ASHLÄflB D A iL i F rid a y , O ctober 27, 1922 Mrs. Mabel Francis Local and Personal T he g rea test cou rtesy you can ac cor A lighted match to a good oil heater — and your room is * soon flooded with a warm, happy heat. How convenient! No furnace to stoke and coax along, no ashes to bother about. And, if you bum Pearl Oil, no smoke, dirt, nor odor. 44tf Come in 4 4 tf. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B artges have purchased an O verland c a r th ro u g h H arrison B rothers agency. F all su its in the new est styles and p a tte rn s, a t P a u lse ru d ’s. 4 4tf Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by a special process developed by the Standard Oil Company. See P a u lse ru d ’s su its before huy- 4 4tf ing. G et $ 2 0 a Day— L eg itim ate plan and lad y ’s valu- j able secret, 25 cents (co in ). A ddress “ Tanlac helped me back to good Snow on Grizzley— F ra n k lin 593, A shland Or. 3 9 -lm o , health two years ago, and I am still i The first snow of th e season was ¡feeling fin e ,” recently said Mrs. Ma- visible on Grizzley peak th is m orn- V isitor in City— hel L. F rancis, highly esteem ed resi- ing, b ut th e am ount was sm all and C. B. Reynolds, of the S e rb e rlin g ; dent of 628 S. Linwood Ave., Balti- soon disappeared a fte r the sun R u b b e r com pany, of A kron, O., was! cam e out. j a business visitor in the city Thurs-I m ore, M aryland. — “ Before tak in g the m idicine I suf- day. Cheap in su ran ce Is costly a t any t fered from a nervous breakdow n ¡and was in an aw ful condition. j price. F o r sound insu ran ce a t rea-, F o r sale, hom e m ade p astries at ‘ scarcely had stre n g th a"nd energy to i sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency.) th e V irginia Cafe, pies, cakes, rolls. 34tf j handle a broom , and my housew ork 'E s ta b lish e d 1883. cup cakes, etc. W atch ou r windows. ¡w as drudgery to me. O rres cleans clothes. P hone 64. 4 3tf “ The first hottie of T anlac m ade; such a w onderful im provem ent in W. C. T. V. M eeting— See Carl L oveland about having my condition th a t I was both sur-j T here will be a c a llx l m eeting of y o u r boy learn som e band in stru ­ prised and delighted. So I stuck to th e W. C. T. U. Tuesday aftern o o n , m ent, and join the Boys’ Band. Stu 4 t f Ui and a few bottles b u ilt me up ten October 31, a t 2 o ’clock, a t the 11- dio 135 E. Main. P hone 465. pounds and m ade me feel as if I had b rary . B usiness of im portance is never had a sick day. My h e a lth scheduled to come up a t the m eeting, G uest from th e E a st— has been fine ever since.” W. R. Davis, of Allison stre e t, has NOTE— T he Intcriw itional P r o f ’ »'?- In su ra n c e of all kinds: strong as his guest a cousin from the east. ta rie s Co., >■ th e ir offices a t A t­ 41-tf Yeo, th e In su ra n c e M an, is still la n ta , G eorgia, over fifty thousand doing business in A shland, and is signed sta te m e n ts from re p re se n ta ­ B etter in su ran ce at reasonable • w ritin g m ore insurance th an ever. tive m en anil wom en from every s ta te in th e Union and every prov- ra te s If you w ant good in su ran ce, give it im p of C anada. M any of th ese are _ _ _ _ B illings Agency. P hone 211.1 to him , and “ spend the differen ce.” from p e o m im n t people in th is city . Office, 114 Oak St. P hone 274-J. and section and have been previously published in th is paper 30tf T anlac is sold by all good drug- f; - > ¿s'Aß'X-j-fv - P u rchases O verland Car— Piano tu n in g g u aran teed by Carl Loveland. Studio, 135 E. Main St. »Phone 465. 4tf PHYSICIANS. CONVALESCENT HOME — Good OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practic» cheer. Good care. Good food. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite throat. Office hour«, 10 to 12 and St. P hone 411-R. 306-lm o 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ I land, Ore 78-tt TRANSFER AND EXPRBSS. Phone 39 before leaving the city .and also upon re tu rn . Many of y o u r , ¡frien d s w ould like to know w here / ' you were. B e tte r be safe th an sorry. See B eaver R ealty Co. about y our tnsur- ance. P hone 68. 