PAOT FOTO ASHLAND DAILY TipiNGS Kicks cn A dvertising— H. C. H am ak er cam e to the Tid- ; ings office this m orning and regis­ tered a kick about th e resu lts ob­ tained from an ad placed in th e p a­ Save by buying doll clothes a t per a few days ago, sta tin g th a t he th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf _______ had chickens for sale. Mr. H am aker R em em ber D ecem ber 5 to 8. W in- sa ’d the tro u b le was people contin te r F a ir. i uet* to come for a day o r two a fte r _______ ! the chickens had been disposed of. i This is generally the only dissatis- P rice G oing to E ugene— Dr. C harles S. P rice will conduct i faction found w ith th e Tidings wan: a series of four serm ons in Eugene ' ads. — next week. The m eetings will be L ast week I insured a Ford, an a u ­ held in the F irs t M ethodist church, tom obile and a tru ck . Yeo, of stric tly as a business proposition, course. Phone 274-J. 7 9tf th is building having been found ne­ cessary by his ag en ts, when they B e tte r be safe that; sorry. See found they could not obtain th e Ar­ B eaver R ealty Co. about your insur m ory, because of previous a rra n g e ­ ance. P hone 68. 287ti m ents. Thursday. December 7, 1922 Local and Personal PHOTOGRAPHS Friends want your photograph and they will prize a really good one. Surely, there is no hetWr time than now to visit our Studio. We are ready to show you the newest styles at prices that are most reasonable. PRICE SALE Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf W e have w hat you w ant for th a t B read. 52tf X m as gift a t th e V ariety Store. Best values in tow n. 89 N. Main St. 75tf X m as K ates Arc O ffered— Reduced holiday excursion fares Our Complete Line Goes at One- F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby will be p u t into effect by th e S outh­ Half Regular Prices doll sets, gard en sets, bloom er suits. ern Pacific for C hristm as and New Ju st the Thing for th a t Xmas Gift 80tf Y ears, it was announced today by John M. Scott, general passenger SEE THE WINDOWS B e tte r insurance a t reasonable agent. The reduced ra te s which ra te s. B illings Agency. P hone 211. which will be in effect betw een all points on the S. P. lines w here the liCuves lo r Los Angeles— one way fare is $3 0 o r less, will con- Mrs. C. Reed left last night on gist of one fare and a half for the tra in 15 for Los A ngeles, w here she round trip, or a 25 per cent red u c­ will join her husband. tion from the double one way fare. i True Happiness. T ickets will be on sale D ecem ber 22 ' lie is happiest, be he king or peas­ Cliff Payne has sp u r s te il ladders. to Ja n u a ry 1, w ith final re tu rn lim it ant, who finds peace in his home.— Goethe. of J a n u a ry 3. Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf T O O L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y B read. 52tf Cliff Payne m akes shaving stands. MALE H E L I’ WANTED 75tf i You’ll need one of P a u lse ru d ’s WANT PA R TIES w ith or w ithout su its d u rin g th e holidays. 78tf O rders tak e n for N avajo rugs. ! cars, to trav el in Oregon and C ali­ fornia. A splendid m oney m ak ­ Mrs. M. E. Thom pson, 585 T errace V isits in A shland— ing proposition, if in te rested , call St. Rugs on exhibition a t the W in­ D. M. Lowe, of M edford, was a te r F a ir. Room 111 H otel A shland. 82-1* 80-2* i ,v isito r a t th e A shland W in ter F a ir CONVALESCENT HOME— Are you today. Hero on B u sin ess— ru n down and alm ost a nervous H arold W. R eadon, rep resen tin g w reck? See w hat the “ W onder | A nother big dance a t Jackson H ot the H icks-C hatten E ngraving com ­ W orking Milk D iet” will do for S prings S aturday. The football tea m pany of P o rtla n d , was in / e city to ­ you. 81-1 will be present. W ill you be th ere? day on business calling at th e high 80-4 school in reg ard to cu ts for the high FOR RENT — H ousekeeping a p a rt­ school annual. Mr. R eadon fo rm er­ m ents, close in. 573 E. Main St. On Business in Jacksonville*— ly atte n d ed th e Oregon A g ricu ltu ral 81-3* R alph B illings was a business vis­ college, w here he was pro m in en t in ito r to the county seat today. cam pus activities, p a rticu la rly in FOR SALE OR RENT- -Piano. 