UHLAND DAILY TIDINCtt F riday, Decem ber b, 1922 ■ l i m tc C ongregations Are Stirred — B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L Follow ing the appearance of Dr. C harles S. P rice in Albany, he has become the storm center of a contro­ versy of wide range. The new spa­ pers of C orvallis and R oseburg dis­ cuss the m atte r, in the form er town editorially, and cites the Rev. Boozer, a form er m in ister of M edford, as being ‘not in accord with the- th e ­ o ry .” The issue has stirre d pulpit and congregation to th e ir founda­ tions. Local and Personal Ona ceni th e w ord each tim e. FOR SALE. PH YSICIANS. V isited from Y r e k a - FOR SALE— Dry laurel wood, plenty Mrs. Alice M. Young, of Y reka, r e ­ of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tie i, cently visited her son,-in-law and $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; throat. Office hoars, 10 to 12 an d a u g h te r, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. May­ 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25; I to 5. Swedenborg Bldg., A il delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* berry, who la te r took her home iff land. Ore 73-t th e ir car. DR. J . J. EM HEN8— P hyslc'an an: FOR SALE' OR RENT— P a rtly fu rn ­ ished house. 311 G ranite In­ Surgeon. P ractice lim ited V quire Nelda Cafe. 72tf F a ir Specials— No. 1 B urbank po­ eye, ear, nose and throht. Glasse supplied. O culist and a u rlst fo SW EET CID ER— Made fresh every tato es, $1.45 per 100 pounds; fanev S. P. R. R. Oi flees, M. F. and E Fancy Y akim a N etted Gems, $1.32 day. Two gallons 75c, one gallon Y akim a Gems $1.50 per 100 pounds. Bldg., M sdford, Ore. P hone 7 6 80-3 40c, delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. Plaza M arket, 61 N. Main. 78tf per cw t., a t E nders. DR. M ATTIE II. SHAW — Residence FOR SALE— F o u r room cottage, city Piano T uning— and office, 1GS P ioneer avenue. W e have the best prices on used w ater and lights, larg e lot, some Now- is the tim e to have your piano Telephone 28. Office house, 10 fru it garage, nice location. Low cars to be found In th e city. Come tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio, to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 p. in., only. Buick price for cash or will sell on term s. in and look them over. 135 E ast Main. P hone 465. G6tf DR. H. M. SHAW— Physician and Agency. 72tf See Mrs. C. E. Lane, Tidings. 76-6 Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, K lam ath (Tub P rogi’essiv e— E ars, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses fit­ ted. Room 8, Mills-McCall Block. FOR SALE— Or tra d e for city prop­ VisittMl in Maytem— The K lam ath R iver Highway club, erty, five acres, house, o u tb u ild ­ Phone 79 or 28. Mrs. F. N. R oberts and d au g h ter, organized less th an th ree m onths ings, reservoir. P rice $2500. Miss Olym pia R oberts, Mr. and Mrs. ago, now has a volunteer m em ber­ DR. G. C. PH E T T E P L A C E — D entist Mrs. W. G. Day, back of norm al W alter W anaka and children, Mrs. — successor to W. E. Buchanan. ship of 120, according to a pam phlet school. 78-6* W alter E astm an , of A shland, and W. Special a tte n tio n given to s tra ig h t­ issued from the clu b ’s h e a d q u arte rs ening and care of- c h ild re n ’s teeth. L aughlin, of Sunnyside, W ash., were a t K lam ath Falls. The inception and FOR SALE OR RENT— Piano. 573 Office hours, 9 to 12 a n d / 1:30 to ’ 5. Office phone 151. R esidence E. Main St. 81-3* recent guests a t th e hom e of Mr. and grow th of th e club can be credited Mrs. Cloyd L aughlin, of M ayten. phone 201-J. Cam ps Buliding, to O regonians who a re am bitious to A shland, Oregon. 45tf SITU A TIO N W A N TED have an o u tle t to th e coast th rough Com plete sets fo r dolls a t Needle- CHIROPRACTORS- WANTED Middle aged lady to c ra ft Shop— Coats, suits, caps, etc , Siskiyou county, says th e Siskiyou News. w ork fo r her board and room and D R . E. 11. ANGELL— Chiropractic 80if a sm all wage. Call in person a t reasonably priced. and E lectro-T herapy. The combi 90 F ifth St. SOtf L et us clean and press your clothes nation does w onders. F irs t N at'l before the holiday season. L ad ies’ Libby’s Mince M eat in b ulk and B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. W ANTED. jars. Plaza M arket, 61 N. M ain.78tf work a specialty. A shland C leaning H ouse Calls RELIA BLE PARTY w ith real estate and Dyeing W orks. Auto delivery. security, w ants to borrow $1500 Arm y Ojicns Offices— VETERINARY Phone 63 * 79tf to $2000 from p riv ate p arty for H ea d q u a rte rs for th e 382d in fa n ­ DR. J . P. CHISHOLM — G raduate two years. See R. D. S anford, 399 try U. S. arm y, organized reserve, W hy not buy her a Singer Sewing veterinary. Located on tlie Gill Beach St., A shland. 