Monday, November 6, 1022 A shland dalli » tíddiui Get $20 a Day— L egitim ate plan and lad y ’s valu­ able secret, 25 cents (co in ). A ddress F ra n k lin 593, A shland Or. 3 9-lm o No investm ent pays b e tte r than good clothes. See P a u le s ru d ’s suits. SERVICE COUNTS They are GOOD! on yoiir Winter Journey to CALIF (.GPVMGHT- AP frtC? Local and Personal Health Association Meets— The A shland com m unity group of th e Jackson County H ealth associa­ tion m et a t the city lib ra ry F rid ay a fte rn o o n . Miss F alld in e, county n u rse, was p resent and gave her re ­ p o rt. I t was decided to hold a baby clinic d u rin g the w in ter fair and a w eighing and m easuring baby clinic th e th ird S aturday in Novem ber of w hich th e re will be a n o th e r notice given late r. P h o n e 39 before leaving the city a n d also upon re tu rn . Many of your frie n d s w ould like to know w here you were. OPERATIONS! Before you su b ­ m it to an o p eration, see me. I have helped oth ers to escape. Dr. Angell, C h iro p racto r and E lectro -T h erap ist, F irs t N atl. Bank Bldg. 52tf A _______ S ta te R egistration Large— R egistered in Oregon are 345,891 v o ters, rep re sen tin g all parties. In th e s ta te a t large th e re a re 238,444 rep u b lican s, 89,^77 dem ocrats, 3046 p ro h ib itio n ists, 3755 socialists and 11,169 m iscellaneous. Jackson coun­ ty has 8950 republican voters, 2900 dem ocrats, 103 pro h ib itio n ists, 145 socialists and 360 m iscellaneous. T he to tal Jackson county re g is tra ­ tion is 12,458. Two expert m echanics, form erly j o f S alt Lake City, have tak e n charge o f the re p a ir shop of th e Buick Sales A gency. All w ork gu aran teed . 51-mo t í * If you w ant the best th e re bacon, boiled ham «, chipped la rd and sh o rten in g , get it at ric k ’s. W e sell for less. Bread of Perfection Through Standard Sleeping Cars Call for to San Francisco and Los Angeles Via the Scenic Shasta R oute GOLDEN SHEAF BREAD LITHIA BAKERY See Our New Shipment O bservation cars w ith com fortable chairs, wide windows and broad re a r platfo rm s; T hrough Sleeping Cars w ith latest travel luxuries; Unexcelled Dining Car cuisiae, and picturesque scenery will add to th e pleasure of your journey. F o r LOW ROUND T R IP FA RES, sleeping car reserv atio n s, tra in schedules, or picture books in q u ire of agents, o r com m unicate w ith JOHN M. SCOTT G eneral P assenger A gent, P o rtla n d , Ore. -of— BEAUTIFUL HAND DECORATED CANDLE SHADES CANDLE STICKS in new am i novel finish BOUDOIR LAMPS DECORATED CANDLES New and D ifferen t See Our Display -------at------- It Pays to Pause occasionally to get one's bearings; particularly is it desirable that the would-be investor take no plunge in the dark that might mean the dissipation of his savings. Our officers strongly recommend that you adopt the safety policy: see them before investing. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon is in beef, D et­ 48tf Dancing Pavilion Re-Opens— T he Jackson H ot Springs dancing pavilion was re-opened S aturday evening a fte r being closed for sev­ e ra l weeks while extensive rep airs w ere being m ade. Cheap in su ra n c e is costly a t any p ric e . F o r sound in su ran ce a t re a ­ sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. E sta b lish e d 1883. 341 f flood reliable d e n tistry at reason­ a b le prices. Dr. H enry B. P u rl, B eav er Bldg. 44tf A rrivs from O akland— C harles K elton. of O akland, ar- rievd in th e city th e last of the ek to join his wife who has been here for several weeks caring for her m other, Mrs. J. I’. Sayles, who s quite ill. r Does your stove sm oke— oven re­ fu s e to w ork? Phone F ixit ofcjp. 115-R . 