\Yer more, Vfcc the word each time. to send that impression of the city LAST CALL TO CLEAN TRUNKS1 for stomach gas and all the bad ef-| Legal Rate broadcast. “ Ashland the B eautiful” ! OF APPLE AND PEAR Jfects resulting from gas pressure. First time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c is our goal, and a change In the TR1?17q I T hat empty, gnawing feeling at Each subsequent time, per 8 ¡.the pit of the stomach will disap- name of those two streets at this point line .................................... 5c In every apple and pear orchaid pear; that anxious, nervous feeling, Card of t h a n k s ............................ >1.00 time would be opportune. th a t has borne one or more crops o f iw’^ h eart palpitation will vanish. Obituaries, the l i n e ......................2% c « • fru it there has been a larg er o r ’ ^nd yPu again be able to take a Fraternal Orders and Societies That will be an im portant m eet­ _ , .v 7 . ¡deep breath w ithout discomfort. Advertising for fratern al orders sm aller per cent of the crops lost on T hat drowsy, sleepy feeling after or societies charging a regular initi­ ing at Sap-and-Salt today, when A. L. Richmond the southern C alifo rn ia' aCC° Unt ° f WOrmy iFUlt In young dinner wiU be replaced by a desire ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ , . ’ „ orchards just coming Into bearing, ^for entertainm ent. Bloating will ligious and benevolent orders will be hotel operator, and E. O. McCor- , he per cent 0( ]oS3 ,s o[ten llgh, cease. Your limbs, arm s and tln g e rs , charged the regular rate for all ad . . as _ the .. . • grow older, and twill no because longer feel cold and Gas “ go vertising when an admission or other mick, vice-president of the Southern . but trees isieep,” Baalm ann’s T a to b -! ■ Pacific railroad, will m eet in con­ charge is made. ference with the hotel committee. more convenient places of copceal-Jlets prevent gas from interfering m ent for the larvae are available, 'w ith the circulation. What Constitutes Advertising In all liklihood on the result of th at it. u ♦ 1 t . . . a. and the tree9 more difficult to spray tbe Kenuine B aalm ann’s Gas In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Q the tax levied ‘ hv the Tablet3 in the yel,ow PackaSe from ing among some as to w hat consti­ conference the hotel project w.ll be; ... ’ E lh a rt’s Drug Store or any reliable tu tes news and what advertising, floated, and the fu tu re expansion of we print this very simple rule, which Ashland and its environs assured 1 codllng moth 19 often as high as 50 druggist. Price one dollar. J. Baal- Is used by newspapers to differenti­ Let ua hope the outcome will be such “ ” 5 pcr cenl t>le c r° p’ Growers ; ma“a - Chemist. Sau Francisco. - 1 ate between them : “ ALL fu tu re as will set us well upon the road to T ’ 1 “ ‘" " I ' "*a t th,B> in the 3lans • e ’ents, where an admission charge the fulfillm ent of Ashland’, n atu ral P,h ™“ - ” 30me ta s The reduc,lon Is made or a collection is taken IS JUST ARRIVED! ADVERTISING.” This applies to destiny— the central point of a to u r­ of this tax from 75 per cent to 5 per WHAT? FENCING! WHERE? organizations and societies of every ist traffic th at will radiate to all cent or less is certainly worth while taking into consideration, especially kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after points in southern Oregon. when the methods of reducing the they have occurred is news. toil are within the reach of all. Before sending away your or­ All coming social or organization PROMOTIONS MADE BY 4M Of course, correct, thorough and der, come and 9ee Pell’s new ear­ m eetings of societies where no DODGE AUTO PEOPLE timely spraying Is the chief method load of fencing. Every variety— money contribution is solicited, initi­ barbed wire to fancy yard fencing ation charged, or collecton taken IS of saving the crop from the ravages — He guarantees to beat catalogue NEWS. Several im portant changes in the of th e worms, but there are at least prices. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, executive personnel are announced j two supplem entary measures which Garden tools, hose, and new and Fostofflce as Second-class Mail Mat­ b.v Dodge Brothers. C. W. Matheson have dem onstrated their value in in- used sewing machines always on ter. has been advanced from general sales creasing the effectiveness of the hand. m anager to vice president in charge • spraying program. These two sup- <5 ummer P layground 7 of sales; John A. Nichols Jr., pro- plem entary measures are: Banding inoted from director of field opera- of the tree trunks to catch the ma- tions to general sales m anager; John ture larvae, and (2) scraping off all H. Gordon, from New York district ‘ rough