A fc r tliA it DAILY TIDINGS PACT FOUR Local and Personal I F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby I doll sets, garden sets, bloom er suits. 80tf St. Rugs on exhibition a t the W in- te r F a ir. 80-2* - Sunday Dinner E at your Sunday d in n er a t the „ . , „ ~ . z.r. Bilby G irl A t l i v e s — Hom e R e sta u ra n t and B akery, 69 D , .. . „ Mr. and Mrs. Edm und B .irre.t, N orth Main. 82-ti ! , . , . , , fo rm er A shland people,, now res.- i dents of A lbany, Or., a re the proud We have w hat you w ant for th at p aren ts of a baby girl, which arrived X m as gift a t th e V ariety Store. Best I D z ecem ber 3, word of which has ju st values in town. 89 N. Main St. 75tf i been received. The young d a u g h te r has ju st been nam ed E lizabeth Lois. Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any Botff m other and d a u g h te r are do­ price. F o r sound insurance a t re a ­ ing nicely. sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. E stab lish ed 1883. J4 tf Have your clothes cleaned and pressed a t 'P au lseru d ’s. 78tf Armenian Lace Sale — Mrs. Sam M cNair and Mrs. A. See E nders Co. for special prices M arske will be in charge of the A r­ ¡on spuds balance of this week. 80-3 m enian lace sale S atu rd ay afternoon a t Rose Bros. V ictrola room. "* F a ir Specials— Mill ru n , $1.50 per sack; Olympic and Crown flour, $2 B e tte r insurance a t reasonable per sack; corn m eal, 25 cents per rate s. B illings Agency. Phone 211. 'sa ck . Plaza M arket, 61 N. Main. 78tf Cliff Payne has sp u r ste si ladders. Friday, December 8, 1922 I M ERRY C H R ISTM A S Say It IVith Photographs SPEAK ING LIKENESSES nearer to the folks far away. / immeasurable. PRICE SALE Such photographs are of value They speak more eloquently than words, and PRICE SALE in a tongue th at all can understand. PICTURE FRAMES FRAMED PICTURES Our Complete Line Goes at One- Half Regular Prices Ju st the Thing for th a t Xmas Gift STUDIO ASHLAND All sizes up to 10x12, 20c to 50c each Candle Sticks Photo Albums Gift Novelties On the Plaza SEE THE WINDOWS i Here for Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. George Corey, of j M edford, w ere in th e city T hursday SEE THE WINDOWS to a tte n d th e fu n eral of Mrs. W il- Best prices on spuds a t E nders. jliam H ardy, m other of Mrs. Jam es 80-3 H. D oran and T. F . D oran. The C orey’s w ere old M innesota friends j N ina Mevuiui M arried— of th e D oran’s before coining to the Miss N ina M evuns, d a u g h te r of TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Rogue R iver valley. O ur candy prices are rig h t, q u al­ Vernon Doran H e r e - Mrs. Axel H all, 247 L aurel stre e t, V ernon D oran, of O akland, Calif., ity considered. Rose Bros. 74tf HIGH SCHOOL GIRL w ishes posi­ has been m arried in Santa B arbara, L ast week I insured a F ord, an au- called h e re by th e deaQi of his tion in fam ily, w here she can Calif., to Mr. G erald W eeding, a c ­ tom obile and a truck, Yeo, of E at b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros, g ran d m o th er, Mrs. W illiam H ardy, work for h er board and clothes cording to word ju st received in the course. Phone 27 4-J. 79tf 7 4 tf ¡w ill rem ain in A shland u n til a fte r and go to school. In q u ire 637 city. Miss Mevuns is a g rad u a te of ---------- - ---------- ! the C hristm as holidays. He will E ast Main. 82-4* th e A shland high school. Help celebrate w ith the football Will Have Saxophone Band— i visit wjtb b}8 p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf Bread, 52tf • Photographs th a t tug at the heart strings, th at bring one COME AND HEAR! • MISS DOROTHY NICHOLS, of Chicago, spesiks on Ihe thenwj, "MY LIFE IN THE CONVENT AND MY CONVERSION TO PROTEST­ ANTISM,” Sunday, 7:30 P. M„ at the Presbyter an, ( lunch. boys a t Jackson H ot Springs Satur- A band composed exclusively of j am es jj Doran. FOR SALE— Silver Lad 2D717947; 72tf day night. 80-4 saxophones, played by high school; _______ price $100. V ,H. C hapm an, Neil ______ stu d en ts, is th e problem being work Creek. 82-3* Y ou’ll need one of P a u lse ru d ’s | out by Carl H Loveland, d irecto r j suitg d u r,ng thg holidaya W hy does Yeo w rite so m uch in­ A .r iv e Hero from K ansas— . 78tf su ran ce? T h ere’s a reason. In su re ! CONVALESCENT HOME— Are you W ith A shland as th e ir destin atio n , of high school band. T here a re , _________________ w ith him and "spend the differen ce.” a t p resent 12 of th e boys playing poisoning yourself with food? Mr. and Mrs. W ill Mapes and son NOTICE P hone 274-J. 79tf ibis in stru m e n t, and w ith th e recent W a arren of « M larsn arshalltow ¡w rr e n Mapes, rnapes, oi a.iio w n n, , - -...... ................................. , Qn g a tu rd D ecem ber 9, the ! Come and see w hat tem p tin g tra y s j —W hat a happy thought for fond, parents and loving | we can fix you w ithout s ta r c h e s 1 K a „ „ , . a rriv ed In the city la s . n i g h ., I™ ''* » ” °< ■ T r i t o n , snrophone b y , p o u rth A nother big dance a t Jackson Hot friends—a captivating photograph of son or daughter. or sw eets. 82-1, a lte r being on the road to r six weeks, i . J b e i l C otter, a com ple.e in strn m e n -, u n d e r new m anagem rn ,. w nl Spr.'ngs S aturday. The football team m anagem en i------------------------------------------------------- | —A dozen photographs will solve a DOZEN puzzling will be present. W ill you be th ere? The p arty m ade the trip in a Buick ’ ltio n is possible. handle all fresh and cured m eats at FOR RENT— Two fu rn ish ed a p a rt­ gift problems. Make an appointment today and avoid i" 6 ” and took th e so u th ern route. I ---------- 80-4 reasonable prices. E. B. Decker.82-3 m ents, both have outside room s. j Snow was encountered a t G allup B e tte r be safe th an sorry. See the bustle and confusion of Christmas week. W ill re n t for the w inter very Pass, New Mexico, and a fu rth e r de- Beaver R ealty Co. about your lnsur- NOTICE —Photographs cost less than many gifts and tire more Dolls repaired. F ix it Shop. 82tf cheap. Phone 263. Mrs. M. J. 2 8 7 ti| A rm enian lace sale, S atu rd ay a f­ to u r to tlie south was m ade. Several ance- Phone 68. acceptable than most. A large photograph given with- Shook. 82-21 ---------- ternoon, 1 o'clock. Rose Bros. Vic­ C alifornia points w ere visited en CARD OF THANKS every dozen. The Mapes will spend the Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf i We th an k our m any friends fo r t h e ! tro la room. Mrs. Sam M cNair and route. MALE HELI' W ANTED x w in ter here w ith the Jo h n W ild fam - jjread Mrs. A,. A. M arske in charge. 52tf: kindness shown U3 d u rin g ou r sor- WANT PA RTIES w ith o r w ithout ily, whom they used to know in th e _______ DARLING STUDIO row, especially th e Cl. A. R. post and . cars, to travel in Oregon and Cali- m iddle west. i \ VM- Agency E stab lish ed — W. R. C. fornia. A splendid money m ak- for “ P ortraits th a t Please’’ W ith the estab lish m en t of the; Mrs. Jam es Lowe. ; ing proposition. If in terested , call EVER BEA R IN G R A SPB E R R IE S B uescher band in stru m e n t line by W alter Lowe. Room 111, H otel A shland. 