♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, witnout <5 the aid of medicine, cures nine ® €> cases out of ten of asthma.- This is a proven.fact. ® A shland D aily tidings & MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ♦ vive three nonths in the rich ♦ ozone at Ashland. The pure do- * ®> mestic water helps. <* (International News Wire Service) VOLUME FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) No. 82 ASTORIA THREATENED BY CONFLAGRATION FIRE STARTS IN RESTAURANT AT EARLY ALE BUILDINGS IN ®> ®> COMING EVENTS ---------- 17 DAYS UNTIL CHR1ST- ®> MAS. SHOP NOW. • Y$> Decem ber 5-8— W inter F air. ®> D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, ®> le c tu re r Lyceum course. !<§> - D ecem ber 22.— High school 1®> operetta, “ The C aptain of Ply- i®> m o u th .’’ ®> D ecem ber 25, Monday — |®> C hristm as Day. I FINAL NUMBER ®> ®> | ®> ®> . <$■ THIS EVENING 1®> YOUNGSTERS WHO STAY ®> )®> OUT LATE TO RE FINED <• I •♦> ---------- )<♦> TILTONVILLE. O„ Dec. 8.— ®> ®> ; ®> )♦ )♦ The town council has passed a • curfew ordinance, which pro- ®> vides th a t youngsters who are X not off th e stre e ts by 8:30 p. m. X may be fined from $1 to $10. X The village fire dep artm en t may <4 ; X in stall a siren to serve as a fire * !®> alarm , and also as a curfew . X DISMISSES IDEA THAT GOVERN­ HOOD RIVER FOWL GIVEN FIRST MENT OWNERSHIP PROVED PRIZE AT POULTRY FINE PROGRAM BROADCAST PRACTICAL SHOW FROM K. F. A. V. TONIGHT 27 business blocks destroyed with loss estimated at $15,000,000 Fire worst in history of entire Northwest; High wind, low pressure and bursting main hinder work; F^ortland gives aid. ------- MEETING OF GOVERNORS FRANK B' RILEY TO ! An excellent program arra n g e d by j £ BEING CONSIDERED SPEAK AT ARMORY W illiam Isaacs, will he broadcast L ¡from station K. F. A. ¥ ., a t the fair- Pl. ^ idvnt to AsU n o s e r Co. < ioI1 ted L ectu rer Expected to A ttra c t L arg e Crow d T o n ig h t; C arnival Spivit to P rev ail; A w ards A rc M ade f o r E xhibits in School Dept. grounds, and radio fans from Mexico For Enforcem ent, of l^aws o f the to C anada will be given an opportun- N ation; P resen t Conditions Char- itv to listen to some of M edford’s Hcterlved as “ N ationw ide S candal.*’ m usical talent. A sim ilar program will be broad- WASHINGTON, Deq. 8.— in a vig- ------------------------------------------ I Ju d g in g for the Southern Oregon cast som etim e in Ja n u ary , according orous m essage, h ittin g s tra ig h t from ASTORIA, Dec. 8.— Two hundred pieces of a p p a ra tu s and m uch hose; m ent sto re, the W estern Union a n d ) One of the long established clubs P oultry show was com pleted T h u is- to Mr. V irgin, of V irgin’s radio serv- the Shoulder, P resident H arding ad- business firn ts a re destroyed and to the scene. * ¡P o sta l T elegraph offices, n e w s p a p e r in the city, tin» A shland Study club, day, iirs t prize for the best bird en ­ ice, who is deligh’ed th a t the a rtists dressed a joint session of congress dam age estim ated at from $10,000.- N orris Staples, ow ner of the F ord offices of the A storia B udget and th e has been the first to avail itself of terp d going to a w hite Plym outh have volunteered th e ir services. dealing with the railroad situ atio n , The personnel follows: 000 to $15,000,000 reported as a re- garage, and president of the Bank M orning A storian, the A storia N a -jth e opportunity to fo re g a th e r in the Kook pullet owned by Bert Senter, of a g ric u ltu ra l relief and prohibiton. R uth W arner-—Sbprano. He suggested the advisability of a d ­ su it of a d is a s tro u s fire