Wednesday, August le, 1922 ” lSHLAXÖ Local and Personal Moves into Apartment — J. H. Snyder has moved from 455 M ountain avenue to an a p a rtm e n t in th e E. E. Phipps building on E ast M ain stre e t. Q rres cleans clothes. P hone 64. 288tf Carl Loveland Is th e official piano j Takes Vew Position— W ill Return to Ashland—* tu n e r for M adam e Tracy-Y oung. A s k 1 Roy P a rr, form erly a railro ad S. B. S toner, who has been visit­ her. Studio 135 E. Main. Phone w orkm an, has tak en a position w ith ing in M orrill, K ansas, for th e past 465. 286tf th e Pow ell T ra n sfe r com pany. several m onths, w rites th a t he has ■ ■ j left th a t place and is bound for Working for Transfer Co.— Locksmith. Fixit Shop. 2 8 2 tf' Ashland. Sam Oslin has tak e n a tem p o rary position w ith th e W h ittle T ran sfer Enjoying Yosem ite Park— Better be safe than sorry. See company....................................................... 1 Beaver R ealty Co. about your insur- i J. Floyd Place w rites to frien d s in lance. Phone 68. 287tf the city from Y osem ite p a rk , w h e re ' Cliff Payne m akes folding screens. t he says he is having a splendid tim e.i I Baby Girl Arrives— Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Bosier a re the ‘ proud p a re n ts of a bouncing baby girl which a rriv e d a t th e ir hom e this m orning. o 4 r e your nerves sound T his season you c a n ’t duplicate o u r values anyw here. P a u lse ru d 'e . 286tf EALTH authorities agree that chil­ dren should let coffee and tea alone, that their nerves may be kept free from the caffeine drug disturbance, and grow up in natural health. H Isn’t this suggestion good for you, too? There’s charm for all and harm for none in Postum, that satisfying, wholesome cereal beverage which contains nothing to disturb nerves or digestion. Make the test today. VOSTUM BEVERAGE a e |_ parts of Wheat P o s tu m fo r H e a lth “There’s a Reason” ;Trt'on of MoUsses B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC I I PRY8ICIANH. I ~ They are GOOD! Campers Stop in Ashland— A p arty composed of A. B. H al- lun, Rodney Cecil, F. G. V ickers and B L. A nderson, all stu d e n ts of th e Ames, Iowa, A g ricu ltu ral college, a re cam ping in th e local a u to cam p for a few days. T he p arty left Ames on Ju n e 16, and cam e w est by the n o rth e rn ro u te and will re tu rn hom e by a so u th ern highw ay. dam e Tracey-Y oung, directress th ro a t t°" i « S The school of daily in stru ctio n in Í to 6. 8wed«nbarg Bldg., Ash­ all branches of m usic. The Lesch- land, Ore 7S-tf etizky m ethod. The secretary will be pleased to supply any Inform a­ OR. J. J. EM Physician and tion desired. A ddress Box 54. Surgeon. P ractice lim ited to A shland, O regon. 280-lm o* eye. ear, no&e «ud th ro a t. Gi saee supplied. O culist and a n rls ' foi TEA CH ER OF PLANO— The Lesch- 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. ai d H ^etiezky m ethod. P upil of M adam e Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phone 567 Tracey. L olita P ierson. Phone ________ ___ _________________ 485-J, Boulevard. 2 8 2 tf|D R . M ATTIE 11. S H A W — Special at tentlon to m others and children In te rn a l woc»-etlons and endocrine H E L P WANTED glands. Res. and office, 108 Plo LABORERS W ANTED— F o r K lam n eer avenue. T elephone 28. Of­ a th F a ils saw m ill. 40c per hour fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to • n. m. and up. P a rtic u la rs a t Staples R ealty office, Hotel A shland CHIB 1PRACTORS. building. 