Friday, September 8, 1022 ASHLAND DAILY TTDINGB PA G I P C I ! Im ogene W allace, P ianist-T eacher The best player piano for th e T h ere’s a lesson in economy In W anted, wom en to w ork in fru it Dies in Grass Valley— ROSEBURG IS RIDING -stu d io second floor B eaver Bldg, least price a t C. F. S hepherd’s, 658 every garm ent bought here. P aul a t T a len t cannery. F o r p a rtic u la rs, > W ord has been received in Ash- ON CRIME WAVE CREST 290-5fri* Boulevard. Piano for re n t. 5-2* se ru d 's. 3tf phone 364-J1. ltf land of th e d e a th of C. Johnson in? ROSEBURG, Sept. 7.— The first G rass Valley, Calif. Mrs. Johnson j house robberies in th is city in m any 535348234853538991020053235353480248020248230 O pportunity knocks a t your door. D etrick sells b u tte r for less. i died only a few weeks ago, and word m onths occurred Tuesday night • Open it and invest in D elta lands, | of Mr. Jo h n so n ’s death was unex- when fo u r R oseburg .hom es w here th ere is no w a te r shortage. Now is th e tim e to have your pi­ pected. The Johnsons w ere fo rm er i looted. Roy H utchings, a See Sperry a t 172 M ountain avenue. ano tu ned. C arl H. L oveland S tu ­ resid en ts of A shland. Mr. Johnson ‘ b aker, lost $142 from his clothes, 3-6 dio 135 E. Main. P hone 465. vvas engaged as a shoe m ak er h ere which w ere hanging n e a r the foot | for a n u m b er of years. * of his bed. The hom e of Mr. and F re sh H ot T am aies a re now E n tertain s a t D inner— . Mrs. M. S. Allen, who are. aw ay from Mrs. M. E. F ra z ie r of 225 B 5-9 being served a t Rose Bros. Have tw o very good buys in resi- i hom e, w as robbed. F r u it was stol- stre e t, e n te rta in e d a t d inner T h u rs­ „ „ t dence p roperty on G ran ite s tre e t, en from the hom e of Dr. and Mrs = * LEEDOM’S T I R E HOSPITAL day evening, Mrs. J. t i P e rrin e h er t ’ and on AlUson stre e t, a t very at- George E. Houck. The b u rg la r en- = P e r - 1 i ■ d a u g h te r and tw o sons. Mrs. MOVED to the BEAVER CORNER. ™ ... , , ,, , , „ x , tra c tiv e prices. A shland R ealty Co. tered th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. B. I MASON and HOOD TIRES. l t f m e and th e children left on tra in p ' v. * „„ „„„„ , „ „ „„ 5 -lm o ' Casey b ut was frig h ten ed away. J 15 last evening to r F resno, Calif.,! ! ’ Teaching in W ashington— n ear which place she will teach d u r-i W anted, ex tra well fu rn ish ed i CARNIVAL COMPANY ORDERED = A lw ard L eav itt, son of Mr. and ing th e com ing year. TO GET OUT OF ROSEBURG house; m u st be very good; for Mrs. H. H. L eav itt, has been elected ROSEBURG, Sept. 8. — The adults. W ill re n t by th e year. Ash- B a rtle tt pears, ripe for canning. to teach th e com m ercial departm ent^ 5-3 F rench C arnival com pany, which 6 4 ; land R ealty Co. of th e R osalia, W ash., high school A shland F ru it A ssociation. cam e here in connection w ith the fo r th e com ing year. Young Leav­ MOTORCYCLE POLO L abor day celebration, was last Cliff P ay n e m akes book ends. D on’t fo rg et th e Illinois picnic, itt is a g ra d u a te of th e A shland 304tf n ig h t ordered to close up and leave' MOTORCYCLE RACES high school an d has been located W ednesday, Septem ber 13, L ith ia town a t once, or su ffe r a rre s t, the; 6-2* park. a t Spokane, W ash., fo r som e tim e. P u ttin g on N ew R oof— city council being q u ite “ peeved” AUTO RACE The H. P. H olm es sto re is being over th e stop of th e com pany in this Loaves for Yreka— See C arl Loveland ab o u t having TWO RUNNING RACES ) M arshal M atthew s was in ­ Judge Lodge and wife le ft for re-roofed th is week in an e ffo rt to city. y o u r boy lea rn som e band in s tru ­ i th e ir hom e in Y reka th is aftern o o n , prevent any leaks d u rin g th e rainy stru c te d to a t once serve notice on 1 m ent, and join the Boys’ Band. S tu­ RELAY RACE the carnival com pany to get o u t o f'! a fte r having spent th e p ast two season. dio 135 E. M ain. P hone 465. 