Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 18, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAÜÄ four
Crater L ake in F iction —
A T h o u g h t fo r th e D ay.
Apples A re Exix»rted—
“You must endure not blame,
which cannot be altered."
Josephine county apples are to
find th e ir way to the C hristm as din­
n er table of the L ondoner, for th ree
cars have alread y been shipped from
here for export to E ngland says the FOR SALE— Nice com forters. Call
I t 1228 E. Main.
G ran s Pass C ourier. Two m ore cars
will be sent out on the last of the FOR SALE— My nice corner home
m onth, these also going to London.
nt 399 Beach street. Call. 40tf
The London m ark et req u ires the
SALE— Rhode
Newton and Spitzenberg apples, of EOR
chickens, five m onths old.
163 pack and sm aller.
M orton St.
“ M arooned In C ra te r L ak e,” is the
title of th e leading story in th e Oc­
to b er num ber of th e St. Nicholas
m agazine, and bears th e nam e of
A lfred Pow ers, of the extension de­
p a rtm e n t ot th e U niversity of O re­
gon. The sto ry , concerning a boy
m arooned on th e island and his in ­
genious plan to gain th e m ainland,
will hold m uch of in terest to m any
E ugeneans who a re fam iliar w ith
O regon’s famed beauty spot and will
also probably result in much discus-
s on as to w hether the plot of the
story is based on an actu al happen­
ing. The story, according to th e edi­
to rs of the m agazine, is the best
piece of fiction ap p earin g in the pub-
1 cation for some tim e. — Eugene
Agricultural Sulphur
to increase crop yields
IM -'LI’EXZA and colds a re ser
Ions and lead to m any com plications
If you w ant to get well and be able
to resist colds, sen me. Dr. Angell
F irst N a t’l Bank Bldg. Can treal
you a t your hom e. Phone office 14?
you a t y our home. Piione, office 4 8
W hat measure can an owner take
to protect his automobile from thieves?
O regon is R icher—
Nor a great (leal, unfortunately, for
A total of 159,581.72 poured into
many things which would help reduce
th e pockets of Oregon G uardsm en thievery are tilings about which he as
for drill pay (luring the first six an individual lias nothing to say. The
m onths of the year, says th e Oregon things ttiat he can and should do
G uardsm an, issued m onthly by the are so simple th at they are self-evi­
office of th e a d ju ta n t general in Sa­ dent. First, in buying a car Inquire
Th>s am o u n t rep resen ts the whether or not it is equipped with a
to tal of all arm ory drill pay checks locking device approved by the insur­
ance people. If you are installing a
received for th e period. This equals new lock on an old car make the same
nearly $ > per m onth for each m an— inquiry when buying the lock. There
a handsom e little incom e for a h eal­ are locks and locks; some of them
can lie broken and manipulated by an
thy, pleasant and p atrio tic duty.
expert thief in a minute or two.
M any S tan da rd Locks.
B a rre tt E xpected Back—
'Others really protect the car. and
E. J. B a rre tt, sales m anager for
t i e H artm an Oil Syndicate, who has there are about fifteen standard de­
vices. Of these, three lock tlie trans­
been out of the citv ever since the
mission, three the steering wheel and
county fair, is expeeted to re tu rn to
A shland this evening or T hursday.
Mr. Barret» lias been in the W illa m ­
ette valley, d e m o n stra tin g th e oil
<( m pany’s re to rt a t tlie sta te fa r Ti
Salem , and la te r rem ained to sell
stock in th e e n te rp rise. The re to rt
aroused g reat in te re st a t the fair,
and fo rm a l an im p o rtan t p a rt of tlie
Jackson county exhibit.
V a n d a ls .A c tiv e in G r a n ts P a ss—
Most Machines Are Nearly Alike
and Only Experts Can Distin­
guish Different Makes.
D uring th e p ast two days a series
of petty crim es have been com m itted
by an unknow n p arty or p arties in
(¡ra n ts Pass. Monday night, slashes
from th re e to six inches in length
were m ade in the tops of several a u ­
tom obiles parked along th e m ain
s tre e t, w hile a w holesale poisoning One Good W a y is to Observe Name
of cats and dogs is reported. Own­
P la te on F ro n t o f C ar— H ub Caps
ers of tlie dom estic pets a re highly
O ffe r Means o f Id e n tific a tio n ,
incensed, and have sent out the word
as T he y A re M arked.
th a t if tht> p e rp e tra to r of the deed is
found, he will be prosecuted in th e
“How can I tell the different makes
of automobiles?” is a question often
asked by the man who w alks, observed
a New York Sun writer.