81 tf have been opened in the federal M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 property, west of tlie Norm al building, M edford. The purpose of per m onth will put one in your home. School on W alker Ave. NOTICE OF ROND SALE the office is to in te re st ex-arm y offi­ S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. N otice is hereby given th a t sealed CONVALESCENT HOME cers and qualified civilians in the of­ F ir St., M edford. bids will be received by the board fic e rs’ reserve corps, and secu ie en­ CONVALESCENT HOME — Good cheer. Good care. Good food. u n til Tuesday, J a n u a ry 2, 1923, a t listed men for the enlisted reserve Mrs. 'Vance’s Brother D ies— T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite 10 o’clock a. m., a t the office of the corps. W ord has been received in th e city St. P hone 411-R. 306-lm o Board of D irectors of the Gold Hill of the deAth last week of L. D. Irrig a tio n D istrict, w ithin th e boun­ P o tato special balance of this week ( “ B uck” ) King, for m any years a T R A N SFE R AND EXPRESS* daries of said d istric t, in Jackson a t E nders. 80-3 resident of Siskiyou county, a t FO R prom pt and carefu l service county, Oregon, for the purchase of Y reka, The fu n eral was held the a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal bonds in th e sum of ten thousand F o r th e b e st chili. Try Rose firs t of th is week. His only living W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 Office, 89 Oak stre e t n ear Hotel dollars ($ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ), voted and a u th o ­ Bros. 7 4 tf relativ e was Mrs. G ertru d e Vance, of A shland. 56tl rized Novem ber 15, 1921, of Gold this city. As Mrs. Vance is a m em ­ Hill Irrig a tio n ’D istrict, Jackson Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. ber of the P y th ian S isters, Y reka T. L . P O W E L L — GENERAL TRANS F E R — Good team and m otor County, Oregon. (Said bonds being m em bers of the organization a ssist­ tru ck s. Good service a t a reason in addition to th e sum of eighty-five Move Here from E tna Milla— ed in m aking arra n g e m e n ts for the a b le price. P hone 83. thousand dollars ($85,000.00) In Mr. and Mrs. C harles M artin, of fu n era l. K ing, who was 44 years of bon^As previously au th o rized and the F rench Creek section, n e a r E tna FOR RENT. age, was recently rem oved from a Said bonds are num bered M ills, Calif., who are now visiting in ------------------------------------------------ ----- ; sold.) .hospital a t K lam ath F alls. lie had com m encing w ith C entral Point, will re tu rn to Ash­ FOR RENT— F o u r room furnished consecutively, been a resident of C alifornia for the num ber one and following in n u m eri­ land in a sh o rt tim e and m ake th eir a p a rtm e n t, w ith garage. A dults past 30 years. • only. 1101 Boulevard. 76tf cal order, m atu re serially, in an nual home here. They had been residents am ounts, so as to be approxim ate of the C alifornia com m unity for sev­ At Y our Service— F O R R E N T — Six room h o u se, also w ith principal and in te re st, and shall eral years. F ire , Auto and Accident Insurance. fu rn itu re for sale. 183 G re sh a m 1 be payable in Gold Coin of the U nit­ City Hom es, B usiness P ro p e rty and Buy th a t Xm as gift at th e V ariety R anches bought and sold on com m is­ S t. 7 8 -6 * j ed S tates; said bonds will be dated J a n u » a rv I » 1923, and bear in te re st a t Store. 89 N. Main St. 75tf sion. H ere since 11901. Staples FOR REN T— Six room house, also! 6 per cent payable sem i-annually. R ealty Agency. 75(f fu rn itu re lo r rale. 193 G re sh a m 1 If you w ant the b est th ere is in For fu rth e r and detailed in fo rm a­ St. 79-6*| tion, apply to th e Secretary of the bacon, boiled ham «,, chipped beef, A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys FO R RENT— A splendid th re e rooinj Gold Hill Irrig a tio n D istrict, Gold lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ in balcony. E ast Side Pharm acy. 78t furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. | ric k ’s. W e sell for less. 48tf 357 V ista St. Phone 122. 8 0 t f , Hill, Oregon. The rig h t is reserved to reject any Ask your grocer for Goiden Sheaf FOR RENT — H ousekeeping a p a rt­ and all bids. R esolu tion s A re P assed— Bread. 