TAOH TWO 5 - » S B ■! Ashland « Overheard at ihe Baby Clinic Wednesday Tidings EaUbllahed 1876 Every Evening Except Bunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Fobllabed Thüi sday, December 7, 1»22 ASHLAND DAILY TIDIÄGS DAIRY COW MISSED AT FAIR BY PORTLANDER Railroad Men (C ontinued from .Page 1) Mitigai et E. Dill Tells of the Work of the County Officials. • wbere dairying is developed showed On the stormiest day you a to ta l increase of $60,530, while OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY From Viewpoint of the Infants ever saw ! those in the o th er six tow ns had de- PAPER TELEPHONE 39 ¡creased $717,160. I do not know I how A shland fared financially dur- C. K. LOGAN, Editor The w e a th er m an w on't let it snow was the m a tte r w ith you. Table ! ing this sam e period, but certainly ’till aftern o o n ’cause our baby clinic was g rea t sp o rt— you stretched Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, i th ere is in this com parison a very Water-proof clothing is on this m orning a t the Civic club; see how long you were. But Table 4 Postoffice as Second-claBs Mail Mat* broad hint for centers w here d a iry ­ •> A prude is a wom an who has <♦> house, was w here m other let go your hand ter. ing is not developed. failed as a flirt. s d a u g h te r b ro u g h t h er Then you w ent back and got your T hree m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 o th er w aterproof clothing. county fair now well equipped to Six months .................................... 3.75 * bad m an becom ing w orse when • | daddy Everybody has cooed u ntil clothes on and w ent ln th e room w iih handle large exhibits of livestock^ One year ....................................... 7.50 • he gets rich. • fhft u ildjns. Pf.hn«« .Antin' th e fireplace w here Miss Pool was. th e h building echoes, nnlv. only, exceptin’ A shland would not care to plunge Mail and R u ra l R outes <»> •S> ---------- a few cries, b u t who w ouldn’t w ith M other show ed her ou r card, all very heavily in th a t direction in the And More Popular. One m onth .................................... 5 -65 Most of th e th in g s we do ♦> out one bit of C lo th es on, and not] m arked «P ever s‘nce we began clin- Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 <$> Life is as serious a thing as d eath .- w inter. But she doesn’t need to. Rix months .................................... 3.50 <§> would be done d ifferen tly if we <•> ! even m o th e r’s finger to hold to and m o th er ju st One of th e m ost in te restin g and live­ Bailey. and ®he One year ...................................... 6.5f could do them over. | sit in a basket to be w eighed? ¡w h a t we should e liest com petitions I have seen any­ ADVERTISING RATES -------------------------------------- Mrs. F red Engle, ch airm an , greet-r Jo h n Iia -V'» olld P r a tt is 17 m onths w here in the N orthw est d u ring th ree Display Advertising The m ain purpose of pleasure ed us a t the door. Mrs. D ougnerty old- H e’s been com ing ever since a years th a t I have spent in th is field, tin gle in sertio n , each in c h ............ 30c seem s to be to supply som ething YEARLY CONTRACTS recorded o u r history. Mrs. Sylvan! teeny baby. He was underw eight was th a t for th e best grade dairy Display Advertising for th e refo rm ers to stop, which, of cow at the Union livestock show last | P rovost escorted us to the rest room and u ndernourished, One tim e a w e e k ................... , . 2 7 ^ c ---------- I course, his m am m a d id n ’t want, him Ju n e aw ay off over th ere in n o rth -j Two tim es a week....................... 25 c <$> Much poetry is w asted be- ! to be, ’till she did all the things e astern Oregon, w here we th in k of i Xivery other d a y .......................... 20 c • cause th e av erag e re a d e r c a n ’t • Local R eaders • th e clinic told her. Now he is nor- them as raisin g nothing b u t w heat Bach line, each tim e ..................... TOc ** get w hat th e poet is try in g to <§> ; mal and bouncing. T h a t’s w hat lots and steers. A local H olstein breeder To ru n every o th e r (Say for one ROYAL MIXED FEED ♦ say. ,«* ' of m others say about th e ir babies, and p h ila n th ro p ist had offered a val­ m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7c <*> ---------- too. k - To ru n every issue fo? one m onth uable bull calf, hacked by th e best Ju d g in g by th e a d v ertisin g of m ore, each line, each t i m e . . 5c & Straight Car Just Received Miss F alld in e said: “ We don’t kind of breeding on both sides, t o ’ “ colum ns, the chief concern of * Classified Column have these clinics to find perfect the ow ner of the best grade cow. i 16 per cent protein—$40.00 ton One cent th e word each tim e. •?> m en is cig arettes, and the one babies. We have them to find b a ­ T here a re m ore cows th an you w o u ld , To ru n every issue for one m onth th o u g h t of wom en is beau tifiers. bies th a t need a tte n tio n ; m any of th in k , in the d istric t, and when the Unsurpassed for Dairy and Poultry or m ors, the w ord each tim e. «> ---------- Legal Rate the p a re n ts do n ot know about the e n trie s closed, a fte r a veritable HEZ HECK SAYS: F irs t tim e, per 8-pclnt lin e ..........10c defects..” Miss F alld in e hopes to bom bardm ent of applications from < « > “ F e lle rs who w ait fer a Each subsequent time, per 8- have a clinic every q u a rte r. She ow ners of fam ily bossies all over polnt line ...................................... Be job a in ’t got am bition en­ has a w eighing and m easuring every tow n, and of farm bossies all over Card of t h a n k s .............................. $1.00 ough to look fer one.” th ird S aturday of every m onth, but th e valley, th ere was a strin g of 19 Obituaries, the line ..................... 2 1 <•> <•> <♦> <§> & <§> S> F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies not th is m onth, ’cause i t ’s C h rist­ of them — good, bad and in d ifferen t, A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders j ——— —— ■ mas. Miss F alld in e w ants m others but m ostly su rp risin g ly good— lined! o r societies charging a re g u la r in iti m orally, for good w ishes never paid in all the county to call on her and up for the judge to appraise. Prac-1 a tlo n fee and dues, no discount. R e ­ for accum ulated expenses b u t;w ith ligious and benevolent o rd ers will be I bring us. She has charge of all of tically all of the recognized breeds, charged th e re g u la r ra te for all ad a sm all financial c o n trib u tio n for a it, ’cause she is our county n u ise. and some th a t you never would ree-1 vertlsln g w han an adm ission o r othei season tick et to th e W in ter F a ir, Miss Pool had a p icture of two ognize, w ere rep resen ted , and the charge is m ade. th ere will be a su b sta n tia l loss w he;’ ! puppies, four m onths old. One judging was followed by m ore in te r­ the exposition closes F rid ay evening. d ran k fresh m ilk. One d ran k p a s­ ested sp ectato rs th an any o th e r at What Constitutes Advertising FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY teurized m ilk. One was big and In o rd er to allay a m isu n d erstan d - ! the show. The management of the Vining Theatre announces the I bk am ong some as to w hat consti ' „ „ p retty , the o th e r looked sad and lit­ ‘‘I have no doubt b u t th a t a sim ilar tu te s new s and w hat ad v ertisin g , * Extraordinary Attraction coming to Ashland on above tle, 'cause he d ran k pasteurized. But com petition ju st for fam ily cows in PEOPLE'S FORUM we p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which » the next fo u r m onH 'r, both of those A shland, would c reate a lot of in te r­ date, being the original New York cast and company en <§> <$> •§> <§> <$> <$> <$> <§> <§> <$> <$> Is u sed by new spapers to differenci­ puppies d ran k fresh m ilk and had est and bring out some excellent in- a ls betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re route from Helig Theatre, Portland, to the Columbia events, w here an adm ission charge A Suggestion to Improve (lie Loral th e ir p ictu res tak m, and th e little, dividuals. The ring need not be Theatre, San Francisco— Is m ade or a collection is tak e n IS sad puppy was fat r..:d p retty , and lim ited to A shland, how ever, and Telephone Service A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to ! m ost big as h i : brother. th ere is g rea t variatid h possible in organ izatio n s an d societies of every To th e E d ito r: I • Mrs. Wilsfcire i layed the piano in such contests. kind as well as to individuals. W e often read advice in ou r local F o r instance, one j th e lectu re roc..:, a n d we played dairy in g All rep o rts of such activities a fte r p a p e r such as "shop e a rly ,” ‘‘go to com m unity in w estern they have occurred is news. ’ about some. the polls and vote,” etc., but we s e l­ W ashington held a class for grade All com ing social or organization Miss Falld no ra y j the Civic