82-1* LA FRANCE, the larg est and most Carl H. Loveland in th e E nders de­ prolific, 50c each 3 for $1; E r ­ p a rtm e n t sto re, A shland now has skine P ark, R anere and St. Regis, ihe agency for th is line for so u th ern th e best shippers, 10c each o r $5j . I Oregon. T here is now a com plete per 100. E verbearing s tra w b e r­ stock of th is m ake of band in s tru ­ ries, $2 and $3 per 100; M arvel m ents in the city. Several sales and Siovilli, $2 per 100. The Cory have been m ade in M edford. T hornless B lackberry, tips 15c j each, 20 for $2.50 or $11 per 100.' Cliff Payne m akes shaving stands. I have tried B urbanks and th re e 75tf o th er kinds and th e Cory is th e _ only “ th o rn le ss” p lan t th a t w illi o rd e rs tak e n for N avajo ru g s .' — by- produce enough fru it to pay to Mrs M E Thom pson, 585 T errace p lan t .and cultivate. ip m o n th -o ld Save by buying doll clothes a t p lan ts have produced 25 pounds o f |th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf large b erries and no tho rn s. D. P _______ Admission, 10 and SÔC R em em ber D ecem ber 5 to 8. W in-; Blue, 500 A shland St., A shland, ------W hat an enrichment of life Christmas brings. It brings a twinkle to the eye, a smile to the lip. It gives to O regon. 82-5* te r F a ir. D etrick sells for less. /In Xmas Gift - Your Photograph “ T h e Son of the W o lf” ré a / u re Jack London ouze ÍZ ; every home-the cheer th at m arks the day’with love. I t w arm s us with a fellow feeling for child and adult. It stirs us with the spirit to give. ------We cannot too soon embrace this exhilirating spirit. Time is too brief to lag. Right now — while there is ample elbow room, fresh and full assortments of merchandise, the salespeople unwearied—is the time for the ad­ venture ci Christmas Shopping ai the Treasure House o f Christmas Gifts. Shop early and shop early in the day. ‘Toys and Dolls on the Balcony’ MBF You Can Save 1-3 to 1-2 Here -i. Handkerchiefs You will fir. d here a most complete stock of handker­ chiefs for men, women and children. Priced— 7c to $1.25 each 1 G1 ives Fancy Bath Towels We have for your selection a large assortment of Fancy Bath Towels and Fancy Bath Towel sets, priced— Towels—35c to $1.39 ea. Sets—98c to $2.25 Sweaters Corduroy Robes Bath Robe Blankets W omen’s Corduroy Robes in regular and extra sizes. Col­ ors, rose, blue, American Beautv and gold. Priced— $5.48 to $9.98 Blankets for making Bath Rohes for men and women, in light and dark patterns. Priced at $4.98 and $5.98 . Felt Slippers Hand Bags and Vanity Comfy Felt Slippers with Cases cushion soles, all styles for The Xmas shopper will find All wool Knit Sweaters for men, women and children. women in slipover and Tux­ a most complete line of hand edo styles, also sweaters for Also leather slippers for men hags and Vanity Cases for girls and boys in coat and women. Priced— slipover styles. $1.25 to $10.98 Give her a Silk Kimona. A new line made of changeable Men’s Silk and Knit Ties, in .Satin Printed Silk and Dainty new Neckwear for Holeproof S lk Sox for men in black an I brown, some a large assortment of p at­ Cheney Satin. Also cotton the Xmas Shopper—vestees, with fancy drop stitch, and terns. Some in Xmas boxes. kimonas made of Box Loom Bertha collars, collar and cuff sets. Priced— Crepe. Priced— Priced at priced at per pair— 69c to $1.85 ea. 59c to $6.98'ea. $6.95 to $17.50 653, 85c, 89c, $1.25 W omen’s a n d children’s gloves in Chamoisette, Wool Knit, leather gloves in Cape and Kid, all styles and prices for the Xmas shopper. Silk Sox Silk Kimonas Neck Tics DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE E. R. ISAAC & CO. The Quality Store New Neckwear ONLY 13 SHOPPING DAYS • UNTIL XMAS WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED