♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, witnuui • th e aid of m edicine, cures nine 4> cases o u t of ten of asthm a. €> T his is a proven fact. > A shland D aily (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi, 43) AT WINTER FAIR IS SENATOR FOR A DAY ♦ » « O M tidings No. 81 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1922 POLICE SEEKING IN DANCE HALLS ! 1 ; <§> <8> <§><§> <3> «è> <§> <8> i <^ <§>*§> <8> COMING EVENTS ! i<$> <•> D ecem ber 5-8— W in ter F air. <$>; D ecem ber 16— Stew art Long, ' le c tu re r Lyceum course. $> D ecem ber 22.— High school C hristm as Day. ♦ IS DAYS UNTIL XMAS. <•> j<3> ¡ $> ',<$> •> •> O O tO O * <$> MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ♦ vive th re e n o n th s in th e rich 3> ozone a t A shland. The pure do- 4 m estic w ater helps. <$ WAR VETERANS STILL MAKES HIS WAVE FIVE CHILDREN IN EOCENE DIE F E SIX OTHER PEO PLE ARE I1ADLY BURNED AND HOUSE IS DESTROYED « ! LEGION ORDERS INVESTIGATION OF PH ILADELPH IA IN ­ STITUTION INCLEMENT W EATH ER CAUSES MANY TO STAY INDOORS AT NIGHT ' DOPE DENS ALSO SEA RCH ED IN HUNT FOR MRS. CLARA PH IL LIPS PRIZES ARE AWARDED IN ART DEPARTMENT RACE TRACK TOUT IS WANTED BY OFFICERS INHUMAN TREATMENT IS CAUSE DEATH, CHARGE GASOLINE MISTAKEN FOR KEROSENE CAN E x cellen t Show ing Made by D om estic E xhibits, W hile C hildren’s Work B rings P raise; Poultry A w ards to' Be C om pleted Soon. ¡O rd erlies M ake A ffid avits That Men “Gold T o o th ” Joluison, In fa tu a ted W ei« Placed in S ca ld ’n g W ater W ith “ H am m er M urderess” W hile I WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. — The And Straight Jack ets and Kept R oth in J a il; T hou gh t M asculine i fig h t on the ship subsidy bill was T hem for Hours. A ttire Donned. W o ist F ile in H istory of City; Four K iddies Dead in C hicago W hen W ird O verturns Lamp; Fam ily A lso Burned. SHIP SUBSIDY BILL HI IS RENE I _______ I renew ed in the sen ate com m erce PH ILA D EL PH IA , Dec. 7.— Char- LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7.— C lara com m ittee today. It is believed to h am m er m u rd e r -'h e “ highly im probable” th a t the ges th a t wounded v eteran s were P hillips, escaped ¡ess” still eludes police and a u tlio ri- m easure can be enacted in the origi- beaten to death, scalded by hot wa- 'tie s of the e n tire country. It w a s ! »al form subm itted to congress. te r and placed in stra ig h t jac k e ts by t h n n e h t fn r n tim e th is n in m in » th a t S enators in sist th a t some restric - o rd erlies a t U n ite d -S ta te s hospital she was c ap tu red along w ith a fern- tion be placed on the b o a rd ’s use of No. 49 ard being investigated here ro u T e 'U ,, revolving ,„r ,he „ a y n e n t 'a t the in .,..e „ c e » , the A n ie ric n A ttendance at the W inter F a ir this I M. Marcel, inventor of the Hair wave EUGENE, Dec. 7.— Mrs. Iver y ear has been d e c id e d ly cut down by that ntade i,jS name famous, recently Johnson and Hazel C h u iih v ,i.,ni>o u ib o 1 1 * i " * • p ro p rie to r of the L inn D rug com-; The acq u ain tan ce of the newlyweds a t 11 a. tu e ability of Riley. A dance is at o gpeaker w}10m the two houses of th e F J , averaging 12,443 population w here erh eated oil pipe. \ fn r »1,** Pin-., ni th e ’ • ' pany for the past 25 years, w as dates back for some eight y ears,* at overheat! s e n e lam p, which caused the house to In ing planned for the close oi t i l t ( n ite (t s p a te s congress convened in 1 } * • d airying is developed and is the . . drow ned w ith a com panion w hen a the tim e Miss Sm ith was visiting in I b u rst into