✓ Wednesday, April 2«, 1922 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Journey» to R oseburg— Miss Gladys Inlow, one of the ob- liging local telephone operators, made a trip to Roseburg Saturday and visited wfth friends there over Sunday, returning home Monday ev ening. ' Exam ining Mail Clerks A. S. Rand, chief clerk of the railw ay mail service, of Portland, will be in Ashland Wednesday, May 3> to examine the clerks in the local p09t °fh c e in regard to their knowl- ed?e of schemes and schedules. Five c'ei’ks take the examination. Moves to Ranch— Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Robertson moved to their ranch Tuesday. --------- 10. It’s the simplest thing in the world to use Hyomei and end catarrh, Breathe the medication through the little inhaler in every ! outfit and you will get relief at once. If you have any wiring or electrl- Money back H it fails. McNair Bros cal repair work, phone W. L. Sains, | _____ 29S-Y. Contracting a specialty. Here from Eastern Oregon_ Here from Montague C. W. W atson, of Monti gue, Calif, has been spending the 1 st few days in Ashland. - ____ Yeo sez: I write insurance nn au­ tomobiles and trucks. la tf PAGE THREE Bon Ton Cafe FOURTH STREET Makes Business Trip— C. W. W hillock, m anager of the Golden Rule score in Medford, left resh fish, oysters, crabs, chick- Sunday for San Francisco on a busi­ », rabbits. C all Tel. 104. * _ Ash- _! * A. Stock’ on and Tom Shoeman, ness trip. This is buyers’ week in land Fish and Poultry Market. 186tf -Made Trip to Copco— jo f eastern Oregon, are in the city ttiat city, and Mr. Wh llock expects ■ W ilbert Jordan made a trip to and are cutting wood for Mr. Burns to buy for both the Medford and V isitor from R o s e b u r g — Copco, Calif., yesterday on business. at the present. Stockton is some- Ashland stores. Mr. Gale, of Roseburg, was in the --------- - what of a musician, being able to city a short time Mondav mmin ! has moved into the property at 550. funning out of Ashland, was called Mr. and Mrs. Henry Provost, who Boulevard, o Berkeley, Calif., Monday evening! _____ . have liven in Ashland for the last •by the death of his father there. ^ e‘. " h ™ e«n“ >r " g “ ’ ." 'J “ '' C a“ ' L aw " mo'rera ««•» o’- V ▼ I V C K R S I8 2 ;f BEAVER REALTY CO. 15 F irst St. Phone 68 STAPLES REALTY AGENCY W - A WOODS-Practlc. “„“ “ V "> eye, ear, nose and ■ j 1 O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and to 5. Swedsuburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. 73-tf PB LITI CAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Real Estate K. Nelson makes suits to order. Special! Yakim a Netted Gem po- Hotel Ashland Block. 1 68tf\ tatoes, $2.00 per hundred pounds, j D etricks’ Groceteria. We sell for W ill M ove T his W eek— les3 196tf A. E. Erickson will move into h is' ---------- new home this week. The b u n g a lo w ! ' w ith Friends— has ju st been completed by A. L>i Alice B. Jay, who was a former Lamb, and Is one of the most up-to-! Ashland resident, but who has been i date houses in the city. away from Ashland for several years, --------- is visiting with the Blue fam ily on The best borne made candies can Ashland street. She expects to be bad at Rose Brothers. 1 5 2 t f j ,noVe to Ashland as soon as she c;m - find suitable quarters in which lo On th« Sick List— live. Glenn Simpson was compelled to go home from the store yesterday a f­ Special! Yakim a Netted Gem Po­ ternoon on account of illness. tatoes, $2.00 per hundred pounds. D etrick’s Clrocatertia. We sell for The famous Victor 10 inch record 1®8S. 19 6 if 'h a s been reduced from 85 cents to 75 cents. Three thousand to select In C ity Tuesday— from at Rose Brothers. 15 2 tf George M. Fisher, of Fallon, Nev.. was in the city Tuesday. He expects HOM ESTEADS to go to Hilt, Calif., and work in a I have a big snap in good land sawm ill there this season, near here. Can locate yon where _____ you w ill m ake good m oney. E. T.| Phone 119. We call and deliver. Staples, A shland, Ore. lJWltf Paulserud’s. 198t.’ “ “ ,' WANT LD. L A S T TO DEPOT We Buy and Sell n , 7 ° , h“ “ P08‘ i» ” - We “ » s i l v e r . P ,x,t He who F ires ftml runs away tion with the Weed Lumber co m -!Shop Beaver Block Phone 183-R May live to pay a fine next day. pany in the hardware department of 1 92tf their plant there. Mr. Provost was C. K 7, A M K I N connected with the Provost Brothers R eturns from K lanuith F alls — BARGAINS IN REAL Hardware company of this city until “ B rick ” Moody, who has been lo­ E ST A T E about a year ago. and is well known cated at Klam ath Palls for some here. They have a wide circle of time, has returned to his home in City and R anch Properties friends who will be sorry to learn Ashland. He resides at 107 Man­ H ouses to Rent of their departure. zanita street. fo r r e n t -Furnished Modern wnv‘X Close in. A d u lt, only, Inquire 166 ding_St. or phone 122. M O TO R 44. O IL COMPOUNDS FOR S A L E — Five room house, with bath and pantry, four lots, corner Eighth and B streets. Inquire 139 Second. 182tf FOR SA L E — Cheap, six room house with bath and garage, fruit for fam ily use. small garden and chicken yard. Inquire at 271 High street, Ashland. 188-12* FOR SA L E — Reasonable, good seven room plastered house. Call at 128 Nob Hill street, or phone 354-Y. . 198-H FOR SA L E — Eight room house, two and a half lots, some furniture, some fruit. Terms. Call 24 8 F ifth St. 199tf FOR S A L E — Four room house, two and a half lots, house nearing completion. Terms. Call 248 Fifth St. 199tf FOR SA LK — Good fresh cow. W. E Moor, 171 Hehnan St. 184-eod-tf Roller skating tonight. Nat. REAL E S rATE We have a very fine 10 acre tract, well Improved. located with­ in the city limits of Ashland, and with advantage of city water, that Is being offered for a short time at a low price and is well worth investigating if you are looking for something of that kind. A good share of the place is In bear­ ing orchard, fine varieties and ex­ cellent quality. The price lis 94500. We also have some one-acre tracts that we consider good bar­ gains at the price asked. Any one of them w ill make a good home and furnish a large amount of produce for the man who will give them attention. Prices will vary from $1300 to $1800. Now is the time to secure these prop erties. Billings Ageney REAL ESTATE & INSURA NOE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main St. '•«s