♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w unoui « th e aid of m edicine, cures nine cases o u t of ten of asth m a. ■$> <• MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ❖ vive th re e m onths in th e rich *$> <$> ozone a t A shland. The pure do- m estic w ater helps. (International News Wire Service) VOLUME ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,. 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi, 43) 1 Uf ! LHh IS REALIZED BY/ M ISS CHAM BERLAIN TELLS OF STRUGGLE BY FIA it ' OR­ GANIZATION GIFTS FROM WINBURN PROVE VERY TIMELY ---------- I D onations E nable W ork to P ro ceed ; : M any C lasses Wjll B e F orm ed; I A shland Women, Urged to A ftili- a te w ith th e Society. RIVER OF MELONS FOUND BY CAMPERS DURING OHIO FLOOD ---------- CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 27.— C am pers along the W h itew ater river reported one b rig h t spot in the a fte rm a th of the storm which broke up so m any colo- nies of ten ts and carried away personal belongings. H undreds of W aterm elons cam e bobbing down on th e flood next day from patches on the in u ndated riv erb an k s, and th>- cam pers paddled out gayly in th eir canoes arm ed w ith fish spear- on which they cap tu red the luscious spoils. $ <« ♦> -«> LOS ANGELES MAN GETS PERSONAL NOTE MENTO »WIGGLY PILLOW” IS FOUND TO BE « €> | HUGE BLACKS.NAKE ? ---------- <§> <»•' [ POMEROY, O.. Oct. 27.— Af- * 13> te r filling a pillow from a box <§> ¡•S’ of old feath ers in an outhouse, Mrs. Kinsey D urst, living n e a r •$ : : L e ta rt, placed the pillow on her U <$• )<$> little son’s bed. j F or several days the child •*■ )<§• com plained th a t his pillow was • <$> “ w iggly.” $>! ENTIRE NATION BEING OVER­ • F inally his m other opened it. <§> MRS. W. D. HARRIS DIES IN THE PR ESEN CE O F HER SHADOWED BY WAR •*> She found a big blacksnake ❖ CLOUDS HUSBAND <♦• am ong th e feathers. <$> ---------- <•> The lad now refuses to use <$> i any pillow a t all. <§> <$> $> <$> October 27— County Y. M. C. ®> A. C onvention. , O ctober 28— D edication of <$> com m unity house. " !<•> October 31, Novem ber 1.— ¿x “ W e Should W orry,” E lk s’ mu- '•$• sical comedy. ¡<$> Novem ber 7— G eneral elec- ■ <•• tion. <®> I «> Novem ber 11— A rm istice day. • T h in k e th ,” High School anni- LEADER EXPRESSED TO *• v ersary play. <5> NATION «• Novem ber 22 — “ Colonial "®> p la y e rs,” Lyceum num ber. <$> •«• D ecem ber 4-7— W in ter fair. •? • ♦ $>! ♦ ] ! , <¥•) IKING EMANUEL MAY INTERCEDE IN NEAR CRISIS ------------- Chief E xecutive D eclares T h a t I he E xam ple Set by th e F o rm er P re si­ dent Is One That Is P rized by the E n tire C ountry. A' COMING EVENTS No. 48 MENT TPI P t<®> SHOOTS SELF FASCISTI FORTIFY IN VICINITY OF CAPITAL ♦ KNOWN TO STAGE FOLKS ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ! AS MARGUERITE CALVERT Political P arty Composed of Young Ex-Soldiers an d W as O rganized Two Y ears Ago; R om e Is C enter Of M assed Troops. Fam ily Say Despondency Over tin" D eath of B ro th er D uring W ar C aused A ct; K eeenrtj R etu rn e d By M otor from New York <’ ty. AT PRETTY PADÏY SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27.— Oct. 27.— Civil w ar clouds By GRACE H. CHAM BERLAIN | WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.— P re si­ Mrs. W. D. H arris, age 23, fam ous m inously over Italy today asj v The com pletion of th e new Civic dent H arding led the nation today in violinist and dancer, shot and killed the fascist! clam ored for control of club house is to th e women of Asli-, expressions of reverence for the herself in the presence of her h u s­ 1 ihe new assem bly, succeeding th e land th e realization of a dream .' m em ory of T heodore Roosevelt. In Miss Agnes H edberg, who ' l*n tS F acta m inistry, which has resigned, band, a New Y okr tire dealer, and W hen th e Civic club was incorpor­ a le tte r to W. M athew s, of Los An­ i sh o rtly -for San Francisco, w hen )rpb ere ¡g g ,e a t excitem ent, o th er relatives. ated in 1916, w ith Nellie Briggs as geles, H arding said: she will spend she w inter, was th e T housands of