4tf town, and he com plied im m ediately I ! m onths in A shland. Are you h a rd to please? See P aul- with th e council’s orders. F a rm e rs and stockm en, a tte n d gerud’s suits. 3tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Consisting of Band Concerts, Wrestling and Boxing the sh o rth o rn sale a t th e F a ir P hone 274-J. Yeo, of course. 307tf G rounds, M edford, Septem ber 15,' WANTED— K itchen help, woman i Contests, Dancing, Carnival Attractions, Auto Show, etc. TME TMEAÏEH DEAUTKDL 1922. Beef and m ilk type. The cat-, p referred . Hom e B akery. 6tf ; Today and Tomorrow G ravenstein A pples — W indfalls. tie a re rig h t, th e price will be rig h t.i 50 lb. box, 75c delivered. T he fin est FIR ST CLASS PORTLAND income 7-2 property paying over 11 per cent all-round apple on th e m ark e t. on $17,000; will tak e A shland Of Ranch, Farm, Schools, Mines, Kitchen, Pantry. I have several second h an d band ph o n e 9‘®*-ll. im proved acreage to $6000, c a s h ! Community and School Exhibits, Etc. and term s on rem ain d er. B. M. in stru m e n ts for sa ls cheap. See m e. E v 6 rythlug good to ,j a t a t D etrick Price, 827 Albina Ave., P o rtlan d . ' about s ta rtin g y our boy in th e Boys G rocetarla 6-1* j Studio; C arl H. L oveland. Band. FOUND — Coin purse containing i 4tf 135 E. M ain. Phone 465. SCHOOL BOARD HEARING m oney. Call a t 147 G ranite St. 5-26 HELD AT KLAMATH FALLS A NNOUNCEMENT KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 8.— FOR a p a rtm e n ts. Mrs. J. H. Sugg announces h er RENT— H andy 6-4* 137 F irs t St. F all M illinery opening F rid a y and Ju d g e A. L. L eavitt yesterday a fte r­ S aturday, S eptem ber 8-9. 5-2 noon h eard the m otion to quash th e FOR RENT— T hree o r four room w rit of m andam us which was issued m odern a p a rtm e n t, fu rnished, im ­ | some tim e ago, req u irin g th e school m ediate possession. 128 Factory St. 6tf board to show cause why it has not canvassed th e re tu rn s of th e special W ANTED— Experienced apple pack­ election held Ju n e 19. e rs and graders. Phone M edford 832-R. 6-2* D istrict A ttorney C. C. B row er appeared for the m otion and A tto r­ ney Groesbeck and K u y kendall for the newly elected board. Local and Personal JA C K SO N COUNTY FAIR MEDFORD, SEPT. 13th to 16th DAILY SPEED PROGRAM BIG PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT Big Display o f A ll Rinds o f Products THOMAS: MEICHAN D a r i n g A ir p la n e S t u n t s $1600.00 IN PREMIUMS Cherro Flour Makes that pure and The Good Luck Star as a big, lovable ne’er-do well who turned Main Street up­ side down. More fun than the circus; more American than buckwheat cakes A warm slice of real life flav ored with romance and spice Cast includes Theodore Roberts and Lois Wilson. . whlesom e bread with the natural nutty flavor that the most exacting bread users demand. Your m erchant can sup­ ply that demand. —Also— “ MONKEY SHINES’’ M is s R o b e r t a W a r d Pupil of Madame Tracy-Young In stru ctio n in p ia n o a t A sh la n d C o n se rv a to ry of M usic. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CHILDREN T E L E P H O N E 281-J “ Outing Flannel Sale SATURD AY Call A shland C leaning and Dyeing W orks. W ork g u aran teed . 37 F irs t; stre e t. P hone 63. 6 2 The W. R. C. will m eet w ith M rs .! J. N. D ennis, 542 B oulevard, Mon-! day aftern o o n , Septem ber 11. W anted, wom en to w ork in fru it a t T a len t cannery. F o r p a rtic u la rs, phone 364-J1. ltf CONKLIN Fountain Pens will be CHERRO P oultry Feeds A right beginning is a good ending. This prin­ 1200 yards at 19c yd? cipal has been carried oat —36 inches wide in fancy patterns. A good quality for making gowns, skirts or pajamas. —This quality sold regularly at 25 cents a yard. in a ll CHERRO formulas. 