52tf m ents, close in. 573 E. Main St. The Jackson County Medical soci­ GOLD H ILL IRRIGATION 81-3* j ety, a t a special m eeting, passed a DISTRICT. W ill A ttend H earing— set of resolutions on th e d e a th of By Geo. W. Jacobs, P resident. LOST. S u p erin ten d en t of Schools Aubrey Dr. H enry H. H qrt, of M edford, s ta t­ D. N. Stead, Sm ith, P rincipal Cam pbell and C r r h ing the deep feeling of reg re t his LOST— F la t key in lea th er key case Chas. E. Gray,« D irectors. E ddie D urno, of th e high school, will d eath has created am ong o th er m em ­ word “ C hicago” stam ped on key A ttest F red G. Guy, Secretary. leave F rid ay evening for Salem , R etu rn to T idings office. 81-2 (S eal) 76-5-fr bers of the profession. The com m it­ w here they will a p p e ar before the tee on resolutions was R obert J. Con­ sta te a th le tic association S aturday, in roy, F. G. Sw edenburg and W illiam the eligibility p ro test filed b y ' A sh­ W. P. Holt. The association a tte n d ­ land ag ain st B aughm an and Neff of ed Dr. H a rt’s fu n era l T hursday a f­ the local football team , says the Med­ ternoon in a body. * ford Mail T ribune. A speedy deci­ sion is expected in the case. i 3. S tren g th en your stom ach and DR. ER N EST A. WtXlDS— Practic lim ited to eye", ear, nose an Life- I PAG® TURES -a— H - s - s ALWAYS A GROWING CONCERN Impossible to Set Boundaries That Shall Confine the Growth of the English Language. William Shakespeare's vocabulary I was about 15,500 words. John Milton needed only 8,000 different words for 1 “Paradise Lost," while the Old Testa- ‘ ment has fewer than 6,000 different words. Some people use only about ! 800 different words, and most of us get along with between 2.000 and , 3,000. A few years ago some peasants i In rural England, farm laborers, were found who used about 300. Prof. Max Muller (1823-1900), th$ great Oxford i philologist, who was perhaps the greatest authority of his age on this subject, put the number of words in the English language at 100,000. “If we include all the words which have fixed places in the dialect of the coun­ try," says “The Book of Knowledge," “and include also many which we know were spoken In earlier times, we shall have to put the total at 400.000 for the English language." The num­ ber is constantly growing. When a new dictionary was made, some years ago, it was found that the new words necessary for use in relation to elec­ tricity and electrical appliances num­ bered o’, er 4.000. A sim ilar increase had taken place with regard to other a rts and sciences. HOW TO FORETELL WEATHER Simple Observation All That is Neces­ sary to Know W hat the Heavens W ill Furnish. To be a good w eather prophet is often a great convenience to yourself and others. Here Is a simple and reliable way of telling if rain is coming during the day. A s'early as possible in the morning go out and search the sky for the smallest cloud that Is in sight. Keep this under close observation for five minutes or so and note whether it alters in size. If the cloud gets small­ er one can be almost certain of a fine day. On the other hand, if it increases in size, rain will surely come in a few . hours. Where the cloud rem ains the same size no special change in the prevailing weather is likely to take place. If the cloud increases very rap­ idly thunder is almost a certainty, in the summer. Alteration in the size of clouds is connected with the state of the atmosphere. When the air Is > very dry and rain is unlikely, the clouds soon vanish; if the atmosphere Is charged with moisture, the masses of vapor increase and this will soon be discharged in the form of rain. Oil-W ell Adventure. An oil well that is being dug to any considerable depth usually bus a twenty-inch casing in the upper part and a small, slender man could get down in one of that size. In fact, such a feat was recently performed near Los Angeles by W alter McCay rders w ith n9 as early as possible. nd Cream Puffs. LITHIA BAKERY / Heavy snow is rep o rted on Hie G rants Pass-C rescent City highw ay | | near G asquet and M onum ental.; j w here it was nearly a foot in depth. It was found necessary to drive a 1 flivver coupe in low all th e wav down Oregon m ountain. From M on­ um en tal to the top of the hill, a speed of one m ile an h o u r for th re e ¡ hours was recorded, p art of the tim e one of the»passengers having to help ?ush th e m achine. LOOPING GOUGH No “cure”—but helps to re­ duce paroxysms of coughing. V I V C A P K S ORUB Over 1 7 Million Jan U x d Yearly * L iggett & M yers T obacco C o .