4S A shland G ranite M onum ents, fin Sshed to order. S. P enniston, phon • 44 4-Y. 46— 26 F in e Exhibit at Portland— The a g ric u ltu ra l exhibit of Jack- son county a t th e In te rn a tio n a l Live Stock exposition, which opened at P o rtla n d S atu rd ay , is one w orthy of special notice. County Agent Cates and F ru it Inspectors W arn er and O atm an left the m iddle of last week, and County Club L eader Moss joined them S aturday. AU four of tho gen- 'tte m e n are expected to spend tlie en ­ tir e week in th e Oregon m etropolis. Ja ck F ro st is prow ling a ro u n d — ol him w ith a new overcoat. P aul- ru d ’s. 50tf (•w Theatre Opens— F o rm al opening of th e Pine T ree e a tre at K lam ath Falls, erected a t i expense of $165,000 was m ade st week. The stage is 40 by 21 et. O th er fe a tu re s of the play-- >use a re a $25,000 pipfe organ, ■ep plush carp ets, blue upholstered a ts , a n u rse ry and w om en's rest; om. p NEUMONIA Call a physician. Then begin •’emergency” treatment with V ▼ I V C A » K R S u a f o Oner 17 Million Jan UseJ Yearly D odge B rothers motor CAR The evenness of performance so often re­ marked in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars is due, in no small part, to the thoroughness with which each unit is inspected during the process of manufacture and assembly. A trained staff of 800 experts is employed in this work alone, and approximately 5285 individual inspections are made on each car. So exacting and rigid are the standards ap­ plied to these inspections that the slightest variation either in workmanship or m a­ terial is instantly discovered and rejected. Dodge Brothers are almost over-scrupu­ lous in their constant aim to make each car as sound and perfect as is humanly possible. GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. 16-18 S. Front St. Medford, Oregon Phone 304 SUMMONS j In the Circuit Court of the State , of Oregon for Jackson county. Dan C ollier, p laintiff, vs. i Ollie C ollier, defendant. To Ollie Collier, the i hove named defendant: In the nam e of the State of Ore­ gon. you are hereby required to tp - ■ pear in the above entitled court i nd cause any answ er the com plaint of (he p lain tiff tiled therein i gainst you, w ithin tix weeks from the Hate of th e first publication of th is sum ­ mons. And you will hereby tak e notice th a t if you fail to to appear t ud answ er for w ant thereof, p lain tiff will tak e a decree of th e court ag ain st you as follows: T hat the bonds of m atrim ony heretofore »nd now existing betw een p lain tiff and defendant be forever dissolved, tn d held for n au g h t; th at a decree of absolute divorce be granted p laintiff and for uuch o th er and fu rth e r re ­ lief as to th e co u rt may seem m eet and proper in the prem ises. This sum m ons is published In the A shland T idings, weekly edition, once each week for a period of six consecutive weeks, and seven tim es th ere u n d er and by v irtue of an or­ der duly m ade, ren d ered and entered by the Hon. F. M. Calkins, judge, under date of Septem ber 28th, 1922. D ate of firs t publication of this sum m ons is O ctober 2nd, 1922. B. F. LINDAS, A ttorney for P lain tiff. A ddress; Jackson County Bank Building, M edford, Oregon. 26-6-mon B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent th è w ord each tinse. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS J. O. BIGG C andidate for m em ber of the leg- isla tu re a t th e N ovem ber election, i Ij fc0 to serve the best in terests of , , *, * . luceresl3 OI1 the sta te , and of Jackson county, especially. adv-36 PHYSICIANS. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prattles lim ited to eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Sw edsuburg Bldg., A«b- land. Ore 73-tf HMMENS-—P h y sic'a a and Surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye. ear, nose and th re a t. Glass*,, supplied. O culist and a u rls t for H P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and B Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hone ¿ 6 ” ,, , --------- —_____ ___ S !,AW— Residence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office house, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. ni., only. STATE R E PR ESEN TA TIV E H aving been nom inated by the people a t the May prim ary, I hereby solicit your support and votes as oue! of the two S tate R epresentatives in the L eg islatu re, to be elected a t the Novem ber election.— JOH N H. CAR- KIN. — adv. 35-tf DR. H. M. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes. E ars, Nose, T hroat. Glasses f it­ FO R STATE SENATOR ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block H aving reg u larly received the re ­ Phone 79 or 28. publican nom ination for S tate S ena-' tor, I hereby announce my c a n d id a c y : d r q p for said office. If elected, I shall 1 ’ i earn cstlv and «nd to tn the ti,o best hoc, of a » sutcessoi to \ \ . E. Buchanan. earn estly my ab il­ ity, endeavor to serve all in such a i Special a tte n tio n given to s tr a ig h t­ m an n er as to best advance th eir j ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to inorai m d m aterial welfare. 5. Office phone 151. Residence 40tf-adv GEORGE W. DUNN. phone 201-J. Camps Buliding. A shland, Oregon. 45t^ FOR REMI. FOR RENT— T hree room furnished DR. J. P. CHISHOLM— G raduate veterinary. Located on tlie Gill fro n t a p a rtm e n t. Allen Building. property, west of the Norm al 52tf School on W alker Ave. CABIN FOR RENT— Fixed for win­ NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION CHIROPRACTORS- ter. 171 G ranite St. Phone 3 4 0 -J, 1 5-2 DR. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic ► For Issuing Road Bonds for ar.d E lectro-T herapy. The co m b i­ WANTED. Jackson County, Ore. nation does wonders. F irs t N at'l Notice is hereby given th a t on w a w p o Bank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. To hear from owner ¡Tuesday, the 7th day of N ovem ber,! 1 H ouse Calls — having farm for sale; give p a r­ 1922. in th e County of Jackson i ticu lars and low est price. John State of Oregon, a Special Election CONVALESCENT HOMI! J. Black, Oregon St., Chippewa will be held to determ ine w hether F alls, W isconsin. 43-3-sat* the County C ourt shall issue bonds CONVALESCENT HOME — Good of raid County, io provide for per-¡P A R T IE S WHO CARRIED iw ay my cheer. Good care. Good food. m anent road construction to t h e ; garden hose Hallow een, will kind­ Term s reasonable. 153 G rau to am ount of $100,000, to m atu re in St. I ’hone 411-R. 306-lnio ly re tu rn it. Mrs. W ay, 488 N. ten years. All may be Issued in e n e ' Main. £5-2 TRANSFER AND flXPRBSS. year, and to b ear in te re st a t th e rate of 5 per cent per an n u m ; said bonds WANTED— G eneral housew ork or FOR p ro m p t and careful service, cooking alone; no laundry. In ­ to be redeem able, however, a t the auto tru ck s or horse drays, call option of said County, as follows, quire 361 M ountain Ave. 55-2* W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117. to w it: Office, 89 Oak stre e t near Hotel $10,000 th ereo f at any tim e a fte r INTERURRAN AUTOCAR CO. A shland. 56tf one year from the date thereof. $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r r. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS- (E ffective January 1, 1922) two years from the d a te thereof. F E R — Good team and m otor­ $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r; trucks. Good service a t a rea so n ­ LV. MEDFORD LV . ASHLAND th re e years from the d a te thereof. able price. Phone 83. 