P4Q 1 AUSLAND DAILY TIDINGS Local and Personal c o r n e i WILL GIVE WALER LO 10,000 ACRES Colombia H otel Guests— The follow ing la te a rriv a ls are reg istered a t th e Colum bia h o te l: i Mrs. M. A nderson, Mrs. E. H. Lepo- witz, C rescent City, Calif.; V irgil C. O’Neil, P in e h u rst, O r.; E. V. G rif-, fith , Copco, C alif.; Mr. and Mrs. George V. M cClure, Mrs. B. J. Gau- kel and d a u g h te r, R idgefield; Or.; SHASTA VIEW , Or., Aug. 2.— F. H. M adison, Haywood, Calif.; R. The long delayed irrig a tio n of 10,- A. Jackson, Red Bluff, C alif.; H. E. 000 acres of land th a t is going to D ay( P o rtla n d ; Mrs. A. M. Jones, play a large p art in the developm ent Mrs. R. L. G ilbert, S eattle; C reta of K lam ath county has been settled W hitley, Elgewood, Calif.; O oita j beyond doubt by th e signing of a H yttl, E u re k a. C alif.; Mr. and Mrs ^contract betw een the governm ent R. F. V ernier, San F rancisco; Mr. and th e Shasta View and M alin ir- and Mrs. M. E. D eW itt and George I rigation d istrlc ts which was signed H. F airch ild , P o rte rv ille , Or. w ith o u t a dissen tin g voice. The irrig a tio n of these lands has been w orked for unceasingly fo r a n um ber of years and th ro u g h the u n tirin g e ffo rts of those in terested , th e rew ard has a t last come. It w asj unanim ously voted to bond th e dis­ tric ts, M alin for $100.000, and S has­ ta View’ fo r $120,000 for th e p u r­ E n d e a v o ters Picnic— pose of p u ttin g in pum ping plan ts, A num ber of C h ristian Endeavor- building ditches, etc. The govern­ ers m ade up a picnic p a rty in L ithia m ent is to p u t th e w ater to the park last evening, and a fine tim e plants. is rep o rted . Visits in A shland— Mrs. J. B. R ussell and son Claude of Y reka, have been Visiting for a few days w ith Mrs. A. H. R ussell on N orth Main stre e t. They expect to leave for hom e today. LOCAL PEOPLE LEAVE Fishing Very Poor— ON EXTENDED VACATION L ark in G rubb, Joe Shaugnessy and Alvis G asaw ay m ade up a fish­ Mr. and Mrs. L. O. W a lk e r and ing p arty on R ogue R iver Sunday, little d a u g h te r, of Gold H ill, and but late st re p o rts are to the effect Miss H attie Hodges and Miss B er­ th a t no fish were caught. However, nice Myer of this city le ft yesterday it was not because som e of th e p a rty I fo r a m o n th 's sig h tseein g trip . They did not work h ard , fo r th e lim it plan to visit Y osem ite, Salt L ake, could have been caught w’ith less en­ L ake Tahoe, Y ellow stone P a rk , G la­ deavors som e tim es. cier P a rk and re tu rn by way of Se­ B eginning A ugust 2. all children a ttle to be present at th e reunion of; under 12 years old, will be ad m itted the 91st division, and then to reach I to sw im m ing tan k for 25 cents. The P o rtlan d by August 3t)th, to a tte n d ! the w edding of Mr. W a lk e r's sister. ' N at. 282-2 ! Visiting in Ashland— TRIPLE FUNERAL OF ROYS Mrs. L eila D oggett a n d fam ily, DROWNED LAST SUNDAY who have been v isiting w ith th e Ot- ---------- to W in te r fam ily fo r th e last few! PORTLAND, Aug. 2. — F u n e ral days, will re tu rn to th e ir home on services for F ra n k , 9; Ted, 8, and th e K lam ath riv er th is evening P eter, 4, A leska, th e th re e boys who | Mrs. D oggett is th e m other of the were drow ned Sunday night when lad who died a few days ago as the the fam ily autom obile plunged off resu lt of a ra ttle sn a k e bite. th e St. J o h n ’s ferry, w ere held this ---------- m orning a t St. S tan islau s church, Hus Tonsils Rem oved— and they wrere laid to rest in M ount T he 11-year-old d a u g h te r of Mr. C alvary cem etery, and Mrs. L. H. H ughes, of T alent,! The boys w ere the sons of Mr. had her tonsils rem oved by a local and Mrs. Joseph A leska, of 121% physician M onday. : Russell stre e t, and b ro th e rs of Stella — — : and Jo h n A leska, Makes Business Trip— ■ ---------------------------- . N. Dix m ade a business trip to I IR E LOSS O F UNIVERSITY G ran ts Pass Tuesday aftern o o n , re ­ LAID B EFO R E BOARD j tu rn in g hom e late in th e evening. Izeave« for San Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. H. B. P lum m er left today in th eir auto for San F ra n - ctsco, w here Mrs. P lum m er will he operated on for c atacract ot the eye. She will be u n d er the care of the fam ous G rien B rothers, surgeons and eye specialists. SALEM, Or., Aug. 2.— P resid en t P . L Cam pbell, of th e U niversity of O regon; Colin V. D ym ent, dean of the college of liberal a rts, and Fi- nancial A gent Newell yesterday placed before th e sta te em ergency board the financial needs of the in­ stitu tio n occasioned by the recent fire which caused a loss of about $60,000. No action was tak en by the board. 260 EASTERN LAWYERS HONOR VISITORS BY ATTENDANCE AT CRA TER e r th an th a t of last year. TO PASS THROUGH ASHLAND PICNIC IN LITHIA PARK LA K E G R EA T ER THAN EV ER .. t Two special tra in s or p a rticip a n ts Up to and including Ju ly 28, a to- The grow ing p o pularity of C rater tai of 12,805 persons and 3621 cars, in the convention of th e A m erican Some 35 people from Phoenix and B ar association en ro u te back to th e vicinity m ade up a picnic p arty in L ake is indicated by the atten d an ce entered th e p ark th ro u g h th e th re e east, w ill a rriv e here from San F ra n - L ith ia p a rk la st evening. The p a rty th e re this season, which :s f a r g reat- entrances. A t th e west or M edford cisco A ugust 13. S outhern Pacific ¡w as given in honor of Mr. and Mrs officials have been advised th a t 260: Morse and fam ily, and Mr and Mrs Persons will be on these two special | Boyer, both o f which fam ilies have tra in s. been v isiting friends and relatives in tfcr T alley for th e last few weeks. EAGLE POINT TAKES UP ITS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OWN IRRIGATION BONDS PORTLAND, Aug. 2.— A ccording TEA CH ER OF PIANO— The Lesch- to an announcem ent today by a rep etiezky m ethod. Pupil of M adam e Tracey. L olita P ierson. Phone resen tativ e of th e G. E. M iller bond 485-J, Boulevard. 282tf house, resid en ts of th e E agle Point irrig a tio n d istric t, are th e first to FOR SALE— A 1918 Maxwell to u r­ ing car, in good condition. Price buy th e ir own bond3, $50,000 w orth $500. P hone 334-J. 282-3* having been subscribed th ro u g h the L ocksm ith. F ix it Shop. 282tf B utte Falla bank yesterday. Vis tin g a t Tolo— 4 . Mrs. Bulla C orthell a n d d a u g h te r M arjory a re spending th e week w ith th e R ussell fam ily a t Tolo, Or. ___________ “ RAWTHER DEEP, YOU KNOW” Introducing London's Latest Particu­ lar Wheeze as a Test of Amer­ ican Sophistication. Says Sinclair Lewis, back from Eu­ rope with the m anuscript of a sequel to “Main Street” : "If I had the power I’d make Henry Mencken the pope of America. He spreads Just the mes­ sage of sophistication that we need so badly.” How badly we need this sophistica­ tion every Americun home can de­ term ine for itself by a safe and sim­ ple experiment. Mr. Lewis brought hack with him London’s latest wheeze. A fter the dishes are cleared away the head of the family can try It on his dock, it runs like this: One chap says to another: “Oh, I say, isn’t that girl at that table the same one we saw lawst night?” “I cawn’t say. The tablecloth is too long.” If the flock gets the point it Is adequately sophisticated. If the point escapes them and leaves them pained and puzzled It is a sign that this family, at least, wonld be benefited by a Mencklan pontificate, for Henry spreads not only a “message of so­ phistication,” but other things as w elt—Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. MAY BE “ LAST OF EMPIRES” Distinction, In AH Likelihood, Has Been Reserved for the Realm of the Mikado. The Imperial circle, as it might be called, Is narrowing. Russia, G er­ many, Austria, Turkey have all passed into the twilight. Ordinarily you do not associate the emperor business with King George, because he is the essence of the democratic spirit, und England is to all intents and purposes a crowned republic. Besides, it Is not among the impossibilities that self determ ina­ tion will some day pluck the jewel that Beaconsfield placed upon the diadem of Queen Victoria when he made her empress of India. Japan may be the last of the empires. So far as It is humanly possible to predict anything in these cataclysmic times, Japan will remain an empire. The zeal for the royal family—it Is almost fanaticism —leaves no doubt as to tliis eventuality. Thus, unlike some of tiis European colleagues. Prince Hirohito is sure of ills succes sion if lie lives. He need never worry about radical intrigue.—Isaac F. Mar- cosson in the Saturday Evening Post. To Hold Teachers’ Connell— T here will be a te a c h e rs’ council to n ig h t a fte r p ray er m eeting at the CONDITION OF LORD , P resb y terian church. The prayer N O R T H C L IF F E IS SER IO U S m eeting study will be the la st chap­ te rs of Daniel. LONDON, Aug. 2.— The physic­ I in a tte n d an c e upon Lord Cliff Payne m akes ladders. 282tf ians : N orthclit'fe say his condition is j causing them anxiety. The endecar- Arrives for Visit— Clear Explanation. A stock broker’s clerk, visiting a Mrs. F. W. Moore a rriv ed last e v - ir itis , they a sse rt, is show ing no no- Long Island resort, met a young wom­ ening from Brookings, Or., to visit t ceable signs of im provem ent. an who for some reason or other chose a t th e H. L. Moore hom e. Mrs. to regard him as an authority in mut­ Moore was a fo rm er resid en t of Ash­ ENTERTAINS AT DINNER ters aquatic. He strove to merit her IN HONOR OF DAUGHTER confidence, but was not always suc- land. and has been awlay for the last two years. essful in his explanations, though she Mrs. T. A. C ulbertson e n te rta in ed eemed to think so. a t d in n er Tuesday in honor of the! “Why,” she asked on one occasion, Returns from Visit— Mrs. P au l Guiley has re tu rn e d b irth d ay of h e r d a u g h te r, Mrs. I 'did those boats sail from one side of from a w eek’s visit w ith h er hus- C laude W arren , of B erkeley. The •ie sound to the other instead of go­ ing straight ahead?” band a t R oseburg. Mr. Guiley is in invited guests w ere, Mrs. C W. “Well, you see,” explained the the co n stru ctio n w ork a t th a t place. F raley , Mrs. E a rl J F raley and sons broker’s clerk, “it’s like th is : When Scottie and David, Mrs. M. E. Da- he wind blows crooked like th is they Called to Ix»ng Reach— hu ff and Mrs. E v e re tt Sm ith and son lave to go crooked, so as to go straight Mrs. Jam es Young and two sons M ark. dong—” “How plain you make i t !” exclaimed W alter and R ussell left today for the g irl; “I never thought of th at be­ Long Beach. Calif., w here they w ere COLONEL QUITS THE ARMY fore.”—Philadelphia Ledger. called on account of th e serious ill­ TO BECOME MINISTER ness of Mrs. P hillip A rnold, m other “Veiled Prophets?’’ of Mrs. Young, who is not expected« The Mystic O rder of Veiled Prophets SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2.— F or to recover. 22 years a soldier and a v eteran of of the Enchanted Reulin Is a modern th re e w ars. Colonel A rth u r P. S. secret society of America, and al though it has only been a short time in Hyde. 45, who a rriv ed S a tu rd a y a t existence boasts a membership of over Home- th e Presidio from F o rt A m ador, P a ­ 100,000 m aster Masons in good stand nam a C anal Zone, has announced ing, but, it Is In no way connected with Made his in ten tio n to quit th e arm y to Freem asonry. The ritual observed is Products don th e robes of an E piscopalian! I110St elaborate, being formed on an old Persian m anuscript discovered in a m inister. secret vault at Teheran. The nomen­ 111 clature of the order is somewhat curi­ PIONEER WOMAN OF ous, tlie members being styled prophets. BREAD, CAKES. PIES KLAM ATH PA SSES ON The branches are known as grottos, while the chief is called the grand and ROLLS KLAM ATH FALLS. Aug. 2.— monarch. Finest materials used and Mrs. M arie Jan ssen , aged 83, for 32 Cutting Off the Last Word. made under modem sani­ years a resid en t of th is county, died Archeologists have recently been tary conditions by experts. a t th e hom e of h e r son, F red J a n s ­ puzzled over the finding of the heud- sen. a t Swan L ake, a t 11 o’clock less body of an Egyptian princess in M onday night. . an ancient tomb. It seems that the j The fu n eral will be conducted b y , question as to how the lady lost her . Rev. Myers from W hitlock’s chapel head is im portant in archeological cir­ at 2:30 tom orrow afternoon. I n te r ­ cles. In certain oriental countries it is j m ent will be in L inkville cem eterv. __________________ custom ary for the head of the house, j in the event of a domestic argum ent, ’ V M tlng with Relatives— to behead the lady, thus cutting the ' Mrs. John H. D ickerson and two argiunent short. Doubtless, the last ! (New Management) d a u g h te rs, of C incinnati, Ohio, are words that Issued from the lips of the j A. BARTOLETTI, Prop. visiting a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. headless princess w ere: “W here have ; W. O. D ickerson, on Bush stre e t. you been?”—Judge. BEST L ith ia B ak ery Wecbfaesdaj’, August 2, 10i¿2 en tran ce, were 7717 p e rso n , and , H 7 2 cars. At the so u th or K lam ath entrance, 4267 persons and 1206 :ars. At the e a st or Sand creek en- tran ce 821 persons and 243 cars. While Shoe Sale Cost Prices for a Quick ( learance NEW AND USED GRAIN SACKS AND SACK TW INES JUST IN ALL ODD LINES ON TABLE NO. 1 AT ............................$1.00 “ SHOO FL Y ” th e g rea t fly k iller, should be used on your horses and cows m ore freely. All Pumps and Oxfords, military or low heels, regularly sold at $2.50, now ............................................................. $1.75 F encing of every description. New and used Sewing M achines alw ays on hand. White Pumps, one strap, regular $5.50 value, n o w ............... $3.50 White Canvas Oxfords, military or low heels, regularly sold at $5.00, now ............................................................ $3.75 AT Peil's Corner White “ Albo Cloth” Kelly Oxfords, $7 50 value, now....... $5.75 White ‘'Eve Cloth” Strap Pumps, patent trimmed, regu- ular $6.00 values ...............................................................$4.75 , 1/ All White Kid and Nubuck Pumps and Oxfords, up to $7.50 values, now ......................................................................... $5.75 T H E TH EA TER BEAUTIFUL TODAY AND TOMORROW Kelly Kid Pumps, turn soles, Fiencli heels, regular $10.00 values, now ......................................................................... $7.75 “Turn to the Right” Children’s White Canvas Purrns, $1.85 values, now................. $1.45 Children’s White Canvas Pumps, $1.50 values, now...............$1.25 Children’s White Canvas Oxfords, trimmed in black kid, nature toe, $2.45 values, now .......................................... $1.95 A picture directed by the man who m ade “The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.” A picture taken from the play that helped make Broadway a busy street; written by W inchell Smith, author of “The Fortune H unter.” Prices Thai Move She Shoes We Have Your Size How — Don’t Waif — Also— C o m p a n y PATHK REVIEW (R e g u la r A dm ission) REMNANT SALE TH UR SDAY Every Remnant and Short End remaining in our stoch must go in this Big Remnant Sale regardless of their cost. Remnants of Wash Goods, White Goods, Domestic Wool Goods, SilRs, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Curtain Goods, Cretonnes and Draperies. Every Short End Must Be Sold in This Big Sale. Come Early, as the best remnants go first ■ ■,<■■■. . — " » --------- --------— --------------------------------------------- f This is the Sale you have been waiting for Subscribe Now for the Delineator! Special Offer for a Short Time At the Pattern Counter £ . R. IS A A C & c o . THE Q U A LIT Y S TO R E Your Subscription Taken Now! For the Delineator Take Advantage of the Special Offer HAVE YOUR HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING DONE HERE THE STO RE W HERE YOUR PATRONAGE IQ A P P R E C I A T E D