which swept of Com m erce, died of. h e a rt failu re in tional bank th e Palace re s ta u ra n t, heau tifu l new com m unity club house. Hood River. More th an 500 fowls W illiam F. Isaacs— B aritone. ju stin g the railw ay labor board and A storia today. The fire s ta rte d sud- his hu rry to save m any of th e auto- the A m erican Railw ay Express office Being one of th e pioneer organiza- w ere displayed in the 200 pens. Oth- W. C arlton Ja n es—-Violin. th e tra n sfe r of its functions to the denly in the Thiel Bros, re s ta u ra n t m obiles in his place o f business, and num erous o th e r business firm s. tiong of the city, it is extrem ely fit- ers wbo received aw ards were A lbert A ccom panists— Mrs. C arlton Janes in te rsta te F irs t re p o rts from A storia gave ting th a t this should be the appoint- L,arson and wife, C arlto n , Or., w ith com m erce com m ission ab o u t 7:30 o’clock, and im m e d ia te ly ! G uests at the W einhardt-A qtoria ho- a pen of 50 birds, w hile E. R. S tro n g -¡an d Mrs. George Andrews, th rough the addition of new m em ­ jum ped to a d jo in in g buildings and tel were forced to flee from the th e burned area as being bounded ed place of m eeting. quist, B eaverton, and M. M. Lower, I sw ept the h e a rt of the business s e c -, burning stru c tu re , ta k in g to th e w in d ! by A storia, D uane, N inth and F our- bers. Could our fo reb ears of the m id- „ ¡ „ . . J / / ’ /» -•” < l y , mu. , G aston, w ere stro n g contenders. , He dism issed the idea of govern­ tion. Tw enty-seven city blocks in swept stre e ts in scanty a ttire . A s lte e n th stre e ts, but la te r word from n in eteen th century, who first looked . m ent operation as having failed and th is area a re reported to have been far as is know n no lives have been the seaport city increased this area, upon th is valley in its virgin s ta t e ,! “ The q u ality of all poultry was ] I im practical. He said railro ad strik es wiped out by the flam es, which are lost. The hotel has been com pletely; This is the second serious fire to have jjre-visioned some of the won­ high, especially in the b arfed Ply-1 m outh Rocks and Rhode Island I' ! should be prohibited by law and en- also jeo p ard izin g several of th e gu tted by the fire. visit A storia recently, a sh o rt tim e derful _______ =... .............. ...... tran sfo rm - changes th a t have docks. Among the chief business houses ago a saw m ill being destroyed a t an ed its rugged u n tried beatflv into the R eds’ declared B X . Keeney of E n ­ ; dorsed a living wage fo r railw ay in an effo rt to check th e progress destroyed by the co n flagration a re estim ated loss of $1,000,000. A rcadia the succeeding g e n e ra tjo n g i Pen e> beiore re tu rn in S t° (he W iliam-^ ! w orkers. of the co n flag ratio n , firem en dyna- th e Bank of Com m erce, the M ason-! PORTLAND, Dec. 8.— The Red now enjoy, they would have tho u g h t ■ e tte valley tow n- The e n tire exhihi-j H arding ch aractarized present law m ited m uch v aluable property. W ork E hrm an e stab lish m en t, a th ree-sto ry Cross, th e city of P o rtlan d , and all they “ builded b e tte r than t h e y '1’0” *S excel!ent for a fair 01 tbls enforcem ent as a “ nationw ide scan­ I kind. Had the fact been published d a l,” and the “ m ost dem oralizing of fighting the flam es was reta rd e d hotel, the W einhardt-A storia h o te l,! business agencies here have volun- knew .’’. EUGENE, Dec. 8.