flam es. W in te r F a ir F riday night. jo in t session to hear, and who en- principal branch of a g ric u ltu re prac­ ' boat from which they were rigging a Spokane The dead a re: Mamie Budak 9; HAL URDAHL SPEAKS The a r t exhibit is one th a t l -‘e th ra lle d statesm en whose lives have ticed, and six tow ns in th e sam e cable across the W illam ette river Mrs. Eden is well know n in A sh-' Sophia, 10; John, 3; Eva, 10 m onths. ON “IDEAL CHARACTER” city of A shland m ight well be proud j,ePn g, pnt ¡n an atm osphere of ora- sta te s averaging 21,420 population, th is m orning, capsized. land, having lived here for several ---------- The fa th e r and m other and two o ld ­ of, for seldom is a collection of art tory w here grain, su g ar beets and fru it The com panion’s nam e not years and ta u g h t school in the coun- Hal. H. U rdahl presented the first is er children w ere critically burned. o bjects equal to th a t on display in ¡Ie ra te ,j as the highest paid are principally grow n, and dairying ty for some tim e. She also spent a lectu re in his series last night at the th e A rm ory exhibited in a com m unity ]t,c tu n .r o th e day. The N o rth w est' nown j e t ’ is considered a sideline. The fo r­ few years as a teach er in L ake coun- Civic com m unity hall to an audience the size of A shland. T ourist b u reau paid him $40,000 foK m er group average $17,325,140 in I X 1VERSIT Y ST l DE N TS ty. Mr. Eden is extensively engaged o ab o u t 50 persons. The inclem ency EARN $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 A MONTH The prizes aw arded in the a rt de- a s e rjes o f jo o lectures in e a s te rn 1 THERN OREGON MAN bank deposits, or $1288 per capita, PROPOSES SALARY SLASH »» the lum ber business at Tensed, of the w eath er hindered m any from p a rtm e n t were as follows: centers, and considered it a profit-: w hile the la tte r averaged $10,360,-1 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E u ­ ■ ¡and the young people expect to m ake atten d in g . s L unch cloth— first, G ertru d e Bie- able bargain. 000, o r only $479 per capita. Soil gene, Dec. 7.— U niversity stu d en ts SALEM, Dec. 7.— To reduce th e th e ir hom e in th at place a fte r J a n -j His subject was “ The Ideal Char- «1^; second. Mrs. John Norby. In sp reading the fam e of the , , .j , . . lan d clim atic conditions were about w orking th eir way received m ore salary of governor from $7500 to u arv 1. a c te r.” He tounded ideal ch aracter! E m broidered c en ter piece— Firs*, n o ith w est, Riley has him self becom e; ¡•equal. Six m onths late r, a fte r one' than $4000 m ore per m onth th is year $5000 a year is the purpose of a bill in the conscientious m otive -the mo- Mrs. H. C. Stock; second, Mrs. John £anious but, paradoxically enough, I of the m ost distressing periods agri-: th an they received last year, accord­ b now being prepared by a so u th ern k o YAL GRANDCHILD IS tive to build righteously to a real N orby. I cu ltu re has experienced in l.v e n t he is mi r.“ fam ous, and known ing to the em ploym ent bureau of the ■ Oregon m em ber of the low er house EX PE C T ED CHRISTMAS purpose in life and a universal broth- C rocheted cen ter piece— F irst. Mrs i years, deposits in the sam e six tow ns ' :lt ° 1HO! 1 *'°P1' • in a n > doz4 '1- for p resen tatio n a t the next session U niversity Y. M. C. A. The to tal is ---------- erhood— the real soul m otive— in H uger. of s ta te s e a s t of th e M ississippi riv ­ LONDON, Dec. 7.