ASHLAND DAILY TÌDÌNG9 PAGB TWO F rid a y , Decem ber 8, 1922 99 w ere b rought in w ithout cost except th e tim e of th e city team and m en, Established 1876 and it was expected th a t those n e a r­ Pnbllihed Every Evening Except est would see to gettin g them set up. Sunday - As one of th e com m itteem en (in THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. spite of p ro test ag ain st i t) , I th in k OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY I express the sense of o th e r com m it­ PAPER teem en th a t we should be censured TEL EPH O N E 39 for not follow ing F raley aro u n d t o 1 C. K, LOGAN, E d ito r set up these tre e s for the busy m er-j c h a n ts and firem en. H ow ever, we E n tered a t the A shland. Oregon : havh no such intentions, b u t we rec-| Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat ■$><$> 4*» om m end tfiat th a t som eone nearest • Mr. ----------------------------- -------------------------¡<$> R eform s should beg'n at to trees th a t have not been placed, subscription Price Delivered in City: hQme and t kindly m ake an effo rt to set them One month ....................................* »» i up before S anta Claus comes. Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 $> Men who do “ nothing in par- 3.75 J. H. McGEE. Six months ................................. 7.50 <♦> tic u la r” usually do It exceeding- •£ One year .................................... Mail and Rarai Routes ly well. <$> One month ....................................$ -65 ♦ ---------- Y our c h a ra c te r depends large- LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT One year ............ .......................... 6.5C $> ly upon w hat th e public doesn’t ADVERTISING RATES ¡<9 know about you. it Display Advertising B y S. W . S T R A U S , P re s id e n t ------------ <$> iln g ie Insertion, each in c h ............ 30c I A m e ric a n S o c ie ty fo r T h r i f t YEARLY CONTRACTS ' “ S oftening” is w orse when it <$> Display Advertising -*> a tta c k s the backbone th a n w hen » N E V E R have been able to get One tim e a w e e k ........................2 7 % e <§> ¡j a tta ck s the brain. <• * ahead much. Luck has always Two tim es a« w eek....................... 25 c seemed to be ag ain st me.” c yjvery other d a y r ...................... 20 _ T h is w as Life is largely a collection of -•♦> Ixtcal Readers T one of t h e Each line, each tim e ................... lOt <*> b irth d ay s and of keeping th e <•> closing sen­ To run every o th er (Jay for one figures secret as fa r as we can. tences of a pa­ mon th , each line, each tim e , . 7c ---------- thetic letter To run~every issue for one m onth The m an who knows how to <$> w r i t t e n re­ or m ore, each line, each tim e . . 5c • cently by a • happy w ith few possessions is Classified Column m an well on One cent th e word each tim e. ric h e r th an th e m an who is un- •*> in years and To ru n every issue for one m onth happy w ith m any. in dire finan­ or more, %c the word each time. _______ c i a l stra its. Legal Rate i Such sta te ­ F irst tim e, per S-pc.'nt lin e ......... 10c i HEZ. HECK SAYS: • “ P a in t im proves a house m ents alw ays Each subsequent tim e, per 8- arouse one’s polnt line ...................................... 5c • " m ore than it does w im m iu.” Card of t h a n k s .............................. $1.00 deepest pity, GERTRUDE VANDERBILT O bituaries, th e line .......................2 ’£ c and, a t the L eading lady w ith David B elasco’s m asterpiece, “The Gold D iggers,’ S. W . S T R A U S Fraternal Orders and Societies sam e time, which will be offered a t the V ining Theatre* this 'evening. A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders vision for the tra in in g of teachers should teach a most valuable les­ or societies ch arg in g a re g u la r initi for th e ir elem entary schools. Colo- sen in th rift. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re We hear much about goo- “ It is believed th a t when th e peo­ If you are in any way depending kind as well as to individuals. Alice Helen H anna vs. Frank* H an- To add feeding m olasses to the All rep o rts of such activities a fte r ple of Oregon know the im perative on the winds of good luck to w aft na Motion roughage. It w orks for palatab ility , need of th e ir one in stitu tio n e sta b ­ you into the harbor of your d re a m s; they have occurred is news. F ra n ce s Bc-squi vs. Jo h n W. Bos­ and in addition lias a n u tritiv e value All com ing social or organization lished in the in te rest of the boys and you w’ill be most grievously disap­ i of its own. qui. D efault. pointed. m eetings of societies w here no i g)r is ¡n th e p rim ary and g ram m ar m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ To review the Pa s t season’s work Rely on yourself. L earn your W C. F o ster vs. C harles E W ol- atio n charged, or collecton tak e n IS schools of th e sta te , they will not ' and to tak e up w ith the county ag en t lessons in the rugged school of cott. D em urrer. w ithhold th e m eagre sum necessary NEWS. hard work, th rift, patience and Ida E. Dressl r vs. Pacific Record or s ta te exPe>'iment statio n those for th e ad eq u ate su p p o rt of th a t in ­ perseverance. Scratch the word H erald P ublishing Co. U nd ertak in g Problem s th a t puzzle. L n muc g ^ ^ p>i_innnim;mTunm 3nnnn^1 s titu tio n .” luck from your vocabulary. If on appeal To see th a t everY tool and im ple- BIBLE ^THOUGHT things go a g a in st you accept them ' m ent is carefully put aw ay for the H ow ard J. Oden vs. T alent I r r i­ as the challenge of a w orthy foe, w inter, and th a t broken p a rts are The M edford C larion c a rrie s a and increase your resolutions to — FOR TODAY — gation D istrict. Order. repaired o r replaced. T h a t’s doing I Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a I win. • If things come your way m ost in te re stin g rep o rt m ade by a H arrison B o; vs. A. II. W einert. 1 priceless heritage in after years. don’t get the idea th a t you have some of next sp rin g ’s work now. M edford m an, who recently retu rn ed Lien. become one especially favored of (F a rm Life) from P o rtla n d , tellin g of th e' m an ­ H arrison Bros. vs. I. II. Caldwell. the gods, such as those you read FRIDAY, DECEM BER 8 ner in which Jesse W inburn won Lien. about in your fairy-book days. SA FEG U A RD ED :— He shall $25,000 on th e N ovem ber election. Wrong Impression. R eal IJstuto '¿’i answers Look out fo r ap p aren t good-luck.' give His angels ch arg e over thee, A ccording to the story in th e Clarion ‘No, I never hunt for Ideas,” the It may prove your undoing as it J. N. Dennis to E ffie E. Dennis, to keep thee in all thy ways. has in the cases of many others. the p u rse was m ade up by some of lot 17, P ra c h t’s a d d tio n to A sh lan d ' eminent author assured her. “When I Psalm 91: 11. __$1 i feel in the mood for work, I climb to O lcott's backers, who picked W in- i t . the summit of a bill, and there, with burn fo r an ea ste rn easy m ark. The J. R. W illiam s et r x to E m m a H a- fhe ()f thp mountain pjne ,Q my TH E NORMAL SCHOOL a rticle fu rth e r sta te s th a t th e dele­ get, lots 2 an I !-, block J2. ^ o l i d g e > nost,.jjs j ^ n(j Iny jnSpira tiou_” Too m uch em phasis cannot be put gation w aiter upon W inburn a t his addition to A shland— $750. i “Ju st fan c y !” gushed the girl. “And upon education, and though care is room in th e M ultnom ah hotel. The H orace T. M itchell et ux to Roy E. then you descend and write it all down. tak e n to obtain th e best tra in ed men story may be correct in all of its de- Hosley et ux, I n s 2 ! and 24, block T suppose?” THE FABLE OF and women in all professional and tails, but Mr. W inburn occupied a “ C,” R. R. addition to A shland— $10. ‘ Indeed I don’t. That would he a THE TWO EXPLORERS technical positions, tfie one p ro fe s-: su ite a t th e Benson hotel d u rin g his hire way of losing it. I carry my lit- C. H. V eghte et u : to J. L. Osk‘ sion th a t should be considered th e sojourn in P o rtlan d . et ux, lot 21, H unsai e r ’s addition io ; tie typew riter up with me.” “Oh, how good of y o u ! But does m ost seriously, is often n e g l e c t e d . ---------------------------- A shland— $10. ■ he—nr—does she never tu rn giddy or Nam ely, th a t of teaching. The W in te r F a ir was only a fail i anything?” TH IS IS T il MONTH In a plea sent out over the sta te success in th e m a tte r of atten d an ce, in an endeavor to call a tte n tio n t o ' as inclem ent w eath er did not encour- Sure of His Job. To sm oke m eat. the needs of the Oregon N orm al age tow nspeople to fare forth to the ‘.