♦ ASHLAND CLIM ATE, w itn o u t « <$> th e aid of m edicine, cures n in e <3> <$> cases o u t of ten of asth m a. <$ T his is a proven fact. A shland D aily tidings M A LA R IA GERM S cannot sur- vive th re e m onths in th e rich <$> ozone a t A shland. The pure do- •$' <$> m estic w ater helps. <*> (International News Wire Service VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings. Voi. 4 3 ) ASHLAND, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEM BER 25, 1922 They Moved Their Village to Town A - PRICE SUNDAY No. 20 Mapping Camera on U. S. Seaplane TOMATOES EXPLODE SERIOUSLY HURTING FORMER ASHLANDITE I «»a^RainanwasKKiet^ V — I ‘W hile engaged in canning to m a­ toes a few days ago, Mrs. G. E. M ill- ner, now a t 319 H erm osa avenue. r PE O PL E OF ASH LAND GREATLY Long Beach, Calif., was nearly fa- ?' TIERNAN - PO PLIN PATERNITY IM PRESSED BY WORDS OF tally in ju re d w hen one of th e cans < HEARING SCENE OF LIVE­ , exploded, a large piece of the glass LY ENCOUNTER EVANGELIST 'f a llin g upon h e r w rist and se v erin g ' ;/• an a rte ry , according to word ju st re-j ILLICIT LOVE TRIAL IMPRESSIVE SERMON ceived from th e so u th ; i * ss « BEGUN !N INDIANA DELIVERED AT NIGHT M rs M illner w as alone in the house a t th e tim e, and before she D efendant T ells His Story Calmly H ea lin g Line C ontains Several Ilun- | could sum m on help, she had become •Z/'-X-' «Led am i Is U u g e s t Y et; Many | From Witn<*ss Stand; Woman Is I very w eak from th e loss of blood. Greatly Incensed; H usband, on S eek B aptism ; No S ervices to be Though her condition is pronounced . Je n n in g s, M ich, w as a- th riv in g v illage n e a r C a d illa c , d e p e n d in g w holly The U. S. n a z y is giving m uch a tte n tio n t« th e m a tte r of a e ria l plm tog. Fat uity o f N otre Dam e, Present. Held Here on T hursday. <- i- 1 on the lumber industry. When sil’ the tim ber had been cut ¡end sawed up the very serious, and sue is still s u tle r- rnpliy. and most of the seaplanes are equipped with photographic parapher- I citizens had special motors constructed which within a few days moved the ; ing from shock and loss of blood, she nalin. In this photograph ts shown a mapping camera mounted on a seaplane SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 25.— Y esterday was by far*the g re a te st entire village to Tadillac. One of the houses is here seen en route. . jg believed to be past th e danger ----------------------------.— —--------------- ‘ ________________1 W ith a scream of rage, the woman day, religiously speaking, in th e his­ ! point. DRY SIM M E R STIMULATES in the case faced the m an in the to ry of A shland. G reat crow ds a t ­ STATE LABOR FEDERATION i Mrs. M illner is a form er well- STATE IRRIGATION PROJECTS case a t the T iernan-P oulin patern ity tended the m orning service and lis t­ CONVENTION AT SA L E M 1 know n A shland resid en t, Mr. M illner hearing here, yelling, “ You liar, oil ened to the serm on delivered by Dr ---------- having been connected w ith the SALEM, Or., Sept. 25.— T here are ’you lia r ! ” P rice, on David carry in g th e a rk of SALEM, Sept. 25. The Oregon jvLllner-Overland garage here. He now 60 irrig a tio n d istric ts in O re­ A ugusta T iernan hurled th e ugly th e covenant, aud his wife M ichel, J S tate F e d eratio n of Labor opened jg now city sa n ita ry inspector for gon w ith a to tal of 1,170,7 81 acres, word a t H arry Poulin, th e m an she looking on th ro u g h th e window a t I its a n n u al session h e re today, th e LOng Beach of which ? 