— Mr. and Mrs. factor in our national 1 fe.” He an- by a high wind, low w ater pressure the F a rr D rug com pany, the Boston teered aid to A storians in w hat is; Onp of {he forem ost nie‘n ibers of I th a t no restrictio n s had been placed exhibitors and b u rstin g m ains. The P o rtlan d C lothing com pany, the A storia H ard- easily the w orst catastro p h e and fire tbe c]u)j Mrg ^¡¡ce A pplegate Piel ' S to '° com com petition, petltlon' ex“ ihitors from Horn Jam es C hurch, burned n the fire nounced his intention of sum m oning fire dep artm en t has rushed several w are com pany, the Beehive D epart-; in the h istory of the northw est. ' , H o »1 a / tl’6 e,ltire sta te would have flooded follow ing a gasoline explosion which governors in a confer, nee a t W ash- is tlie d a u „ h te i of one of the hard., the fair with all kinds of poultry, proved fatal to six children and th e .in g to n soon Io discuss the problem hrftvari tbn ° get a stric te r observance 1 of the , nmilPPl'c p io n e tis uvbn who braved the bardonino h a id sn ip s The tu rk ey s are the finest I h a v e ) m oth e r of th ree, were still in a criti- and MALTA t O M M ANDERV KNIGHT ■° 'e . . , , gon> and |11S ever seen, and the cash aw ards were cai condition today. Mrs. C h u rc h ’ law bv a closer co-operation of sta te TEM PLARS ELECT O FFICERS | nam e is ' w rit in large le tte rs in t h e ' m o s f generous. may die, though h er husband has an ; and federal officers. i iea ily history of so u th ern Oregon.) Nearly as m any rab b its were ex- j excellent chance to live He also endorsed the im m ediate The reg u la r m eeting of th e K n ig h t I The g ra n d fa th e r o f Mrs. Piel was i n ) hiblted here as a t the Pacific In te r- ) _ --------------------------------- need of- credit to farm ers th ro u g h T em plars was held in Masonic hall ■ the first em igrant tra in whose final national Livestock exposition in band W ednesday n ig h t, and th e an nual beginning a little past 7 1 the n a tio n ’s financial system s, and destin atio n was th is valley. i P o rtla n d , according to Mrs. E. R. o’clock. The speaker of the evening recom m ended election of officers was held, result-) two co n stitutional In the year 1896, a th o u g h tfu li Y earsley, of Oak Grove, Or., judge will be F ra n k Branch Riley on the am endm ents the child labor am end­ ing in the follow ing k n ig h ts being; 12733133 band of men and women, seekers for this d ep artm en t. The Flem ish ‘L u r / o f the c / a t N o r th w U t” M r m ent and one prohibiting the issu­ chosen to m anage the a ffa irs of the) SALEM, Dec. 8.— The Pom padour am id classical lore, organized a G iants and New Zealand breeds w e r e , Riley comes with an excellent repu- ance of tax free securities by states lodge for the com ing year. Dr. F. H. Johnson, of A sh lan d ,| Miners»! Springs com pany of Ashland Shakespearian club under the able the stro n g est. J. F. Sm ith, of P o ri- ta tio n and a large crowd ig expect and m unicipalities which has tied up em inent com m ander; W. H. McGow-) has f‘led w ith the sta te engineering i tu to rsh ip of P rofessor Irving Vining, j land, with a w hite Flem ish senior ed tQ a tte n d the closing num ber of $18,000,000,000 on which the gov­ M edford, generalissim o; H. C. d e p a rtm e n t an im plication for an- A fter five years of research along buck, was aw arded first for the bestj the W inter F a ir Follow ing the e rn m e n t gets no tax. ’ M ount A shland c h a p te r of the D. an o A R will again offer prizes to the S parr, of A shland, cap tain g en eral; : th o rity a p p ro p riate w ater from these lines, the w ork of the club) ra b b it on display. Hal E. O sb o rn e ,! c,oge of the addreS8, th e rem ain d er school children stu dying American « ’«"n F abrick, of M edford, senior j springs for a dom estic supply in lapsed— to he reorganized in Octo- . of P o rtla n d , en tered th e best Check- o{ the evening will be devoted to history and to the high school stu - w arden; 1). H. Jackson, of A sh la n d ,) Jackson county a t an estim ated cost) her 1901, under the nam e of the ered G iant senior buck, w hile The dancing, a carnival atm osphere he- d en ts for a patrio tic essay declaim ed Junior w arden; C. H. V anpel, of ^8000. | “A^ ,and VieJ ^ ading C ircle.” i Sun Gold H utches, of T alen t, tied ing planned A shland, tre a s u re r; W illiam Day, of The H artm an Syndicate of the Pa-j The club m em bership was lim ited w ith C aptain H eller, of V ancouver,; The j udging of the school ex h ibits' on W ashington’s birthday. A shland, recorder. cific Coast, also located a t A sh la n d ,; to 20 women. -T he follow ing year W ash., for the best exhibit of one was done by Mrg o W inter, Mrs. Prizes in the grades will be books, __________________ has filed w ith the d e p a rtm e n t an a p - ' the nam e was changed to the “ Ash- breed. Em il Peil and Miss Mabel Russel, th e firs t one costing $5, and the sec­ plication for a u th o rity to co n stru ct land Study C lub.” u n d er which, nam e Sw eepstakes for the best exhibi-1 and re su Red ¡n tbe follow ing a w a r d s - ) ond prize costing $2.50. These will CANALIZATION IS DECLARED a reservoir and to ap p ro p riate the the club reta in s its entity. tion of fru its and nu ts from one or- F irs t-g ra d e — F irst, F ra n k B illings, be presented to the two pupils hav-j PANACEA FOR HOOD RIVER ¡stored w ater for dom estic and m anu- The first president of th e Ashland chard went to A lbert Johnson, of and Oliver Ludlow ju n io r h ig h ' sec- ing the highest stan d in g in A nieri-i Before a fa c tu rin 8 purposes in Jackson county Study club and one of its c h a rte r Ashland w ith A. F. G ear, also o f , ond p o rtia Conover, ju n io r high; F o r the purpose of testin g all can history for th is sem ester's w ork, j HOOD RIV ER, Dec. 8. a t an estim ated cost of $7500. The m em bers was Mrs. E. V. C arter, who A shland, second. O utside of the t b jrd F red rick a Hile H aw thorne, ; dairy cows in this vicinitji Dr. G. D. These prizefe will also he offered rep re sen ta tiv e m eeting of fru it grow- Second g r a d e F irst, M alcolm ' Bishop, federal tuberculosis tester. next sem ester and a re based entirely ers and a num ber of resid en ts of this w ater will be tak en from springs still holds her association with the county products, very little fru it was! trib u ta ry to A ntelope creek. i club. The first secretary , also a exhibited. ¡Meyer, ju n io r high; second, M ark will be in A shland the rem ain d er of city, Joseph N. T eal, in a sh o rt ad- upon the m ark s attain ed . ¡c h a rte r m em ber and still active in The high school o rch estra and high Koebie r( ju n io r high; th ird , La V e rn jth is week and all of the one follow- High school stu d e n ts may w rite dress, b ro u g h t before Hood River! ‘ th e club, was Mrs. ,H L. Sayles, school gletKclub, u n d er the direction I K eljey> ju n io r high. ' ing. He will m ake h s official head- upon any one of the five following the im portance of the developm ent G. A. R. POST OFFICIATES , O ther residents of A shland a t one of Miss Leona M arsters, gave an ex­ T hird grade— F irst, Ju n e Aikens, q u a rte rs a t the Hotel A shland. su b jects: T heodore Roosevelt— the and utilizatio n of the C o lu m b ia( Aqp pvN ER A L OF JAMES LOWE tim e active in the early days of the cellent program T hursday evening. H aw thorne; second, Raym ond T ut- F a rm e rs and dairy ow ners are ad- g re a t A m erican; The S pirit of Ore- liv e r as a m eans of tra n sp o rta tio n ; _______ ---------- organization, are Mrs. George E u -)P ro f. G reenleaf, Rogue River enter- tle H aw thorne; th ird , Doreen Lever- vised to have th eir cows tested at gon; George Rogers C lark and his and source of pow er and irr ig a tio n / The funeral services for Jam es hanks, Mrs. G. S. B u tler and Mrs tain e r, was introduced by S u p e rin -! ette, ju n io r high. ¡his tim e, a m inim um c h a rg e of 25 E xpedition; M aking Some Island He co n trasted th e developm ent ^ 1 - Lowe w ere heW a t th e B apti8t church J a n e t Mowgt ten d en t G. A. Brisco? and delivered F o u rth grade— F irst, Dorence Ru- cents a head being charged. If the Am erican in Spirit, and Am erican low .ng the utilization of the R hine T hurgday aftern 0 0 n a t 2 :3 0 o’clock, »uy a u u m e ouu vauai w or^ c^ub !Or y e a r s .th e address of the evening. A fter ge r, j Un;or high; second, H u ili Car- testin g is not done a t th is tim e, and U nrest. Its Cause and Cure. river in G erm any and th e Soo canal Lakes region w ith the Iand WCre conducted by Rev' M iller; 1922 and 1923 is along sim ilar lines the re g u la r program Carl H. Love- ter> ju n io r high; th ird Velma Hall, an inspector has to be brought to E ssavs a re to be about 1000 w ords in the G reat . . .. -and th e local G. A. R. post, of which to those of the original organiza-i land created a g rea t am ount of in- ¡,¡«,1, f i1f> P i v th P c o s t w ill ip a c ii a n n i n r i - in len g th , and a re to be ty p ew ritten s ta g n a n t condition of shipping on . . ' . , Junior high. tne c.ty, tne cost win ieacn appioxi- 11 6 • . . he was a m em ber. tion— an intensive study of th re e of tere st bv a duet w ith a Brunsw ick rh a rtn ttP I p M «™ ma.'plv S is •> h a u l Cows found mid handed in bv the tim e set bv the C olum bia betw een P o rtla n d and . . . . .. , ,, h ltth gra(*e— C h arlo tte ceeoom , m a e iy a ne ■ to w s lounn Mr. Lowe leaves his wife and th re e S h ak esp eare’s plays, and Scenic talk in g m achine, playing a saxophone ju n jo r high; second F rances H ardy, tu b erc u la r can be shipped to P o rt- S u p erin ten d en t G. A. Briscoe. These Hie upper reaches, sons to m ourn his d e p a rtu re ; Mrs. A m erica.* , solo accom panied on th e phonograph. H aw thorne; t h i r d /M a d g e M arian, land, w here the ow ner will receive a essays will be su m hitted to the com- He contended th a t m uch of the Mary Lowe, of A shland; W illiam Officers for th e c u rre n t y e a r a re ; 1 A nnouncem ent of the prize win- H aw thorne m inim um am ount of $50 for each m ittee on patrio tic education, of Mt d e sert country of e a ste rn Oregon and Lowe, of Lincoln Neb.; W alter L. Mrs. V. V. Mills, presid en t; Mrs. E .in in g windows and m erc h an ts’ booths A s h la n d c h a n t e r D A R who will W ashington which lies in th e Colum- ±J° We’ u in co * % weD ’ w a ‘ie r M rs- *• v - MU*8’ P resioent; .virs. K.in ,n g w innow s a n a m erenam s n o o r a s g i x t h B_ F i r s t i J o e H all, Haw- cow. the paym ent being m ade from a »a, i. h O j iU basjn inight bp m ade (o Lowe, of ea ste rn Oregon, and George A. W oods, vice-president; Mrs. Ar- will be m ade th is evening. Special th o rn e ; 8ecOnd, E unice H ager, ju n io r fund provided for by the co-opera- select th e six best, C. Lowe, of S tites, Idaho. th u r G. Adam s, secretary. ¡m usic will be furnished by the city high; th¡rd WHliam Bow eim an, tion of the governm ent and the state. m em orized by th e a u th o rs and de su p p o rt th o u san d s of fam ilies, if H aw thorne. claim ed at a public program to be onb' the river were m ade navigable Sixth A— F irst, M adeline S te v en s/ given a t the high school on or about ■ H aw thorne; second, Billy W ilson, F e b ru a ry 22. ju n io r high; th ird , Lee Boyd, H aw ­ A selected com m ittee of th re e who thorne. have no connection w ith th e D. A. R., M echanical d raw ing— F irst Marion th e school o r th e co n testan ts, will • F ro st; second, R aym ond S te n n e tt;) decide upon the m erits of these pro ­ I th ird , M arion F rost. „ A ductions and aw ard the prizes. L ast X- A rt, seventh A— F irst, Louise Ru- A year, only one prize was given, which .X ger; second, Adeline Coovling; th ird , was aw arded to Miss E d ith Dodge. E leanor Sw edenburg. C ontributions to date, money de- T his year, two will be given, a $10 A rt, seventh B— F irst. D orothy posited to th e A m bulance F und, a re : CAMAS, Or., Dec. 8.— C harles and a $5 gold piece. -, Life Stevens; second. Hazel W alters; A shland Daily T i d in g s .................$100 It is th e earnest hope of Mt. Ash- T u ck er- 16 >ea r old boy, is su fferin g , th ird , V irginia Roach. ¡Jesse W i n b u r n ............................... 100 land c h a p te r th at the stu d e n ts bv lroni a concussion of the brain as a Sewing, ju n io r high— E m broidery Dr. George Ja rv is ........................ 100 th eir effo rts, will show th e ir appro- resu lt of th e fìrst c o a stia K accid en ti lan d tow els— F irs t E d ith Brookm il- Dr. Wood ........................................ 100 d a tio n of the c h a p te r’s in te re st in to be reported this w inter, His sled ler; second, M argaret C hurchm an; j J. P. Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 stru ck an autom obile. th is w ork. th ird , Hazel W alters. ¡G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 OF D. A. R. OFFERS DAIRY COW TESIER SULL IN VICINILI Aviator Is Burned to Death in His Wrecked Plane I AS SLED HITS ADIO j I Sewing, senior high — Cotton Dr. S w e d e n b u r g ............... 100 dresses— F irst, V irginia F ro st; sec- B ert M o s e s ......................... 50 D elbert King who was form erly a" resident of A shland, but who h a s ' ond, Florence W ilson; th ird . Lizzie O. A. P a u l s e r u d ............... 25 < V* i: X - ' 8 ad » fit « « i been w orking for the C alifornia Ore- Owens. Wool dresses—-First, Dor- C. L Loom is ................................ 111 " XX X ’««“ '»ASÍ ' othy Spptes; second, E sth er Coun- W. S. D e P e a u ............................. 1 gon Pow er com pany at C ottage G rove' for some tim e past, is visiting for a ! ™ ¡te r; th ird , Em ily W entner. ; O ther co n trib u to rs declared, b u t Neil Creek school received a spe- not yet paid, are H. G. E nders Sr., few days w ith friends in A shland.! This photograph was taken a few* seconds a fte r Lieut. John Blaney, contestant in tlie aviation races at H artford, He expects to go to Y reka a t the* C°nn - had struck a tree, crashed to the ground and perished in his burning plane. At the left is a photograph cial prize for a book of pressed wild $100; Mrs. E ugenia A tkinson, $25; flow ers. a nd tbe M urphy E lectric Co., $25, th e classified page, end of his visit here. ; of Bla*'ey made Juat befora “hopped off” in the race. Hero for r, Few Days—■ Ray Beckley, of the Beckley com -. m ission firm of P o rtla n d , was a vis- ito r in the city this week, having com e here in th e in terest of his firm Y esterday he was busily engaged in looking over the cattle in the valley It pays to read I