‘Soloieon has a great reputation for To get o ut the bcb-sled. 1 wisdom.” school, a t M onm outh, th e follow ing fair. To spray for San Jose scale. “How do you suppose he got that is set fo rth by K athleen Skinner, rep ­ the way?” To keep plenty of litte r in rese n tin g th e stu d e n t body associa­ “Maybe lie had airq le leisure to cul­ scratch shed. tion of th a t in stitu tio n . ♦ PEOPLE'S FORUM «> tivate his mind. Unlike-modern rulers To spread every bit of m an u re be­ <£■ <®> <®> <*><*> <#> <$> <§> "T h ere can be no efficient school lie didn't have to ker.- his ear to the fore th e heavy fe e d ilg begins. system , no m a tte r w hat th e organi-i ground all the time to find out w hether To balance the r e a r ’s books and to he'd die with his e r w n on or soon zatlon, w ithout properly tra in ed To th e E d ito r: tak e note of the e rro rs th a t have W1 ‘ng.home for money.”—Blrming- teachers. At the present tim e, the Several years ago I becam e in te r ­ cost profits. ham A ge-llerald. sta te of Oregon req u ires a lim ited ested in orchard and sm all fru it, try- Ashland A t the Vining Tonight Tidings W. A. SHELL B A R B E R a n d JS f Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c dor. Dobule bit, 60c dot. C hildren’s Work A iBYtÉERT-. M oses “I 1 Special t j THE That W e d “Saffron.” 1 he word “saffron” comes into the English dictionary from the Arabic, I he At abs uke the word “zafaran” to desigim'a ¡« species of crocus witL light purple flowers which develop in autumn. Tb'» plant grows in parts of ' Asia and In the south of Europe.—Mil waugee Sentinel. 1 i VIKING (R E A M SEPARATOR is a n o th e r C atalog House b u rster a t P ell’s. Prices. $31.00 and up. Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll of fencing ag ain st anybody else’s prices. New and used Sewing M achines for sale or rent. Garden tools and everything lo r the farm er. PUL’S CCRNFR Every Woman — th at bakes w ith Calumet— and there are millions of them— has learned three im­ portant baking facts. First; that she never has any failures, which means no loss of time and ma­ terial. « à » , e s am ount of professional tra in in g for ing m any kinds, and th a t experience all teach ers e n te rin g the profession, has dem o n strated th a t the Cory Thts is one of th e fea tu re s of Ore- th ornless blackberry is the only gon’s su p erio rity educationally. The th o rn less plant th a t will produce en- iu stitu tio n provided by th e sta te for ough fru it to he p rofitable to the the tra in in g of teach ers for the ele- grow er. They produce a good croni m entary schools, the Norm al School the first year a fte r p lanting and will a t M onm outh, is lim ited in its ca -'c o m e into full hearin g th e . se c o n d ' pacify. The dem and for tra in ed year, producing from five to seven] teachers is now o u tru n n in g the ahil- tons per acre, the b erries a re very! ity of the N orm al School to prep are large,z m easuring 1% in d ie s in them , and the dem and of stu d e n ts length, have a distinctive wild flavor desiring to prepare for teaching has and they have proved the best ship- become g re a te r than th e N orm al pers of any blackebrry. The can- School can m eet. More stu d e n ts a re neries have paid m ore for Cory than applying a t the Oregon N orm al any o th e r kind. R egarding everbear- School can m eet. More stu d e n ts a re ing red rasp b erries, the experience of applying at the Oregon N orm al grow ers in A shland place the “ La School for adm ission and tra in in g F ra n c e ” a t the top for an all-pur- ihan can be properly accom m odated pose b erry — e x tra larg e fine flavor,; w ith its present equipm ent. - ; heavy and continuous b earer. The “ Oregon is at the present tim e in -¡/‘E rsk in e P a rk " seem s to be the best ad v e rtan tly neglecting her Norm al for poor soil. The “ St. R egis” is the School and allow ing herself to fail best shipper, a very proficic b earer, fa r behind o th e r sta te s in her facili- fair size, and like the “ La F ra n ce " ties for tra in in g her teachers. By and “ E rsk in e P a r k ” bear co ntinuous­ way of com parison, s ta te s not as ly from Ju n e u n til fro st kills the larg e o r as populous nor as w ealthy leaves. D. P. BLUE, a re providing considerably m ore for 500 A shland stre e t. norm al school sup p o rt than of O r e - ---------------------------- gon. Idaho, w ith a population of A shland, Ore.. Dec. 8, 1922. j only a little m ore than half th a t of E d ito r T idings— O regon, and an assessed valuation of In last evening's T idings, G. L. B less th a n half, provides one and one- criticizes S treet C om m issioner F ra - th ird as m uch for its norm al schools ley for prom iscuously sc atterin g A uzona and New .Mexico, with less tre e s along the stre e t. W hile the- th a n h alf th e population an d two- W inter F a ir com m ittee a re pleased th ird s th e assessed v alu atio n , tu rn - th a t a t least one person relieves them ish th re e tim es as m uch each for nor- of blam e for som ething, they feel} m al schools as does Oregon. O th e rjth a t it is but fair to sta te th a t M r.t s ta te s are m aking corresponding pro- F raley had his orders. The tre e s A cat and mouse sailed to and fro Ballooning o’er the Arctic snow. Their air-ship sank and they fell out, j TlieJ'iskimosxhased them about; 4 T he cat then ditched the mouse—poor soul— * Fled home, and claimed he’d found The Pole. In time the mouse reached native sod And showed the cat up for a fraud. I Moral—Don’t ever shake a friend *• Or be may queer you in the end. r. TONIGHT ONLY T he m an ag em en t of, th e V ining T h e a tre announces th e E x tra o rd in a ry A ttra c tio n com ing to A sh lan d on above d ate, b ein g th e o rig in a l N ew Y ork cast an d y io m p an y en ro u te fro m B e lig T h eatre, P o rtla n d , to tne Colum bia T h eatre, S an F ran cisco — —£top, Jr. DAVIS 'F T he.Economy BAKING POWDER — sales are 150% greater than that of any other brand. A poun d can o f C alum et contains fu ll 16 ounces. Som e baking p o w d ers com e in 12 ounce in stea d o f 16 ounce cans. B e sure yo u g e t a poun d wh$n yo u w a n t it. TH E W ORLD'S G R E A T E S T B A K IN G POW DER Cutlery Sale Pocket Knives, $2.50 values.................... / k | B | Pocket Knives, $2.25 values..................../ Pocket Knives, $2.00 values.................... < fl Pocket Knives, $1.50 values.................... Scissors, $2.00 values—Sale P ric e.... ...................... $1.19 Scissors, $1.50 values—Sale P ric e................................ 96 Scissors, $1.25 values—Sale P ric e................................ 83 Scissors, $1.00 values—Sale P ric e................................ 49 W hile T h ey L ast— Get Busy! SIM PSON’S HARDWARE 37-89 North Main St. Phone 203 In Stock Duplicating Sales Books Tw o B ooks ................................................................... /)v £ F y op wood P e r D o z e n ............................................................ 5 M onths a t P ow ers T h eatre, Chicago f MAIL ORDERS NOW— Ui ices, $1.00, $2.00 a n d $2.5J)— plus tax CURTAIN 8 :8 0 $1.25 One H u n d r e d ............................................................... $8.00 / P r e tty G irls, M usic a n d Comedy. A lau g h in ev ery line. 25c Tw o D o z e n ....................................................................$2.25 IT S PH EH O M £N /U . YEfiRS* CONTINUOUS RUrJ A T THE LYCEUM THEATRE. HHVi- - . . Cost of treatment returned if I fail to cure your Piles. P A P E R W HEN W R IT IN G CALUMET ^O M SD y DISTINGUISHED CAST If you are a sufferer from Piles, Fistula, Fissure or other rectal disease, call o r write today for my FREE booklet. M CNTIO SI THIS A T f ie F amous are reputable men and women in every walk o f life to whom you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN b t ' test Third; that the greater than usual leavening stren g th of Calumet stands for economy be­ cause she uses less. W IT H CARBON • B e C u red to S tay C u red T GUARANTEE to per- , matiently cure your Piles without cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con­ finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients 2 NO AND MORRISON P O R T L A N O .L ^ .^ . Second; that her bakings are always pure and wholesome, which goes a long way toward perfect health. ASHLAND TIDINGS J