ÌSH L A N P DAILY TUHHOt T hursday, D ecem ber 7, 1922 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L One cent th e w ord each tim e. FOR SALE. PHYSICIANS. DJR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practic FOR SALE— Dry lau rel wood, plenty of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tie r, lim ited to eye, ear, nose an< $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; throat. Office h ours, 10 to 12 an- 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25; 2 to 6. Sw edsnburg Bldg., Aah delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* land, O ra 73-t OK. J. J. EMMENS— Physic' an anc Surgeon. P ractice lim ited t. eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Claase supplied. O culist aDd a u rist fo B. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and E Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hone 56 FOR SALE OR RENT— P a rtly fu rn ­ ished house. 311 G ranite In­ quire Nelda Cafe. 72tf SW EET CID ER— M ade fresh every day. Two gallons 75c, one gallon 40c, delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. DR. M ATTIE IJ. SHAW — Residence FOR SALE— F o u r room cottage, city and office, 108 P io n eer avenue. w ater and lights, large lot, some T elephone 28. Office house. 10 fru it garage, nice location,. Low to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. n»., cnly. price for cash or will sell on term s. DR. H. M. SHAW — Physician and See Mrs. C. E. L ane, Tidings. 76-6 Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses f it­ ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Clock. FOR SALE— Or tra d e for city prop erty five acres, house, outbuild- Phone 79 or 28. ings, reservoir. P rice $2500. DK. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entis’ Mrs. W. G. Day, back of norm al — successor to W. E. Buchanan. school. 78-6* Special a tte n tio n given to s tra ig h t­ ening and care of c h ild re n ’s teeth. Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to SITUATION WANTED 5. Office phone 151. Residence phone 201-J. Cam ps Building, A shland, O regon. 45tf WANTED— M iddle- aged lady to work fo r her board aqd room and a sm all wage. Call in person a t CHIROPRACTORS- 90 F ifth St. 80tf DR. E. R. ANGELL— C hiropractic and E lectro-T herapy. The combi nation does w onders. Fita* N at’i B ank Bldg. Phone 48-142. H ouse Calls High School Paper Being Printed— Though copy for th e Rogue News, official publication of the A shland high school was late in being tu rn e d in, due to th e T hanksgiving recess, it has been set on th e m achine, and Visiting in Portland— N. A. Blagdon, of A shland, is Vol. 2, No. 6, will be ready for dis­ trib u tio n on F riday, as usual. F o r am ong th e recent a rriv a ls in th e city, a while it was th o u g h t the paper says the Oregon Jo u rn a l. w ould not be ready u n til Monday m orning. F a ir Specials— No. 1 B urbank po­ tato es, $1.45 per 100 pounds; fancy Fancy Y akim a N etted Gems, $1.32 Y akim a Gems $1.50 per 100 pounds. per cwt., a t E nders. 80-3 78tf P laza M arket, 61 N. Main. Piano T uning— Now is the tim e to have your piano A. L. Auxiliary to Meet— tuned. C arl H. Loveland. Studio, M em bers of the L ad ies’ A uxiliary 135 E a st Main. P hone 465. u6tf of th e A m erican Legion will hold an Local and Personal im p o rta n t m eeting a t the P a rish house, F rid a y aftern o o n a t 2:30 o’clock. As th e re a re only two m ore m eetings to be held th is year, it is urged th a t all those a ffiliate d w ith th e organization be present. W e have the best prices on used cars to be found in th e city. Come in and look them over. Buick Agency. 72tf Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle- c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc., reasonably priced. 80tf IN T E R I KHAN AUTOCAR CO. PAGE THRK0 a s ssa IIL»ilLHB Ü I Í I Far Coats Fall Into Three Types 2. M edicated a ir is the only tre a t­ m ent for c a ta rrh . B reathe Hvomei and o b tain im m ediate p*llief. At M cNair Bros. Money back if it fails. Doubtful Recommendation. A London newspaper contains an ad­ vertisement of an old English home to be sold, which begins la the fam iliar style—“Twelve bedrooms, four sitting rooms, paneled dining room, Ingle nooks, dower chests,” etc., and sud­ denly breaks olf from the catalog of ancient blessings with this modernism : ’But, owing io electric light, no ghost.” One hardly knows w hether this ex­ ception will add to or detract from the “pulling” i»ower of the announcement. Out Io* ‘It, a good reason for using it is the same old rea­ son of economy. Crescent has more leavening power, so you can use less. A lev el teaspoon to the cup oi flour is enough. You can use more if you wish as Crescent does not cause bit­ ter taste. A good te st is to d i s s o l v e a tea sp o o n fu l in water. You’ll find o n ly the natural, slightly salty taste. At all grocers. S treets A rc Icy— A freeze follow ing th e snow of W ednesday resu lted in a very slip ­ pery surface on the paved highw ays and s tre e ts of the city. Speed dem ­ ons and fast drivers in general were forced to tak e things m ore slowly, and in a m ajority o. cases took th ei precaution of chaining the w heels of th eir m achines. Bicyclists and horse) draw n vehicles had the h ard est tim e; of all th is m orning o:i the grade ju st above the Plaza. The ice becam e slush a sh o rt tim e before noon No B itter Taste With A tten d in g D ental M eeting— Dr. F. H. Johnson left for P o r t­ (E ffective J a n u a ry l , 1922) A&OVE, r i A f W t Daily (E xcept Sunday) land W ednesday evening to a tte n d SlZ/T-COAT LV. M EDFORD LV. ASHLAND the a n n u a l m eeting of th e O regon 7 :0 0 a. m. VETERINARY 7:00 a. m. S tate D ental socle y. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. ra. Thor o'. C ape -C oat type I.et us clean and press your clothes 9:00 a. in. C rescent Manufacturing Co. DR. J . P . CHISHOLM — Graduate* 9:00 a. m. A live charge in y o u r m agneto a t W orst & y fiAY n eA v o )/ 10:00 a. m. Seattle, Washington veterinary. L ocated on the Gill before the holiday season. L ad ies’ 7 0tf 11:00 a. m. the F lx lt Shop. property. west of the Norm al w ork a specialty. A shland C leaning 12:00 noon C U R coats can be divided into three distinct types, all fashionable and 12:00 noon School on W alker Ave. 1:00 p. ur. 1:00 p. m. sm art and typical o f th is year. Libby’9 Mince M eat ip b u lk and and Dyeing W orks. Auto delivery.! * 2:00 p. m. 7 9tf 1 2 :0 0 p. ra. jars. P laza M arket, 61 N. M ain.78tf Phone 63. F irst, th e re is the stra ig h t cape-coat type th a t slopes outw ard CONVALESCENT HOME 3:00 p m. 3:00 p. m. gently from shoulder down to th e bottom . This type by no m eans 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. W hy not buy lier a Singer Sewing suggests th e dolm an, as th a t is hopelessly passe (except fo r some Car Stripped of Fender*—- CONVALESCENT HOME — Good 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3( stric tly evening w rap ty p es). The cape-coat is stra ig h t and loose in cheer. Good care. Good food. 6:00 p. m. A tru c k and a C h ev ro let to u rin g 6:00 p. m. line, w ith cuffed slits th a t pass fo r sleeves. This first type is shown T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite 7:00 p. m. 7 :0 0 p. m. car cam e to g eth e r a t th e c o rn e r of per m onth will put one in your home. above in th e photo of May McAvoy, th e P aram o u n t sta r, who w ears St. P h o n e 411-R. 306-lm o 8:30 p. nr. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. E ast Main and F irs t s tre e ts W ednes- Singer Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. 9 it in “ C larence,” a new W illiam de Mille production fo r P aram ount. 3:30 p. m. F ir St., M edford. a an n m * day evening ab o u t 4 o’clock d u rin g The w rap is of H udson seal, w ith collar of G erm an fitch. A round the TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. 10:30 p. ra. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. bottom o f th e coat th e re a re tw elve diagonal bands of th e seal skins. Sunday S ch ed ule th e snow storm , w hen th e tru ck , The second ty p e o f coat is shown in the sm aller sketch to the right- Leave M edford for A shland and com ing from the east, s ta rte d to tu rn V isiting in K la m a th Falls— FO R prom pt and carefu l service Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spencer, who center. This ty p e follows th e suit lines o f th e season, w ith the long a u to tru c k s or hors9 drays, cal Ashland for M edford everv hour od aro u n d a t th e in tersectio n of the W hittle T ra n sfe r Co. ^ h o n e 117 the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; R ussian blouse effect, th e long sk irt draw n tig h tly over the hips, bell s tre e ts and failed to note an ap- I live a t the old Chase sta tio n , are Office, 89 Oak stre e t n ear H ote then 6:30 p. in. and 9:30 p. m. shaped sleeves, etc. This type is generally m ade up in caracul o r mole proaching c a r going east, u n til it v isitin « frien d s in K lam ath F alls for A shland. 56tt , A shland w ailing room — E a st Side skin, collared and cuffed in long shaggy furs. I t is very sm art, b u t one a few days. Pharm acy. h it the o th e r car. The re s u lt of the n o t likely to be fashionable a season ahead. H ere today and gone to ­ T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS collision was the strip p in g of th e left m orrow so rt of model. At Y our S e r v i c e - F E R — Good team and motoi AS HI AXD-ROSEBURG STA GE« hand fender from the to u rin g c a r and The th ird type is shown in th e sketch to th e left. The type is F ire, Auto and Accident Insurance. tru ck s. Good service a t a reason Daily (E xcept Sunday) gaining in fav o r every day. I t hugs th e u p p er p a rt of the figure and o th e r m inor dam ages to both cars. ab le price. Phone 83. City Hom es, B usiness P roperty and LV. ASHLAND LV. ROSEBURG flares as it nears the bottom . Some of these coats alm ost finish in a R anches b ought and sold on com m is­ flounce. They are all very g racefu l, and are ideal over th e long fu ll - 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. P o ta to special b alance of th is week FO R R E N I. sion. H ere since 11901. Staples skirts a f the mode. T ravel by stag e; s h o rte st ro u te by 80-3 ---- -------- i 20 m iles; one of O regon’s most * E n ders This last type is m ade up in all sorts of fu r, notably squirrel, b a t itf R ealty Agency. FO R RENT— F o u r room furnished scenic trip s. Fare— Ashland-Rose-j also in the handsom er furs^ erm ine, sable and mink. F o r th e b est chilL a p a rtm e n t,' with garage, Try Rose New Lum ber Concerns S ta rte d — A dults burg, $ 4 .60; M edford - R oseburg. 74tf only. 1101 B oulevard. 76tf $1.15; G ran ts P ass-R oseburg, $3.00. Bros. A new box factory and planing mill O ur box candy asso rtm en t is the A Ja r Is Apt to Follow. M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS I is to be constructed by the Chiloquin m ost com plete in A shland. Rose Women may like flattery, but it is Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. FOR RENT— Six room house, also Daily (Except Sunday) L um ber com pany to be operated in i Bros. *74tf; risky to tell a’ woman that she looks B A R B E R LV. G’T ’S PASS fu rn itu re (or sale. 183 G resham LV. M EDFORD connection w ith the saw m ill. Con­ 7 :30 a m. well preserved.—Boston Transcript. 10:00 a. m. Hunters Are Warned— St. 7 8-6* Safety blades resharpened stru c tio n work will begin a fte r the R ainfall Is Heavy— 1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. A w arning has been, se n t to all like new. Single bit, 30o 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m first of th e year, and capitalization More rain fell (luring the recent FOR REN T— Six room house, also F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e i3 h u n te rs by P a t Daily, d ep u ty s ta te Sunday Only doz. Dobuiu bit, 60c dot. fu rn itu re l’or sale. 193 Gresham of the com pany will be increased storm th a t sw ept th e Rogue R iver here. F o r citron, orange and lemon 10:00 a. m. gam e w arden, c a u tio n in g any one St. • 79-6* 10:00 a. m. 4:30 p. m. from h u n tin g a fte r d a rk c o n tra ry to from $50,000 to $100,000. The Mo­ valley in 36 horn’s th an d u rin g the peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, Children’s Work A 4:30 p. m. FOR RENT— A splendid th re e room G ran ts Pass w aiting room — T ht s ta te regulations. Any such person doc L um ber com pany, n ear C hilo­ e n tire m onth of Novem ber, a c c o rd -; sugar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells Specialty quin, is planning on c u ttin g all w in­ ing to w eath er b u reau figures. for jess rurnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. Bonbonniere, phone 160. 4 8 tf, found will be prosecuted, he says. Office and w aiting room — No. 357 Vista St. Phone 122. . 80tf ter. A new dry kiln is being erected Though the rain was accom panied by , t..L» . ■__________________ D arkness sets in a. little p ast 4:15 and 40 men a re employed a t present. a high wind, very little dam age has now, according to official in fo rm a ­ This will be finished about C h rist­ been rep o rted . The heaviest rainfall tion. mas. d u rin g t h t past m onth was on No­ vem ber 9, w hen .45 inches fell. Seven! Buy th a t X m as gift a t th e V ariety A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys days were clear, and 23 cloudy or Store. 89 N. Main St. 75tf in balcony. E ast Side Pharm acy. 78t p artly cloudy. The w arm est day was Polar W hite Soap, 2 5 bars .................................... .*..............................$ 1 .0 0 N ovem ber 21, when the m ercury Hom e m ade cookies, m ince pies, I’e e t’s Soap Chips, 9 lb s..............................................................................$ 1 .0 0 Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf reached 65 degrees, and the coldest graham bread. H om e B akery and lOc Rath T ablets, 4 for 25c, 17 f o r .......................................................... $ 1 .0 0 5 2 tfjo n Novem ber 27, when 21 degrees R e sta u ra n t, 69 No. M ain St. Open B read. S te a m 's Palm Olive, 21 bars ..................................................................$ 1 .0 0 7 6tf ---------- was recorded. K illing frosts began all day Sunday. , Duck Soap,. 40 sm all cak es .................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 M incem eat in bulk and jars. Plaza on Novem ber 12 and continued Ivory Soap Chips, 19 p k g s........................................ •............................... $ 1 .0 0 M arket. th ro u g h the rem a in d e r of the m onth. Big Case for Thomas— Two Y ear’s Subscription to the Northwest Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice 14 lbs............................................................ $ 1 .0 9 W hen C. M. T hom as, judge-elect Poultry Journal for $1.00 No. 1 M acaroni, 3 lbs. 25c, 14 l b s ................................................. ..$ 1 .0 0 i for the circu it c o u rt of Jo sephine Moves R ep o rted — Cut This Out— It Is Worth Money ( o il S paghetti, 2 lbs. 2 5 c, IO lba»........................................................... $ 1 .0 0 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. K ilgore have county, tak es th e b e a ch a t th e J a n ­ Cut out th is slip, enclose with 5c Apply at Our Booth in the N atatoriura Best R olled Oats. 4 ibs. 25c, IS l b . .................... „ ...................................$1^00 u ary term , he will re n d e r decision moved to the G. S B utler property and m ail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Good Bulk Cofree, lb. 25c, 4 1» lbs..............................................................$ 1 .0 0 upon the Oregon an d Dewey Jones a t 37 6 B street. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, ill., w riting Best IN alM i i ) C offee, 1b. 35c, 3 l b s ........................................................... $ 1 .0 0 Mrs. J. W . W ilson moved W ednes­ your nam e and address clearly. You hold-up case, th e m ost Im p o rta n t one Sun Mc.4 R aisins, 15c. pkg, 7 f o r .......................................................... $ 1 .0 0 ! on th e docket. T he Jo n e s’ are day from 199 E m erick s tre e t to 109 w ill receive in R etu rn '-a tria l pack­ C lu ster R aisins, London layer, 4 pkgs................................................. $ 1 .0 0 charged w ith th e P acific highw ay G ran ite stre e t. age containing Foley’s Honey and E nglish Currants. 4 p k gs..............................................................................$ 1 .0 0 robberies n o rth o f G ra n ts P ass in Mr. and Mrs. F red W ilson have T ar Com pound for coughs, colds and No. 1 Brazil Nuts, 5 lb s................................................................................