- A “ happy and tliat was found pow er and direction, $10,812, a g ain st $6500 last year. of the law m akers. (C ontinued on Page 2) Lunch set. crocheted edge— F irst. er th an he is in Oregon. His is ai R egular jobs brin g $9312. The The a u th o r of the bill, in a le tte r in te re stin g event is expected a t the real c h a ra c te r building m aterial out Mrs. Olson, second, Mrs. Sams. life e l ¡?ei \ ice, and hi as ( eve ope recejvetj here, said Mr. Pierce had hom e of V iscount Lascelles and the of which stro n g c h a ra c te r could be SOUTHERN PA CIFIC m onthly wages range all the way ADDS Crocheted ddilies. lunch se t— a personality th at every one s tou : recom m en(jed low er salaries for sta te form er Princess Mary w ithin a fo rt- built. I TOURIST CAR SERVICE from $60 to $12. F irst Mrs. E. H. Bush; second, Mrs. be acquainted with. In giving Ash ofHCia ls, a n d th a t n a tu ra lly he would n ig h t,” the Daily News announced. His lectu re w-as in terestin g , logi- _______ i ---------------------------- C harles Brady. lanu a n o p p o r tu n ity to fo rm such an n ot o5 ject to t he reduction of $2500 The princess, who is the only daugh- cal and forceful; such indeed a s' T hrough to u rist sleeping car serv- NEWLY FORMED TOWN D resser scarf— F irs t. Mrs. F ran k i id: in. in \ th e s p o n s o is o* t i e & y p a r te r of K ing George and Queen M ary, I will ju stify those in terested to stay ice betw een P o rtlan d and Los An- MAKING MUCH PROGRESS C row son; second, Mrs. Huger Riley lectu re a a re re c c e e rtain ita in they they are a ie The sam e bill m ay include a down- is expected to become a m other n ear th rough the com plete course. I geles has ju st been put into effect * ---------- Pillow cases— F irst, Mrs. Jo h n Ol­ per orm ing a service th at will he ap- war(j rev ision of salaries for prac- C hristm as. This will be the first ---------------------------- i lJy the Southern Pacific com pany on HILLSBORO, Or., Dec. 7 — Activ- son; second, Dudley Estes. p reciated by the public. grandchild in the royal fam ily. tically all sta te officers. I t pays to reaty th e classified p a g e .' the Shasta and San Joaquin routes, ity is steady in every branch of prog- C ounterpane, em broidery — F irst, according to an announcem ent m a d e 're s s a t V ernonia, and is not reta rd e d Mrs. F ra n k Crow son: second, Mrs. today th ro u g h G. N. K ram er, local by bad w eather. JEW ELS SAID STOLEN - W. Myers. agent. U nder th e new schedule, pas- The site for the big lum ber m ill, C ounterpane, crochet— F irst, Mrs. FROM PRETTY ACTRESS sengers may obtain th ro u g h to u rist across from the Nehalem river, will C. F. S h ephard; second. Mrs. F. F. car service betw een th is city and Los be ready soon for th e erection of i W hittle. EUGENE. Dec. 7,— T w enty th o u -' Angeles over Souterh Pacific lines buildings. Several refuse piles re- Finest ta ttin g — F irs t, Miss P ygall; sand dollars w orth of jew’els w ere' via Sacram ento: Stockton, Merced, sem ble huge Indian tepees and are seco n d M rs. R o b erts. stolen from p retty Miss G e rtru d e ' Fresno*and B akersfield. T ourist car all ready for the torch. Im m ediate- Crochet yoke— F irst, Mrs. H uger; V anderbilt, s ta r in “ T he Gold Dig-! spa^e in the southbound car will be Jy adjoining tlie site a re a num ber second, unknow n. g e ts ” com pany which played here ¡allo tted to agents at P o rtlan d and of home plots on which residences M arine oil p a in tin g — F irs t, Miss last night, on th e tra in betw een Sa­ o th e r points. On the northbound a re being constructed. The office Mabel Russell. lem and Albany, according to a re ­ trip , space will be assigned to Los and residences of the m ill com pany Still life oil p ain tin g — F irst, Miss port