club cows th is fall, in which not only the dom see any advice offered from the m eetings of societies w here no m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ “ voice of the people” to o u r local I house is ou r h ealth re n te r now ’cause a n im als’ conform ation, b u t th e ir she will alw; ys m eet us th ere, and production in the cow testin g associ­ ation charged, or collecton tak en IS m anagers of public utilities. NEWS. Miss Cham bi rlain ; ave h e r a key. ation, counted. Then th ere Is the In regard to th e telephone service, i Z ie | Miss F alld in e ar.d v? and everybody two or four-day m ilking contest, in it has often occurred to me th a t it frifciTuT rn l n r. rn n n n r F amous was g rate fu l to th e nice doctors who which prizes a re aw arded for the would be a good plan for the tele ­ (z OMEDy .BIBLE THOUGHT phone com pany to publish in stru c ­ w here we took off o u r dainty c lo th e s ,. helped. T h e / w .re ; Doctors E. A. greatest b u tte rfa t production per j Ey tions in th e ir directo ry to p atro n s to W rapped in a b lan k e t in m o th e r’s W oods, Mact rackon, Gregg, P h ette- cow and you m ight find enough good' — FOR TODAY — A vE K y notify o p erato rs when they w ere go­ ai-ms, Miss Johnson, the school n u rse place, Swede i b u r ; and Shaw. The women m ilkers in th is vicinity to i Bible Thoughts memorized, wiil prove a IB 1 priceless heritage in after years. who is aw fully sw eet, escorted us to ladies who a: listed w ere: M esdam es furnish a lot of fan for th e specta-j ing to be aw ay fo r several hours, and H opwood • in tu rn in stru c t o p erato rs to m ake th e b an q u et room, all set out w ith I D enton, Pero ,zi and T ilton, to rs, a t least, in such a contest as tab les. • These clin cs a r f g e ttin g popular, WITH A DISTINGUISHED a note of th is and when th e n u m b er was staged a t th e Pacific In te rn a ­ THURSDAY, DECEM BER 7 BELASCO C A S T Table No. 1 was padded nice, and and we babh s aro g e ttin g bouncing was called for, instead of saying, tional for the first, tim e th is fall DELIVERANCE AT HAND: — I will be w ith him in tro u b le : I “ I ’m ringing th e m ”— causing an u n ­ we kicked heels and patt\A caked. _and healthy. So w ■ hope all nfltth- T here the n um ber of en tries was so A F T E A /F S PHENOMENAL com? next tim e and bring large th a t th e c o n testan ts had to be necessary w ait, say, “ No one a t hom e, w hile two nice doctors exam ined o u r ers will deliver him. Psalm 91: 15. TWO YEARSk CONT/NUOUS RUN AT THE LYCEUM THTATRt. . tiny babies o r chile ren bigger th an lim ited to two m in u tes of actual call th is a fte rn o o n ,” or “ Call to m o r­ th ro a ts, ’ ears, e » eves, * » noses. row. This would fac ilita te m atte rs 5 Months at Powers Theatre, Chicago m ilking, and the re su lts w ere la rg e ­ for a ll concerned. If I am wrong, ly a m a tte r of luck. In a sm all K E E P FA ITH ALIVE would like to h e a r from sone one Pretty Girls, Music and Comedy. A laugh in every line. contest, th e tim e could be extended, I, T here m ay not be a S anta Claus, else on th e subject. and th e resu lts would b e tte r m eas­ MAIL ORDERS NOW— Prices, «1.00, «2.00 and «2.50— plus ax As real persons go, A SUBSCRIBER. ure th e m ilk e r’s skill. But q u ite aw hile one ought to pause S eat Sale a t Box Office— 1 to 4 P . M. a n d 7 to 9 P. M. . “ T here is room for the cow a t your E re tellin g children so. A shland, Ore,, Dec. 1922. show. Jackson county and A shland My D ear E d ito r xi need m ore of her, for ‘w here the cow & F o r he who says th e re is none such A shland T idings: is, th ere is A rcad ia’.” (In sp irit or in tr u th ) s To-w it th e follow ing: $ ? Lies every single bit as m uch 1 see by th e way the stre e ts are :S SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT- To sweet and trusting youth litte re d up, they need a new s tre e t TH E W IN TER F A IR cleaning d ep artm en t. E vidently the I As he who says K ris K ringle lives guy who is boss is going to lose his And moves am ong us Re re— job when th e new bunch a rriv es £ He lives in every h e a rt th a t gives about J a n u a ry 1. Anyway, th e bird Subject A gift w ith lové, my dear! who threw all those trees rig h t in — Selected “ THE PROLOGUE’’—“ THAT SOMETHING’’ the m iddle of th e stre e t was aw fully 1 careless— som ebody m ight fall over “ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER’’ ’em and break som ething, and if no- T able No. 2 was soft and comfy,! to,lr >’ears o r oide -, Miss F alldine SPEA K LOUDER T hat m oney ta lk s is a w ell-known body w ants th e trees, we should s e n d ! i t was a little tough being says, and its a free clinic, Nobody fact b ut th e re a re m any instances some o \e r to Ihe s ta r tin g A im enians thum ped all over to see if an y th in g has to pay for being exam ined, when m ere ta lk is not sufficient and w here they will do som ebody some o u t is is needed. One of S °°d * Y ours (T ub, a h e a rty sh shout G. L. B. these instances is th a t of th e E ighth A nnual S outhern Oregon P o u ltry As­ sociation's exhibition and th e T h ird A nnual W in ter F a ir, now being held CHINESE MINISTER AS CUPID in the Arm ory and th e N atato riu m . ! Jesting Remark Made by Wu Ting In th e two exhibitions th is year, Fang Led to the Union of Two A shland has some of the fin est poul­ Loving Hearts. try and pet stock exhibited on the Wu Ting Fang was, while m inister coast. The word of m en who have a t Washington, attending the wedding a tte n d ed m any sim ila r displays is of the daughter of the chief justice tak en as a u th o rity for th is s ta te ­ at th at time. At the breakfast he THE BIG FLOOD m ent. One of these m en declared I asked one of the bridesmaids when it th a t in his estim atio n , th e ra b b it would he her turn to become a bride. exhibitiou was as good if not even She modestly said that she did not b e tte r th an th a t d e p a rtm e n t of the know, as she had not yet had an of- Pacific In te rn a tio n a l Livestock Ex- fer. Turning to a group of young men. position recently held in P o rtlan d . Doctor Wu jocularly rem arked to one Look over th e tags on vai ’ovs crates of them, “This is a beautiful lady, and see w here fixe ra ise r lives ;.nd would yod not like to m arry her?” He replied, “I should be most delight­ how fa r he has sent his stock for ed to.” “Will you accept his offer?” REV EA LER OF exhibition purposes. This is suffic­ said Doctor Wu to the bridesmaid. ient proof of th? 3m o«m of interes* She seemed slightly em barrassed and t: ken along the coast in the local said something to the effect that as she did not know the gentleman she *ll< w. You cannot afford to miss a single lecture. So m any ex tra displays in th e pet could not give a definite answer. Mothers and Fathers, know the greatest gift of God, stock and poultry line from outside] Meeting the Chinese m inister at an i “at home” a few days later, sh e scold- j for your children’s sake. Two skunks climbed into Noah's aik. th e s ta te w ere forthcom ing th a t an i ed him for his bluntness, and he ex- | And Noah fled and sought to park Urdahl’s free lectures will help you increase in th e n um ber of crates to cused himself by saying that he was ! Himself upon the highest mast; t —To know yourself better house the displays was found neces­ actuated by the best of motives. But then there came a windy blast sary. These cost money. And Noah and the skunks were blown —To know your Business better , A few months afterw ard Wu re­ Into a country quite unknown In ad d itio n to th e fine poultry and ceived an invitation from the young —To know your Church better Where cannibals came’round, pell-mell. pet stock display, some of the best lady’s parents to attend her m arriage. Then fled—they couldn’t stand the —To know your God better e n te rta in in g a n d educational talen t The bridegroom was the young man smell I —To know that Success, Health and th a t can be procured in the n orth-] who had figured in the unconventional The moral’s quickly understood, , incident. To Wu’s agreeable surprise w est has been b ro u g h t to A shland l | the mother of the bride informed him Happiness lie within you. “Even an ill wind blows some good.” fo r th e evening pro g ram s a t the Ar th at it was he who had first brought Questions will be answered from the platform. — Itn p , J r. 1 1 moryr These also cost m oney. tlie young couple together, and both Bring Your Friends Collection Unless the people of Ashland get set bride and bridegroom heartily thanked I _ . zx u v\* ,, n • x n . tt - ♦ xa - j aiy* him for his good offices. ’Scene from The Gold Diggers ’ Coming to the Vining Friday A want ad w ill sell It. back of thfl. W inter Fair, not onl, W alrus Brand B Y i B ert - M oses Keeps yxni The Enders Co. MONTANA Ashland Fruit Association FRI. DEC. S DAVID BELASC& t ttttt TONIGHT, 8 O’CLOCK Women’s Civic Giub House e s / / / '' 7 '/ HAL H. URDAHL “ THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE” I