8 l,3 7 6 acres have been accused of being th e fa th e r of her session to continue as long as is n e - 1 __________________ l im as he cam e dancing, and she reclaim ed, according to a rep o rt is- ; baby. I I eessary to tra n s a c t the business of despised him in her h eart. Sym bol­ sued by Percy Cupper, s ta te engi­ Calmly, alm ost with indifference, ically speaking he said, “ Many peo­ the federation. More th an 100 dele­ neer. These irrig a tio n d istricts Poulin was telling his story on the g ates rep re sen tin g labor o rg an iza­ ple everyw here today a re looking on have o u tsta n d in g bond issues of , w itness stand. He was asked if lie tions in all sections of th e sta te , a il a s th ro u g h a window and scorning I $20,562,000, of which bonds in th e J was ever alone w ith Mrs. T iernan in th e th 'n g s of God.” The services expected to a tte n d . am ount of $9,680,000 have beer.; Tw enty-tw o stu d e n ts will repre- a sto re on the university cam pus. c‘losc.1 im pressively w ith the g reat W 'th captains of 15 team s repre- Tuesday m orning th e convention sold, and the proceeds applied to sent A shland a t the U niversity of “ I was n o t,” he replied. c h o ir inging, “ The A rk is C fm in g ' aent: d. the first m eeting of those will ad jo u rn to C orvallis for a busi- construction of irrig a tio n w orks. Oregon this year when the doors of Mrs. T iernan seem ed stunned for Up the R oad,” being joined by t h e ; engaged in fin me lug the new gran- ness session in the m orning and an Tiie recent dry sum m er stim u lated th a t in $ titu t!on swing open on Octo- a m om ent Then she sprang to her g re a t th rong in th e aud nice. Dr. ¡te corporation m et al lift? H otel Ash- inspection of the Oregon A gricu ltu r- in te rest in irrig a tio n in w estern Ore- ber 2 for the 1922-23 school year, feet w ith the angry exclam ation, her P riee had im pressed on tin m inds of ia n d this noon. O utside of a gener- al college d u rin g the aftern o o n . Ot- gon, Mr. Cupper said, and a num - o f these th re e are heads of th e ir whole body quivering, th e i cople of A shland, th a t, figur- ,1 discussion of the p roject and the to H artw ig, president of the sta te her of new irrig a tio n d istric ts a re ; fra tern ities, while m any o thers a re “ Sit dow n,” said P oulin, in loud s t'.vely peaking, the a rk is com ing laying o: fu rth e r plans for the cam- organization, will preside. now being organized. active in cam pus affairs. and delib erate tones, “ you'll hear up th e ad in A shland. The m orn- p a ign> little developed d u rin g t h e ---------------------------- SEATTLE, Sept. 25.— Soldiers Those re tu rn in g to Eugene, or m ore th an th a t.” ing service closed w ith an a lta r call, first day of the drive. from F o rt W orden and crew s of fire , who form erly lived in A shland, a r e | Mrs. T iernan cast a look of b itte r to which m any w eary and sin-s ck j n speaking of the g ran ite situa- fig h te rs are b a ttlin g a forest I H arold Simpson, last year, who is scorn a t the m an she claim s was her souls responded. i u Oll jn g eneral, V. V. Mills outlined near Discovery Bay, which th re a t­ i president of Delta Tau D elta tra te r- lover in an illicit rom ance, and then i ul The aftern o o n service a t 3 o’clock ‘briefly the h istory of th e develop- ened to destroy th e P o rt T o w n sen d ; ‘ n ity ; L eith Abbot, prom inent ath- sank back in the arm s of her nus- w as as largely a tte n d ed as any serv- m ent of th e g ra n ite in d u stry in the w ater system . A loss to ta lin g $300,— ' letic and jo u rn a list, who is head of band, a professor a t N otre Dame ice of th e m eeting, outside of the i east, and the sim ila rity of th e local 000 in tim ber and logging equipm ent i the Phi Gamma D elta fra te rn ity , and university. o th e r Sunday services and the heal-1 project w ith those o th ers shown He has alread y resulted. ¡Jo h n A nderson, head of Phi Sigma L a ter an o th e r fiery o u tb u rst came ing m eetings. The su b je c t chosen sta te d th a t th e q u a rry in g of gran-- The fire s ta rte d near th e Discovery i Pi fra te rn ity , and an o th er prom inent from Mrs. T iernan, when P oulin, by Dr. P rice for the aftern o o n , was ¡te a t B arre Vt., had increased the Bay Logging com pany’s cam p, which • jo u rn a list. O thers in th e ir la st;w h o was being cross exam ined, bad th e w ell-know n story of R ebekah a t i population of th a t town from about; was com pletely burned out. . year a t E ugene are Edwin M. F ra - denied having talked with the wom- th e w ell, and it was one of the m ost ¡3000 to 15,000 in a com paratively, J zier, K appa Sigm a; D w ight Gregg, an a fte r she had failed to keep ail tm pressive serm ons yet delivered ¡ few years. The d u rab ility of g ran ite I P hi Sigma Pi, who will e n te r the appointm ent with him a t th e store. Dr. P rice m ade it plain to the m ulti- for building purposes was aiso ATHENS, Sept. 25.