7:90 m. a. 7:00 a. m. $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a f t e r ’ 8:09 a. m. 8:00 a. m. four years from the date thereof. FO R EXCHANGE 9:00 a. m. $10,000 thereof a t any tim e a fte r 9:00 a. ta. 10:00 a. m. five years from th e date thereof. | 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. FOR T R A D E --1 6 0 acre unincum ­ $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r; 11:00 a. m. bered ranch on Pacific highw ay 12:00 n« e& 12:00 noon six years from th e date thereof. and county road, n ear H .n ; sm all 1:09 m. 1:00 p. m. P- $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r house ahd outbuildings; good 2.00 P- nt. 2:00 p. m. seven years from the date thereof. stock o r chicken ranch v itk plen­ m. 3:00 3:00 p. h i . P $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fter ty of wood and tillable ktnd. W ill 4:00 P- aa. 4:00 p. in. eight years from th e date thereof. tra d e for unincum bered A shland 5:00 p. ta $10,000 thereof a t any tim e a fte r; 6:00 P m. acreage; p refer no house, but 6:00 P- ox. 6:00 p. in. nine years from the d a te thereof, would ensider across.- with sm all 7:00 p. m and the funds so raised shall be ex­ TjOO P tu. house. E le an o r G iver, 199 G rau, 8:30 p. m. pended in building perm anent roads, . $:30 P- m. Rat. only lte St. 231tf* 9:30 p m. 9:30 P- m. described as follows, to-w it: SEVENTY - FIV E THOUSAND 16:30 P- m. Sat. only 10:30 p. in. TO TRADE—- Coat Hove for wood i r Sunday Schedule cash. Mrs. H atch, 217 G ranite DOLLARS ($75,000) shall be ex­ Leave M edford for A shland and St. pended on the road know n and com­ 1 5tf monly designated as th e “ABhland- A shland for M edford every h our on FOR S A IE . K lam ath F a lls H ighw ay,” m ore p ar­ the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; tic u la rly described as follows, to -ith e n 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. in. A shland w aiting room — E ast Side FOR SALE— W inter apples a t $1 wit: t per box. Bring your boxes. W. L. Beginning a t a point on the P a ­ Pharm acy. Moore, Belleview. 44-6* ASHLAND-ROSEBURG STAGE cific H ighw ay 720 feet east of the section corner common to sections Daily (Except Sunday) FOR SALE— Goat m ilk. Adderss P. 29, 30, 31 and 32. in tow nship 39 LV. ASHLAND LV. ROSEBURG O. Box 463. 3 2-1 mo* south, range 2 east of th e W illam ­ 1:00 p. in. 1:00 p. m. j e tte m eridian, in Jackson county, T ravel by stag e; sh o rte st ro u te by; FOR RALE— M odern six room plas­ Oregon, thence in an easterly direc­ 20 m iles; one of O regon’s most; tered bungalow , chicken house, tion along a ro u te now staked out scenic trip s. Fare— A shland-R ose-> woodshed, garage, th re e large and being graded over the Green lots, fru it, berries, etc. Price, M edford - Roseburg. Springs m ountain, and term in a tin g burg, $4.60; $2650, with term s, in q u ire F o u rth a t a point on the Jackson County- $4.15; Grants Pass-Roseburg, $3.00. St. B arber Shop or 283 B St. 41-mo K lam ath County line, n e a r w here MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS A PPL E S— 20 ounce P ippins, 50 lb. th e present A shland-K lam ath F alls Daily (Except Sunday) box, 75c delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. road crosses said line in section 36, LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS tow nship 39 south, range 4 east of 7:30 n in 00 a. m. SW EET CIDER— Made fresh every the W illam ette m eridian. 