PAGK FoUB ASttLAÑD WEEKLY TÍDIÑGS Wednesday, April 2«, H»aíí Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and ^Personal NATIONAL PRESIDENT PARENTVTEACHERS ASSN. WILL BE HERE TUESDAY Old Grant Tannery Still Standing Mrs. Milton Higgins, of Boston, Mass., national president of the Par- i ents-Teachers association, and Mrs. ! Siskiyou Chapter No 21 Examination for Postmaster __ Hill, of Portland, state president of: There will be an exam ination held R A. M. the organization, will be in Ashland, I at the post office at Ashland for Tuesday, May 2, a t which tim e an Masonic Hall, Ashland post m aster of Talent and Riddle, opportunity will be given every Oregon, on Saturday, May 13, 1922. Notice of Meeting. woman of Ashland to meet the d is -: The post m aster at each of the above tinguished guests. Special cceumunicat'on Thursday i named towns are holding over, the W1 e.ciilng, April 27. W ork In second A luncheon has been planned*to be one at Riddle since Oe ober 1, 1920, given at the Hotel Ashland at 12:30 degree. Visiting brethren welcome and the one at Talent since July 1, and Medford people have already en­ GEO. B. ICENHOWER, W. M 1921. W. H. DAY, Secretary. gaged 20 plates a t this affair. Any­ one desiring to attend Is requested H elm an’s W hite Sulphur Plunge Making Visit H e r e - and Baths open for the season Sat­ to send in th eir nam e not la te r than Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grubb arrived urday, April 29th. 200-6 m — - in Ashland Tuesday evening by m a­ Following the luncheon, an open chine from Crescent City, coming by council will be held at which time Operated On at Medford— way of G rants Pass. They were the the presidents of the various parent- Mrs. Alice Calbert was operated on teacher organizations in southern second party to come over the Cres­ cent City-Grants Pass road with a Monday at the Sacred H eart hospital Oregon will give reports and a gen­ Ih e tannery, more than 125 yeurs old, where Jesse Grant conducted his car this spring and report consid- at Medford for appendicitis. She is eral discussion will be indulged in. business and taught the future President the art of tanning hides “still eiabie trouble in getting through the reported as doing nicely. From 3 until 5 o’clock in the a fte r­ ° int Pleasant- ° - and is one of the national shrines which’ Pies: snow at the summit. They expect to noon, th ere will be a reception in ' *Qt HardI“g and other notables will visit during the centenary of tlie birth Fine Oak R efrigerators a t Icen- th e hotel parlors. T h e public is of blysses S. Grant, April 27. visit relatives and friends here for hower’s New and Second Hand Store, about a month. cordially invited to attend any or 389 E. Main. 199-lmo* all of these m eetings and plans have NEW PENSION LAW INTEREST | WINS AUTOMOBILE For insurance, good under all cir­ been made for both Mrs. Higgins TO SPANISH WAR VETERANS IN RAFFLE MATCH Libera] Renarti— cumstances. Beaver Realty Co. and Mrs. Hill to make a talk at the Paid for information as to the council as well as a t the reception. 197-tf John Decker, ’ an employe of the If you «-W served or I mult, more A in ll . • — 90 w days W --- --- — w hereabouts of ELMER B. GIG- Any inform ation in regard to res­ the Spanish-American war, the China i Southern Pai‘iflc at the local round STAD, who on his discharge from ervations or otherw ise may be ob­ Practical D em onstration- Relief expedition, or in the Philip- j house, paid one dollar for a chance Camp Dix, New Jersey, November 7, tained by calling any of the circle pines prior to July 4, 1902, you will 0,1 an automobile that was being raf- Miss Louise Hammond, domestic 1919, gave Ashland, Oregon, as his officers. Mrs. Louis Dodge is presi­ be interested to know congress has fled off at ReddinS. Calif., a few science teacher of the local high fu tu re home. His b rother desires dent of the local circle, Mesdames W. passed a pension law of vital interest days ag0- and received a shock the school, accompanied by about 20 ‘° »ear trotn him or a n , one o t h i . ! E. Blake and A c j vice-presi- to you. ! latter part of the week when lie re- students, spent considerable time pals. Address Mrs. M. B. Reese. P.