290tf Make Trips to Caves— Mr. and Mrs. B ert Sm ith, Miss p 'G E R S O L L HAWLEY Jessie T h atch er and R. F. K ruggel MEN W ANTED— F o r dam c o n stru e - 1 tion w ork a t H y a tt P ra irie , 2 1 ’ v , CLiropractic Physician, m ade a trip to the Oregon caves m iles east of A shland. T ra n sp o r-’ ®aF ‘s ’ *Peclalty. Phone Sunday. They left som e tim e before ta tio n every evening a t 7 o’clock l 118-J. lo -J . T reatm en t given only in your own borne. sunup and it is reported th a t it was from N ininger & W a rn e r’s pool ________ late Sunday n ight before they a r ­ hall. D. M. Stevenson. 290-6 ' ^ E B. A NGELL— C hiropractic rived hom e. _ and E lectro-T herapy. The com bi­ nation does w onders. F irst N at'l FOR EXCHANGE Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. Dotrick sells b u tte r for less. E xpert piano tu n ing. 'C arl Love­ “ N atu re abhors a vacuum ” tf , FO R TRADE— 160 acre un in cu m ­ land, stu d io a t 135 E. Main. Phone bered ran c h on Pacific h ig h w ay ) 465. 286tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all L1 house a n d o u tb u ild in g s: good l ____. ~ ;— stock o r chicken ran ch w ith plen- ^ ° R f p r° m P‘ and fccarefuJ 8erv,c«; Home- Visit in Ashland— ty of wood and tilla b le land. W ill tltru £ ks °,r h ° rse j l ray*' M esdam es Jam es Dailey and T. W. Made tra d e for unincum bered A shland Wle aT r “J??Le r t o ’ . 1 hone l i t Dailey, of M edford, w ere business Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel acre a g e^ prefer no house, but Products A shland. 56 tf visitors in A shland Tuesday. would Cnsider acreage w ith sinal: house. E lean o r G reer, 199 G ran, X L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS ite St. 231tf* m F E R — Good team and m otor Spend less and dress b e tte r by TO TR A D E— Com pletely fu rn ish ed ‘ tru c k s. Good service at a reason buying your fall su it a t P a u lse ru d ’s. Phone 83. BREAD, CAKES. PIES a p a rtm e n t house in P o rtla n d , Ore- ; «ble price. I 286tf gon, c e n trally located, fo r tra d e and ROLLS WANTED. for com plete hom e in o r n e a rf 1 Leave for Eureka— A shland or T alent. In q u ire 6 3 5 1 W AN TED— Good w ardrobe trunk Finest materials used and ! George S m art and fam ily left last Roca St., or phone 368-Y. 2 8 9 -lm i P hone 62 or w ritg Rox (;8 J a c k ' ¡n ig h t on th e m idnight tra in for E u ­ made under modern sani­ sonville. 293-3 SALE OR TRADE— H orse and rek a, Calif., w here they expect to tary conditions by experts. F O w R agon; w agon practically n ew ; W ANTED— 30 tie rs 16 inch oak m ake th e ir fu tu re hom e. They have! or will exchange for a good m ilk wood, size ranging from six to lived fo r the past few y ears on I cow. Levi Johnson, 1224 Iowa te n inches fdr big h eater. Subm it G ran ite s tr e e t. St. 289-6* bids to Georgia Coffee a t Tidings office. 289tf Automobile insurance a specialty, FOR SALK. FOR R E N I. i Ask Mr. A. L. Lamb. Yeo, of course. HAY FOR SALE— By G. F. B illings, i J 265tt ! FOR SALE— A creage on paved? A PARTM ENTS — F urnished, close in, m odern conveniences. A dults highw ay, splendid soil. Five a c r e s ,' only. In q u ire 166 H argadine St., (New Management) 10 acres, 15 acret^ 20 acres, and o r phone 122. 257-tf I th e price is rig h t. O. A. M anning, T alent, Oregon. 2 7 2 tfjF O R R EN T— H ousekeeping a p a rt A. BARTOLETTI, Prop. m ente, down sta irs. 573 E. Main. GREEN A P PL E S — G ravenstines. 291-3« C an’t beat ’em fo r pies and sauce. 