ASHLAND DAILY TTOINOB Friday, August 11, 1022 LOCAL AND PERSONAL \ isited Talent Friends— J. V. W rig h t and wife, of M oun­ ta in avenue, w ere visiting th e E stes fam ily n e a r T alen t on W ednesday; a fte rn o o n , m o toring hom e in th e ' evening. Pays Visit to Yreka After an Absence Q i £ 7 V I W1 I v a i j miles long. When completed this willt rep re sen t one of th e m ost in te restin g engineering feats in highw ay con- stru c t ion in th e sta te , as th e rim si th e raountalnB a re cu t 20 feet or; road FAG* T H R U Swiss L a k e Inspires i / R o ya lty to Song W riting Road Building To Make Playground Of Siskiyous Do You Awake Bred and Weak? E v e ry th in g good to eat a t D etrick G ro c e te ria . Im p rovin g N icely— E dw in D ecker, sm all son of Mr. an d Mrs. Ed D ecker, of Seventh s tre e t, who fell and in ju re d his eye­ lid on th e head of a nail, several days ago. is im proving nicely. F re n ch dry and steam cleaning, sa tisfa c tio n g u a ra n tee d , a t O rres T a ilo r Shop. P hone 64. we call. 288-3* Stopped in Ashland— Mrs. Je n n ie H urn, of K lam ath F a lls, a rriv e d in A shland yesterday on th e a u to stage, and visited over n ig h t w ith A shland frien d s, a fte r w hich she left th is m orning on the tra in fo r P o rtla n d . See th e big values In th e new F all w oolens, priced special a t $27.50 a n d $30.00, a t O rres’ T ailo r Shop. 288-3* Buy Your Fuel Early YOU WILL LIND OUR FIR One cent th e w ord each tim e. FOR EXCHANGE PHYSICIANS. FOR TRADE— 160 acre unincum ­ OR- ER N EST A. WOODS— Practtce bered ranch on Pacific highway Umited to eye, ear, nose and and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all th r o a t Off oe hours, 10 to 12 and house and outbuildings; good , to 6. Sw edenborg Bldg., A sh­ stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen­ land, O re ty of wood and tillab le land. W ill j tra d e for unincum bered Ashland GR. J . J . EM TENS— Physic an and Surgeon. P ractice limite-! te acreage; prefer no house, but would ensider acreage w ith smal eye. ear, no«e «nd th ro at. c w •uppliw i. ( \Cu n8t and aurli (o, house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran­ ite St, 231tf* o ' , / R R O fncea. M. F ai t H Bldg., I f edL rd. Ore. Phone «7 TO TRADE— Com pletely furnished a p a rtm e n t house in P o rtlan d , O re­ DR. M ATTIE II. SH A H C -Specîsl at gon. cen trally located, for tra d e ten.Ion to M others and children for com plete home in or near ^ te ra a l eoc.-etions and endocrine A shland or T alent. In q u ire 635 i glands. Res. and office 108 Pio Roca St., or phone 368-Y. 289-lm neer avenue T elephone 28. Of fice hours, 11 to 12 a m ; 2 to « FOR SALE OR TRADE— H orse and D. m. w agon; wagon practically n rep re sen tin g m ore th an $300,- tu n e r for M adam e Tracy-Y oung. A s k . m em bered. ooo th a t th e governm ent is p u ttin g her. S tudio 135 E. M ain. Phone Cam pbell cam e here in 1853 and into th e project. 4 65. 286tf m ined Long gulch and Beaver creek. The road is a very im p o rta n t one Y reka was a tow n of ab o u t 500 at from th e stan d p o in t of developm ent Vacationing at Coos Ray— th a t tim e and every citizen was a in the Salm on riv e r section and will A ndrew R edifer, who form erly re- m iner or litin g off of the m ners. a fford a gatew ay to a v ast dom ain sided on E ig h th stre e t, has gone H ostjle Indians occupied d iffe re n t rich in m any n a tu ra i possibilities in- w ith his fam ily to G ardiner, near sections of the county and frequently ciu d jng m ining and a g ric u ltu re . Coos Bay. G ard ner is known as , ittle p arties of prospectors w ould DeTeiopm ent in th a t region has th e “ w hite city by th e sea," as all be driven out and som etim es killed. progressed slOwly on account of the tlie residences in th e city a re paint- But such a th in g as the prospect of inaccessibility d u rin g a t least half ed w hite, and present a very n eat ap being scalped by wild Indians d i d . O£ y e a r. Snow usually comes pearance. not dam pen the a rd o r of the m en of early in th e fa n a n d lin g ers u n til C am pbell’s youth. They cam e here th e late gprin g. D uring th e period L e t J e rry O'Neal fig u re your next to find gold. of th e snow, th e only m ode of tra n s- Job of plum bing. F irs t class m a te r­ In an interview w ith the Siskiyou p o rtation is by pack horse, and al- ial and w orkm anship. Phone 138. News F rid ay m orning a fte r having mogt every win te r th e re a re weeks 207 E. Main stre e t. 238ti looked over the city, Mr. Cam pbell a t a tim e w hen foot p assage i8 th e declared th a t about all th a t hadn t 01,iy m eans of trav el over th e sum - Home with Parents__ changed since his day h ere w ere the i E a rl F ra le y , of B erkeley, Calif., m ountains. T here was n othing of a T here a re m any m ines th e re th a t is a t p resent visitin g his parents, m an -made n a tu re to revive old sh o u id be opened, b u t th e ow ners Mr. and Mrs. C. W. F raley , of Moun- ,n e m ories. The m ountains, he s a i d , cannot well a fford to p u t th e ir m on- ta in avenue. Mrs. E a rl F ra le y c a m * , 3eeraed tQ be larger> I ey into developm ent of th e ir prop up for a visit some tu n e previous to j He sta te d th a t he had been i n , ertieg when the only tra n sp o rta tio n her husband s a rriv a l. j cjose proxim ity w ith savages who for flve or slx m onths of th e y ear is w ere on th e w ar p ath in th e county, i by pack horse. Spend less an d dresa b e tte r by One of , he owner3 of the m ining The c o n tin u a tio n o f th e Salmon b uying y o u r tall su it a t P a u lse ru d s . : „„ waJ wHh was kllle<1 w |lh K ,am ath 286tf I the Indians. At one cam p th e re were highw ay will give a m eans of tra ffic rate s i m in ers' S hasta In d ian s storm ed . t jle year aro u n d e ith e r to th e coast Good in su ra n c e a t good °6 5 tf lhem an(l k il,ed a11 b u t one- or up th e K lam ath to Y reka. It is P h o n e 274-J. Yeo of course. Mr. C am pbell’s tw in b ro th e r, expected th a t th e opening will be Thom as Cam pbell, spent fo u r years very beneficial to the m ining indus- Huy:i a New Car— I in the la tte r 50’s here w ith th e M ilt try on th a t account. Jo h n H essler, of M ountain avenue, Riggs c a ttle o u tfit. Thom as Cam p­ h as bought him self a new car. bell died two years ago. DAIRY M EETING TODAY V isitor from C e n tra l P o in t— Mr. Cam pbell will be 89 years of AT JOS. SANDERS PLA CE M rs. M innie S arg en t, of C entral age if he lives u n til O ctober 9— a n d , P o in ., was v isiting her siste r, Mrs. M ountain he sijys ke w i,l live m uch longer; C. C. Dixon, of Shedd, Or., and Maggie C ulbertson, of ¡th a n th a t. He has his second sig h t j Mr. Van K leet, also from th e n o rth -; avenue, Sunday. and can read w ithout th e aid of i ern p a rt of the sta te , two of the m ost p ro m in en t dairym en of Ore- 282tf glasses. He is hale and h e a rty and L ocksm ith. F ix it Shop. gcn, atte n d ed the dairy m eeting to ­ quite supple for a m an of his years day, and will be in a tte n d an c e a t A fter leaving Y reka, Mr. Cam p­ G reen apples— G ravenstlnes. C an’t b e a t ’em fo r pies a n d sauce. 25 bell located in Oregon, and for a the m eeting near M edford again to- P hone num ber of years he has been a resi-j m orrow . P ro f. F itz, from the O. A. pounds fo r $1 delivered. dent of The Dalles. The te rrito ry C., was also in a tte n d an c e a t to d ay ’s 9 - F - ll. w here he located w as disputed by, m eeting and gave o ut valuable In- th e Indians in th e early days. T here : form ation in to n n e c tio n w ith the T o H old Camp M eeting- A cam p m eeting will be held in was a band of about 200 w hites who feeding and care th a t ca ttle should A shland A ugust 17 to 27, u n d er th e fought th e In d ian s for seven m onths. ■ receive. auspices of th e F re e M ethodist Of th e 200 th e re are only th re e b e - 1 T oday’s m eeting was held a t the Joseph S anders place n o rth of A sh­ ch u rc h . C. E. G lazier, pastor. sides Mr. Cam pbell living. land, w hile th e m eeting tom orrow Y ou’ll m arvel in o u r a rra y of a d ­ will be held a t th e new Jackson vance styles as well as th e prices county fair ground n e a r M edford. we a re asking. P a u lse ru d ’s. 286tf The h o u r of the m eeting today was 2 o’clock, and the m eeting will be Returns from Crater Lake— held a t the sam e hour tom orrow . Mrs. E v e re tt S m ith, Mrs. Zella C hapm an, Mr. and Mrs. R o bert ' L et us c o n tra ct y our p ain tin g T h ro n e, and Miss C edora C h en ey ,! Ì C arson-Fow ler L um ber Co. 286-10 1 w ho have been on a trip to C r a te r : The e ffo rts of th e K lam ath Na-; — L a k e fo r a few days, re tu rn e d t 0 , tional F o re st service to convert the A shland y esterd ay . vast tim bered stre tc h e s of Siskiyou . . i county into a playground the equal F r u it can n in g tim e Is a t hand. * p „ . . . .... vv j i, ot any in the U nited S tates a re being F o r liruit Jars, lids, ru b b ers, jelly • . „ . t. . . . „ , , , , , „ m aterialized. T h at th e natio n al m olds a n d su gar, D e tr ic k s p iic es; . Know the Joy of Restful . , a i fo restry d e p a rtm e n t will au th o rize c a n ’t be beaten. Steep by Taking _______ a su ttic ie n t expenditure to build a iron ¡zed Yeast V isits in A shland— !m ost im l,o rta u t link, th e Salmon Mr. F ish er, of San Diego, h a s ' rlv er ro a d ’ is revealed in - t h e tele- Do you arise in the morning as unre­ fresh ?d as when you retired? Are been v isiting a t th e P a lm e r-C h am -) «rani received last week announcing tody, brain and nerves all run down? b e rla ln ranch for th e past few d a y s .; th a t *5 0 ’000 a >'ear wiU be sPe n t for This terrible weakness which afflicts M r F ish e r had intended stopping off th e next th re e y«a rs in ad d itio n to so many may be blamed on the lack of vitamines and iron in modern foods. betw een tra in s, b u t was so delighted the co u u ty co-operative fund, Supply these invigorating elements by w ith Ashland- th a t he w as prevailed follow ing is a copy of the taking two pleasant tablets of Ironized Yeast three times a day. Everyone . m essage which was addressed to the u p o n to spend a few days here. knows that yeast is a wonderful build­ Siskiyou county supervisors: er of strength and energy’. But Iron­ LEEDOM m akes th e price on “ S ecretary has approved expend!-i ized Yeast embodies a new secret pro­ MASON CORDS. Com e and get ’em tu re of $50,000 each year for th re e , cess, known as “ ironization,” which a t LEKDOM ’S T IR E HO SPITA L. years for use in co n stru ctio n of Sal-! enables the yeast to produce its results twice as quickly. It tones up the great 270-tf mon riv e r road, in addition to county; vital organs, soothes th e w orn-out _______ co-operative fund. No d efinite allot- nerves and makes you feel like a new H av e T onsils Rem oved— m en ts a fte r th re e years, b u t antici-1 person. Get Ironized'Yeast today and take a new lease on life, or to try it Q uite an n u m b er of local people pate com pleting p ro je c t.” entirely free, simply mail postcard for have been su ffe rin g from to n silitis The Salm on riv er road s ta rts a Famous 3-Day Trial Treatment. Ad­ lately , from all appearances. Several niile below N ordheim and connects; dress Ironized Y east Co., Dept. 96, Atlanta, Ga. Ironized Yeast is recom­ have decided to rid them selves of w ith th e K lam ath riv e r road below mended and guaranteed by all good, th e tro u b le by having th e ir tonsils Somes Bar. The tra il is ab o u t 121 druggists. rem oved, am ong those being Miss ■ - ........ ’ F lo re n c e A llen, Mrs. W . C. Brown, Mrs. D echain of H ornbrook, and Andy McGee and W alter H erndon. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L “Lovely Lucerne” Appears us Rival to Swanee River N ew Y ork C ity —The most mel- «¡¡cu-’y-celebrated river in the work; lias a rival, Dicie Howell, v L-iown singer, just returned S;.-r.: Switzerland, declares. The nr r «ipirsnt for musical fame is I x .’r Tul Lake Lucerne. 1 : ieng ago, a statistician com­ er:: •<* ,bat the Swanee River in yivrids, though only 200 miles long, •.ad >*rvcd as theme for more songs i-iv body of water in the worid. la k e Lucerne, which since f‘-< has been a haven for dis­ possessed royalty is, according to Miss Howell, abbut to steal the weli- known river’s laurel* Royalty Singe Praises “Moreover,” says Miss Howell, “those who are about to press agent the limpid depths of the Swis’ waters are no less than royalty! “From carolling, strumming and twanging the strains of ‘Lovely Lucerne,’ a stately waltz written about their picturesque temporary abiding place, certain exiles frutr European principalities seem to hav? become inspired by the same their.i and now ex-princes, kings and duke, are turning out lyric« by t:,ts dozens" PLAZA MARKET For the Best of Honey Dews, Cantaloupes, Casabas and FOR RENT. Business Chances Insurance Real Estate Good, Ripe Wa**: melons Home Grown Tomatoes, Peaches, Plums and Berries FOR 8ALE. Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds HAY FOR SALE—-By G. F. Billings. BUYERS AND SELLERS MEET Fruit Jars and Fixings AT Fresh Salmon and Halibut STAPLES REALTY AGENCY Meats of Quality and Eight Prices Ranches, Orcliards and Homes Fire and Auto Insurance PLAZA MARKET Cool Kitchens for Hot Days Houses to Rent highw ay, about one acre of land, good h o u se..elec­ tric lights, all in garden, some berries. P rice $1600. O. A. M anning. T alent, Or. 281 tf Hotel Ashland Bldg. 61 NORTH MAIN STREET SIMPSON’S APARTM ENTS — F u rn ish ed , close in, m odern conveniences. A dults only. In q u ire 1G6 H argadine Si., or phone 122. 257-tf 268tf FOR SALE— F u rn itu re of an eig h t room house: T hree d ressers, th ree lib rary tables, th re e b re a k fa st t a ­ bles, oak sectional bookcase, beds and couches, davenport, eight rockers, iceless re frig e ra to r, gas, oil and h eatin g stoves, and m any o th er things. 614 Boulevard. Phone 348-L. Can be seen any day but Saturday. 2 88-5 * FOR SALE— Young pigs. J, T. Saw ­ yer. T alent. P hone 12F3. 288-3 FOR SALE— Household fu rn itu re suitable for th re e room s. A big bargain if taken at once. 247 T hird St. 289 3 At Once SEE US NOW ABOUT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE AT Peil's Corner P ro crastin atio n in ta k in g out fire insurance has robbed many a m an or his e n tire property. D on’t be caught u n p rep ared by the fire fiend. Y our hom e, your business, your crops, your auto m obile have a very rea l money value. B A R B E R No p roperty is secure against Safety blades resharpened - destructiogi by fire. L et us tell you how little it will cost to fully like new. Single bit, 30f protect you. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz “ W hen you w a n t good in s u r­ ance, ta lk w ith B illings.” Children’s Work A Specialty W . A. SH ELL SLAB WOOD AT $6.50 For a cent a day, more or less, you can place your valuable papers, deeds, notes, contracts, insurance policies, jewelry or heirlooms in a ; A GOOD VALUE private safe deposit box in our vault. - Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. ‘In the Heart of Town.” The Citizens Bank of Ashland) A shland, Oregon Billings Agency j King Had Faith In Women. The famous Em peror Charles V, who was accounted one of the ablest rulers of his time, hail such confi­ dence In the ability of women to gov­ ern th a t he appointed three succes­ sively as regents of the N etherlands Established 18S3 KUa] E state and Real Insurance ASHLAND, OREGON Phone 211 41 E Main St.