2S7tf PAG« THR1M flE L iÖ S Get it in bulk from dealers every­ where. Order by name —Pearl Oil. (.K E R O S E N E ) HEAT A N D L IG H T FOR prompt and careful service, OR. J. J. KM MENS— Physlc’an and Surgeon. Practice lim ited to auto trucks or horse drays, call eye, ear, nose &nd throat. Glasses W hittle Transfer Co. Phone l l ) supplied. Oculist and aurlat for Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Ashland. 660 Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667 T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FER — Good team and motor OR. M ATTIE B. SHAW— Residence and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. trucks. Good service at a reason Telephone 28. Office house. 10 able price. Phone 83. to 12 a. m .; , 2 to 5 p. m., only. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 1)R. H. M. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, E ars, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses f it­ i . O. RIGG ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block. C andidate for m em ber of th e leg­ Phone 79 or 28. isla tu re a t the Novem ber e le c tio n .] ---- If I go, 1 go to serve the best in ter- I>R G. C. PH E T T E P L A C E — D entist — successor to W. E. Buchanan. ests of th e sta te , and of Jackson Special a tte n tio n given to s tra ig h t­ county, especially. — adv-36 ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to STATE R E PR ESEN TA TIV E 5. Office phone 151. Residence H aving been nom inated by the phone 201-J. Cam ps B ulidiag, A shland, Oregon. • 45tf ¡people a t the May prim ary, I hereby solicit your support and votes as one of the two S tate R epresentatives in CHIROPRACTORS. the L egislature, to be elected a t the DR. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic Novem ber election.— JOHN H. CAR- and E lectro-T herapy. The combi­ — adv. 35-tf KIN. nation does wonders. First* N at'l Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. FO R STATE SENATOR House Calls H aving reg u larly received the re- ; publican nom ination for State Sena­ FO R EXCHANGE t o r , I hereby announce my candidacy i fo r said office. If elected, I shall ¡earnestly and to th e best of my abil- FOR TRADE— 160 a c re unincum ­ lity, endeavor to serve all in such a bered ranch on Pacific highw ay i m anner as to best advance th eir anti county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all house and ou tb u ild in g s; good 1 inoral rnd m aterial welfare. stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen­ 40tf-adv GEORGE W. DUNN. ty of wood and tillab le land. W ill tra d e for unincum bered Ashland acreage; p refer no house, but w ould ensider acreage w ith sm alt house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran ­ ite St. 231tf* W ILL TRADE Buick “ 4” to u ring car for a piano, or will tell. In­ q u ire or address F. W. H utchi- ton, 1116 Oak St. 45—6 STANDARD DEÀRL T oil O IL COMPANY (G, fruirai« ) j k / Q u Heaters ; Cociotóveí « Campi- W ANTED. WANTED— 50 to 100 cords 4-foot first or second grow th fir. Ash- NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION land Hotel. 32tf F o r Issuing Road Bonds for Jackson County, Ore. COryfiiGHi- A ” WANTED— W hite oak logs r lim ­ Melt in spoon; inhale vapors; Notice is hereby given th a t on TH E BREAD OF PER FEC TIO N ber. Nordhy her & Box Co., apply freely up nostrils. Tuesday, the 7th day of November. 702 Couch Bldg., P o rtla n d . Ore 1922, in the County of Jackson m ade from the choicest flour by ron. 43-10 i S tate of Oregon, a Special Election the m ost approved m ethods under will be held to determ ine w h e th e r. absolutely cleanly conditions, and V A g » o R u b the County C o u rt-sh a ll issue bonds, FO B REN I Over 1 7 M illion Jars Used Yearly of said County, io provide for per-1 retain in g all the m ost n u tritiv e m anent road co nstruction to the q u alities of the w heat grains. FOR RENT— Five room bungalow , am ount of $100,000, to m atu re in j W holesom e and delicious, L ithia close in, com pletely furn ish ed ; ten years. All ¡nay be issued in one ' Bakery bread m eets w ith the ab­ ow ner leaving for six m onths or year, and to bear in te rest a t the ra te j m ore; ad u lts only. Staples R ealty of 5 per cent per an n u m ; said bonds i solute approval of all pure food Agency. 