573 E. Main S t. 81-3* jo u rn alism . He left th is afternoon T akes P o sitio n at Bukei1)-— for M edford. RELIA BLE PARTY w ith real esta te M ary Leach has tak en a position secu rity , w ants to borrow $1500 a t th e E lectric bakery and will serve Have your clothes cleaned and to $2000 from private p arty for th e public over Mhe co u n ter w ith the One of Rcosev, if ; rough riders, a government sc o u tfa n outlaw and now a pressed a t P a u lse ru d 's. 78tf two years. See R. D. Sanford, 399 electrically baked pastry. m inister of the gos;ie;. ¡s tlie strange career of Chief Tahan of the Kiowa In­ Beach St., A shland. 81 tf dians or Rev. Joseph K. Griffis as lie now calls himself. Chief Tahan, whose See E n d ers Co. for special prices W hy does Yeo w rite so m uch in­ name means l.glumg man, as an outlaw was captured, imprisoned, and later su ran ce? T h ere's » reason. In su re on spuds balance of this week. 80-3 LOST— F la t key in le a th e r key case, i converted, and fl.,a;!y was pardoned by President Cleveland. With bis beauti­ word “ C hicago” stam ped on key. i w ith him and “ spend the d ifferen ce.’’ ful daughter, Ruin (N.icoomee), lie lias gone to W ashington to make bis home. R eturn to T idings office. 81-2 i V isiting w ith Brother— P hone 274-J. 7 9tf Mrs. Mollie Coolidge, of P o rtla n d , ¡i ’ • is spending a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. M inkler of C NOTICE TO POÜLTRY stre e t, as she is en ro q te home from a visit in so u th ern C alifornia. Mrs. AND STOCK MEN Coolidge is a siste r of Mr. M inkler After you. are sick You can eall a doctor. We a re re p rin tin g analysis of After you tire in trouble you can call a lawyer. FIN A L SHOWING CH ERRO feeds to correct e rro r in . Do not fail to look .over th e doll But after a lire, an accident or a theft you cannot eall last w eek’s adv ertisem en t. sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf TODAY FRAMED PICTURES STUDIO ASHLAND On the Plaza SEE THE WINDOWS The Day Before You Need Help (A nalysis) Clierro Egg Mash Protein 20% F at 4 % % Ash 3% % Fiber 4% Capital Egg Mash P ro tein 17% F at 5% Ash 4)4% F ib er 7% Cherro Egg Builder P ro te in 19% Fat 5% Ash 5% F iber 5% Cherro Scratch P rotein 9% F at 3% Ash 2% F ib e r 2% E at b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. 74tf Help c e leb rate w ith the football boys a t Jackson Hot Springs S a tu r­ day night. 80-4 an insurance expert. I IE can only help you BEFORE you need him. Insurance pi events your needing help, it prepares the day before an eventuality. TODAY, when all is WELL, you need to arn ige your insurance. We should he glad to tai’- with you on any insurance matters. May we talk with you TODAY? ‘REMEMBRANCE’ O ur candy prices are rig h t, q u a l­ ity considered. Rose Bros. 7 4tf by RUPERT HUGHES — Also— CARD OF THANKS W e wish to th a n k the friends for th eir help and sym pathy to us in our late bereavem ent. Also for the beau tifu l floral offerings. Mrs. J. E. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beeson and fam ily. Aesop’s Fables The county co u rt this m orning The natives of Ayon island, 700 passed th e Jackson county budget as miles west of Bering strait, do not know tlielr own ages—but they kill printed This action was m ade w ith­ old people as an act of mercy. out tho usual am ount of squibbling th at generally is in order. Cheap insu ran ce is costly a t any price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t rea- i Best prices on spuds at Enders. sonable rate s, see Billings A gency.' 