1:00 p. m 00 p. ni. day. Two gallons 75c, one gallon TW EN TY-FIVE THOUSAND DOL­ 5: 00 p. m 5 :00 p. tn. 40c, delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. LARS ($25,000) shall be expended S a a d a ) Duly on the road known and comm only 10:00 a. m -W inter apples. Phone 00 a. m. designated as th e Pacific H ighw ay, 4:30 p. m 52-lm o* 10F13. p. m. 30 the portion th ereo f upon w'hich said G rants P ass w aiting sum of m oney shall be expended be­ Bonbonniere, phoae 160. TAKE NOTICE— Look here w hat ing m ore p a rticu larly described as $2500 will buy. Fine com fort­ Office and w aiting room — No. 5 follows, to-w it: able, good home. Must be ¡old Beginning a t a point on said P a ­ quick, ow ners »re leaving town an cific Highw ay in section 22, to w n ­ acocunt of health. Five rooms, ship 36 south, ran g e 3 west of the FURNISHED, m odern, garage, W illam ette m eridian, in Jackson | woodshed, elegau large lot, fru it, A CARLOAD OF FENCING county, Oregon, w h'ch said point of garden. “ We step out, you step JUST IN------- beginning is a t th e end of th e paving in .” See us a t once. Beaver now on said highw ay on the easterly R ealty Co. ____ 55-2 I can save you $1.90 on a 20 side of Rogue River, said point being approxim ately 1227 feet south and rod roll or fencing against any catalog house prices. Now is the 7 95 feet east of the q u a rte r section tim e to buy. Fencing of every corner which is common to sections 15 and 22, tow nshin 36 south, or description. Plows and H arrow s. B A R B E R range 3 west of the W illam ette m er- j New and used Sewing M achines Safety blades resharpened idian, and being also sta tio n num -; The W hite her 4 88-50 of the Pacific H ig h w a y 1 alw ays on hand. like new. Single bit, 30c survey of the S tate of Oregon H igh-, Sewing M achine is king of all doz. Dobale bit, 6oc doz. way Com m ission, and from said; point ru n n ip g thence in a w esterly; Children’s Work A direction approxim ately 1550 feet; Specialty along the ro u te of sa d Pacific H igh-j way as now laid and sta k e d out over i ea! Rogue River, and te rm in a tin g a t a M point in said section 22 a t th e end of tlie pavem ent now on said Pacific H ighw ay on the w esterly side of said Reliable Effective Rogue R iver, said point of te rm in a ­ tion being approxim ately 817 feet! south and 641 feet w est of said! q u a rte r section corner which is com-; ASHLAND REALTY CO mon to said sections 15 and 22, and; which said point of term in atio n isj Opposite City Hall We have not gone out of busi­ know n and designated as statio n ness! This Agency was estab- . n um ber 504-00 of said survey. llshed in 1883 and has been built ! Busings Chances The term in i of said roads as here­ up w ith the idea of protecting th e j in described a re d efinite and perm a­ Real Estate people of A shland and vicinity n e n t; th e lines above described b e ­ Insurance tw een the term in i th ereo f shall be with ROUND INSURANCE. We ‘ as herein sta te d , and sh all follow do not deal !n CHEAP INSUR­ th e m ost practical ro u te, and said ANCE; if we considered it safe roads shall be p erm an en t roads and for th e assured, we would have highw ays th ro u g h said county; which had it to sell at th is office years election shall begin a t eig h t o'clock in the m orning, and continue until ago. The agent of cheap in su r­ eig h t o’clock in the evening of said ance gets all his s tu ff is w orth. dav. No oue can afford to lose even D ated O ctober 17th. 1922. CHAUNCEY FLO REY , once on fire insurance. County Clerk for Jackson County, HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM Oregon. 4 2-4 for Small or Large Houses Sunlight Treatment of Disease. Oar New Line of Heating Stoves E stablished 1833 The treatm ent of disease by sun­ Are Now In light was systematically practiced by Stoat E sta te and R eal In su ran ce Hippocrates, the father of medicine, ASHLAND, OREGON but it was not until 1903 that the first Phone S il 41 E M ain St. clinic of heliotherapy of surgical tu­ berculosis was opened by A. Rollier. W. A. SHELL PEIL’S CORNER Good Insurance Investigate our Ideal Arcola Provost Bros. Billings Agency