Uedneaday, May 10. (»ai À satA M i M t t l r Tfficra« pl a t three Move« to V oorhies-— Col uni bin H otel G uests— LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Jennie Jones, who has been The follow ing gu ests are regís- LOOKING AFTER THE CATTLE Chauqtauuqa Opening Day residing at 150 F irst street, has tered at the Colum bia hotel during moved to Voorhies, Or. notice Wednesday, May 24th the past few days: Mr. and Mrs. L. Not Alone In Poorer Districts of Ire­ land Are A nim »!| Sheltered A nother m illinery class w ill start _____ One cent thè word each time. _ . . . ----------- B H ulin, E ugene, Or.; Jack G. With the Family. Fresh 'sn, oysters, crabs, chick- Fowler> San Prancisc0; Mr and Monday evenin g, May 15, under Mrs. Ash- Mrs. j . j . Gumsey Mr aud Mrg c PHYSICIANS. G ray’s in stru ction s. For in form a­ ens rabbits. Call Tel. 104. It is well known that the pig» be­ land F ish and P oultry Market. 18 6 tf A . Brown, Seattle; Miss Fitch, Ed tion, call B lanche H icks, librarian. a . cro w n , aeattie; Miss F itch, Ed longing to the poorer peasants in ihe FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— efe, 197-tf A H everson. Joseph J. B areli, G. P . , villages of Ireland are practically 211-2 ------------ Thos. H. Sim pson, of Ashland, au- throat. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and " ------ ~ ------- ------- -- ’ - - - “members o f the fam ily.” The house Perry, G eorge Coons, Mr. and Mrs. Buys Ford to M ake Trip— U nderw ent O peratio Heard Here With Steelman- Giorizes his announcem ent as a can- 2 to 6. Sw edenburg Bldg Aeh- is to all to; eat* and purposes their 9 Be H. H. B achtell. o f 578 Iowa street. W ebst«r> Mra- M. T iftan , Mr. and Marriner-Taylor Trio. didate for J he nom ination for the land, Ore. ” 73-tf Mrs. A lene Bom ar Flynn under­ rightful lodging and eating quarters, i has purchased a Ford car. Mr. Bach- ' ie a is e ’ Los A nse le s; F. J. ____ i o .fic e of County Com m issioner of Ireland, however, is not the only I went a at very terday R ic h critical m o n d C operation a ? if? a n d ves- he’r tel1 ls gettin g wel1 a lon * in years’ S l i f •' M ^ M rs^ F L ^ B q /n e « ’ esuntry In which one may find live The New Zealanders are naturally SU£ i? Ct tO the de’ DR. J. J. EMMEN&— Physician and Surgeon. Practice lim ited io s„rpri8,„K i ,’ ------- plete _____________ u t eXDeots o S t a r t o OQ n » n f r i n that » !,« » • BoJge AU ’ . Q M FS- * W • orkman L- stock indoors, as ba the outlying vil­ . « a , p e w com recovery is hoped for. „ Her 'b but expects t to start M eye, ear, nose oud throat. G lasses lages in the northern part of Russia may seem they have reached a high May 19th, 1922. will take him several w eeks to com - , ’ , ge W o,am an » supplied. O culist and aurlst for aunt, Mrs. Cotter, Is at her bedside, S. P. R. R. O ffices, M f 1. and H. ’ plete. He will visit in W ashington . 6Cker’ .H ; Im boof> M- Im h oof- the family cow (nearly every house­ state of musical development in this and her m other w ill not go to Rich-i FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Bldg., M sdford, tire. Phone 567 . . . ’ and Idaho w hile enne M A ver’ and Mr- and Mrs- A- Bees, hold owns one) is under shelter for far-off corner of the world, and have j produced some very fine artists who — G eorge A lford, of Phoenix, an ­ mond unless the d au gh ter’s condi- ana iaan o w h ile gone eight months out of every twelve, says A lliance, Neb. nounces him self as a candidate on DR. MATTIE B. SHAW — Special at London Answers. tion is such as to dem and it. tention to m others and children. the Republican ticket, for County For Insurance, good under all clr- The whole countryside is a mass of Internal secretions and endocrine Special! Yakim a N etted Gem po­ Com m issioner of Jackson County, Beaver R ealty Co. snow for months on end, and 40 to 50 Blue Ribbon bread, one pound cum stances. glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ Oregon, subject to the decision of the tatoes, $2.00 per hundred pounds. degrees below xero is not uncommon; loaves. 8 cents; tw o loaves for 15 neer avenue Telephone 28. Of­ Republican voters of said county, at D etricks’ G roceteria. W e se ll for so the poor beasts have to be cooped fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to « the prim ary election, May 19th, 192 2. cents. One and a half pound loaves, In City T u e s d a y - less. 19g tf up. They are fed—or, rather, nearly p. m. Mr. F lackus of Siskiyou, was in 12 cents. M alted Milk tw ins, 12 starved. <»n senna grass, collected and . . .. . ............................ : . cents. At your grocer or at Bon Ton the city Tuesday on business. ♦ • DR. SHAW7— Eye, ear, nose, throat stored by the Russians during the short Purchase» M a x w e ll- < $ > <$>' specialist; glasses fitted. O ffice Bakery. 2 1 0 tf G eorge W orkm an, o f A lliance. summer, and they emerge when the ! at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- Let us brighten up your old suit. * CHAUTAUQUA DATES snow has disappeared very thin in­ Neb., has purchased a M axwell car ing and by appointm ent. Phone 28. Snow In Siskiyou»— P aulseru d’s. 198tf deed. from a local autom ob ile dealer. Barham Brothers, who operate a ----------- Although living la the same habita­ W etlnesday, May 21th CHIROPRACTORS. saw m ill near the sum m it of the Em broidery Club to M eet— tion as their owners, they are allotted ~ DR. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY B argains in second hand lawn a separate apartment. The chickens Slsklyou s, report that eig h t inches The Friday A fternoon E m b roid ery1 M onday, May 29th '— V isiting Chiropractic Physician. m owers. F ixlt Shop. Beaver block. are also sheltered in the living and o f snow fell at the m ill Monday. N euritis cases a apecialty. Phone club will m eet this week with Mrs. ' sleeping rooms and are “hutched" in 118-J. Treatm ent given only in J. R. L illy, 39 Union street. G G G G G ?' GGGGGGGGd the tireplace. K lam ath O fficials H ere— your own home. For sale, a fine productive three- The tire actually ls about two and a County Judge Bunnell and Super- acre tract with good house, barn, Our su its satisfy. P au lseru d ’s. PLUMBING half feet above th e level o f the floor, .JUST AR RIV ED! 1 9 8 ) f ViS° r Sbort’ of K lam ath F alls, ar­ and with a few thin pieces of wood nice fruit and berries, w ell suited rived in Ashland this m orning on the aperture underneath is easily con­ H. IL ADAMS— Plum bing, Contract­ W H AT? FENCING! W H ER E? for chickens. See B illings Agency ing and day work. 24 8 F ifth St. train 13, and left on the K lam ath verted Into a cosy place for the fowls 209-3 Elk Ladies Card Club— phone 166-J. lOOtf F alls stage, which was held half an in the winter. The Elk L adles card club w ill In the village In the N ile district, hour to aw ait their arrival. Moye Report d i - CONVALESCENT HOME : m eet at their club room Thursday Before sending away your or­ where the houses have flat tops, the Mr. W olcott has moved from 247 afternoon at 2 :3 0 o ’clock. The host­ der, com e and see F ail’s new car­ CONVALESCENT HOME — Facing Dew Drop Inu for w affles, lunch­ natives make use o f the roofs to Third street to 248 F irst street. load of fencing. Every variety— Lithia park— cottage plan. Milk esses for the afternoon w ill be Mrs. es, hot m eals, s a n d w ic h e s . and “house” their sm aller live stock, such ■ barbed wire to fancy yard fencing diet and other N ature cures. Mrs. as sheep, goats and poultry. J. H. McGee and Mrs. John Short-I salads. — He guarantees to beat catalogue 2 0 4 tf W. M. Barber. Free consultations The fam ous Victor 10 inch record : rjdge prices. 2 to 4. 153 Granite St. Phone has been reduced from 85 cents to _______ ;bave met wlth »access on this side 411-R. 192-1 mo Garden tools, hose, and new and ST,LL UVE STONE AGE" i Of the Pacific. 75 cents. Three thousand to select The best home m ade candies can THOMPSON’S NEW CLOCK used sew ing m achines alw ays on I W i Chautauqua folks will have oppor- MARBLE WORKS from at R ose B rothers. 1 5 2 tf be had at R ose Brothers. 1 52tf. hand. " - PM y p y l. t Who y A r . ln « .r ..U „ , R .l. to m t , t« h e « ORDERS prom ptly filled at Ashland Guy M„ rl0„ born „„„ Marble W orks. 117 N. Main St. * a • in New Zealand, will appear here as Mrs. A, H. R ussell.__________ 209-2 „ Pianist with the Steelman-Marriner- HOMES — RANCHES Adventurea In the wilds of New Taylor Company. This young man TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. Guinea were experienced by a film has attracted considerable attention FOR prompt and careful service, ORCHARDS U ,Uia!LiuiOtOr ,au“^h- ,he among the musical people of New apto trucks or horse drays, call U a ttle The ^ p ^ t i o p cruised along !Zealandi and al80 Au8trallai where W hittle Transfer Op. Phone 11?. MA d o m estic sc ie n c e tea ch er ss id it the coast of N ew Guinea, three times 'hi8 brlm ant p a y in g has stamped him O ffice, 89 Oak street near Hotel Renting, Loans, Transfers grounding on uncharted reefs, and each ¡M a young artl8t of rare talents He Ashland. • 56tf w a s th e lig h te st c a k e sh e h ad e v er time the hydrographic staff carefully j g maklng hls seC0IH, tol,r of the Pae, Notary Work corrected the charts carried. A week 'flc Coast states this summer, f . L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS ta ste d or seen — b u t rem ark ed th a t or to later a storm picked up the Wat- I FER — Good team and m otor­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ 1 u sed a t le a st six e g g s in e v e r y ca k e. tie and impaled it on a coral spur. Af- j “ — — — — — — — ---------- BEAVER REALTY CO. able price. Phone 83. ter unwelcome labot; In * shade tem- j TOURIST FROM WASHINGTON 15 First St. Phone 68 S h e w ou ld n ’t b e lie v e 1 u sed on ly perature of 104 degrees the launch THINKS LITHIA PARK BEST TR AN SFER AND HAULING was refloated. In one place the vlsl- i _______ JACKSON TR AN SFER CO. — We t w o — until 1 sh o w ed her ex a c tly tors found that the people were still Deputy Sheriff Lon A. Clarke, his haul everything. Call 433-J. in the Neolithic age. stone axes and w ife and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. h o w 1 m a d e it. N o w sh e u ses n oth ­ 208-1 mo* adzes being in general use. The cam­ George Sharon and baby, all of Seat­ ADAMS TRANSFER — Wood" and in g but R o y a l.” Mr«, G. S. era expert Was Interested in the weav­ tle, stopped Monday night at the storage. Phone 460. 211-1 mo ing o{ clotli by the natives. A special tree,w ae selected an