ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE SIX Umbrellas SALE Thursday, Oct 19 to Saturday Nov. 4 Harvest Sale Prices Ladies 28 in. Paragon frame American Taffeta— $1.69, $1.98, $2.98 Children’s 22 inch— $1.25, $1.98, $1.95 Ladies Silk 8-rib Paragon frame, fine quality Silk Taffeta, beautiful assort­ ment of handles, all colors $4.98 to $11.95 Wednesday, October IS. 1022 CTOBER practically completes the Harvest of crops in the Valley. The Prize Winners have been on display before great multitudes, and Blue Ribbons and Medals have been carried away. We, too, have been gathering from mark­ ets far and near, merchandise of winning quali­ ties, and are now ready to invite the Public to inspect our Display of New Fall Merchandise. Such values as we are presenting during this, Our First Annual Harvest Sale, eclipses all our previous events. No matter what your needs may be, you are certain to profit by attending—for This Is the Golden Harvest Time tor Bargains MT Harvest Sale Prices Ladies Cotton Fleece Union Suits, high or low neck, long or short sleeves d * O S " * Each ......................................... Ladies “ Athena” Cotton Union Suits, heavy weight, high or low neck, long Q 1 A or short sleeves, eaeh .................. Ladies “ Athena” Silk and Wool Union Suits high or low neck, long or short Q Q A sleeves, eaeh ............................. k l.« '7E* jadies Cotton Fleece Lined Vests W ASH GOOES . Harvest Sale Prices Belmont Percales, large as­ sortment of patterns, per vard 19c Agatha Percales, best qual ity, per yard ............... 28e . and Pants .................................... | O C Tiildren’s Cotton Union Suits, fleece lined— 85c, $1.19, $1.39 Children’s “ Athena” Wool and Cotton Union Sails, at each ............................ $1.48, $2.19 Boys’ “ Athena” Union Suits in 4»-a ecru, fleece lim'd ........................ Madras Shirting, new pat terns, per yard .......... ,29c Press Ginghams, per yard ............ 22c, 25c, 29c X ew T a b le L in e n s -J/ IM P E R IA L OUTING ' O u tin g F la n n e l TABLE PRIDE MERCERIZED DAMASK Harvest Sale Prices 64 inch Floral designs, linen weave— Special, per yard ..................................98c 58 by 58, ready to use, hemstitched Table Cloth, eaeh ..........................................$1.25 20 by 20, best quality Mercerized Napkins, per d o zen ............................................. $2.25 ¡8 by 68, all pure Irish linen cloths, ea..$5.98 22 by 22 Napkins, to match, dozen........ $9.48 $1.98 36 inch all wool Sport Serge, bright colors 1.19 44 inch all wool Serge and Epingle, all the Autumn shades, per yd........................... 1.75 56 inch fine all wool English Serge, in brown and navy, per yd........................... 1.89 56 inch best quality fine Press Serge, navy and black, per yd............................. 2.25 54 inch all wool Flannels, bright colors, vd. 1.98 54 inch finest quality Poiret Twill, in brown and navy, per yd........................... 3.48 36 inch all wool Storm Serge, all colors, H a r v e st S a le of S ilk s good value, per yd.................................. 89c 36 inch Duchess Press Satin, ri» -a A 0 black only, per yd................... 1 <10 inch Cliarmeuse Satin, black, brown ami navy, per yd.......... 40 inch Canton crepe, new col­ ors for Fall, per yd.................. 40 inch Crepe de Chine—the al­ ways popular silk, per yd........ 36 inch Canton Knit, in new Autumn shades, per yd.......... 36 inch Pouvette Silks—new this season, per yd.............. . < 36 inch Satin Messaline, best quality, per yd......................... 36 inch Panama Crepe, silk and wool material, per yd............ .