♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, wit lout ♦ the aid of medicine, cures aine ® cases out of ten of asthma. 4 This is a proven fact. Q A shland D atj . v T idings ♦ MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- 4 vive three months in the rich oxone at Ashland. The pure do- ❖ m estic water helps. ♦ ♦ ♦ * (International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successoi to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) JUDGE CALKINS HUNTER SLAYS COYOTE TILAT RAIDED LIVESTOCK CORVALLIS, Or., Ju ly 27.— A coyote th a t had killed $500 w orth ot sheep th is year was shot by A. W. Hawley, of Alpine, who had hunted the slay er since Ja n u ary . The coyote had killed 60 lam bs and 12 sheep belonging to Hawley. A $40 rew ard had been offered for his hide. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 o Eloped With 18-year Old Girl Minister Gets Prison Sentence No. 277 NO “SPECIAL” LETTERS AFTER 11 AT NIGHT j WASHINGTON, Ju ly 27.— Special ¡delivery le tte rs will not be sent out ! from any post office in the country a fte r l k j j ’clock a t n ig h t, under new postal regulations. Such le tte rs not delivered prior to th a t h our will be "delivered as soon as possible" the ¡next m orning. DECLINKS TO STOP RECALL ELECTION ON GROUNDS OF INEXPEDIENCY ON K. K. K. Al THE 111 In His O pinion Denying; th e Applica­ tion Ho Points Out That Both Sides Have T h eir Rem edy at Law, W ith«.ut R e stra in in g O rder. GRANO JURY IS HALE CASE WILL PROBABLY DELVE INTO HENRY JOHNSON AFFAIR NEXT Scores of W itnesses Are Vet to Be Examined and Sessions of Jury Will Not Be Concluded Until Next Week. ----------------- , MEDFORD, July 2 7 — It was JACKSONVILLE, Ju ly 27.— The ■ s thought th a t the investigations of a rg u m e n ts against g ran tin g the In the neighborhood of th re e h u n -1 t he .grand ju ry in the H ale case plication for an injunction re s tra in ­ At a m eeting of th e county court dred people g ath ered in the Armory wouW bp conclude«! today, and that ing the holding of th e recall elec­ in Jacksonville W ednesday, July 26, last n ig h t to hear th e T errill side of im m ediately th e re a fte r, the ju ry will tion, were heard yesterday afternoon the county com m issioners voted the the controversy which has split th e dplvp InVo the H e n rv Johnsôn affair. by Judge C alkins in the circuit court necessary a p p ro p riatio n to secure . county from end to end. W hen the Johnson is a resid e n t of Jackson- — p retty nearly all the afternoon be­ th e R ockefefler F ou n d atio n u n it for m eeting was called to o rd er th e re Tjjje and his case is said to have ing tak en up by Jo h n J. Jeffries, the Jackson county. D elegations from was assem bled on th e stage a num m ore ram ifications than the present 1'iirtland a tto rn ey representing the A shland. M edford, Phoenix and Cen­ ber of the stau n ch su p p o rters of the one, its inception being novel and sponsors of the petition. Judge Cal­ tra l Point, each delegate re p re se n t­ sh eriff, am ong them A ttorney E. D .;unique> and som ew hat coralc if , a k . kins who went to G rants Pass yes­ ing a large group of people, urged .B rig g s, of A shland, who presided en in a less serious light terday evening, this m orning filed th a t th is app ro p riatio n be m ade. T h e; and introduced th e speakers, in te r j It is also rum ored (bat thP grand his decision w ith the county clerk, increase in taxes due to th is extra jectin g betw een the Introductions. jury> bpforp lt8 sessions arP cou. in which he denies the injunction b u rd en in the budget was estim ated i com m ents which left no doubt as to ' cludpd wi„ probp a closPiy p u a rded sougiit. His opinion follows: ■ at one-tw entieth of a m ill. w here he stood on the recall. ¡local happening, of which little has MEMORANDUM From A shland, Mrs. Galey repre- These speakers included J u d g e ,b e e n divulged. T here are several reasons net out . . . , .. „ , i ____________ j W illiam M. Colvig, who b itterly de­ in th e com plaint why the election rented the school board, Mrs. Eng e Two w itnesses who w ere called nounced the Ku Klux Kian as being yesterday form erly were m em bers should not he stayed; th a t an or- th e P aren t-T each ers association,; ganization has conspired and by j^rs. F u ller the Civic club, and Miss the in stig ato rs of the recall in order of th e Ku Klux Kian. They were From left to right (to p ) are r.hown E sth er H ughes, th e “ the other w om an” , the Spring Valley th u rch fra d u le n t rep resen tatio n secured the c h a m b e rla in th e ch am ber of com-i and Rev W vV. Pulp, who occupied the pulpit. The bottom picture, le ft to rig h t, show the nine Culp to get control of the law enforce­ Janies E. E dm iston and R aym on sig n a tu re s of a num ber of persons children— Florence 14- Gladys, 12; C larence, 11; H arley, 10; B eulah, 8; B ertha ", and Violet, Mrs. m ent offices of the county, in c i-jR Pte r and it is said they told the to th e recall petitio n ; th a t the recall m erce- A - petition was sent from . : C l p shown a t rig h t ho,ding h er «wine, Bery, and P e arl. » „ m o h .h . a,d. |y , , so . M d p e tit'o n states no valid r 'son for a the Jackson County Medical associa-« re c a ’.': th a t sufficient electors q u a li- ] tion, and a n o th e r from the com m it-j ----------------- I year-old E sth e r H ughes. ciously to Culp, declaring th a t it ciatlon and the W. C. T. U. to at- h e a rd at "klonklaveg.:- they attend- fied t i do so had not signed the ie- ^ee appoijtted bv the local chamber; DAYTON, O„ Ju ly 27.— F a te in The m inister, who was tak en into was “ the will of the L ord." th a t they i ta in th e ir ends. He pointed o u t ; ed. E dm iston was on the stand for «all p. tion; th a t certain persons th e person of 12 ju ro rs of his peers custody in M ichigan and re tu rn ed should go on to g eth er. She d e - « th a t over a m illion and a q u a rte r i a iong t imP who sig 3d the petition had applied ; o: com m erce. to the clerk to have th e ir names« Mrs. Perozzi com m ended th e; b ave decided th a t Rev. W a lter Culp here for tria l, was d efian t even a fte r d a re d , follow ing (he a rre s t of the dollars had pas,.ed through the s h e r - , O ther w itnesses who testified yes- strick e n troni the petition, and the splendid w ork done by «Miss F alld in e p a sto r of the M ethodist church in his a rre st. He loved only E sth er couple, th a t th e m in iste r’s wife had jif f ’s hands d u rin g th e past year, a n d j terday were W. H. Gore, p isident clerk had failed to com ply; that th e and tbe necessity for a n o th e r n u rse ,. Spring Valley, m ust serve one y ear H ughes, he declared to officers, and helped her pack her bag and told ¡th e m anner in which he had handled Of the M edford N ational bank; John clerk had tailed to notify the sher- w hich would m ean the exp en d itu re ’ j n prison for d esertin g his wife and could not again live w ith his wife, them good-bye when they dep arted I the county funds called for th e com S. O r'h . cashier of th e in stitu tio n , of at least $1800. Miss P a lm e r, | children and ru n n in g aw ay w ith 18-1 Am azingly the girl clung tena- from Spring Valley. m endation of the au d ito r, him self a « and W alter 8. Gore. The n a tu re of in excess of the co n stitutional limi- Mrs. Peil and Mrs. T ilton w ere also s m em ber of the Ku K lux K ian. He ! th eir testim ony was not know n, but ¡declared that in the enforcem ent of ; ¡t was sajd to b^ ¡n connection with tatio n . « present and wholly in accord w ith The d efendants have each <®> <$> Q <•> <5‘ <£ $ sh e riff the county had ever had. National League pleading affirm ativ ely ; the o th er de- the Red Cross in M edford m ade a« O ther w itnesses exam ined were H. Colonel Gordon Voorhis confined E. G riffiths, kleagle of the olcal klan fen d a n ts m erely denying all of the fo reel’Ul plea for the estab lish in g of At New York 12; St. Louis 7. a lleg atio n s of the com plaint the unU jn Jackson county. H er his rem ark s m ainly to an attack on realm , and his associate w ith th e At P h ilad elp h ia 6; C incinnati 5. T he situ a tio n presents itself in „„O£S„ I the klan, which he declared was an sam e official title, John J. Hoog At Boston 8; Chicago 7. these circum stances w here the court own w ork Sives proof of the press-, un-A m erican in stitu tio n , whose o r­ s tra a t. American L« ‘ague is called upon to decide th e issues ing need for such a program of w ork ganizers were actuated by no higher in the case in gran tin g the m otion. as g r Covington o utlined in h i s : A t Cleveland 2; P hiladelphia 11. If it is tru e th a t th e organization taJk tQ the com m issioners a week principle than g raft and in carrying ENGLAND IN RECEPTIVE At Chicago 4; Boston 3. did conspire and did fra u d u len tly ; out th eir ends had spread venom, Mr. Frobach dw elt upon the At D etroit 1 ; W ashington 9. MOOD TOWARD RUSSIA p ro cu re sig n a tu re s to the recall pe-j a S() „ h atred and dissension th ro u g h o u t P.acific Coast Ixtaguo titio n , then if this is a vital factor advantages ot securing $10,000 for th e valley, w here heretofore on If.- to holding the election, the election th e extra exp en d itu re of less t h a n ’ (Y esterd ay ’s Gam es) LONDON, Ju ly 27.— “ In the event if held will be void. If the recall j j s o o j i y th e court. Dr. M alm gren ; m anly good fellow ship had pre- of a satisfactory reply being re ­ At P o rtla n d 5; S eattle 8. petitio n is insufficient in not sta tin g p h o e n -x w&g an o th p r en thus-1 CALLISTA RAMMED B).' ORIEN- At V ernon 11; San Francisco 5. STRONG HOPES ENTERTAINED! vailed. ceived from Russia on the H ague OF CONFERENCES NOW ON by°Uboth sides that* the election if lastic su p p o rte r of th e proposed}. TAL L IN E R IN PA L L OF P e ter J. Neff m ade a forceful proposal, the B ritish governm net At S alt L ake 4; Sacram ento 3. AT WHITE HOUSE speech in which he declared th a t, will aid in tra d e negotiations with held will be void. If the petition as m easure, as was Miss C arlton, of SMOKE At O akland 12; Los Angeles 5. | politically, lie had opposed the sh e r­ R ussia.” Lloyd George declared in an filed did not contain the req u isite c e n tr a l Point. Sliop Craft Workers Are in Consult- iff, being a dem ocrat, b u t th a t he n u m b e r ' of sig n atu res of persons« Passengers Were Rescued From Coos county was the first to a c - ' address before the house of com ­ q u alified to sign a recall petition,] »tion w ith th e Pr«-side„t am i Hope had almQst d aj,y dealingg wjth hjm Steamer Before She Went Down, th e n th e election if held'w ill be void.’ cept rite offer extended to five conn-1 m ons today. B F n te rta in e il T hat Outcom e Will since his election, and had found and Hawaii Mnru Brings Them If th e clerk w rongfully refused to tie', in Oregon, w hereby two full- "A lthough G reat B ritain is not re­ Call Off S trik e. Back to Seattle. him a thoroughly efficient officer. sponsible for the condition of the s trik e c e rtain nam es from the peti- tln)P nurses, a full-tim e physician tio n . and th a t failu re is a vital fac- and , lab o rato ry a ssista n t will be He scored the K. K. K., faking the R ussian peop’e, she is unw illing to to r to » ^ recall e le c tio n /th e n the ex tp n slv e , SEA TTLE, Ju ly 27.— F o rty pas­ WASHINGTON, Ju ly 27.— Defin ; sam e ground as the o th e r speakers, see them the victim s of the ju n k ers, election if held will he void, i tne c 1 - j sengers of the P uget Sound ste a m er 1 ite progress tow ard establishing a who by a coup d 'e ta t are now ru l­ expense incurred in holding the re- h e a lth program . < C allista had a narrow escape from (C ontinued on page 4) tru ce in the natio n al s trik e which call election exceeds the constitu- Jackson county is to be congratu- , ing by th e sw ord," he added. I is slowly stra n g lin g th e ind u stry »Link wa m av , j,ltPd on having , . com m ission- . . . death . a . t noon today, w hen the ori- tio n al • n.„i»Q»i^r, lim itatio n , i 1 tiiniK \\ ina> county . and com m erce of th e nation, was relv noon the county court refu sin e __ e n ta l liner H aw aii M aru ram m ed i SWEEPING CUT MADE to au d it th e bills; and besides all s _ .. ¡and sank the sm all vessel off W est j m ade here today in a series of con-1 th e expense except the per diem of see into he fu tu re and to realize IN TARIFF5 ON SILKS I fereuces a t the W hite House which th e judges and clerks of election has th e grow th and needs ot new tim es b rought before P resid en t H arding! in« been in clin e d . m n u n n tv , T h© Pal1 ° i sm oke from the tor- now If th e co n and , nPW people, WASHINGTON, Ju ly 27.— Con- est fires in th is vicinity has been re ­ S u p erin ten d en t G. A. Briscoe has a11 p arties directly concerned in the; ________ c o u rt fails to do its duty in au d itin g . i fronted by continued opposition to any taxpayer aggrieved has a well-, sponsible in th e past two weeks for com pleted his list of teach ers for th e controversy. i the ta r iff bill, republican m em bers know n rem edy. grounding th re e vessels, the sm oke com ing year, including the principals Peace in the railro ad s trik e actu- j of th e senate finance com m ittee once On th e o th er hand, if the m otion obscuring approaching vessels. for th e th ree buildings. Prof. Wil- a llX appeared in sig h t th is after-] ! more m ade sw eeping changes in is dqnieil, and th e plaintiffs are The H aw aii M aru, which was son. who has been principal of th e n0°n when the leaders of theK strik - rig h t in th e ir contention, the courts I some of its m ore im p o rta n t pro- will declare the election void in a bound for V ictoria and Jap an , picked ju n io r high school for the last sev- ing shop c ra ft w orkers resum ed i visions in an avowed effort 4o ex- p ro p er proceeding. P la in tiff T e r-1 up the passengers and crew of th e eral years, resigned at th e end of th e ir conference w ith P resid en t ! pedite final consideration. rill Will then only be injured in his sinking ship w ith o u t m ishap, and the last school year, and his place H arding, which was begun th is The silk ta riff has been re w rit­ feelings, and if all counsel says proceeded back to Seattle. has been filled by Miss Florence Al- m orning. a b o u t th e m ethods employed to I ten so as to elim in ate five pages of len, who has been a tea c h e r in the favorably did officials regard b rin g about his dow nfall are t r u e .; PORTLAND. Ju ly 2 i. The n e t ] duties oil silk products: to su b sti­ m ost of th a t dam age has a h e a d '-, R eedsport— Je tty construction to local school for several years. the situ a tio n th a t predictions a te railw ay o p eratin g income of the tu te a b lan k et ad valorem ra te of been done. P la in tiff Daley will not com m ence soon. Several changes w ere m ade in the m ade th a t the m en will be back a t S outhern Pacific com pany as shown >55 pPr CPnt . Ou woven fabrics coin- be in ju re d in anv way if p la in tiff’s teaching corps, necessitated by Cup- work on m ost of the roads by Mon- in the rep o rt of earn in g s and e x -ip O8ed wbolly or in -chief of silk, but co n ten tio n is correct, for any ex id ’s d a rt having hit hom e in several ^ a Y penses for the m onth of Ju n e, m a d e ;n0^ especially provided for. pense connected with the holding of CHARLESTON, W. Va., Ju ly 27. j th e election will be no legal claim public yesterday, continues to show cases, and o th er w here the teachers a g ain st th e county treasury. — A fter having w ithstood a ten day a gain over last year. desired to change location. BENNY LEONARD BATTLES On the o th e r hand, if the signers siege while b arricaded in his home The net railw ay o p eratin g incom e , Follow ing is a com plete list of the WITH TENDLER TONIGHT of th e recall petition are rih h t in x . . « for Ju n e, 1922, shows an increase of ' selections as m ade by Superinten-I th e ir contention, and the court a t H inton, «luring which period he stay s the election, a valuable lig h t killed one man and wounded four, $1,813,984.64 over th a t of Ju n e , JER SEY CITY. N. J., Ju ly 27.- ] dent Briscoe; will be tak e n from them , th a t of ex- including his fath er, Jo h n Frede- 192J. The n e t railw ay operating] The crisis of his career will he I Principals^— B. C. F o rsy th e, Ila M. prossing th e ir will at the polls, k jng paroled some tim e ago from income fo r May, 1922. was $1.893,- faced by Benny Leonard in the arena ! M yers, Florence Allen. probabiv th e m ost valuable rig h t nn- . , . . . , , j ' / 839.22 m ore th an th a t of May, 1921. here to night when he craw is through High School — W alter H ughes, d e r o u r form of governm ent. It is thp sta te '^ a n e .asylum, su rre n d e re d The railw ay operatin g revenue] the ropes to defend the ow nership sta te d th a t if the election is stayed, ] t°d a y to the sta te police. Callie Vogeli. E vangeline Poley It ,m av be held at a la te r date if His early c ap tu re was prevented i “ g ro ss” for Ju n e, 1922. was $22,-jof his crown against the hard hit- M innie Poley, Leota R ogers, G eral- p lain tiffs fail in this suit, and P lain- by a refu sal of the ju stice of the ¡897,098.65. a decrease of one per-«ting, aggressive Mr. Lew Tendler. j dine Ruch. M arie R idings, Grace« tiff T e rrill will agree not to raise issug a w a rra n t ch arg in g cent from the gross revenues of Ju n e T endler, the younger of the two ASTORIA, Or., Ju ly 27.— C attle H aw kyard, P hila B. H all, Alice D. any question as to the le sa litv or 1921, but by efficiency and econ­ m aulers by th re e years, is looked such la te r election. Rut who is to k ' m w'th lelony and a w ain in g b> k illing cougars a re reaping a gbast Heyes Leona M arsters, Amy Stifle, omy m easures the railw ay operating upon as the logical successor to the fix th e date for holding such an th a t court th a t anyone killing ^ iim , jy toll am ong the herds of the upper Mabel Bay. SO l’TH BEND, W ash., July 27.— election? The county clerk cannot, would be charged w ith m u rd e r Nelialem valley and the ranchers are Ju n io r High School— E thel Reid, One of th e distinctive c h a ra c te rs o f' expenses were reduced, which ac­ th ro n e of lightw eightdom . W ithout fo r he m ust fix the d a te a t not more Iso alarm ed in one region th a t they Sue Thim m , C aribel M orehouse, El- the old N orthw est is being buried counts for the increase in the net doubt he is the tougjiest opponent th a n 20 days a fte r the filing of th e ---------------------------- I a re keeping th eir children indoors, sie Howell, W inifred. Spencer, Doro ; hpre today in tbP ppr8on o{ .yidge railw av O p e ra tin g incom e, which is ¡now seeking to have Leonard ahdi- p e titio n : th e court has no such an- o b ta in e d ^ a fte r d e d u c in g th e rail- cate from his ezardoni over th e d i­ thoritjU and a d m ittin g th a t T errill ITALY IN THROES OF The cougars a re unusually bold, th ea A braham s, Leonilla Sm ith. John N athan Skidm ore, who died w ould not object, it would seem th a t way tax accruals, uncollectible rail- vision. SOCIALISTIC UPHEAVAL in one instance killing a calf w ithin G rades— E dythe Stevenson Bu- a t the age of 89 years. every tax p ay er in the county so dis­ wray revenues, equipm ents, rents. ---------------------------- ■ ¡100 feet of a ranch house door and enna Tem ple, M ildred M illion, S arah He cam e from K entucky to Ore­ posed’ could do so. and p laiptiffs vir­ e t c , from the net revenue from DREAM OF 50 YEARS COM33H ROME, Ju ly 27.— The e ffo rts of in several o th er instances s trik in g W illiam son. Em m a K elting, R uth tu a lly concede th a t by m aking Daley gon 69 years ago, and helped clear railw ay operations. j TRI E WHEN R. R. ENTERS Deputy Meda to form a new cabinet down th e ir victim s close to barns Pearl Davis. Vera Zinn. Vera Man- the forest from the present site of a plg ln tiff . , As I in te rp re t ^he case o- Coopev succeeding the Facta m inistry, h*as and buildings. ' nel, Mabel M. Eby, Ella Lischefsky, P o rtlan d . In the Indian uprising The " et railw a r « P erat.ng Income VERNONIA. Or.. July 27.— The vs. K eadv. 81 Or. 224, th is case ended in failu re. j ---------------------------- E dna K ennedy, V etric McCredie, of 1855, Mr. Skidm ore joined th e iB tb e am ou,,t « ^ lia b le for th e pay- railro ad has come to V ernonia! fails com pletely w ithin its provision A dream of nearly 50 years, dat- M eanwhile th e political situ atio n SID E OF JA IL BLOWN OUT, Hazel B runer, Lysle G regory, Isa- Oregon m ounted volunteers and en­ m ent of in te rest on bonds and o th er] — th a t th e court ought to weigh th e fixed charges, and for dividends. ing back to the days when the first PO LITICAL PRISO N ERS F L E E bella WattCTibarger. rela tiv e convenience and inconven- grows m ore tense w ith rum ors of a gaged in a num ber of b a ttle s d uring \ The o p erating ratio , which is th e h u n te rs and tra p p e rs invaded this lence to th e respective p arties by th e p o s s i b l e m ilitary dictatorship. LONDON, July 27.— A h undred ----------------- the. w arfare. It was in 1871 th a t g ra n tin g or refusal to ^r a a ^ Twelve A storia— Lung Bell L um ber com- b aro m eter of railro a d efficiency and erstw hile secluded d istric t of Colnh- 3lV( person^ a re rep o rted as h av -!an d five republican political prison-« he settled in th is county to m ake it good m anagem ent, was 69.71 for bia county, is ju st realized as th e if p l a i n t i f f s a re rig h t, they m erelv *nS Yieen killed in the fighting be- ers escaped from th e D undalk ja il pany plan n in g to build big m ill soon. hig hQme for 51 ypars he Ju n e, 1922, as com pared w ith 7 8 ;66 steel for th e P o rtla n d . A storia & s u ffe r the h u m iliation of a recall if tw een th e fascisti and socialists, when th e side of th e building w a s ---------------------------- fo r Ju n e, 1921. A very satisfacto ry Pacific ra ilro a d Is being laid w ithin th e election goes against him , w hile w bicb bas jU ^ing In R avenna blown o u t by a m ine, according to C ottage Grove— New pavem ent the city lim its. showing. for tbe past 24 hours. ’a D ublin dispatch. ¡n ear here now ready for use. Try the classified colum ns. (Continued on Page Four) RAILROAD STRIKE MAY BE ENDED OVER SUNDAY 40 PASSE ARE RESCUED STEAMER SINKS BV SÜPT. T8ISCBE II INSANE KILLER . GIVES UP AFTER TEN DAY SIEGE OVER LAST YEAR Euuii SITE OF PORTLAND