision could be learned. Swenson & P eebler third.
F alls Tuesday and a Mi 1» id on day m orning he saw tra c k s w here P oor F ra n k Nelson, Roy H osier, H. F ranco, Roy G e a rh art, W illiam Hab- and B utterfield.
Y ell-leader H all, Mr. F orsythe sta te d he though'' it
The Vining th e a tre was given first
W ednesday, when he will talk a $ a five o r six deer cam e down th e road C. Em ery, Guy Jacobs, and the host-i erlay, O. B. T u rn e r, Roy H osier, "'ill also be present, and will assist probable the findings would not be place for having the m ost a ttrac tiv e
m eeting of the M edford ft-ru n it to th e Lacy hom e, which is only a ess. G uests for th s aftern o o n w erejM illie Sackett, Mrs. L ivingston, W il- in m aking the evening lively. Ever- retu rn ed for a day or so.
Coach booth a t the A rm ory, with D etricks
noon, and to a public m eeting, snons- little ways above the upper cam p- M esdam es F. Dodge, E. C risler, C. liam W allace, Lena B reeding and e tt Aeklin will furnish tra n s p o rta tio n . W alter H ughes did not m ake the groceteria second, and the A shland
©red by th e C raters, iu th e evening. ; ground.
»Cream ery third.
Domar and H. Bell.
j trip.
i W illiam Loomis.
jf o r th e boys.
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