troops a re massed Under the stage nam e of M ar­ ( re s id e n t; Ida M. Neil, tre a s u re r, “ No b e tte r school in patriotism 1 I the 'h-Mdration ‘ - Of one of th e m ost about R om e and ea rth w o rk s are be- g u erite C alvert, she had delighted Mamb- Rocho, tru ste e , and Em m a L. will ever be established than Jackson co u n ty ’s second annual I charm ing a I ta ils of th e week, when jijR throw n up. R oadw ays, public audiences all over the w orld. She Ja c k , corresponding se cre ta ry — onej T om orrow evening, a num ber o f I : - g a M th erin g s _ which year to _, year _ re-j ,~ | Miss D orothy Jones e n te rta in e d in buildings, banks and stre e ts are un- Y. M. C. A. convention will hold appeared w ith H arry L auder. Mrs. of th e objectives was “ the construe-) local l e nds of Jesse W inburn w ill'c a ll th e c areer and gives voice to forth th is evening w ith a banquet her holier w ith an a ttra c tiv e Hal-1 H a rris had ju st retu rn ed w ith h e tion or a home for said co rp o ratio n ." , g h p him ft d in n er a t tbe new C ivicI public appreciation of this great ^ . J 7 ' ^ r t v Ï g thé Jones" résidence der patroL at the P resb y terian church, at 6:15 husband from New York by m otor. - . I A m erican This m an a contem no i T ov eea l)a ri>' aT in e JOHes le&iueucc, K ing v ic to r E m anuel is reported - One y e a r <1-^0 this week* thv c u 1 lub rooms. The ladies have ten-. Am erican. This m an, a conten po M ountain avenue, T hursday ev- intercede in I o’clock. F e a tu re s of the m eeting house was begun, and the first anni- dered th e use of the building for rary of ou r generation, is proof th a t on ,11S wav to Rome to in te ite d e in will be rep o rts on various activities She was excitable and accused her husband of not caring for her. versary sees th e com pletion. P e o -!th sUfprise o{ {he evening cam e ,h e Cn8,S‘ ' by boys actu ally taking p a rt in them . tin e purpose> and th e d inner will b e lh ig h ideals, sincere and unselfish! The fam ily a ttrib u te s her act to The fascisti was organized tw o plq c o n g ra tu la ted us, yet w ondered in appreciation of the splendid sp irit I service is un errin g ly recognized and | ann o u n cem en t of the en. W. W . Dillon, in te rsta te executive despondency over a b ro th er, who vears ago and is composed of young; x . . . . we dared a tte m p t such an un- him -n co n trib u tio n s, n o t ' Ppized by th e n a tio n .” scretary for Oregon and Idaho, will will gagem ent of Miss D orothy Jones to ex_soidjers - It was form ed to cotn- i secretary was killed overseas, ra th e r than to d e rta k in g . Dr. Ja rv is drove the only to the Civic d u b building, b u t) be th e principal speaker of the ev ) Mr. C. Elwood H edberg. The news jealoi^sy. She visited his grave in firs t nail when he explained the for the m any o th er public benefices) ening, though m any of the boys will was told by releasing m in iatu re p h o -i. becam e a political power. P o rtla n d en ro u te, and the effect need for rest room s for women and A shland has received a t his hands. ! be called upon to say a few words. to g rap h s of th e happy couple en ­ sh a tte re d his w ife's nerves, H arris babies Dr. Ja rv is and Miss Fall-! A n um ber of A shland ladies are p re­ ! A nother of the Y. M. C. A. men who cased in w alnut shells a ttach ed to) said. dine, despite in ad eq u ate facilities, will speak will be John H. R udd, paring the fe a st and will assist in d elicate ribbons suspended from the j had cared for m any cases of exhaus-) m aking th e d in n er a success fittin g in te rsta te secretary for county work. ceiling, a rra n g e d conveniently above tio n and m inor in ju rie s on Ju ly 4th. “ W hen I th in k of the difficulties the occasion. the table upon which a delicious two ! «> ADDITIONAL LOCALS. T he Civic club was asked to tak e up The d inner will he in th e n a tu re | overcom e in organizing Jackson i course supper was served. I ♦ S> 'i> th e m atte r. Money was prom ised county tw o years ago, I am delighted of a reception to Mr. W inburn by The house was beau tifu lly deco-: and began to flow quietly into ihe a t the progress of the w ork,” de- p o u n tj. ( 'Oupl< Mr; i r .