4 4tf physicians and good to be redeem able, however, a t the! experts gists. option of said County, as follows,! housekeepers, b e tte r bread cannot FOR RENT— Clean, pleasant rn d U ndergoes O peration — to wit: well iocated housekeeping looms. L oraine W est, little d a u g h te r of be m ade in any bakery or any ANNOUNCEMENT $10,000 th ereo f at any tim e a fte r; 316 H argadine Gt. 47-2 Mr. and Mrs. W est, of H illcrest home. one year from the date thereof. P lease phone 401 for ap pointm ents P lace underw ent a m astoid opera-j FOR RENT— Close in, two furnished $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r! LITHIA BAKERY a t my A shland office. Dr. Geo. J. room s, $7 and $8 per m onth. 102 tw o y ears from th e d a te thereof. tion T h u rsd ay a t the Com m unity) Kinz, C hiropractor, No. 25, The Oak St. 47-2 $10,000 thereof a t any tim e a fte r • h o sp ital. ! Plaza. 40t! three years from the date thereof. FOR RENT— F u rn ish ed a p a rtm e n t $10,000 thereof a t any tim e a fte r! Six room , convenient furnished of two room s with bath and k itc h ­ four years from the date thereof. LEEDOM w ill tak e the KNOCK enette. 79 Bush St. 47-2* house, larg e lot. desirable location ’ $10,000 thereof a t any tim e a fte r; out of y our OLD T IR E or sell you on paved s tre e t; only $2500; pay five years from th e date thereof. 3 9 tfJ. a new CORD for $10.00. FOB SALE. $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r] lik e rent. Staples R ealty Agency. six years from th e date thereof. 44tf FOR SALE— W in ter apples at $1 $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r! per box. Bring your boxes. W. L. i seven years from the d ate thereof. 1 No g arm en t too d elicate no r too Moore, Belleview. 44-6* $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r! soiled for us to clean. L ad ies’ eight years from the date thereof. ] FOR SALE— Two ton truck in A-l $10,000 th ereo f a t any tim e a fte r, w o ik a specialty. The A s h la n d ] o rd er; will tra d e for heavy w ork nine years from the date thereof, C leaning and Dyeing W orks. A uto P u m p k in s .............5c, 10c, 15c, 25c team , w agon and harness. 248 and the funds so raised shall be ex­ 38-6 deliv ery . P hone 63. Second St. 4 4eod ' Cat, W itch and Owl S ilh o u ettes pended in building perm anent roads, ................................................... 10c described as follows, to-w it: SW EET CIDER— Made fresh every­ V isito r from C alifornia— SEVENTY - FIV E THOUSAND L arge C utout C als and W itches— day. Phone in your order early DOLLARS ($75,000) shall be ex­ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. T eters. of the for th a t Haloween p arty ; two gal­ per p k g...................................25c pended on the road know n and com­ e a st p a rt of the city, have as th e ir lons 75c, one gallon 40c. Yes, we Cat and W itch J S tick ei-s.......... 10c m only designated as the “ A shland- deliver. Phone 9 - F - ll. guest th is w eek, th e ir d a u g h te r who K lam ath F alls H ighw ay,” m ore par- Halloween Hats ......................... 10c m otored th ro u g h from Los Angeles. I tic u la rly described as follows, to- FOR SALE— Small dairy^ ro u te of P aper M asks ................................. 5c wit: ten cows. In q u ire 27 2 O range Cloth M asks .................................. 10e B eginning a t a point on the Pa- 27tf •N ational F ru it C leaning M achine— Ave., or phone 444-J. Paper N apkins, d o z....................... 10c , cific H ighw ay 720 feet east of th e The N ational F r u it C leaning com ­ FOR RALE— Goat :.ti’k. A dderss P. D inner F a v o rs ........................... lOe section corner common to sections pany is p u ttin g on the m a rk e t, a late 3 2 -lm o ’ 29, 30, 31 and 32. in tow nship 39 0. Box 463. Dancing; Skeleton s ..................... 2 5 c m odel fru it cleaning m achine, which ! south, ran g e 2 e ast of th e W illam ­ PLACE CARDS, POST CARDS lurth St. FOR SALE— F ix tu res of ette m eridian, in Jackson county, C leans the apple of spray and d irt but ; ' ’chanic INVITATIONS, ETC. m eat m ark et. Pall 157 Oregon, thence in an easterly direc­ d oes not b ru ise it. as has been dem ­ 34tf St. — at— tion along a ro u te’ now staked out For example, you will o n s tra te d from last y e a r's crop. and being graded over the Green notice “ Fire-,” “ Fiddle,” n » FOR SALE— C hevrolet to u ring car T h e re w ere 20 m achines used i n , “Foundry,” etc. Are you I Springs m ountain, and term in a tin g in good condition; a bargain. H ood R iver valley d u rin g th e pack­ able to find 20 words a t a point on the Jackson County- <4 ’ * Phone 395. commencing with the K lam ath County line, n e a r w here in g season last year and proved very letter “F ”? The picture the p resent A shland-K lam ath F alls FOR SALE— Why not build out on s a tisfa c to ry , even though they a re is very clear: there can road crosses said line in section 36. th e highw ay, w h-;- you can keep o f th e old model. A sm all am ount be no mistakes. You will tow nship 39 south, ran g e 4 east of a cow and chickens. I have some find it very interesting o f fru it is still in some of th e w are the W illam ette m eridian. nice 5-acre tra c ts on highway. to look for these words, TW EN TY-FIVE THOUSAND DOL­ houses in perfect condition for so Can sell cheap '’ad. give term s and m ay win the big LARS ($25,000) shall be expended * t Only 10 m inutes out. O. A. Man- long a tim e, thereby proving to the prize. Anybody can try on the road know n and comm only 38-tf ning. T alen t Or. m ost skeptical th a t it does not b r u is e ! — costs nothing. Why designated as the Pacific Highw ay, should you not be the th e fru it or rem ove th e wax or p a ra -j FOR SALE— My nice corner hom e th e portion th ereo f upon which said winner of the $2000.00? sum of money shall be expended be­ fine so necessary to th e p roper keep-; at 399 Beach street. Call. 4 Ot f ing m ore p articu la rly described as in g of the apple or o th e r fru it. The The person having the largest list of FOR SALE— Modern fix •oom plas­ follow s, to-w it; words beginning with the letter “ F ” will fru it is carrie d by a padded b elt b e ­ tered bungalow , chicken house, B eginning a t a point on said P a ­ get the First Prize. You surely have a woodshed, garage, th re e large tw een th re e a d ju sta b le spiral b ru sh ­ cific H ighw ay in section 22, town-j real chance of winning a t least one o f the prizes o ffe re d — there are fifteen of them. Why not try for lots, fru it, berries, etc. I r ce. e d revolving in opposite directions, shin 36 south, range 3 west of th e : the big prize and win $2000.00. Somebody will win i t —your chances are as good as anybody’s. $‘>650, with term s, inquire F ourth Reliable r in s in g th e fru it to ro ta te rapidly W illam ette m eridian, in Jackson] Effective St. B arber Shop or 283 B St. ll- n w Tha contest will be decided by th re e county, Oregon, which s a ’d point of J u s t th in k what you could do with the money. $2000.00 R U L E S - • 1 Pnzz!e °Pcn to X This everybody except em ­ 5 judge« independent c f and not con­ w h ile being carrie d along and b ru sh ­ could buy an automobile and leave enough balance to ployee and relatives nected w ith th e Yeastolax Co. These beginning is a t th e end of th e paving of th e Yeastolax Co. A PPLES— 20 ounce P ippins, 50 lb. make a payment on a cozy home. Perhaps you have in will aw ard th e prizes. The con­ ed. T he capacity is 1200 boxes per F irst P rise will be aw arded to th e judges now on said highw ay on th e e a sterly : ASHLAND REALTY CO mind just the thing you would like to do if you received a 2 The te sta n ts aprre-» to abide by the decisions person giving th e larg est num ber of of box. 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll- these judges, and It is u;ider:ood th a t check tor $2000.00. Certainly you owe it to yourself to try d ay and can be increased by in­ side of R ogue R iver, said point being | w ords beginning w ith the letter “ E” . To decisions are to be conclcsive. The to solve this puzzle. You will find the trying very easy th e next in order will be aw arded th e such of w inners and winning' lists o f approxim ately 1227 feet south ano c reasin g th e speed slightly. F u rth e r WOOD SAWING Second Prize and so on down th e list o f names and pleasant. words will be published as scon