25 pounds for $1 delivered. Phon« C. B. L A « I 1 1 9 - F - ll. BARGAINS IN REAL FOR SALE—-On the highw ay, about one acre of land, good house, elec­ ESTATE tric lights, all in garden, som e berries. P rice $1600. O. A. M anning, T alent, Or. 281tf SEE US NOW ABOUT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE FOR SALE— Cheap, piano in first City and Ranch Proparties class condition. Carl H. Love­ p ro c ra stin a tio n in ta k in g out land, 135 E. Main or phone 465. Houses to Rent fV ^ in su ran ce has robbed m any 268tf a m an of his e n tire property. D<$i’t be caught unprepared by FOR SALE— Good au to tra ile r. Call a t E agle F o u n d ry , O berlin St. ( the! fire fiend. Y our hom e, your b u sin ess, your crops, your a u to ­ «ITIÄEN’S RANK BUILDING 290-6* m obile have a very real money value. CHICKENS FOR SALE— A bout 150 No p ro p erty is secure ag ain st W hite L eghorn p u llets a t 50c to $1 each. F ry ers, 20c per pound, i -destruction by fire. L et us tell F a t hens, 18c pound. E. O. S m ith; you how littre it will cost to fully p ro te c t you. 298 H arg ad in e St. P hone 264-L. Effective .. .. Diplomatic “ W hen you w ant good In su r­ 290-6« ance, ta lk w ith B illings.” FOR SALE— F o u r room cottage, larg e lot, some fru it, chicken ASHLAND REALTY CO. house and ru n . F o r p a rticu lars, see Mrs. C. E. L ane a t Tidings. Opposite City Hall 290tf Established 18S3 FOR SALE OR RENT— Good used ilo-ftl Estate and Real Insurance Business Chances sew ing m achine. See Mrs. C. E. t Lane a t T idings. 290tf ASHLAND, OREGON BEST Lithia Bakery C sreal C o m p a n y 6 ÙAtLf tttâ tâ * Mt» R r SA «ti » ; -.IT feti» O U <~’ /If Once V3 Billings Agency Insuranoe Real Estate Phone 211 FOR SALE— New player piano, em ail paym ent down, balance on term s. 52 Roca St. 291 6 1 makers in your engine 41 E Main St. B Destructive “sulpho” compounds are damaging impurities that cause motor oil to break down and ¡thin out rapidly under engine heat. Lubrication scientists have long sought to prevent this quick decomposition of oils. The Hexeon process, used only by us, accomplishes this end. It removes destructive “sulpho” compounds. Cycol is the only motor oil made by the new Hexeon process. Cycol retains its “body” under engine heat—maintains an unbroken oil film between moving parts — protects you against many serious engine troubles. For best results flush your crank case with fresh lubricating oil—not so-called flushing oils or kerosene—and refill with Cycol. The importance of the Lubrication Chart Different brands of motor oils have different bodies. The safest, surest way to get the best performance from your motor and avoid expensive engine troubles due to incorrect lubrication is to use the grade of m otor oil specified on the Cycol Lubrication Chart. Everywhere the conviction is steadily growing that there is nothing to match the good Maxwell value, at anything like its price. In comfort, stamina, and beauty, the good M axwell more than answers all practical motoring requirements. Cord tires, non-skid front and rear; disc steel wheels, demount­ able at rim and at hub; drum type lamps; Alenute iubri- •atton; motor-driven electric horn; unusually long springs. Prices F. O. B Detroit, revenue tax to be added: Tour­ ing Car, *885; Roadster, *885; Coupe, »1385; Sedan, *1485 MOTOR. OIL A S S O C IA T E D O IL C O M P A N Y E x ecu tiv e Office 79 N e w M ontgom ery San Francisco, California 5 » i St. A. W. WALKER AUTO CO. Phone 18 MEDFORD, OREGON Good MAXWELL