«den ts. and Mre. PrMC#, gM. Tuesday at the East Side m arket, This law contains two provisions: ce*ved word th a t he had won a fine O. Box 984, San Francisco, Calif. retary and treasu rer. Mrs. H. T. E l­ First, it allows pensions to all ex- new ^ uic^ car- Having no particu- where the students were given prac­ more is district vice-president of the sold’ers, sailors and m arines with lai use for an au tomobile, he sold it tical dem onstrations as to where the,1 « Good front office room for ren.. state association. various cuts of m eat are taken from. Beaver B,ock 19?. tf the above service record who were t0 dac°b9, who lefft Monday A great deal of interest was mani- _______ honorably discharged, and who are night on frain 15 for Redding and («»ted h, the girls, and It provedI |ro m Eaa, _ now over 62 years of age: second, it wiH drlve the car home, probably ar- “FOOLS’S PARADISE” SCORES allows pension to those who are at riving here Thursday._________ quite a revelation to then,. M,ss H arr|et Craw tord Lan. HIT AT VINING THEATER present m aterially disabled from , caster, New Hhampshire, is this week Cecil B. De Mille achieved a tri­ earning by manual labor from dis­ Heilman’s W hite Sulphur Plunge th e guest of her cousins. Mr. F. E. and Baths open for the. season Sat-! Watson and Miss W lnnifred W at­ umph when his latest Param ount ease, if the disability be not the re­ urday, April 29th. 200-6 son, at th eir home on Straw berry production, “ Fool’s P aradise,” was sult of their own misconduct. Such Lane. Miss Crawford, who is a shown at the Vining th eater last ev -' d’sability m ust be perm anent, but Visiting Relatives— member of the well-known “ W hite ening. The picture, which will b e 'need not be total. It need not be Mr. and Mrs. H artm an, of South M ountain” Crawford family, is mak shown again tonight and tomorrow the result of m ilitary service. The Bend, Ind., are visiting with th eir ing her first visit to the Pacific night, proved itself one of the b e s t!soIdier does not have to be 62 years exemplars of Mr. De Mille’s director- old to claim on disability. The cousin, Russel Yockey, for a few coast. ial skill, and is one of the most de­ am ount of pension depends upon the days. They are on their way home after having spent several weeks at Yeo sez: I sell life insurance. 189 lightful screen creations ever pre­ degree of disability and ranges from ! sented in this city. story Long Beach, Calif. » The ---- ------ I deals $12 to $30 - per month. Widows • - — — .. ~ of Here to Attend Funeral— with an American soldier in France veterans are also allowed pensions, H arry Mathes arrived home this who loves a French dancing girl, but I >'ou w*sh advice about this law, For insurance, fire or auto, see Beaver Realty Co. 197tf m orning to attend the funeral of his who later meets an American girl w rite W alter S. Buchanan, past na- sister, Miss Jessie Mathes, which will dancer in a Mexican cantina, and be- tional aide-de-camp, Army and Navy Moves Reported— be held tomorrow afternoon. Miss comes the central figure of highly Union, Route 2, Louisa, Virginia. Ed Butler, who has been residing Helen Van Dyke, a niece of Miss dram atic and thrilling episodes. In Prom pt action is>desirable, as a pen­ in the Rhodes-Farlow building for Mathes will arrive here this evening their Interpretation are seen such sion if allowed begins from the fil­ the last several months, moved yes­ noted screen figures as Dorothy Dal­ ing of the claim. terday to 17 6 Mechanic street, in or­ Operated on Today— ton, Mildred H arris, Conrad Nagel, Mrs. C. J. F oster was taken to the Theodore Kosloff, John Davidson der to be closer to the new houses TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Sacred H eart hospital a t Medford, and Julia Faye. The production is which he is having constructed on where she was operated on this superbly staged and it is fully up WANTED— Position as cashier. Ad- th at street. dress 777 care of Tidings. 198-6 ¡morning. She is reported as doing to the high standard of Mr. De Mille nicely a t time of going to press. Special Notice— and Param ount. FOR SALE— One >tudd autom atic To dem onstrate the quality of gas w ater heater, large size. Nelda Cafe. Dew Drop Inn— tor lanche«. •Blue Ribbon bread, your grocer is 200tf MEDFORD Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE authorized to sell you a 15 cent loaf PLAYS OPENING GAME 1* OR SALE— One combination gas for 10 cents, or a 10 cent loaf for An Error Corrected— and coal range, Majestic. Nelda! _ In connection with the story print- 8 cents, Wednesday to Saturday, in­ Cafe-_____________ 200tf , The opening game of the Medford 199-4 ed in Monday’s Tidings regarding the Y. M. C. A. Senior league was played clusive. burning of the Johnson barn Sunday Tuesday night a t 6:15. The Disciples WANTED Odd jobs and lawn work. I Phone 468-L. 200-lm o* ’ Helman’s W hite Sulphur Plunge morning, Mr. Oliver was given cred­ and the Baptists were the team s to and Baths open for the season Sat­ it for saving the horses from the cross bats and put up a good exhibi­ FOR SALE— Ju st received, u s e d ’ screen doors and windows, glass burning stru ctu re, whereas it was tion of the national pastime. A fair urday, April 29ih. 200-6 windows, lawn mowers. Jewel oil Mr. Ludlow, who lives at 267 Maple crowd welcomed the opening of the cook stove and linoleum .. Must street. Bonus Appraisers Busy— season. The game was called on sacrifice to make room for other E. D. Briggs, of Ashland, Vernon m erchandise and customers. The account of darkness, but was count­ Bazaar, on the Plaza. 200-1 Vawter and Engineer Cowgill of RUNAWAY TEAM HIT ed an official game by m utual Medford, left this morning for Butte MACHINE IN GARAGE agreem ent. Falls, where they will be engaged NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The batteries were: Disciples, Jen­ ISOLATED TRACT for several days in appraising prop­ A runaw ay team belonging to nings, Cham berlain, C hastain; Bap­ No. 013683 erty for ex-service men in th a t vi­ Charles Holmes, who lives east of tists, R. Bayne, Donovan. Score: (Public Land Sale) cinity. the city, started from th e vicinity Disciples 10, Baptists 0 — r ........................... D epartm ent of the Interior, U. S. of the R eader blacksm ith shop a t The second game of the series w ill' Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon ’ A Home Comfort range at Ic e n -’the corner of C and F irst streets, be played Friday a t 6:15 between 'A p ril 25, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given th at, as bower’s New and Second Hand S to re,* yesterday and ran east on C street, the Methodists, North and South. directed by the Commissioner of the. 389 E. Main. 199-3’ coming to a stop only after having General Land Office, under provi­ run into a garage belonging to Al. JACK DEMPSEY REFEREES sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant I RECITAL BY DR. MATTIE Sherard at the intersection of C GIVES DECISION IN FRENCH to tlie application of Jam es W Bow-! ers, Serial No. 013683, we will offer* SHAW MUCH APPRECIATED and Eighth streets. A Maxwell car, at public sale, to the highest bidder,* almost new, was in the garage, and PARIS. April Billy Balzac but at not less than $3.50 per acre, at I Dr. Mattie B. Shaw gave an inter- the tongue of the wagon hit the back ---- last night won ---- — m id d le w e ig h t'10 o’clock A. M., on the 6th day of pretation of “ Enoch Arden” last ev- of the machine, alm ost caving it in. championship of France on points June> next, at this office, the fol- -- aurice - Prunier. — ening in Masonic hall, which was The re a r fenders were badly bent over M The men lowing tract of land: fought 20 rounds and decision was j J5N Township ’ 3 ^ S*, ^ a n g e ^ ^ E 0 ! greatly appreciated by those present. and the rear curtain was a complete Dr. Shaw is a reader of exceptional wreck. The dam age to th e car will rendered by Jack Dempsey, w orld’s, W illam ette Meridian, ability and did justice to her read- be between $100 and $150. N either champion pugilist, who refereed the .The sale will not be kept open, but ing last night. The gayer parts were* the team nor the wagon were dam- bout. " ' ,l be declared closed when those given in a jovial mood, while the ; aged noticeably. Dempsey furnished tlie only knock ceaspd ti nanied have j . . .. . ... . . ceased bidding. The person making sadder ones were given in a m anner, ------------------ . out of the evening— this, when he the highest bid will be required to th a t brought tears to the eyes o f ; SLACKER BERGDOLL MUST arose from the referees chair and an immediately pay to the Receiver the many in the audience. The musical * SERVE HIS TERM IN PRISON nounced his decision in French. am ount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely accompaniment by Richard Strauss the above-described land are advised was played by Mrs. E. A. Woods, and WASHINGTON, April 26.— The SEA PLANE FOITND CRIPPLED to file th eir claims, or objections, on as thoroughly appreciated as the re- suprem e court has denied the appli- BY SHORTAGE OF GASOLINE or before the time designated for C taI’ cation of Erwin R. Bergdoll for a ¡ sale. W. H. CANNON. Register. I w rit of haveas corpus. Erwin, a KEY WEST, Fla., April 26.— Ai34_5_wed ASHLAND JTXIOR Y’. M. brother o t G rocer Cleveland Berg- naval seaplane reported having C. A. BASEBALL N EW S!doll, is now serving a sentence of sighted the seaplane Santa Maria, i four years in the F o rt Leavenworth which left here Monday for Nassau, The Ashland Junior Y. M. C. A .¡prison for failure to perform mili- with six passengers, at W illiams is­ baseball league started the series tary service during the war and in land, and which it was feared had last Saturday morning a t the high his appeal he contended he was 11- been lost. school grounds. The Presbyterians legally convicted. Gasoline was transferred to the started out on a run to land the. ________ __________ Santa Maria, which was without fuel, pennant for the second year by wal- obk P r a v r w a « ™ « and it will resume its flight, hut loping the Bap ists. 14 to 10. In the POLICE SEIZE second game, the Method sts follow -, *3° ° ’000 U ° BTH ° F WHISKEY w ithout passengers. - : Going hunting or fishing? Then Forest fires have destroyed com- you are interested in keeping the munities. Take no chances. Camp- i forests green. Put out your camp ers. sportsm en— be good sports. P u t iie ~ your fires out. ■■■■■....Side Lights — ■J ~ Refinish Unattractive Surfaces Tables, chairs or other furniture that has become m arred and shabby, floors th a t are worn and unsightly, woodwork on which the finish is no longer attractive. All these surraces can be easily made like new or refinished in handsome im itations of Oak. Wal­ nut. Mahogany and other expensive woods and protected from fur­ ther destructive wear with ” QUALITY 1 VARNO-LAC It is inex p esiv e and easy to ap ply. S ta in s and V arn ish es a t one o p e ra tio n . J u s t th e tilin g fo r to u ch in g up th e in n u m e ra b le su rfa c es a b o u t th e hom e th a t a re c o n s ta n tly becom ing worn and shabby. Ask a t o u r s to re for color sam p le c a rd s . Swenson, McRae Furniture Co. M r. B u s in e s s M a n ! A re you m aking an intelligent use of the passing hours? T o save tim e is to save m oney— m oney saved is profit—profit is the object of business. T h ere is no g reater factor in the econom y of tim e th an the use of the long distance telephone. T h e serv­ ice is prom pt, efficient, convenient an d satisfactory. C onsult the telephone directory as to rates and classes of service avail­ able. E very Bell telephone is a Long D istance station. - X The Pacific Telephone And Teleg raph Company TODAY TO M O RRO W Y ed suit and downed the C hristians NEW YORK. April 2 6 — Nearly MISS JESSIE MATHES t^ llin g 'w h a ^ in h 4 ÍS n° $200’000 worth ° f imported w hisker, FUNERAL THURSDAY Í - 6 the aboard a big ocean-going steam seiies .s over, as far as winning and lighter, was captured by the New Miss Jessie Mathes, who died Mon­ ñec A r e rPh COH t\rn Pr° 3' POlÍC6’ a fte r a thrilling tWO- day evening in the hospital in Med­ pec.s are bright for some good play- L u , chase down the „ / og n,a h°a n T u r " 9 WUl SUrC,y A flurry of 8hootl"S a " d several ford, will be held Thursday a fte r­ noon a t 2 o’clock from the home on ■ season. personal encounters between the North Main street, and burial will i , boarding police and the crew of the be in the cemetery at Phoenix. Weeks b not " ~ ¡ x " " r x ; 1 thet r ” and Conger, Medford funeral direc­ jcnase. six were arrested. tors are In charge. X :;:¡ k A ls o “ THE FALL GUY” A Genuine Larry Semon Comedy ADMISSION ------ CHILDREN, 10c; ADl'LTS, 30q, WAR TAX 5c, TOTAL, 55c.