— T urkish cav- M atthew L. Johnson died a t his m edical school a t P o rtlan d a fte r one Unable to contain herself, Mrs. tu d e of people assem bled th a t to stressed, and in the east it was a iry bus invaded th e allied neu tral hom e on G ranite s tre e t th is m orning m ore term a t E ugene; Aubrey F u r- T iernan jum ped to her feet and get th e “ w ater of life ,” you had found only in p a stu re s and sm all zone of the D ardanelles west of follow ing a lingering illness of sev- vey, P hi G am m a D elta, and W ilm a scream ed, ) loirie a lia r now . first to go down in th e well to draw , hills, wiiil ■ the local stone com prised C hanak and is occupying E renkeui, e ral weeks. He was 74 years old. C hattin. Arvin B u rn ett K appa Sig- The court stopped the proceedings and R ebekah, typifying the Bride of fhe g re a te r portion o a m ountain, according to a C onstantinople re- Mr. Johnson was born in Pennsyl m a- is now living in Eugene, and and w arned both parties against C h rist, not only gave to Isaac, ty p i-iN o question as to the q u ality or pOrt. van.a w here he spent his early life will continue his basketball activi- fu rth e r dem onstiations. ly in g the bridegroom , to d rink, b u t; q u a n tity of th e local product w as B ritish m ilitary a u th o ritie s at Poulin denied ever having been I but cam e to th is vicinity som e 30 i (‘e s- she w atered th e cam els as well. The raised. C onstantinople have m ade a rran g e- y ears ago and has lived here con-! T hree ju n io rs are included in the alone with Mrs. T iernan. application he m ade of th e text was Ed Staples rela te d the h istory of m ent s to em bark the rem ain d er of PA RIS, Sept. 25. Among the tinuously since th a t tim e. He had Tist. Melvin Kaegi, Phi Sigma Pi; t h a t we m ust draw for the m any the local ice p lan t and com pared i t , th e fam ilies of B ritish officers postm ortem s on th e s ta rtlin g knock- a widg circie of fr ien«js and ac_ Donald F ra zie r, and W illiam McMil- FINDS 2 SCORE NEW th irs ty souls aro u n d us, saying th a t w ith th e g ra n ite project as “ b e in g ! aboard ship tom orrow . Many clfil- out of Georges C arpentier, sh a tte re d q u a intances w ith whom he m ingled la n - p h i Gamma Delta, who expects LAKES IN CASCADES he w ent down in th e well and filled good for th e com m unity and good ;ang have tak e n refuge on ships at idol of all E urope, in th e sixth alm ost daily a fte r he re tire d from It) tra n sfe r from S tanford. Sopho- his p itcher, and filled th e c o n g re g a -ja s an in v estm en t.” He sta te d th a t i C onstantinople. The B ritish re in ­ round of y esterd ay ’s fight, by “ Bat- a c tjve H(e u n til the tim e he was m ores num ber am ong th e ir m em bers EUGENE, Or., Sept. 25.— F orest tia n in the m orning, and h ere they the g ra n ite holdings would not r e ’ foreem ents continue to a rriv e at tlin g ” Siki, the Sengalese, is th e finaHy confined to his hom e • ¡B ernice Myer, Bernice Yeo, Kee and E xam iner Lage W ernstedt, in the in ­ w ere all back in the aftern o o n for suit in m aking the stockholders c h ta n a k and C onstantinople, sta te m e n t by F rançoise Descamps, in Surviving him are th re e daugh- E d g ar B uchanan, th e la tte r of Phi tensive survey of the Cascade and i ^ 'i e , hardly giving him tim e to fill w ealthy im m ediately, hut stressed _______ which the m an ag er openly berated {e rs and one gOn; Mrs . Mayme Gal- Sigma Pi, and who recently moved a p a rt of the D eschutes national his p itch er betw een services. And the co n stan t and su b sta n tia l re tu rn s LONDON, Sept. 25 __ T urkish i his charge for carelessness. ' b reath , of Rogue R iver; Mrs. N ettie to Eugene. forests, has discovered 40 or 50 new m ore th an the m ere filling w ith th e from any investm ent m ade. II. C. troops which crossed the boundary | He said C arp en tier was “ show ing C alendine, of L ivingston, M ont.; Several intend to en ter as fresh- lakes in the region betw een D am- W ord of God, they gave to R ebekah Galey presided a t the noon day of th e a n in e the dep artm en t of labor an- niap. They are supplem enting th 's tex t, Isaiah . 