PAGfc f WO ASHLAND DAÏLÏ tfÖJÖfÖS A white barber in Red Bluff sold out to a negro, and the latter has Established 1876 placed the ban on his own color and Published Every Evening Except refuses his services to other than Sunday white men. And now the colored THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. folks of that town are up In arm s, OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY and the proverbial razor is likely to PAPER be called into requisition for p ur­ TELEPHONE 39 poses other than shaving. Ashland Tidings E. J. BARRETT, E ditor Wednesday, May 1«, lllJiy ' J - 1'1 Chautauqua Opening Day Wednesday, May 24th T o w n W ill E n jo y H ilb u r n Street Congregational church on E aster Sunday, so dense was the crowd th a t occupied every seat and every inch of standing room before the services commenced. Officers stood near the sign and pointed it out to churchgoers who still sought to crowd Into the building. Pass on the 11 o’clock stage, and from G rants Pass, they will hike four miles up into the hills where Mrs, Suggs’ husband and son are working on a mining claim. Little Janie is only four years old, but is able to romp over the hills as fast as her m other «in go, and was look­ ing forward to the trip with a great deal of apparent pleasure. J GOOD NIGHT, JUDGE! NEW YORK, May 10.— “ You say your husband is shiftless?” a local divorce co u rt judge queried of a dusky woman who was suing her husband for absolute divorce. ‘ Shiftless?” countered the neg- ress. “Why, Jedge, dat man so shift­ less he thinks Manual Labor is a Mexican.” - Noted Character Impersonator Will Make a Big Hit at the SMALL TOT WILL TAKE WAR, THE DECEIVER HIKE TO HILLS WITH MOTHER Chautauqua One month .................................. $ .65 The conference at Genoa does not Fine Oak R efrigerators a t Icen- Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 promise great things. Perhaps when Mrs. J. H. Suggs and daughter hower’s New and Second Hand S to re,, Columbia records reduced to 65c Si x months . . . ........................... 3.75 One year . . . . 1....................... 7 50 it is over the best th at will be said Janie left this m orning for G rants 389 E. Main. 199-lmo* at Rose Brothers. 152tf of it will be th at it made begin­ Mail and R ural R outes One month .................................. $ .65 nings. It brought together repre­ Three months .............................. 1.95 sentatives of nations that have not Hix months .................................. 3.50 One year ..................................... 6.5( met around a council table for many years. There is at least something ADVERTISING RATES gained in that. Display Advertising The problems discussed are mo­ Bln ie insertion, each inch. . . , 30c mentous, but the spirit manifested YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising has not been good. There is too One tim e a w eek...................... 2 7 %c much of craft and cunning; too much Two times a week...................... 25 c ’Cveiy o th e r d a y ........................... 20 c of bitterness and selfishness; too little willingness to make conces Local Readers Bach line, each tim e .................... TOc sions; too many survivals of the evil To i un every other day for one genius of the old diplomacy which |AR-O W NERS w ho bought a 30x3’/2 month, each lfhe, each tim e. . 7c reckons in cliques and combinations To run"every issue for one month “U sco” for $10.90 last Fall have or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c and boths fears and tru sts balances te ■ of power. There Is little to be Classified Column discovered this by now — One cent the word each time. hoped from such muddling. To run every issue for one month N obody before ever got so much A chastened Europe might have or more, %c the word each time. tire value in the neighborhood of ten dollars. been expected at least to have gain­ Legal Rate F irst time, per 8-poiut lin e ......... 10c ed a little common sense from the T hey never had to question the quality Each subsequent time, per 8- experience of the last eight years point line .................................... 5c And yet, such is the futility of war — with the makers o f JU. S. Royal Cords Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 th a t it even seems to deprive its behind it. O bituaries, the l i n e ......................2 ^ c victims of the power to profit by Fraternal Orders and Societies They couldn’t help admiring the Advertising for fratern al orders its chastisem ents. or societies charging a regular Initi­ The most ordinary common sense price — spontaneously made to A. Mather Hilburn has been called “the master entertainer” by enthusias­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ exercised by any im partial observer tic critics of his work in the East, where he has been a standard Chautauqua m eet the new economy times. ligious and benevolent orders wUl be charged the regular rate for all ad would give ¡advice som ething like attraction for several years. Chautauqua folks here will have an opportunity vertlsing when an admission or other this: “ You peoples of Europe stru g ­ to see and hear his fine character delineation and his “types” which are justly charge Is made. gling to recover from the terrible famous. Mr. Hilburn is a clever and most versatile entertainer. In bis pro­ A tire that would gram of characterizations he uses wig and grease paint to visualize his, char­ scourge of w ar need more than any­ acters. He has few superiors as a make-up artist, for his characterizations W hat Constitutes Advertising be high value at In order to allay a m isunderstand­ thing else to co-operate one with an­ are marked by a subtle artistry in which Is evidenced natural ability, thor­ ing among some as to what consti­ other. Seeking prosperity separately ough training and broad platform experience. Chautauqua—the first night more than $10.90. tutes news and what advertising, and at the expense of each other, not we print this very simple rule, which At $10.90 it is Is used by newspapers to differenti­ one of you will find it. But co-op­ estry departm ent and were enroute Mesdames Yeo, Fuller, Homer Bill- unapproached. ate between them : "ALL future erating with your rem aining resour­ to Klam ath county, where they will ings. Ralph Billings and Dr. Gladys events, where an admission charge ces you may restore all. You need begin the fight against the pine bee- Crandall assisted the hostess. A fter is made or a collection Is taken IS trade with each other. You need tie which has been destroying so a social time and a guessing contest, ADVERTISING.” This applies to United States Tires organizations and societies of every each o th er’s products and each oth­ much tim ber in the K lam ath na- the business meeting was held. The •re Good Tires e r’s services. You have in the com tional forest. They will operate in annual election of officers was held, kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after bined holdings of afi, all th at you the vicinity of Bly, Oregon, and will and the following were elected for Copyright they have occurred is news. 1922 need. Individually you must remain continue with the wrk there until the insuing year: President, Mrs. U. 9. TU« Co. All comiug social or organization in poverty and w ant.” about July first, a t which time it W alker; vice-president, Mrs| Ralph meetings of societies where no But there is not in all the w ork becomes too dry to rick burning the Billings; secretary and treasurer, money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS a voice to speak these simplest words trees out, which is the only way th at Mrs. Martin. It was voted to have NEWS. of wisdom, and were the advice giv­ has been discovered to check the the annual picnic in the park on en, it would not be received in ser­ work of the beetle. The work will June 6. Refreshm ents of cake and Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, iousness by anyone in authority In be postponed then until the rains coffee were served and a pleasant Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ ter. Europe. commence in the fall. afternoon enjoyed by all. Such potency has war to deprive mankind of reason. i u M me D P layground ; TEA-CUP CLUB WERE BOSTON CHURCH HOISTS ENTERTAINED YESTERDAY ! “NO ADMISSION” SIGN RADIO KISS RESORTED TO IN CLOSING BROKEN CIRCUIT The Tea-cup club was entertained BOSTON, May 10. — “ Church Aubscrlptiou P rice D elivered in City: Never before could you get so much tire worth for $10.9° SEATTLE, May 10.— The radio kiss has been’ discovered by W. K. Romans, of this city, and he says “ it’s the greatest of indoor sports.” Romans made his discovery-quite By accident, and he claims no glory for the “ Invention.” He and Mrs. Romans were listening to a radio broadcasting on two sets of ear SOLOMONITES phones in th eir home when one ter minal of each of the phones became <«• THAT DAY LOST dislodged. Rom ans’ hand came In • But if through all the live long <$» contact with that of his wife and day the circuit became instantly re-es • We’ve eased no heart x by yea <§> tablished. ® or nay; <$> Realizing what had happened Ro­ If through it all mans reached over and kissed his <$- We’ve nothing done th a t we wife. The concert which had been • can trace <§> tem porarily discontinued for the • That brought some sunshine to <♦> couple resumed Immediately with a face— <$> the completion of the circuit through No act most small, the contact of the lips. <* That helped some soul and <$> • nothing cost— KLAMATH FALLS STAGE • Then count th a t day as worse $> LOADED TO THE GUARDS than lost. > The Klam ath Falls stage is doing * • a heavy business these days from Some European spokesmen like appearances, as they were compelled some spokes, ju st go round and to use two large 11-passenger cars round in a circle. and one seven passenger car to carry • • the 17 passengers, baggage and mall Old ladies criticize the flapper be­ that was offered for passage this cause she is doing things they will morning. Eleven of the passengers never again have a chance to do. were men from the Rogue river val­ • • ley, who are connected with the for- Every year brings forth new rules tor disposing of mosquitoes and then the mosquitoes refuse to abide by them. * * Some of those European states­ men seem determ ined to negotiate a treaty with the Russian reds if it takes every dollar in the United with gas around my heart. Couldn’t States treasury. breathe,” many people say. • • No such choking or anxiety if you Speaking of men who are born op- will take Baalm ann’s Gas Tablets, tomistic. Hamilton Holt is today’s which are prepared especially for best example. He thinks the demo­ stomach gas and particularly for all crats can win on the league of na­ the bad effects from gas pressure tions issue in 1924. against your most vital organ— your • • The son of the farm er who used heart. That empty, gone and gnawing to ride up on horseback ju st in time to pay the mortgage sends word now feeling at the pit of your stomach to the old gentleman to back out the will disappear; th at anxioua. nervous limousine and come down to the city feeling, with heart palpitation, will vanish, and you will once more be and get him. able to take a deep breath, so often • • The C hautauqua association has prevented by gas pressing your put on a bargain sale in season tick­ heart and lungs. These unique tablets are sold by ets. They want to sell not less than E lh a rt’s Drug Store and other reli­ 1500. and it looks like they have hit on a plan to put it over. The price able druggists. Be sure to insist up­ is cut to $1.50, and if they go over on the genuine Baalm ann’s Gas Tab­ the top on the sale, you get a re­ lets in the yellow package. Price one dollar. J. Baalmann, Chemist, bate of 50 cents. Not a bad idea. San Francisco. __j Almost Choked Last Night at the home of Mrs. William Denton crowded. No adm ission.” on Laurel street, yesterday a fte r­ A sign bearing these words was noon, with 25 lad-ies in attendance. placed outside the door of the Park Fithian for National Committeeman FITHIAN FITHIAN WILL WILL Where you can ouy N. DIX & SON U. S. Tires: « BE «ET LOYAL COMMITTEE TO HUSTLING THE FOR TICKET OREGON O. H. FITH IAN R epublican C andidate Williams a Joke as Vice-Chairman N.tlonalb Commi’S 2 r . , n„ T ? Wl" ‘an,s- has bee" sidetracked b , lb , a ha™ less vlce-chahm anshlp, and I, useless to HE high degree of com­ fort built into the good Maxwell emphasize s afresh the value of this fine car as a sound investment in reliable transportation. T , . i be hours spent by Williams at P o rtlan d ’s 'swellest club had been ?o’r’ o ,'? people.' ' n8 ' ° r ° rCS<>n' U,ls" t What is Wrong with Williams? ' Vill*ams. has no chance of becoming National Chairman and running the presidential campaign in 1924, or even the W estern end of it g The reason is that the National Committee seems extremely unwilling to tru st Williams with the m anagem ent of even the Pacific Coast part »( the national campaigns. For instance, in 1918, when a Regional Dire^to! for the Coast was selected, the-Com m ittee turned Williams down In favor of Raymond Benjamin of San Francisco. Then, In 1920 when H ardine was running, Williams was again ignored, and Elm er E Dover of Taco™ was chosen to conduct the campaign on the Coast. W hat Is wrong with Williams? C » r d Ur»«, n on -aM rf A o n f a n d r»«r; rf/«c a te e j trheela. d a m o u n ta b le a t rim and at hub; d ru m ty p e lam p»; Adam ite h tbrioation , m o to r d riv e n ataotric horn; unuauaUp to u t a p rm ta ; d e e p . urtda, ro o m y aoata. rea l leath ai u ph olatarp tn opan oara, b ro a d e lo th In e lo a e d oara. o p e n oar aide curtain» open w ith « o a r a , clu tch a n d b ra k e a e tte n . atearrnil an d gear »hitting rem arkably aaay; Is Williams Loyal to Nominees? tbA Oregon Republicans are discussing W illiams’ connection with and » r T F S ° f. certain Republican nominees for United States Senator T n p u » a mv1«“ S the questlon> DID WILLIAMS DO HIS FULL DUTY BY F l d S J 'i n 1? ? questi° n . is being asked by friends of the late Senator Fulton in Astoria. It is being asked in Eugene by friends of Senator f r i . ^ ? , k ^ « „ Sra lS » tU drie” d8 Sen'“ ° r McNarX- a " d ,n P o rtla”d by •ear typa w ater-tight w indahteld Price» F O B D e t r o r i r e v e n u e l a , t o b a Touring Car, 9883; R o a d »ter, 9885; Coupe. 31385, Sedan. 31483 A. W . WALKER AUTO CO. Phone 18 VOTE ,lc .n FIw TbHo,A ^ , ii i: FOR F IT H IA N a R E ? l!¥liLICANl' eiiSMINeE E s' i '! ™ 1* ? W ,LL 0E T THE NATIONAL C O M M liiiE and th e “ I S : AL GOVERNMENT TO HUSTLE FOR OREGON. FITHIAN CLUB, By Charles T. Early, President, Robt. G. McNary, Secretary, ',.-1.* '* ’ ' ' Chas. W. Eberlein, Treasurer. «•> MEDFORD, OREGON Qfce Good