1000 yards at 15c yd. —27 inches wide. A good quality of fancy outing. You will want several yards when you see this special value at this low price. Flannel Gowns, each $1.25 —Outing flannel gowns, made of best quality flannel in fancy patterns and plain white. Two styles to choose from—short sleeves and low neck or long sleeves and high neck. See this special value for Saturday. e . r . is a a c & co T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E HAVE YOUR HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING DONE HERE Engraved WITH YOUR NAME IN GOLD LETTERS Free No one will take your pen if engraved — borrowed pens will be returned if engraved A same ending for dealers New Fall Suits by Printz and users o f C H ER R O The first shipment is just in Poultry Feeds to use a feed that is always right. Heating Stoves Our assortment contains both wood and coal burners that are made to render the maximum service. They are attractive, both in looks and in price, and are sure to give satisfaction. Drop in and let us show them to you. SIMPSON’S •87-39 North Main St. THE STORE WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED C O P Y R IG H T THE GOOD THINGS E v ery th in g cleaned and dyed. OF AUTUMN A shland C leaning & D yeing W orks. 6-2 ¡ a re m any, but am ong the num ­ Phone 63. berless blessings of peace and p rosperity th e re is n o thing so es­ PROGRESS IS MADE sential to the w orld’s w elfare as TOWARD FREEING MINERS good, n u tritio u s b read — th e kind th a t taste s good, looks as good as JACKSON, Calif., Sept. 8.— The a tta c k a t th e m ass of m ud, rock a n d , it tastes, and proves its goodness by b ringing h ealth and vigor to debris in th e depth of th e K ennedy all who e a t it. Such bread is m ine m ade b e tte r progress in th e the kind m ade by last 24 h o u rs th an had been a n tic i­ LITHIA BAKERY pated, and the 47 m iners entom bed in the A rg o n au t m ine since th e fire broke o u t Sunday n ig h t, A ugust 27, I w ere m any fe e t n e a re r rescue today, if they still live. B ut th e advance of th e diggers has m ade no appreciable difference in th e chance of any of th e victim s surviving, for th e b re a k in to th e purchased at our store A rg o n au t m ine is still days away. Style 2802 A 4 illu s tra te d in above c u t. S tra ig h t as th e slim m est mode. cotild desire is th is Tw ill co rd ta ille u r w ith its long sw eeping lines. Very narrow cording d efines th e seam s and su g g ests slejiderness. The s k ir t gives t h e w a n te d s tra ig h t effect. S k in n er lined. Style 2837 Much of th e charm of th is T ricotine m odel is due to its c u t and long tailo red lines, a distin c­ tive touch is given th e jac k e t by slittin g th e back panel to th e w aist line. The graceful s k irt is narrow th ro u g h th e hips. S triped silk lined. HARDWARE Phone 203 Elks B ldg. A sh la n d ENGTH of skirt and length of coat These are the outstanding features you’ll notice about the incoming suits for fall. Trico Cord and Tricotine of a fine quality make these suits for fall--and such careful tailoring as only Printz •can tailor. Styles are like those illustrated, all strictly tailored—good for going away now and good for serviceable fall suits later on. tSkinner and other attractive silk linings add to the finishing touches, with sizes ranging from 34 to 52. In our ready- to-wear department. L S tyle 2804 As illu stra te d in above cut. ¡The strik in g note of th is Twill cord su it |s in its fem inine s im ­ plicity. The lines aro long and strictly ta ilo r­ ed. Bia.s folds of the m aterial, the only trim ­ m ing, s k irt is very flat, fro n t, and back. Skin­ ner lined. Style 2801 J u s t sufficient slim ness is given to the narrow fitted shoulders of this TricoU ne taille u r. Long lines are accented by braid-hound seam s, ta p ­ e rin g revers and slic pockets set on a slant. Skirt features the slen­ der silh o u ette. Skinner lined. G olden Rule Store N. C en tral M edford