pagí W tí ASR l ÀNÌ) hAÍLt TÍÉÍfófó - < -> m i person who buys liquor from a boot­ legger on his statem ent th a t it is E stab lish ed 1876 the real stuff. PubUahed Every E vening Except • • §unday Americans live too fast, says Count THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. Ilya Tolstoy. But, judging from his OFrtCLLD CITY AND CÓUNTY views on the Russian reds, he would PAPER be 'Filling to adm it th a t the reds TELEPHONE 39 By M. L. OPDYCKE light will perm it your vision to pen­ are not making the Russians suffer The Mammoth caves of; Kentucky etrate. E . J. BARRETT, E ditor from too much living. are just what their name implies— The Ghost Chamber su b scrip tion Price D elivered In City: mammoth. The Mammoth cave is From here through another of Remember th at the C hautauqua is One m onth ......................................$ .65 great for the size of its chambers, those gorgeous corridors, the visitor Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 a part of Ashland, and don’t fail to it is a cave that is mammoth, and enters what is known as the ‘ Ghost Six months .................................. 3.75 get your season ticket. that is all. Ond year ........................................ 7.50 Cham ber,” so called because the Mail and Rural R ou tes The above is intended simply to first glance within with a light re ­ Notice in the news th at over Bend One month .................................. $ .65 impress the reader with the differ­ veals a num ber of w-eird white fig­ Three months .............................. 1.95 way they have had q u te an addition Six months .................................. 3.50 to the sheep family, one ewe giving ence 'betw een the Mammc^th cave ures, which tu rn out to be massive One year 6.51 birth to five lambs. W onder will and the Josephine County (Oregon! pillars of stalactite and stalagm ite there be a corresponding drop in the caves, situated south of G rants Pass, grown together. The exact size of ADVERTISING RATES these la tte r being a labyrinth of this cham ber is not known, but it is Display Advertising price of French chops? chambers from a few feet in size to estim ated to be some 350 feet long, Bin :e insertion, each in c h ........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS others of great dimensions, and all 150 feet wide and 100 feet high. Portland m ust be jealous of the Display A dvertising fame Ashland Is getting In the en ter­ decorated in one of the finest and This is an immense cavern and One tim e a w e e k ................................. 27 %c Two times a week.............................. 25 c tainm ent of notables. See where most spectacular stage settings that forms into com partm ents, the larg­ Nveiy other d a y .................................20 c they have invited Lord and Lady As­ the eye ever witnessed. They are est of which is known as the “ P resi­ Local Render* sometimes known as the “ Marble d en t’s Room,” a great and lofty Each line, each tim e .....................10c tor to the rose festival. Or maybe Halls of Oregon,’’ a name given to cham ber and the finest of the whole Mayor Baker recalls Nancy Lang­ To run every other dby for one them by Joaquin Miller, the “ Poet series. There is also the “ Drawing month, each line, each tim e. . 7c horne’s earlier days, and thinks she of the Sierras,’’ and have been madej Room” with its reg u lar scalloifed To run every issue for one month may be as prodigal of her kisses as a national monum ent by the United floor giving the appearance of a rich or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c wa9 Mary Garden. C lassified Column States government. carpet and a hallway with a partly One cent the word each time. Discovery frescoed ceiling where crystal flow­ Notice th at Salem has celebrated To run every issue for one month Legend has it th at these caves ers of weird and fantastic design or more, %c the word each time. its blossom day. Lucky for us we were discovered by Elijah Davidson, I ^ g a l R ate have been developed. didn’t stage one in this vicinity, al­ F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c an early pioneer of southern Oregon, Unnam ed Chamber though a look over the valley this Each subsequent time, per 8- while hunting in 1874. He wound­ At the eastern end of this great morning would find every shrub and point line ................................... 6c ed a bear at the top of the mountain room is a ladder into a chamber that Card of th a n k s ............................ $1.00 tree covered with a m antle of white Obituaries, the l i n e ...................... 2% c — but, the coverlet is not of blos­ F raternal Orders and S ocieties soms. T hat w eather man ought to Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular initi­ be taken in hand by the K. K. K. or ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ someone with methods equally as ligious and benevolent orders wUl 'be effective. charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other Every family in Ashland should charge Is made. have at least two season tickets for W hat C onstitutes A dvertising the C hautauqua. The price is set at In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing amoug some as to what consti­ $1.50. If the sale exceeds $1500, tutes news and what advertising, and it should be better than that, we print this very simple rule, which every holder of a ticket will be given Is used by newspapers to differenti­ a rebate of 50 cents, so th at the ate between them : "ALL future events, where an admission charge cost of the ticket will be only one Is made or a collection is tak es IS dollar. And th a t for a series of ADVERTISING.” This applies to entertainm ents th a t could not be organizations and societies of every duplicated for $50. kind as well as to individuals. OREGON CAVES All reports of such activities after Too bad th at we had to postpone ‘The Most Spectauclar Caves in A m erica.” they have occurred is news. the reception to the “cave men” on All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no account of the weather. We had an overlooking the caves, and it tum ­ is the most w onderful spectacle in money contribution is solicited, in iti­ idea th a t cave men didn’t care a bled and crept the 5000 feet down tile whole labyrinth. This is a cir­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS to the lower entrance of the caves, cular chamber, not more than 25 whoop about th a t sort of thing; but NEWS. where it took refuge within. Some feet in diam eter, and estim ated to come to think of it, when storm s Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, came up, they used to crawl into three years afterw ards, Davidsoh, be 200 feet high, and every foot of with two companions, again went to the wall is decorated with clusters Postoff-lce as Second-class Mall Mat­ their holes and then pull the holes ter. the caves and entered them for a of cr.vstalized carbonates, resem b­ in after them. Hope we have bet­ short distance at the lower opening, ling more than anything else great ter luck on Thursday in the m atter ¿UMME d P l AYG&OUND' another opening later being discov­ snow white swans in upward flight. of weather. The reception of the ered. They explored but little, and OfjAflERICA' G rants Pass delegation will not be even yet, there are many unexplored i less warm for the postponement, on chambers. the contrary, it will givq us a few Entrances .jm ' more days to store up the energy There are two entrances to the necessary for a strenuous welcome caves, one almost at the bed of the in keeping with the event. canyon, and another about 300 feet higher. The lower entrance is the WASHINGTON fi. TESTING YOUR /TEMPERAMENT .BRITISH CC _____ _ larger and is the outlet of a spark­ hCtjT. COOL D*Y>V J I You have a tem peram ent. Every­ ling stream of water, which coining ------------- [A RESTFUL SUXP EVERY I body has. Old-fashioned folk would from the internal darkness, ledfcis call it your disposition. But science and plunges down a rugged canyon, i is following a more modern style. The entrance of this cavern is from SOLOMON ITES So you might as well get in line and ten to 50 feet wide and 75 feet high. acknowledge that you, too, are car­ There are few decorations at the • • 3> Q> <> <$> <§■ <$> <$> <§> rying a tem peram ent concealed some entrance, but the rugged grandeur * <8> where about your person. causes the adventurer to gasp. A 1 < HAI TAI QUA DATES ♦ Very well, then, how about get­ ladder is mounted to a narrow shelf ♦ ting acquainted with your tem pera­ 12 or 15 feet above the stream , and Monday, May 24th ment? It is the child of your moods then a devious passage of some dis­ and the gtandchild of your emotions. tance through cracks and fissures, j <•> Saturday, May 29th <$> W ant to test it out”: If you can narrow , crooked, with sharp turns, <•» stand living with yourself, do this sometimes opening into chambers of Marble Form ations in Oregon Caves ...................... for a month. considerable size, and on each side • • R esum e When you get up every morning, narrow passages leading away into Let the reader pause and contem ­ scowl at yourself in the m irror. At the darkness. The first room the THE WELL-SPENT DAY plate. Two miles under a vast the end of the month, say psycholo­ visitor enters is known as “ Old Nicks If we can sit down at set of sun, m ountain; more than a thousand And count the things th at we have gists, your facial map will resemble Bedroom.” It is low and rugged, feet of rock and earth above you, In done. a sector of no m an’s land in rainy but was probably considered quite this circular cham ber so high th at weather. And counting find good enough for the repose of his the ceiling cannot be seen, reminded Then sta rt smiling at what you satanic majesty. One self-denying act; one word of angels by the pure white, wonder­ see in the m irror on the thirty-first That eased the heart of him who Junquin Miller’s Room ful architecture inexpressible with heard; ‘ day. You will perk up wonderfully. From here you enter what has silence where millions of years of One glance most kind, Friends will marvel at the change been named “Joaquin M iller’s Room” That fell like sunshine where it th a t’s come over you. And your di in honor of the famous poet. This darkness has held undisputed sway, no sound save the soft drip, drip, went— gestion will be better. room is decoarted profusely with drip of water. Then we may count the day well But don’t k e e p up the morning stalactites and stalagm ites. They are Geologically these caves are one spent. j smile too persistently. It may de­ long slender tubes, clear as glass, of the oldest form ations on the • • generate into a simper. Having let not larger than pipe stem s and so American continent, and show ex­ The so-called rising generation your tem peram ent go to both ex fragile th a t great care is required treme transform ation; they are won- sometimes has to be almost dragged tremes, take control and regulate it. in handling them. There is also a d« rful, beautiful and instructive be­ out of bed in the morning. Let the balance hang Just a trifle marble basin lined with delicate yond description, and every effort * • on the side of the smile, and you frost-like crystals and filled with Reformers who want to abolish will be joyous w ithout becoming water so clear you would not know should he encouraged to set them aside as a national park and make the jury system should go to the chronically sanguine. it was there unless you put your, them so accessible th at the people of jails for unanimous support. hand in it. Beyond this little .c ry s­ tliis generation and future genera­ • • CHARLIE CHAPLIN AND ETH EL tal Jake the tubes, pedestals and tions may see the work of the Su­ She that has ears to hear nowa­ CLAYTON AT VINING statu ettes continue as far as your preme Builder of the Universe. days hangs them with something Ashland Tidings that looks like a chandelier. • • It is easier for a man to forget the things that gave him pleasure than the things which annoyed him. • • Few women may be able to throw stones straight, but too ¡many of them are becoming adept in the use of pistols. • • With m arks selling three for a cent, Germany can hardly be blamed for wanting to get sight of some real money. • • The most interesting thing in watching how high fashion takes the skirts is watching how long m anu­ facturers make the stockings. • • The easy m ark who deserves the diamond studded lemon holder is the matic Marble Caves in Josephine One of Nature’s Wonders TH EA TER An unusually attractive program is on at the Vining th eater for to­ morrow and Thursday— a big dou­ ble bill, which includes the latest attractions of two great stars: Char­ lie Chaplin and Ethel Clayton, each in dram atic vehicles of th eir own The king of comedians appears in his latest creation, “ Pay Day,” in which is encompassed a world of gripping interest in the blending of comedy and pathos, which was char­ acteristic of “ The Kid," the famous Chaplin play which m arked the de­ p artu re of th e famous comedian from his old-time style of slap-stick comedy. Although this is a double bill, the new m anagem ent of the \ ining gives a hint of th eir future policy in the announcem ent th a t there will be no increase in prices. Ethel Clayton, popular Param ount star, who recently has been seen in Out of her savings she loans her several society dram as in which she husband money in a tim e of stress, wore some of the most gorgeous making him believe a friend is mak­ creations in feminine wearing ap­ ing him the loan. In time this a r­ parel ever designed, plays the neatly rangem ent is revealed by the jeal­ tailored office girl and la te r 'the ous wife of the friend and the hus­ economical housewife in her latest band quarrels with his wife and in starring vehicle, “ Her Own Money.” , a rage leaves her. A fter some dra- complications all ends hap- NEWLYWEDS ARE ROPED pily AND LED TO NEW HOME Tonight, Lionel Barrymore will be seen for the last tim e in 'Jim BEND, Or., May 9.— Rev. J. E d­ the Penm an.” gar Purdy, pastor of the Methodist 1 church, tied a hard tight knot when F resh fish, oysters, crabs, chick- he united L. V. Ough and Miss Fan- ens, rabbits. Call Tel. 104. A ah-(nie Moore in m arriage at the par- lAud Fish and Poultry M arket. 186tf: sonage Saturday night, but their ■ 1 ----------------------- and always COPYRIGHT Hotel Vendome for a real place to eat. H om e cooked m eals served fam ily style. B reakfast to order. R egular dinner, 5 0 cento. Sunday chicken dinner, 75 cento. J u st across from Library-— 425 E a st Main St. MR. and MRS. HUDNELL, Props. t9 2 2 Wednesday the Last Day for Options Have Your Options Ready to File The only locations that will be considered will be those upon which legal options are filed, The buyer will have no authority to go outside of the options filed for ground for the hotel project. Make your lowest net cash price. There will be no commissions to pay. Blank options may be had at the Tidings office. Get in your option if you wish to sell your place. BERT A T friends supplemented the bonds ot matrim ony by tying them together with a long rope and they were led through the streets of the business section for a half hour before the party, under the leadership f Ken­ neth Helm, Howard Sellars, A1 Lat- tin and Harvey Dunn, finally escort­ ed them to their new home. R. O R E E R t