H aving regularly received the re­
Tlie best answer to the question it
publican nom ination for S tate Sena­ seems is, “You can’t.”
to r, I hereby announce my candidacy
There was a time, some years ago,
for said office. If elected, I shall
earn estly and to th e best of my a b il­ when there were comparatively few au-
ity, endeavor to serve all in such a i (»mobiles, and these were readily dis­
m an n er as to best advance th e ir tinguishable.
m oral : nd m aterial w elfare.
These were tlie (lays when the au­
-tfttf Udv
GEORGE W. PUNN. tomobile m anufacturers were concen­
ts uting their efforts on tlie improve­
ment of tlie engine. It would make no
difference how beautiful cars were
made if they refused to go. Their ef­
forts were successful; the automobile
engine today is as near perfection as
human products can get. So tlie manu­
facturers. tlie last year or so, have
turned their attention more and more
\V I t f t ï W
one the manifold. The others are
various types of ignition locks. One
locks hood and Ignition and another
gasoline and ignition.
Make Record of Numbers.
Finally, If you have hopes of getting
your machine back a fter It has been
stolen you should have a record of
all the engine and factory numbers
that appear on It. Best of all, there
should be a secret Identification num­
ber somewhere that the thieves cannot
find to change or remove. One or two
m anufacturers have a private identi­
fication number on the chassis in a po­
sition known only to themselves, and
it would lie a great help if more man­
ufacturers would take tills precaution.
But ns it is, most builders can offer
little help in identifying a stolen car,
and the owner must depend largely up­
on himself.
lì j/
On a B ird or Game Preserve.
In connection with tlie adm inistra­
tion of bird and game preserves under
tlie biological survey, tlie following
acts on reservations have been for­
bidden by tlie secretary of agricul­
ture, under date of May 4: Entering
any game in< losue without- permis
sion ; carrying firearms without per
mission; perm itting dogs to run at
large; setting fires, cutting, damaging
of removing timber or trees; allowing
domestic animals to enter without per­
mission ; and injuring or destroying
signs, fences or oilier property of tlie
United States.
You Auto Know
That the slightest lack of
alignment in the steering wheels
will cause tires to wear out long
before their allotted mileage
has been secured. This trouble
is usually due to slight collisions
or even failure to avoid holes
in the road. The strain bends
tlie equalizing rod and the
wheels are thrown out of true—
possibly not enough to he seen
with tlie unaided eye but ap­
parent when measurem ents are
taken. As a result of this, one
or both tires “grind” with every
revolution of the wheel and the
wear comes on the portion of
the tire which is not protected
by the heavy tread.
The remedy and also the pre­
vention of this is to have the
front wheels inspected regularly
and to keep a constanr watch
uyon the tires to see that they
are wearing evenly and that
this wear Is being taken up by
tlie tread. Reputable tire manu­
facturers guarantee their prod­
uct for tlie minimum and not
tiie maximum number of miles
which they ought to deliver and
tlie vast m ajority of failures to
secure this mileage are due to
tlie carelessness of drivers, rath ­
er than to faults in the tires
(C opyright, 1922. by T he
Syn dicate, In c.)
W heeler
H 'Dreâm . '
S treet'
M any O w ners C onsider the Best M eans to P revent the T h e ft o f Cars Is to
A tta c h a Steel L o ck and C hain on the S teering K n uckle.
Little Girl (before statue in mu­
seum )—Mamma, w hat’s this?
A ttendant
a fter
pause — T hat’s
Mercury, tlie messenger of tlie gods.
You have read about him, no doubt.
Mother—Of course she has.
do you know, my little girl has such
a very poor memory for Scripture.
Ashland Fruit Association
Vote 314 X Yes
The purpose of the compulsory public school attendance bill is to Insure
the instruction of all Oregon children of gram m ar school age in a common
language, a common history and common ideals, to the end that American
unity shall be p omoted, American ideals safeguarded and American insti­
tutions perpétuât, 1.
This bill is proposed because its supporters believe that only by universal
education of our children on standard and uniform lines can these things bt
This bill proposes no religious restrictions. It contem plates no lim itatioi
of the right of the parent to teach religion to his child in his own way auu
according to his own belief. It raises no issue of religious difference.
W o u ld Be W o rth Im p o rtin g .
All of mir domestic animals are Im­
This bill is purely a m easure to insure th a t all children by attending the
portations. Kansas farm ers are just public schools shall be taught alike during their gram m ar school years, so
beginning to breed Karakul sheep. But th a t their outlook may grow to be a unified outlook for the common weal
tlie (»Id World still lias live stock al­ and for their country and its institutions.
most unknown Imre. Moreover, in the
United Slates are large uncultivated
To m ake an all-American nation we m ust have all-American instruction
areas where wild and semi-wild crea­ of our children along recognized standard lines. lg’norance of American
tures of economic value from other ideals and institutions and language is the greatest m enace to them , because
continents, like tlie yak and the ai- those who do not understand them properly do not support them.
When the Fiddles Moan.
paca, migiit be introduced with every
“Do you care for grand opera?”
prospect of adaptation to physical con­
“No,” said Mr. Dubwaite.
afruid I’m not equal to it. I know
there must be times when grand opera
P. S MALCOLM, 33°,
It M ust Be In s tin c t.
stars express joyous emotions, but all
Inspector-General in Oregon,
A woman is much more likely Io for­
I’ve ever heard sing seemed to be ter­
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
ribly sorry ubout something and 1 get tlie baity Ilian to leave t ’-e pickles
(P a id A d v ertise m e n t)
behind when she goes to tlie picnic.
couldn't find out what it was.”
e x s r—-
One Flag—One School—One Languag
Device Illu s tra te d
W ill P revent Foot
It was natural that there should lie
F ro m Bobbing Up and Down
extensive adoption of some of tlie fea­
on A cce lerator.
tures of foreign made automobiles, for
these cars had always lieen superior in
Rough road driving causes the foot
design to American-made cars, a great
d-al o f laird work being involved In to bob up and dow’n on the accelerator.
tlieir m anufacture. It was also natural
that American m anufacturers should
lake the opportunity to carry out their
own ideas of design. The one result
lias been to make ull cars more alike.
AU Wool Suits and Coats
guaranteed by the Makers to give Satisfactory Wear Gr a new garment Free to you
Your own good judgment is the t:rae limit
Many Suits with Two Pairs of Pants
T e ll by Name P late.
f r f e is n o t
T 'b /h a f i t s e e m s -
ft's b u t a t b i n d
Made out o f dreams
And it’s the beautiful
dreams of real life
A Cw w ’tK Cofnedij Suçi
oestud bu Charoeterç A
of Thomas b u i k»? ,
Also “ Aesop’s Fables and
lierndar Admission
Tlie one best way to tell one car
from another is by tlie name plate on
tlie radiator front of nearly every cur.
Tliis is nearly always small and incon­
spicuous. and when a car is passing at
a speed of 20 or 30 miles an hour it is
almost Impossible to identify all cars
in fids manner. Hub caps offer anoth­
er means of identification, as the hub
caps of virtually all cars are not only
distinctive, but are also usually
marked with some simple mark of
There are cars that are distinctive
enough in design to be identified in a
glance. There are cars of the “sport­
ing" type, low and “rakish” and sug­
gestive of speed; tlie sight of such a
car suggests only two or three possi­
Cars of Homely Type.
Tiiere are cars of the “homely”
type, of squat ami serviceable appear­
ance; when such a design is caught
sight of only two or three names come
to mind. There are the obviously ex­
pensive cars, cars which suggest lux­
ury -In their every line, in the acces­
sories. in the Hash of nickel mount­
ings. A car of that description migiit
be any one of a lmlf-dozen cars, the
aristocrats of the automobile world.
But outside of these distinctive
types there are many cars, mostly of
tlie middle price range, that are ex­
tremely difficult to identify.
Steady Foot C on tro l.
This air control device is made to
remedy that and steady the How of
gasoline. The large pedal resting on
the accelerator has an air cylindei
operating over a piston attached t(
tie.» toe board. It can be adjusted foi
any car with pedal control.
Jack and Jill Shoes
Bill iki ns too
Shoos of sondeo foi- bovs who aro hard on shoes
assort mont of patterns
T ire s on F ro n t o f M any Cars W orn
O u t B efore D riv e r F in d s O ut
Real Cause.
Many motorists completely wear ou.
t i e trout tires on their cars before
they tind that the wheels do not run
parallel. In tlie ordiuury car from
wheels are toed in 3-16 to 3-8 of a r
Inch to take care of tlieir spread un
der 'power.
In the opinion of tire
men failure to properly align the
wheels Is resp i.sible for the prem a­
ture scrapping of tens of thousands of
tires. Wheels of new cars require less
toeing in tiian the w'heels of cats a l­
ready limbered up.
T ry the Classified Columns
Kaynee Bi uses
and F-rat S h irts
Brown or Black, in Button or Lace
Ironclad S to ck in g s
These Better Boys Shoes
$1.75 to $5,00
with every pair of shoes
25c and c jc
■ I