3 5 :5, on th e wages of which to carry on the operations of w ith E. O. McCormick vice-presi­ work, th is being by F ra n k Jo rd an , nounced today work w ith photographs taken with sin and th e pow er of God to heal, th e s ta te school for th e deaf, sta te dent of the S outhern Pacific com- a t 16% cents per sq u are foot fori ' topographic cam era. W ;th the aid th e “ h a lle lu ja h b a rb e r.” Jim Colson, p e n ite n tia ry and the sta te tra in in g y He hag spent th e past t wo the sidew alk and 70 cents per lineal; of these photographs, Hodson said, from Lodi, Calif., spoke of w hat th e school for boys d u rin g the rem ain- dayg in tbe vicinity of G ran ts P ass, foot for the eurb and g u tte r . with j it will be possible to p rep are a topo­ Lord bad done for Lodi, th ro u g h d er of th e biennium ending Decern- generously giving t he grape grow -1a c h a r&e of $1 Per sduare yard f o r . graphic m ap of the region observed Dr. Price. T elling how the S pirit of - of * th • is ’ year This was an- ers o{ tb a t d istric t the beneiit8 o f an >’ excavation or filling th a t m ight her 31 and to correct the location of d ra in ­ th e Lord fell on th e people, in h e a l­ nounced tonight. age as well as o th er topographic fea ­ his invaluable experience in grape be necessary. ing. and th a t th e ir p ray er m eetings The ap p ropriation for the deaf cu ltu re. W hile it has never been custom ary tu re s on m aps now in use. each week had increased from the ___________ school has been practically exhaust- Today was spent in a cq u ain tin g to m ake sep arate charge for e x c av a -1 ^original num bers of from te n to ed and th ere rem ain s only enough bim w itb tb e pOSSibjHties of Ash- tion o r filling w ork, th e bid is other-! _______ ___ tw enty-five, till now th e re are over WASHINGTON. Sept. 25.— F o u r m oney to pay the help and officials jand As tb e guest of Mr. G reer, wise low er th an has been m ade at » BASEBALL R E S I’LTS TODAY 300. crow d ng th e room to overflow ­ A m ericans who w ere rep o rted miss- fo r tb e ir se rv ices d u rin g the p resent he visited several of th e vineyards a n Y previous tim e d u rin g th e pa3t TER R E HAUTE. Ind., Sept. 25.— ♦> I ing a fte r the Sm yrna ire, are now nlont b . ing. * about A shland and dow n th e valley several years on work of th is kind. Speaking before the sta te conven- N ational le a g u e T he healing line was g re a te r th an believed to be safe. A dm iral B ristol. F inancial d stress also is in evi- as fa r as C entral P oint. and th e council wms inclined to tak e tion of the Am erican Legion here. At New York 5; St. Louis 4. ever before last n ig h t, and the pow- Am erican high com m issioner a t Con- <|ence at the s ta te p en iten tiary . The Dr Biolqtti acquired considerable th e b :d - b ut desired th a t a lum p sum H aniford M acNider, national com­ At P h ilad elp h ia 3; C incinnati 10 e r of th e Spirit of the Lord was so sta n tin o p le , has cabled the sta te de- fund for tb e tra n sp o rta tio n ot pris- of big tra in in g in F ran ce and Italy be designated for th e excavating and m ander c \..ik ,i„ h i to p e r(a jn jng to child w elfare will be sid ératio n by the com m ittee w ill be The m a tte r of w h eth er the city w ould put up $300, th e sam e am o u n t through Leon D ejan, H aitian uilnis- would give any assistance tow ard a3 was donated last year. te r of foreign affairs. *" (C ontinued on Page 4) carefu lly considered, and several voted on d u rin g th e convention. 1 Read th e w ant ada. 1 1 * AT SOLDIERS CALLED TO COMBAÍ IN LOGGI" = M. L. JOHNSON DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF OF NEUTRAL ZONE SEVERAL WEEKS OFF" IS OUTCOME OF DEFEAT VITICOI TURISE IS ASHLAND VISITOR ■ FIGHT JOSE BEGUN