« l — his friends, the num ber invited be­ i rated w ith ferns, au tu m n leaves and; b ank. The first check for $500 bore: ¡ d a r e d Mr. R udd this m orning. “ I 11 ap p ro p riate H alow een decorations. ing lim ited by the facilities of the C harles A. W right and Tone Sou­ Mr. W in b u rn ’s sig n a tu re . The up ) h e a r favorable rep o rts from m any th ern w ere m arried by Ju s .!re Go.v- room s to accom m odate them . No definite d ate for the wedding) keep of rest room s is a problem , a s | ' angles. L ast night, in M edford, dy late W ednesday night T he young This will he a friendly felicitation 1 was announced. well as an expense. The Civic club ) a t the p relim inary m eeting of th e '|couple e v id en tiy st r a „ s m Ash- lan d th e re will he no politics in it, Those present w ere: M argaret PORTLAND. Oct. 27 -Broken in v.as urged to accept th is responsi­ ____________ ¡convention, th ere w ere nearly 70 ‘ **;iand, spent some little tim e and on account of th e co n stitu tio n a n d ; h ealth and aw aitin g an end to her Van Dyke, E sth e r K leinham m er, bility. Mrs. Nellie Briggs saw her bylaws of the W om en’s Civic club, j e a rth ly trib u la tio n s, Mrs. I people present from M edford, Y en-jJ)luej1 anxiety in locating th e justice. V ictor In- Alice Poor, Agnes H edberg, Mar- dream tak in g shape. We voted to i HAVRE, M ont., Oct. 27.— Rev. | tra l P o in t and Phoenix. A great A fter two false s ta rts ft th e Tid- which lias an inhibition on polities, j n es, the cen tral figure in one of the jorie G illette, Hazel Sm ith, Mrs. Mil- build ou r Civic Im provem ent club Lynn Slack, Mrs. Edw ard C h ristler, recto r of St. M ark m any of the boys present resp o n d e d , ings offjce wi,jPb had kin.p . direct- A rousing political m eeting will m ost sen sational m u rd e r m ysteries ton F raley , Mrs. house. The men on the city council E dith Episcopal church, was shot and and told of the work in th e ir activi- be held a t 8 o’clock in th e C h a u -jiS here. Dean Sco*r, V irginia Jones ed them to the desired ofL cial, they gave its a lease on valuable land and ltilletl in his hom e eariy th is m orn- ties. taa a iia bu ild in g , at which W alter) She cares little w hat happens to VIoody i d D orothy Jones. finally located the office of the jus- have helped fu rth e r the project in ing by Mrs. M argaret C arleton, a Jackson county \ . M. C. A. w oik . rice, but lie had gonri home, They Pierce will deliver an ad d ress on ; h er husband, who was a rre ste d -------- --------- ---------- • very way. know ing the enviable rec m em ber of his congregation, and the has been adm irably carried on m a n a g e d to find him a i hom e, wh< ; • ord of th e Civic d u b , and its first a!lt> discuss th e iss« es « '¡T u e sd a y and charged w ith using the ÎZ ÎI n wife of a form er d istric t judge now th ro u g h th e local se cre ta if/, Cash cerem ony took place. the local cam paign. ! m ails to defraud. aim , “ to help beautify th e city of residing in Los Angeles. She en-:W ood, who is very capable and wh° ; >ie U utuse l !lan>. M ade the rep o rt from K lam ath Falls, in the advance reserved seat sale fo r| Proxim ately $40,000 seeking the Mrs c j Foster. our club house stood still for a iiin e.i E v erything is progressing in or- v. iiicii th a t city is said to have liad the big m usical comedy, “ We Should I election oi "dry congressm en th is Class C olors Selected— ; nd then cam e th e announcem ent derly fashion. Classes a re planning, I ttie w orst sand storm in its history. W orry,” being staged a t the V ining)> e a r , W ayne B. W heeler, dry iorce M embers of tlie senior and sopho- from a clear sky th at ^Mr. W inburn Ans. B riggs is in charge of certain A tim es sun is a.id to have been next Tuesday and W ednesday by th e H e a d e r> s a *d today I m ore classes of A shland high school, 1 id offered to finish o u r building, j social activ ities. Mrs. P rovost of a t recen t m eetings, have selected obscured, an d tlyi p ed estrian s to Elks, will open and from all indica- « Not onlv to finish, but to in sta ll a ¡classes in ae sth e tic dancing. Mena- ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 27.— M aynard ) class colors. The choice of th e sen- tro u b le in m aking tiieir tions, th e re will be a large crow d LAST RESPEC TS PAID have had * atin g p lan t; not only to furnish, bers of the form er Sunshine society Pillyeou, 17, died today from the way along tlie dust-coated stre e ts on th ere to get th e choice seats, so be! TO W IN IFR ED SPEN CER iors was w hite and green, em blem - hut to present us with a m u s ic a l,a re ready to look a fte r the chart-1 resultg of in ja rie s received last F ri- ---------- ized by th e w hite rose bud and the account of tlie ine sand p articles a little early and you may be first, i .stru n ien t. and to m ake this won- ta b le problem s. Miss F a lld in e is day in th e A lbany-Salem football The larg e st funeral ever held i n 1 green of the leaf. The sophom ores th a t filled the . ir. x R ehearsals continue every n ight d e rfu l m essa g e .m o re of a reality to planning for baby clinics. A m usic gam e He suffered a bruised shoul- Com pare the p.ast day or so in for the big show and w ith each re-; the B aptist church was the se rv ic e ! selected blue and gold for th eir co! t ie su rp rise d clubw om en, be sent com m it!. • is form ing w ith ex p e cta -)der and in feCtiotl and com piications Ja c k on county wi ii reports frtX i hearsal th ere is a big im p ro v e m e n t: over the rem ains of th e late W ini- ors, with red and w hite carnations fo rm a l papers settin g forth bis in- ions of publishing a Rogue R iver caused b ;s death. He was q u a rte r- M arshfield, w here two and one-half in both the cast a n d the m u sic a l. fred Spencer, W ednesday afternoon, as the class flowers, t.-ntions, which we shall tre a s u re Song Botik. ns Mrs. R eim er of Tai- back on the Albany higb scbooi inches of rain fell in the 24 hours num bers of the show. W e know Miss Spencer was a teacher in one G irls Play B asketball— rn io n g ou r archives. len t happily nam ed it. Mr. W in b u rn ’s team e: d in g T h u rs d a y m o rn in g . Only last, y e a r’s show was a grand suc- of the city schools, and th e teach ers A large n um ber from each of the W n b iiin Is Ih-a.M'd latest gift will be a tre a t to e v e r y __________________ twice last year did as m uch w ater cess and pleased all, but we feel s a f e ) a ll atte n d ed in a body, headed by four classes at the A shland high W e have a b eau tifu l club house, mu ic lover. M adam e Tracy-Y oung fall th ere w ithin th e sam e periott in teljin g you. and a re sure th a t th e Professor Briscoe su p erin ten d en t of school are tu rn in g cut for the girl LEAGUE HOLDS PARTY th e fou rth w om en's club house in play. ;! on the Aeloian duo-act baby And yet som e people d e c la re ’th a t production this year will eclipse any- schools in A shland. Many of th e b ask etb all team s. M anagers hav. AND ELECTS O FFIC E R S O regon. P was built for the Civic grand piano at the club house last, com parisons a re odious. ’ thing ever attem p ted by the local school children also a tte n d ed , the been selected by each of the classes club, given by Mr. W inburn uncoil- Monday and pronounced action and ---------- ---------------------------- lodge of E lks in the a m u s e m ^ t line, schools all being closed for the af- as follows: Seniors M ildred B •: - ditio n ally . w no re stric tio n s, no tone perfect. ' A d elightful tim e was had a t the If you miss it, vou will be sorrv, for ternoon. Gordon M acCracken, Leu son; ju n io rs, Maxine Rose; sopho- lim ita tio n s, no dem ands, no exac- The Civic club is n on-partisan. Ju n io r League party, which was held I it will be the th ea tric al event of th e t,-r B arnard, b aw ren ce Powell, Aldo m ores, Cleo W iltse; freshm en, Ion° tic:: -. The Civic club asked if an non-s e ta ria n , and w hile th e club last evening a t th e M ethodist churcl P a rr, Jam es H eer and M arvin Shaw Eecktell. F reshm en and sen io r; 1 season. ■fcgraved tab le t m ight be built into) house is to be used for all so rts of when about 30 young people ga R em em ber, the seat sale opens to- w ere the m em bers of the Ju n io r practice Mondays and W ednesdays, t'je w all, as expression of th an k s and m eetings, the building m ust not be ered to enjoy th e evening, m orrow m orning a t 10 o’clock a t th e high school th a t w ere selected as while th e oth ers practice on Tues- i i . ia oil to Mr. W inburn. b u t. confn eil w ith th e club body, else The an n u al election of officers pall bearers. ¡days and T hursdays. V ining th ea tre . v iih hisusual g enerous w illin g n e ss. th e women soon would be in, the took place d u rin g the evening and Rev. B. C. M iller, pastor of th e Sells B ear Cre< k R anch— t i give and f o ’get the gift he s a id ,'s a m e political ju n g le w here husb- resulted as follows: Helen Chaney, Buys Town Home— B aptist church, delivered th e ser- P e te r M urray lias sold his ranch “ Ju st call it the W inburn way a n d ) an d s now roam and roar. T here presid en t; M adge M arion, first vice- ___________ P e te r M urray has purchased the mon, th e lesson being read from the n o rth of the city, consisting of 23 don’t have any ta b le t.” He was In- has been com plete harm ony am ong p iesid e n t; John Billings, second xited to be.onie an h o n o rary m em - th th e e Civic Civic women. women. We We have have w w orked orked vice-presiaem ; caam e ..v i t i i - < j c i . - t . — property a t th e co rn e r o f E ig h th a n d , 13th c h ap ter of John. The text acres, t i Ed B utler. A! of ihe farm vice-president; E laine C haney, «bird KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 21 b er of the club, but declined. w ith o u t frictio n , and we explain this vice-president; Donald V estal, fo u rth W ith the grad ' com pleted four m iles A stre e ts from Ed B u tler and ex- tak en was from Jo h n 11: 21: "L ord, j a n im a ls, and im plem ents were so il The Civic club is planning to m ake condition of a ffa irs by m odestly vice-president; D orothy Crews, sec- beyond the present term in u s a t Hil- pects to occupy the place th e f lr s tjif Thou h ad st been here, my b ro th er) w ith the ranch. The A shland R ealty debrand, c o n tra cts being lei for of th e com ing week. The tra n sa c- jh a d not died.” A q u a rte t composed | com pany handled the deal, th e new club house a cen ter of claim ing th a t we use our com on re ta ry ; Jam es N u tter, tre a su re r. tin e (•/ four m iles m ore, a rran g e- tion w as m ade th ro u g h the A shland Qf Misses Elyelyi p lea-m e and usefulness. It m ust sense. W hen we h e a r gossip th a t is H ere from Seattle— FOR Y.M. TONIGHT i O SAYS SEGÏY. DAYIS FiVE ARE KILLED tiie tli ON MOSH fi» vnauey. >inru 1 •,!)• .»'! 1'keei . an d as m e m b e r - .w holly ai ship increases, the re n tin g r - !; variance w ith said com - :vi. C. H. M arshal l, Dr. C a rte r is a ^ te n s i o n of th e line, fo u r ; Thou W ilL” in My! riv als in A shland an(] th e m ent, IB , ; the O w ^ n , C alifornia and late st extension “ “ ~nd h a a ! m an n er, besides “ Jesu s th e ^ re tire d d en tist, having had offices in ' -asti, proud of A shland anc railw ay w 11 reach S p v a.u e m iles from D airy ^ t h e r ^ m ust hire help, pay for h eatin g and is Hub h o u s e . She will be valescent home, M edford several years ago, b u t cam e re p a irs and necessary upkeep. W e worn? ' 8 of honor w hen re p re s e n ts -’ G p«rt i in <.«t> to A shland from T onasket, W ash. of riv e r next spring. of tariffs and acceptances of . River, Deing Mr. and Mrs. P. J. P a u k n e r, w ill give p arties and earn m oney to th e guest from all th e d u b s in I tet. to keep with this general fund, but liv e ’ w etnen J 1?,’’",.¡“ " „ „ e n d the for- Los G atos. C alif... a re guests a t t h e ° ^ d extensiou of co n -¡freig h t. lu u u . uui nreffon will a tte n d the every wom an who- is In terested south»-rn * > building. C onvalescent hom e Should be willing to pay $2 a year.m al »penmg > t m id i •riiH iad. will d e c re a -e . W et ' . Alfs. ' . a Cullati;: •-