$ 1 .0 0 Septem ber, and a re believed to have ren ted th e Ogg property at 58 Bush crOup; Foley Kidney P ills for pains ( No. 1 Soft Shell W alnuts, 3 lb s ........................................ .........................$ 1 .0 0 p articip ated in th e B lackw ell Hill stre e t and will move to th a t location ¡n sides and back; rh eu m a tism .' A lm onds, Home Grown, 4 lb s................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 episode. in a few days from the house in the backache, kidney and blad d er ail- Cliest n uls, 2 5 c lb., 4 lb s..............................................................................$ 1 .0 0 re a r of the Ideal grocery. Im ents; and Foley C ath artic T ablets, OLD PA PE R S for s ta rtin g fires, Hickory Nuts, 2 5 c lb., 5 lb s.........................................................................$ 1 .0 0 Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jones h a v e ,a wholesom e and thoroughly cieans- '1 0 cents for all you can c a rry . EL- moved into the C allahan property at jn g c a th a rtic for constipation, bil- WE HAVE MANY MORE SPEC IALS DI KING THE W INTER HART’S. 79-2 582 C stre e t. ¡liousness, headaches, and sluggish FAIR— COME AND SEE ---------- | bowels. Sold everyw here. Coughs and Colds in W inter DON’T DISCARD your R ubber ~r In d o o r se d en ta ry life in w in te r has Boots. LEEDOM ’S T IR E H O SPIT­ a d ire c t bearin g on the p revalence of AL will R ETR EA D them, fo r you. 61 NORTH MAIN STREET coughs and colds. K eep th e bow els NEW MACHINERY ju st installed. 'a c tiv e and overcom e co n stip atio n 79tf ; w ith Foley C a th a rtic T ablets. C olds, {coughs, croup, th ro a t, c h est and F a ir Specials— Mill ru n , $1.50 per bronchial tro u b le quickly relieved sa ck ; Olympic and Crown flour, $2 {with F oley’s Honey and T a r. Con­ p e r sack; corn m eal, 25 cents per tain s no opiates— in g red ien ts p rin ted sack. Plaza M arket, 61 N. Main. oiTthe w rapper. L arg est se llin g cough 78tf m edicine in th e w orld. “ F oley’s W ITH CARBON —There is no more appro­ Honey and T a r is w onderful fo r a t- H e re on R uifness— . . ; tacks of coughs and colds,” w rites Mr. and Mrs. H arvey W alter, of priate way of expressing the Notes, Bonds. Insurance Policies or similar jj .G r a y .V e n ic e . California^, sold M edford, were business visitors in true Christmas spirit than ' ©vervwtier© Two Books ...................... ..................................... ’. 25c th e city W ednesday. Crescent Baking Pow der W. A. SHELL jb W inter Fair S p ecia ls Beginning December 1 PRODUCTS On Display at the Ashland Winter Fair ASHLAND MIL! S In Slock PLAZA MARKET Scatter Sunshine with G r e e tin g C ards Unprotected Papers paper* are unprotected while kept around the house. A safe « deposit box at this hank costs less than a cent a day and gives the necessary protection against fire or theft. The Citizens Bank oi Ashland Ashland, Oregon ' _____ Medford to Audit Books— T he city council of M edford has g ran ted a dem and for an a u d it of th e city books a n n u ally . T he c itite n s ’ and tax p ay ers’ league will pay fo r P re ssu re of gas on h e a rt and other th is w ork, which will be begun in 1923. T he books will not be tak e n o rg an s, often causes a restless, n e r - ! vous feeling. Sim ple buckthorn', from th e city h all d u rin g th e a u d it. b a rk , glycerine, etc., as m ixed in A d lerik a, expels gas and relieves p ressu re and nervousness a lm o s t! WR » t U . THE INSTA NTLY. Acts on BOTH u p p er ; W O RLD ** GREATEST LEAVENER a n d low er bowel. A dlerika rem oves ■matter you never th o u g h t was in y o u r system , w hich poisoned stom -| a c h , causing gas and nervousness. Tke leeway BM UM S POWDBK E X C ELL EN T to g uard ag a in st ap­ PLAZA MARKET pendicitis. T. K Bolton, D ruggist. Nervous Feeling Due to Gas on Stomach CALUMET by sending Greeting Cards to those you wish to remem­ ber. Our display is now at its best. Make your selec­ tions early while assort­ ments are large and varied. Duplicaflng Sales Books Per D o z e n ................... Two Dozen ...............................................................$2.25 One H u n d re d ...........................................................$8.00 lc to $1.00 See Special Display M c N a ir >ros. '‘Stori $1.25 ASHLAND TIDINGS