a? pos­ Opposite City Hall Tw enty Prizes. The aw ards will be made of ¡795 feet east of the q u a rte r section sible a fte r the contest. A copy of tbiz list WOOD SAWING— Phone 269-R. in fo rm a tio n can be had by a d d re ss­ on the basis of the words subm itted and wil I be furnished to anyone upon receipt of The Way to Win One of the Twenty Prizes 47-6 not from a predeterm ined list. Should I corner which is common to sections stam ped, addressed envelope. Two or i n g Miss E lizabeth R eu ter. Ja ck so n ­ You do not have to spend a penny to get into this contest. th ere be any ties th e full am ount of th e a more persons may co-operate in thia con­ , 15 and 22, tow nship 36 south, or; prize will be awarded to each contestant It is not necessary for you to order any Yeastolax. If your Business Chances te st. but only one prize will be aw arded to v ille. Oregon. 30-fr-m list is adjudged to be one of the twenty best you will re­ eo tying. ! range 3 west of the W illam ette m er-i any such co-operating group. Words of synonymous m eaning and ceive one of the cash prizes. Without your order for Lwts of names m ust be received a t cur idian. and being also sta tio n nu m -| Insurance same spelling but d ir e r ­ 6 office (any timfc during reg u lar office Real Estate Yeastolax, if your list of words commencing with the let­ 3 words of th e will count aa only one. Use her 488-50 of the Pacific H ighw ay] hours on or before Dec. 15th .1922. For e very ter "F ” is the largest you receive the first prize of $50.00. eith e n er t meaning the aingclar or plural o f a word. day before (or ahead) c f this d ate th a t If the judges award you the second prize, without your Only words appearing in W ebster’s Dic­ survey of th e S tate of Oregon High-] order for Yea3tolax is received you order tor Yeastolax, you will get a check for $25.00; and tionary—and Dot obsolete words will be your will got an additional aw ard of $19.00 per way Com m ission, and from s a id 1 considered. so cn down the line as shown in this announcement. day, added to any Srst prize yon win. In point ru n n in g thence in a w esterly . Words mu3t be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., case of ties this aw ard will-be duplicated to every co ntestant so tying. 4 consecutively. W in the B ig P rize—$ 2 0 0 0 .0 0 direction approxim ately 1550 f e e t ' If ■ ,a choose you can win a great deal more than the I f you su ffe r fro m ••RheumalitiR».” CoastixiiSoc’, along the ro u te of said Pacific H igh-; indig o s 'io n , Eczem a. B ronchitis. C o lli, c r t o w Class A prizes. All that is necessary for you to qualify C. B L A M K I N n e r v e * a r e a f f e c t e d in a n y w a y ; or you d e s ir e t o way as now laid and staked out over? We have not gone out of bust- your list for the BIGGER PRIZES is to send in an order h a ve a f in e c le a r h ealthy complex« n . w e w a n t you to tr y a p e e k s *« o f our re m ­ for one or more packages of Yeastolax., Look over care­ Rogue R iver, and te rm in a tin g at a mi T his Agency was estab- edy. Y E A S TO LA X . Am ong its rar»<«uo »•’eraenta ness! BARGAINS I!« REAL fully the schedule of prizes as classified in this announce­ V a a r t—a r contains th e highegt and m eat p o te n t v it im im * , w hich the sclent.r, world h a - t« p o 'n t in said section 22 a t th e end be absolutely necessary to bodily v ig o r. People a ll over th e country have found g r e e t r e l i e f ment. You will find that if you send in $1.00 for one pack- in 1883 and has been built lished throug h its use. and now fe e l the joy o f p e rfe c t health and v ita lity . Y ea s tolax also has tbo o’ th e pavem ent now on said P ae'fie ESTATE ace of Yeastolax and the judges award you first prize you properties o f n o o -« n p in g ly and m ild ly la x a tiv e , y e t its action is sure. Cured without Surgery up w ith th e idea of protecting the w.ll get $300.00. If you send in $2.00 for two packages of M edical authoritie s have long recocnized th a t constipation is responsible fo r a g re a t m any bodily H ighw ay on th e w esterly s ’de of said illnesses and pre ve n ts the hum an system fr o m successfully w ard in g off disease and old a * « . Yec3?