m ade to the Albany police upon A ngeles and San Francisco, the lat- a re practically finished. The high Mabel Russell. h er a rriv a l there. ¡ te r space for sale from Sacram ento, school building is undergoing flnish- L andscape w ater color p ain tin g — I According to in form ation reaching ___________________ ing work, b u t has been occupied for F irs t, Miss Hazel Powell. here, the jew els, which w ere in a. MISS JESSIE THATCHER several weeks. Mrs. C harles Brady won th e spe­ case, hail been lying on th e seat; ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT ------------------------------ cial prize offered for th e best em- ' broidery / i ¡ k ;, „.».¡„r, nitirtw alongside her, for m ost of th e trip, _______ HIGH SCHOOL FR A T E R N IT IE S exhibit, which was a pillow in stead of being in th e custody of^ An announcem ent p arty for Miss ENDORSED RY HIGH COURT tup in w hite solid em broidery. Louise N orton, Miss V anderbilt's col­ Jessie T h atch er was given W ednes- --------- - T hree lunch cloths en tered by day by h er siste r Mrs. W. K itto, at JE F F E R S O N CITY, Mo., Dec. 7.— ored m aid. As yet, they have not ch ild ren u n d er 12 years of age, drew h er home on the Boulevard, in honor High school fra te rn itie s scored a been recovered. m uch favoratile com m ent from the of h er com ing w edding to R e in h a rt g rea t victory in th e M issouri suprem o ju d g es, w hile o th er fancy w ork by K ruggel, th e date of the nu p tials as co u rt when the c o u rt held th a t stu- < hildren betw een 6 and 15 year, work w ere: Lois Lym an, Eunice Ha- yet being undecided. dents have th e rig h t to become m em - com posed of a rticle s from needle g r. E lizabeth W olcott, Iris A tter- I The announcem ent was m ade by a bers of secret socities, and efijoined cases to lunch sets, deserve honor- bury. C lara A tterb u ry , C larice fro w -î telegram from Miss T h a tch e r's school boards from enforcing the able ¿nentlon, as the com bining of son, Im a Crowson, Louise Lym an, b ro th e r in San Francisco. A large rules a g ain st fra te rn itie s. • colors stitch es and fancy edges w as Aileen Inlow, E ugenia Young. F ra n -' num ber of friends were present d u r- -------------= ----------- — exceptionally good. P ractically all cis P h ilp o tt, Ju n e S h erard , Cleo^ ing the evening. Am ong th e fea tu re s R ents H ouse H ere­ of th e c h ild re n ’s work was done un- S herard. E thel Dodge. L au ra Thomp-^ o f th e evening was the singing o f, C. A. F ish er, a salesm an for the tie r th e in stru ctio n of Mrs. R. W . sou. M iriam and P o rtia Conover,! ____ ¡tw o selections by Mrs. E. Q. Sm ith M ason-Ehrm an Grocery company, of Cnnnver of the N eedlecraft Shop. Sylvia Provost, D orethy C happie and a * , v rt • 1 Most of tlie 18 members the Coiumunist Lalior party who nvere con vici«l in Clucago two years ago of violating the and Miss Jean A nderson. D ainty re- M edford, has ren ted the M. C. Reed who has been giving the children - u ei. j m inojs espionage act surrendered to the sheriff the other day and were promptly taken to Joliet or the county Jail freshm ents w ere served before th e property on Scenic Drive, and has free lessons d u rin g th e past two The ju dges for the a rt exhibits to begin serving their sentences. H ere are Joe Miesler, H arry S h o p m an and Charles Crumblen with a guard leuv- moved into the same. ¡SU guests departed. lnonths. The children who displayed Pierce and G. C. Stevens. , Ing for the penitentiary. 4 , ---------------------------------------- AT WINTER FAIR BY FRANK B. RILEY OF L IS LOADI Communists on Way to the Penitentiary