> «¿J0 G lo v e s O 3.48 1.98 2.98 3.48 1.69 3.98 Harvest Sale Prices Adler’s Cape Gloves, gauntlet, with wrist straps, tan, p a i r ........... $2.25 Virginia French Kid Gloves, 2 clasps, black, white, brown and grey— Per pair .................................. $2.75 Women’s Cape Gloves, medium weight brown and beaver, p a i r ......... $1.75 Kayser’s Real Cbamoisette Gloves, 2 clasp, black and covert, pr....... 50c Ladies all wool Sweaters, Tuxedo styles, black, navy and brown, each......... $6.48 Girls Sweaters in new bright colors, coat styles, each ..................................... $4.19 Boys Sweaters, slipover styles, several color combinations to choose from— Priced at ........................ $2.48 to $3.69 R e a d y -to -W e a r COATS B la n k e ts 50 NEW COATS, materials are Velours, Normandies and Bolivias, full satin lined— Specially priced $24.95 to $39.00 Harvest Sale Prices WOOL FINISH BLANKETS in Fancy Plaids ¡64 by 7 6 ...............................$3.25 ¡66 by 8 0 ...............................$3.75 66 by 8 0 ...............................$4.98 28c F la n n e le t t e G o w n s Guaranteed All Virgin Wool FANCY PLAID BLANKETS COTTON SHEET BLANKETS 60 by 76 ....... .$2.39 ¡66 by 8 0 ............................ $ 9.48 64 by 76 ........ $2.59.70 by 8 0 ............................$ 9.98 66 by 80 ....... $2.89 70 bv 80 ............................ $11.50 70 by 80 ....... . .$3.19 72 bv 8 4 .......................... $17.00 NECKW EAR Harvest Sale Prices Peter Pan collar and cuff s e t s ............................. 59c New lace vestees with col­ lars to match, each. .$1.59 New collar and cuff sets of Venice lace, set....... $1.25 New lace Bertha collars—- Each ........................$1.75 H O S IE R Y Harvest Sale Prices Wool heather, drop stitched per pair. .98c, $1.25, $1.35 Fine Cashmere wool, brown and blue heather, pr. $1.50 Si lk and wool hose, with drop stitch. .$1.98, $2.25, $2.50 »Sweaters i5c Ladies’ Gowns, made of good quality cloth, high and low neck, long and short sleeves, aud slipover styles, in white and colors .................................................... $1.25, $1.48, $1.69, $2.19 E xtra large sizes at .................................. $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 Thursday, Oct. 19 to Saturday, Nov. 4 54 inch best quality all wool Tweeds, yd.. HARVEST SALE PRICES Large assortment of Fancies in checks and stripes, all colors, medium and heavy qualities— 27 in. fancies, good «g 36 inch Outing, in *8 weight and quality white and fancies J 36 inch Fancies, extra . licavv heavy (and up to 25c yd.) qualities. Special 27 in. outing, white < at per yd.......... and fancies, yd. . . . J Harvest Sale Prices Harvest Sale Prices Patent leather with gold filled fittings, e a c h ...............$3.25 New band bags, novelty‘shapes in tooled leather. $3.48, $3.98 24 hand bags, new styles, ex­ cellent values, all worth $2 each. Special for d*-a A A Harvest Sale, ea.. Jp J . 0 v D r e ss G o o d s U nderw ear I* \ " SALE Vanity Cases ® Bags 25 NEW CLOTH COATS Extra special values— Made of Canton Knit, Priced at Canto’n Crepe, Satin Canton, Crepe Back Satin. Special at 25 Children’s Coats 6 to 14 vears, all at at- tractive prices — New Wool Dresses $12.50 to $35 SILK AND WOOL DRESSES $14.98 to 24.98 $23.75 Io 35.00 Hemstitching and Picoting Neatly Done—Balcony Shop $4.68 to 13.98 COM FORT B A TTS Harvest Sale Price 72x90, 2 lbs..................... 85c Same batt, 2 1-2 lbs.......98c Stitched batt, 3 lbs. .. .$1.25 Wool batt, 2 lbs............$2.98 Wool and cotton batt, 3 lbs...........................$3.19 WE PREPAY POSTAGE AND EXPRESS R. I S A A C & Co THE Q U A L IT Y STO RE THE STORE WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED