ASHLAND V ttttâ. ÄÖlNGfc PAOS THRKB DEMAND FOR CASCARA BARK B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L Industry W as Once a Baby, but It T ake a d v an tag e now of th e spe­ cial o.'fer for one year subscription to th e D elineator. E. R. Isaac & j Co. 280« | g a rette Moves Reported— Mrs. H. M. C hannel has m oved in ­ to h e r p roperty a t 189 G ranite stre e t. Bee Bussey has moved from 375 Otis s tre e t to 125 Scenic drive. It’s toasted. This one extra process gives a ra re and delightful q u a lity ------im possible to duplicate. V isit a t Gold H ill— Mr. and Mrs. S. M. R hodes spent Sunday v isiting in Gold H ill, as the guests of Mrs. M organ of th a t place. Guaranteed bv Subscriptions fo r th e D elineator ta k e n now. E. R. Isaac & Co. 2 8 0 « , Passing About City— A. S. R osenbaum , claim s agent of th e S o uthern Pacific com pany, spent y esterd ay aftern o o n in th e city passing aro u n d am ong the business men. W. C. T. U. Column A special offer for a few days onlv! T he D ellen ato r for one year. SOtf i E. R. Isaac & Co. The follow ing ed ito rial was tak e n PHYSICIANS. FOR RENT. A half million dollars was the Value OR. ER N EST A. WOODS— Practice of this season’s cnscara bark, h ar­ APARTM ENTS — F u rn ish ed , close; lim ited to eye, ear, nose and in, m odern conveniences. A dults vested by Grays H arbor (W ash.) folk. throat. Of-ice hour*, 10 to 12 and only. In q u ire 166 H arg ad in e St., It is die peeled leather-like skin of I to 5. Sw edenborg Bldg., A sh­ o r phone 122. 257-tf ; the burberry tree, stripped by settlers land. Ore 73-tf and city dwellers who spend six FO R RENT— A ugust 1, furnished! OR. J. J. EM FENS— Physic’an and j weeks each spring in the swampy for- housekeeping room s. A dults o n ly .! Surgeon. P ractice lim ited to ; est» near Hoquiam. 614 Boulevard. 280-5 ish green olives. eye. ear, nose and th ro a t. C >1106? Six years ago this hark gathering supplied. O culist an d au rh -1 for M E T H O D : Mix, chill and serve on lettuce, chopped i industry was a babe, the few who at- FO R RENT— F u rn ish ed house. In­ 8. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. s d H - bbage, cold spinach, or with sea food. quire 637 B icreet. 281-3* | tem pted to sell the peeled hark get- Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phone 567 | ting Iro n 3 to 4 cents per pound for WANTED. DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Special a ? i it—not knowing ju st how to properly tention to m others and children. W ANTED— To g e t loan of $1800 cure and pack it. In te rn a l sc.-rations and endocrine for two or th re e years, on good Then came the drug famine. The glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ farm security, close in, a t 8 per wholesale price which has gradually n eer avenve. ^Telephone 28. Of­ cent in te rest. Box No. 315, A sh­ been rising is now 15 cents per pound anim als on test. The average per MILK TEST FOR MONTH fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to « land, Oregon. 281-4* SHOWS COWS ON VACATION cow is 552 pounds of m ilk and 26.35 and skillful strippers make $10 to $15 n. m of fat. E. B. P oyer ag ain heads th e per day. With a knife an incision WANTED—-By responsible p e rs o n .. is un de near the g ound and a piece CHI i -OHRACTORS. w ork of various kinds. Leave One hundred an d n iety cows were lis t w ith a n av erag e of 50.14 of of bark once loosened there may be w ord w ith B. M. P o tte r, Mac’s tested in Jack so n county in Ju ly , of fa t and 1031 of m ilk. An average pulled from the tree upward for ten Taxi. 281-6* DR. MAT’D INGERSOLL HAWLEY — V isiting C hiropractic Physician. which 33 a re found in th e 40 pound of 855 of m ilk a n d 39.37 of fat was io fifteen feet. Taking hut a part of N euritis cases a specialty. Phone WANTED— Bids on fu rn ish in g 14 m ade by th e 16 Jersey s owned by the bark does not injure the tree. list. T his is th e season of bovine 118-J. T re atm e n t given only in tons w heat, 7 tons oats. 4 tons vacations, accounting fo r th e low R. E. R obison of T alent. barley and 4 tons baled straw . 1 your own home. The ten high cows are. Eugene— New m ethod p ru n e dry ­ Subm it sam ples and price to Sm ith av erage and th e sm a lle r n u m b er of Q uality P o u ltry F arm , A shland,. DR. E. It. ANGELL— C hiropractic er being built. and E lectro-T herapy. The com bi­ F a t ; Wjlk P e r Cent .Breed Cow Oregon, on or before A ugust 10,1 Ow ner 1 nation does wonders. F irst N at'l 7 1 .0 5 ’ 6.0 1922. ____________ 280-3* * 1184 J.-G. Spöttle E . B. Poyer Bank Bldg Phone 48-1 42. C ontract let for construction of 61.89 6.7 924 J. Daisy E. B. Poyer “ N atu re abhors a vacuum ” tf H E LP WANTED 60.56 1376* 4.4 J.-Sw. Rose E. B. Poyer CONSERVATORI’ O F MI SIC 56.43 5.5 1376 J. Muley R. E. Robison 53.72 4.4 J.-D . 1221 H eart The A shland C onservatory of Music W. E. Moor opens Septem ber 5th, 1922. Ma­ 52.7 4 3.5 1507 G.-D. Beh I. M errim an dam e Tracey-Y oung, directress. 4.4 * 51.96 1181 J. F ern J. R. M cCracken men wanted The school of daily instru ctio n in 51.96 4.4 D. 1158 Red E. B. Poyer all branches of music. The Lescli- 49.37 4.4 1189 J. S tar etizky m ethod. The secretary will R. E. Robison be pleased to supply any Inform a 49.13 3.8 1293 R oanie o. J. A ndersen tion desired. A ddress Box 54. STRIKE CONDITIONS Cow T ester. STEW ART, J. Q A shland, Oregon. 280-1 mo* j u iy 3 i All good citizens should give th is serious th o u g h t. Takes Swim at Helman’s— W here W omen C ount Miss Ann -------- B urneker of M edford, -------------- A cam paign is on foot, prom oted and h er siste r, Mrs. Helen Reinecke. ! fjy liquor tra ffic, for a subscrip and c trld re n , of P ittsb u rg , P a., w ere tion list of a m illion m en a t one in th e city yesterday aftern o o n , en- d o llar a head, for the purpose of L ? O C? Fl 1 W f r t the Pl 1 TV P »V% end­ /I _ sm ashing e ZV I ig Pl h P te £X£" en th Pl •» am joying a swim a t ¡Holman's baths. m ent. The subscription list is to be T h e ladies a re siste rs of H erm an called th e “ A ssociation A gainst the B urneker, form erly of A shland, and P ro h ib itio n A m endm ent.” T heir de­ clared purpose is “ to get the Vol­ have a num ber of friends here. stead act out of law and to keep „ t G reen apples— G ravenstines. C an’t it o u t” ; 10 leave the enforcem ent I of th e am e n d m en t to .th e several b e a t ’em for pies and sauce, I sta te s, and to w ork persisten tly for pounds fo r $1 delivered. Phone the repeal of the am endm ent. Thev 1 expect to use th e ir funds chiefly in 9 - F - ll. ______ _ new spaper a d v ertisin g to show th e ... . . .1 ! people “th e hideous failu re and the \ la ( ng with Friends ! enorm ous cost ¡n money and lives ¡n Mr. and Mrs. S. G. H erlinger and prohibition as now enforced.” The W om en’s C h ristian T em per- roil of P o rtla n d a re spending a few days vi- tin g a t th e hom e of Mr. and ance Union, th ro u g h whose w ork, m ore th an th ro u g h any o th e r force, Mrs. E rn e st W allin of C hurch stre e t. public opinion was m olded fo r the They expect to m ake a trip to C rater prohibition am endm ent, has m et th is L ake, Diam ond lak e and the Oregon challenge of the liq u o r forces by a call fo r a h alf m illion new m em bers caves before re tu rn in g hom e. to the Union, in addition to th e h alf m illion now in its m em bership. A utom obile in su ra n c e a specialty. These’ m em bers a re not only pledged Ask Mr. A. L. Lam b. Yeo, of course. to keep th e V olstead a c t in the law , 2 6 5 « but a re pledged to to ta l abstinence, and to w ork for th e d e stru ctio n of everything for w hich th e old saloon V isits In Ashland— ever stood. Mrs. F ra n k B urgess and two It m ust be rem em bered th a t th is d a u g h te rs of Copco. Calif., a re vistt- o rg an izat on of wom en is som ething ” ¡ng a t th e H. A. Spencer home on m ore th an a w om an’s prayer m eet­ ing. It is a v o ters’ o rg an izatio n P alm avenue. th a t counts as m uch a t th e ballot box as a half m illion m en. And it Good Insurance a t good rates. m ust also he rem em bered th a t in .P h o n e 274-J. Yeo of course. 2 6 5 « counting values in A m erican citizen­ ship, o th e r th in g s equal, one aggres­ sively good wom an has g re a te r V isits with Relatives— power in sh aping public opinion th a n Dr. K arl E. N orvall, a ch iro p rac­ two aggressively had men. The A. to r of W allow a, Or., is spending a A P A., which is b u t th e defeated few days in A shland w ith relatives. saloon, will in th is cam paign have H e is en ro u te hom e from C ali­ to m eet th e victorious W . C. T. U., which com pletely ro u te d th e un- fo rn ia , w here he has been for sev­ A m erican saloon in a ru n n in g fig h t e ra l weeks. of 50 y e a rs ’ duration. if L e t J e rry O’Neal fig u re your next NELSON FAM ILY EN TERTA IN S Job of plum bing. F irs t class m a te r­ FR IEN D S FROM A DISTANCE i a l and w orkm anship. Phone 138. 238ti 207 E. M ain stre e t. Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k L. Nelson have been e n te rta in in g a p a rty of W ill Erect New Sign— on E ast friends for the p ast several days a t T he Golden Rule store. th eir hom e on th e Boulevard. The Main s tre e t, is to have a new sign p arty included Mr. and Mrs. Jam es across th e fro n t of th e sto re, the C. Robison and d a u g h te r of P o rt­ sam e having arriv ed from M edford land; th e George P hillips fam ily of on th e a u to fre ig h t y esterday a fte r­ P o rtla n d ; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rey­ noon. nolds and baby, and Mrs. R eynold’s ■grandm other of P o rtla n d , and her IiEEDOM m akes th e price on a u n t from so u th e rn C alifornia; and MAHON CORDS, Come and get ’em Mr. and Mrs. George B. R eynolds a t LEEDOM S T IR E HOSPITAL. and fam ily of Berkeley. Calif. 270-tf The P o rtla n d people left y ester­ day. expecting to m ake th e ir way to A ccom panies \ isito rs Hom e Oregon caves and C ra te r Lake L ouis Schwein accom panied Mr. T he R eyno,dg fam . a n d Mrs. .L ynch on th e ir h om ew ard, ilv ., , left th is ____ ,_________________ m orning for th e ir hom _ e trip Monday to Piedm ont, C a lif.,1 in B erkeley. w h ere he will stay for about ten days. The Lynches have been v isit­ in g in A shland fo r several days. CHOPPED GREEN OLIVES < F r u it canning tim e Is a t hand. F o r fru it Jars. lids, ru b b ers, jelly m olds an d su g a r, D etrlck 's prices c a n ’t be beaten. k- One cent the word each time. Has Developed G reatly in Washington State. Stopping in Ashland— D r. Jo h n B arnes, a v ete rin a ry of Olym pia, W ash., is spending a few days in A shland, looking over the a n d su rro u n d in g country. Q uits P osition H en'— Ber. Howe, who has been w orking a t th e P laza m eat m ark e t for some tim e, will quit th a t place S aturday n ig h t and will go to R ogue R iver, w h ere he will be in th e em ploy of th e A ncient P io n eer M ining com ­ pany, beginning M onday. B eginning A ugust 2, all children u n d e r 12 y ears old. wiH be a d m itte d to sw im m ing ta n k for 25 cents. The N at. 282-2 Off on M onth’s V acation— Mr. and Mrs. Jam es O. M arrett. and son and d a u g h te r, expect to y,*-ave tom orrow for a trip by au to to C rescent City and th en down th e coast th ro u g h E u re k a and to San F rancisco, w ith th e possibility of the trip being extended still fu rth e r south, if th e end of th e m onth does n o t come too soon. C h tf Payne m akes ladders. 2 8 ’:« OPPOSED CREAM IN COFFEE Frenchm an, a Century Ago, Ascribed All Sort« of Human Ills to the Custom. Çgg jp Stomach & Bowels SUNBURN WINDBURN M c N a ir B r o s . Gans Repaired R. Middleton Department of Agriculture Has Had Gratifying 8uccess With This i Part of Its Work. ♦ ___ Radio in Indo China. Indo-Chinu is covered with a com­ plete radio telegraphic system, com­ prising 15 stations equipped with tlie • Forty-9lx new buffalo calves are re­ best high-powered apparatus. The ported on three of the four game pre­ country receives every night from the serves m aintained by the biological Bordeaux station in Frunce full mar survey of the United States Depart ket and financial reports and the news tnent of Agriculture for the special of the day. protection of buffalo. On the national bison range, In Montana, there are 417 Girl’s Long Hike. buffalo, Including 28 calves born this The Panam a canal zone women’s spring. Fifteen calves are reported at walking championship is held by a the Wind Cave preserve, in South Da­ twelve-year-old girl—Alma Mann— kota, and 3 a t Niobrara, Neb. who walked through the canal zone The departm ent has been very from ocean to ocean, a distance of fortunate in m aintaining the herds approxim ately 50 miles. In 16 hours established at these three points and and 26 minutes. a t Sullys Hill, North Dakota. There are relatively few large buffalo herds C B L A M K I N now scattered ver the country, and the biological survey has made special BARGAINS IN REAL efforts to provide suitable ranges and ESTATE protection for what threatened a few years ago to become an extinct •pecies of native American animal. c b l e For Service as Railroad — fo r— I Arsen e Thlehaud de Beruenud. M- j lr you wish to be perm anently re- brarian a century ago to the B ibllo-1 lieved of gas in th e stom ach and and theque M azariu, Paris, opposed with | bowels, ta k e B aalm ann’s Gas Tab- (H A P P IN G ferocity the then comparatively new ¡lets, which a re prepared especially custom of adding milk or creak, to fo r stom ach gas and all th e bad ef- Cleans and Soothes M gas black coffee. The lat er, “ j rhw j e a., au- fects re su ltin g from gnaw .Qg pressure, feeljng ftt LARGE JA R th o r’s language, was consoling Jo> -,th e p k Qf tfae stom ach wI1, dlsap . ful and, I had nearly said, spirlti.a pe a r; anxious, nervous feeling, 50c In Its effects. But let ever so smull a | w ith h e a rt p alp itatio n will vanish, quantity of milk or cream be added • a n d you wyj a g a in be able to tak e a I.cinon Oil Soap.........................16c and the result upon the human econ- deep b rea th w ith o u t discom fort, omy was most disastrous. j T h a t drow sy, sleepy feeling a fte r Lem on Ju ice S o a p .................... 35c Since the dawn of this vicious cus- ¡d in n er will be replaced by a desire tom pnuemonia and consumption in fo r e n te rta in m e n t. B loating will th e cities had Increased one-half anti cease. Y our lim bs, arm s and fingers feel cold and “ go to i communities formerly r ru u ra r u l . vw uH U iuiiue» u n i u m . , immune will ........ no - - longer — ~ m„v. W now b n .!» » !» , ,0 ,b„w » . . . ot | . e .P ." b e « .» .. B a . m an» « « “ J a b - , lets prevent gas from in te rfe rin g these aliments. w ith th e circulation. According to Le Progrès Medical, Get th e genuine B aalm ann’s Gas Stop- Tka which obtained tha-above information T ablets in th e yellow package from ------- -------------------------------- from a new popular review. La Con- . E )h a rt ’s D rug Store or any reliable T in lu u n r in o zi A U n m o U I liT Z»1 44 11 11 i I 1 « • , » T l . .. 1 nalssance, de Berneaud claimed 1 that d ruggist. J. B aalm ann, Chem ist, ' —1 many eminent physicians shared his San Francisco. opinions. He seems to have had an obsession th a t all m ixtures of fluids M ultiplies Scenery. were injurious, and extended his pro- A Russian widow. Mine. Ivan Bout- scription of m ilk addition to tea, choco­ kovsky, lias devised an ingenious la te and spirits. Sustained by tills pre­ scheme for “multiple scenery,” where­ conceived notion, he was able tQ pub­ by two scenes are painted upon one FISHING RODS W R A PPED lish a long diatribe in 1826, in which canvas. Colored lights are thrown lie accuses cafe au lait of causing al­ B arrels an d P a rts Supplied and upon this drop-scene, which bring our most every derangem ent known to F itte d fo r Any M ake of Gun certain colors while concealing others, medicine. sounds, he medicine, But, b u i . rabid ra o iu a as s he ne suuuu», ur , . . . . . . i. . , ...... so th at with the same stage setting was fatuous enough to admit that per- t a lt h n r « h , in H . e p n n p n r . . , iiiv either a landscape or an lntPFirti* interiqr n may haps 10 per cent of the people might immediately he brought into view. be tough enough to drink cafe au lait Playing several acts with one set of without disastrous results.—New York scenery is an Idea th a t should appeal 381 E. MAIN ST. World. strongly to producers, both as a nov­ elty and from an economical point of BUILDING UP BUFFALO HERDS view.—Scientific American. NEW AND USED GRAIN SACKS AND SACK TW IN ES JU ST IN MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS SHEETMETAL WORKERS COPPERSMITHS CAR INSPECTORS BOILERMAKERS ELECTRICIANS PIPE FITTERS TINNERS CAR REPAIRERS CAR BUILDERS (Carpenters W00DTUR?TERS CABINETMAKERS HELPERS—ALL CLASSES TEACHER OF PIANO— The Lesch etiezky m ethod. Pupil of M adame Tracey. L olita Pierson. Phone 485-J, Boulevard. 282tf TRANSFER AND EXPRHKS. FO R prom pt and careful service, auto tru c k s or horse drays, call W hittle T ran sfer Co. Phone 117 Office, 89 Oak s tre e t near Hotel A shland. &6tf r. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FE R — Good team and m otor­ trucks. G">od service at a reason able price. -P hone 83 FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE— 160 acre unincum ­ bered ranch on Pacific highw ay and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all house and o u tb u ildings; good stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen­ ty of wood and tillab le land W ill tra d e for unincum bered A shland acreage; p refer no house, but would ensider acreage w ith sm all house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran, A dequate provisions have been m ade ite St. 231tf* for the full protection of new em ­ ployes, th e sam e as old employes SAI.K. who rem ained loyally a t work. Ap­ plicants should apply a t SOUTHERN HAY FOR SALE— By G. F. Billings. PA CIFIC EM PLOYM ENT BUREAU, Room 7, 65 M arket St'Xet, San •FOR SALE— Quick, 12 acres terrac e property, seven block from P. O.. Francisco (open 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. two blocks L ithia p ark . Im prove­ m. daily, including S u ndays), or any m ents w orth over $4000. Price of the follow ing officers: Superin­ $1650. P. O. Box 463. 254-lm o* ten d en t (T h ird St. S ta tio n ), San Francisco. O akland P ier, Saeram qp- FOR SALE— Acreage on paved to, Stockton, D unsm uir, B akersfield, highw ay, splendid 8oil., Five acres, Los A ngeles; A ssistant S uperinten­ 10 acres. 15 acres, 20 acres, and dent, Sparks. . Nev., and Roseburg, • the price is rig h t. O. A. M anning, Or.; S uperin ten d en t M otive Pow er, T alent, Oregon. 272« Sacram ento and Los Angeles. FO R SALE— A veritable park of J. H. DYER, Gen. Mgr, one acre, set to choice fru its, nu ts and grapes, rig h t in h e a rt of th e Southern Pacific Company town. W ell b u ilt seven room house. Cash, or would consider a sm all house and lot as p a rt pay­ m ent. Mrs. . M arcia D anford, 124 M anzanita stre e t. 275-1 mo GREEN A PPLES — G ravenstines. Can’t beat ’em for pies mid »auce 25 pounds for $1 delivered. Phone Daily (E xcept S unday) 9 - F -ll. LV. MEDFORD LV . A SHI .AND ; 7:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. ! FOR SALE— C ucum bers, all sizes, F encing of every description. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. for pickling or slicing. Also black­ New and used Sewing M achines 9:00 a. m. 9.00 a. m. b erries and green peppers. W. E. alw ays on hand. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. P ierson. B oulevard. .279-6* 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. AT 12:00 noon 12:00 noon FOR SALE— P layer piano, good 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. condition. N. G. Colem an, 361 2 :00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. M ountain Ave. 280« 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p m. 4:00 p. m. FOR SALE— On the highway, about 4:00 p. m. one acre of land, good house, e le c ­ 5:00 p. m 5:00 p. m. tric lights, all in garden, some 6:00 p. m.' 6:00 p. m. berries. P rice $1600. O. A. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. M anning, T alent, Or. ?81tf 8:30 p. m Sat. onlv 8:30 p. m. D iplom atic E ffectiv e 9:30 p. m 9:30 p. m. FOR SALE— Two good cows. O. H. 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Cole, 1150!£ Oak St. 281-6 Leave M edfoid for A shland and i FOR .SA LE— A 1918 Maxwell to u r­ ASHLAND REALTY CO A shland for M edford every hour on' ine car in good condition. Price the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; O pposite C ity Hall $500. P hone 334-J. th e n -6.30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. A shland w aiting room — E a st Side P harm acy. City a n d R anch P ro p e rtie s B usiness C hances ASHLAND-ROSEBURG STAGE Houses to R ent In su ra n ce Real E sta te Daily (E xcept Sunday) LV. ASHLAND LV. ROSEBURG 7 :00 a ni. 8:30 a..m. rn T IZ E N ’S D4NK RUn.DING 12:00 noon 2:00 p. m. i SEE US NOW ABOUT YOUR ■ !■ - ■ ' - " > ■ .............. T ravel by stage; sh o rte st ro u te by ■ , IT R E INSURANCE :uc;T 20 m iles; one of O regon’s m ost: P ro crastin atio n in tak in g out scenic trip s. F a re — A shland-R ose­ fire insurance has robbed m any b u rg , »4.6 0 ; M edford - R oseburg. a m an of his en tire property. »4.15; G ran ts Pass-R oseburg, »3.00. Don’t be caught unprepared by M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS the fire fiend. Your hom e, your Daily (E xcept Sunday ) business, your crops, your a u to ­ LV. G T S PASS LV. M EDFORD m obile have a very real money 7 :30 a. m. 7 :4 5 a. m. value. 1.00 p .m . 1:0A p m No property is secure against 5:30 p. m d estruction by fire Let us tell » i 4:45 p .m . you how little it will cost to fully TH E PECULIAR THING ABOUT SAVING IS THAT., Sunilay Only p rotect you. W H ILE EVERYBODY IS ALWAYS “ GOING TO,” SO, 10:00 a .m . “ W hen you w a n t good in s u r­ 4:30 p .m . 4 30 % h f ance, talk w ith B illings.” G rants Pass w aiting room — m t F E W ACTUALLY START. Bonbonniere, phone 160. Office and w aiting room — »o. t> COME IN AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY EVEN IF ONLY FOR A DOLLAR. YOU W ILL BE CORDIALLY “ SHOO FL Y ” th e g reat fly k iller, should be used on your horses and cows m ore freely. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Peil's Corner M Once AND EGGS ON TO A S T s THE MAID AND THE MILLIONAIRE The eggs and green olives blend perfectly in th is to ast sandwich ex traordinary. Sufficient fo r six helpings can be prepared in 25 m inutes. T ry this tasty and un­ usual com bination when “some­ thing new” is desired. One cup chopped Spanish green olives; 4 eggs well b eaten ; 1/3 cup m ilk; M teaspoon minced onion; 3 tablespoons b u tter. Toast fo r 6 sandwiches. C ut bread 14 inch thick and to a s t lightly on both sides. Spread sparingly with b u tter. Mix eggs w ith milk. M elt b u tte r in hot fry in g pan, add onion and sim m er fo r a few m inutes. Pour in egg m ixture and cook slowly until eggs begin to thicken. S tir in olives and continue stirrin g until th.- m ixture is cream y and very hot. Spread betw een two slice» to a st and serve a t once. Garniab w ith parsley or w atercreaa. Lemon Cream Nobody Ever Regretted Starting A Savings Account Mis» Ada Dog. a dark brunette Changed to a blonde, and hoped to get .A husband thus. She seemed a peach And vamped a Gay Dog on the beach. It looked as though she'd captured him Until, alas, she tried to swim; The water washed off her diaguise And thus the Gay Dog was put wiael Moral—Get colors that are feet. These cheap dyee simply will not laetl J f. W. A. SHELL WELCOMED. b a r b e r The Citizens Bank ot Ashland A shland, Oregon Wc Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dohule bit, 60c doz Children's Work A Specialty Billings Agency E stab lish ed 1883 R eal E s ta te and Real Insurant-» ASHLAND, OREGON Phone 211 41 E M ain St. W aldport— C o ntract let for I er&mmar school building. new