80-3 E stablished 1883. J4 tf S o c io lo g ic a l N o te . W ill Have to Keep Going. A Texas man walked 800 miles to m arry a widow, and from now on lie'll be kept on the run. If you w ant the best th e re bacon, boiled bam s, chipped lard and sh o rten in g , get It a t riek's. W e sell for less. Is in beef, Det- 48tf Anyone who Has watched an indl- vldcal beggar for any length of time will not conclude that the vocation i. elevating In haracter or that Us re action upon the Individual is a desn able one.—G reater New York D etrick sells for less. 72tf 1 o o tb a ch e S u p e rs titio n , Converse at Long Distances. T ^ * -a ir is so clear in the Arctic regions that conversation can be car­ ried on easily, and without telephone apparatus, by persons \ two miles apart. Som e q u a in t s u p e rs titio n s still lin g e r a ro u n d oniiinicn flower-, in E n g lan d , G ro u n d sel is sa id io c u re to o th a c h e if dug up w ith an Im pleim nt h av in g no Iron In ii an d (h e a c tin g tooth is to u ch ed .ice tim es w ith Hie root. Carload BRIQUETS ON TRACK They are- ECONOMICAL AND CLEAN and make a hot fire Try them and you will like them R ep resen tin g the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA “ The Oldest A m erican F ire and M arine Insurance C om pany” Founded 1792 and o th er first-class com panies and Budget Is Approved— Aged •'M ercifully" Put to Death. Billings Agency Real Topics of the Day PICTURE FRAMES All sizes up to 10x12, 20c to 50c each Candle Sticks Photo Albums Gift Novelties Chief Tahan and Preliy Daughter CHERRO Poultry Feeds PRICE SALE The Ideal Christmas Gift Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. C onsult y e a r insi rance agent as you w ould your law yer o r doctor Phone 98 Capital Scratch P rotein 9% Fat 2 H % Ash 2% F ib er 2W % FRIDAY- SATURDAY, Big Sale Days Clierro Growing Scratch P rotein 11% F at 2 H % Ash 2% F ib e r 2% We are compelled to remove our Tempting Drug and P a te n t Medicine Offerings from our show cases and counter to make room for our Clierro Developing Mash P rotein 17% F a t 4% Ash 4% F ib e r 4% Big Display of Holiday Goods. Combine Christmas Shopping With Bargain Purchases Cherro Chick Feed P rotein 11% Fat 2' . ALL Ash 2% F ib e r 2% F a t 4% F iber 5% __________ . 15% to 20% D IS C O U N T _________ CHERRO Stock Feeds (A nalysis) H O LI D A Y O F F E R I N G S Cherro Cow Chow F iber 8% Ash «% P rotein 18% F at 5% Cherro Pig Chow Ash Fiber 5% TOILET ARTICLE DISCOUNTS DISCONTINUED OR REVISED si P rotein 14% F at S % % Cherro Molasses Feed Fiber 15% Ash 9% Protein 10% Fat 3%% Mfd. by ChdYry City Milling Co. Salem, Oregon MEDICINES PILLS — TABLETS - LINIM ENTS - COUGH MEDICINES — KIDNEY AND LIV ER MEDICINES, ETC., Etc.TOGETHER W ITH ALL OUR CHEMICALS AND DRUGS Cherro Chick'Mash P rotein 16% Ash 4% PATENT Ü¡ C m Conklin Pens ....$2.50, $10.001 Shaving Brushes. .$1.00, $4.00 (names engraved free) F lashlights........... $1.00, $3.50 Jngersoll Watches.$1.50, $6.00 Eversharp Pencils. 50c, $6.00 Corona Typewriters . .. $50.00 Safety Razors— Autostrop. Gil­ Remington Portable ...$60.00 lette, Gem, Ever Readv— Desk Blotters. Ink Stands. Pa­ $1.00 to $7.50 per Weights ........ 50c, $1.00 Shaving Mirrors. . $2.00, $6.00 Smoking S e ts ....... $1.00, $5.00 Hair Brushes, Military Brushes Gentlemen’s Stationery .Clothes Brushes. $2.00, $10.00 Brief Cases and Portfolios o t o t o t o í Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles I Myrtle Wood Pieces and Sets Fulper Potterv. ELHART'S DRUGS - BOOKS - SRATIONERY I Perfumes, Toilet Water, by the: hottie or in sets 20 per cent Discount Music R o lls........... $1.00, ’ $5.00 Eaton, a , Box p ( rane & Pike’s Photo Albums . . . . . 50c, $4.00 Stationery. Decorated Candles and Caudle Sticks, Boudoir Lamps 1 ------- Novel Gifts of All Kinds 1094734318 1