bark from tree tru n k s and representative to director if distribu limbs. Banding comes later in the tion. Mr. Gordon succeeds J. E. season and will be discussed in due j French, who resigned to take over time. Any bands now’ on the trees I the Dodge Brothers dealership In should be examined, and all worms ! ' San Francisco, where he m aintained and pupae destroyed, his headquarters for several years as • At this time of the year, the lar- Dodge Brothers district rep resen ta-, vae are hidden beneath the rough tlV®! bark on the tru n k s, limbs and at Mr. Matheson, the new vice-presi-' the base of the trees, and beneath dent, has been an im portant figure bands, if these are present. Many of SOLOMONITES Some men have no bad habits, and in the autom obile industry for many the larvae will be found at the base years. W ith his brother, Frank of the trees, as much as three inches I not much else. E makers of U. S. • • Tires made this W hatever you are sure of, be sure a n n o u n c e m e n t la s t of this— th a t you are dreadfully like ____ N o v e m b e r — other people. • • ‘‘Hereafter the price of the Even w’hen a woman does not re­ 30x314 ‘Usco’ is $10.90.” turn a m an's affection she can’t help Money in the bank gives the sort of courage The lowest price ever quoted on adm iring his discrim ination. that enables men to get on in the world. a tire of quality reputation and * * standard performance. Things move along so fast nowa­ We suggest that you open a savings account * « • days that people who say, ‘‘It can’t with us and begin now to build up a cash be done,” are interrupted by some­ And now, with the opening of reserve. one doing it. Spring, there seem to be quite a • • num ber o f “N ew and Special \ our account is welcome here regardless of i tires” coming into the market in Now let's get busy on th a t cave­ size. the $10.90 price range. man stuff and give the G rants Pass delegation a reception worthy of Perhaps you are wondering just Ashland. The visitors will be here what there can be either “new” Tuesday. May 9th. Get busy with or “special” about these tires. your thinkery and unload your Ideas It can’t be the $10.90 price— on Secretary Fuller. He has’nt got “U sc o ” e s ta b lis h e d th a t five troubles enough; he’ll scarcely feel months ago. one or two more. No More Gas in Stomach & Bowels. Peil’s Corner T •HE new organization building the good Max­ well fully realizes that the future of this car rests en­ tirely on the continued high regard of its owners, Cord tires non-skid front and rear; disc steel wheels, demountable a t rim and nt hub; drum type lamps; Alemite lubrication; motor dr h en electric horn; Unusually long springs; deep, wide, roomy seats; real leather upholstery bt open cars, broadcloth in closed cars; open car side curtains open nith doors; clutch and brake action, steering and gear shifting, remarkably easy; uow type water-tight windshield. Prices /• O. li. Detroit, revenue tax to be nddedt Touring Car, f885; Roadslei, f885; Coupe, $1385; Sedan, fl-iSS A. W . WALKER AUTO CO. Phone 18 MEDFORD, OREGON c'Thz Good M A XW E L I First to establish the $1022 price-Used Dollar Courage field (now that the season prom- *ses business from the American car-owner), remember- --, , it is worth — — — — — — ing that “Usco” showed its good faith by announcing this price last fall. The same intent to serve that has made “Usco” a standard value for years. The “Usco” Tire was never better than it is today—with its established quality, its time-tested performance, and its price closely fig­ ured in tune with the times. The Citizens Bank Ashland. Oregon • ♦ That was some hum dinger of a gathering at the forum luncheon of the chamber of commerce on Tues­ day. No reason in the world* why there shouldn’t be as large an a t­ tendance always. The program was diversified enough to suit everyone, perhaps a little too diversified for some, but then one can always have recourse to blinders. • • Here is a used car advertisem ent copied from the Boston T ranscript: “ Take a slant at this Liz; born in 1918 and had no bad w inters; good rubber on every foot; will do fifty miles per hour, twenty-five forward and twenty-five up and down; a ram blin, rootin. tootin scamp. 250 bucks, cash or term s, and you can own this car which has a wheel on every corner.” • • The two suggestions made by John H. Doran, the superintendent of the auto camp, were timely and should be acted upon. A radio station in the camp would add much to its a t­ tractiveness and if we could get it ’ installed this season, it would give ' us the prestige of having the first on the coast. His other suggestion in regard to throw ing stereoptican SAe Discovered It, Too A fter 10 years of kit or miss baking with various other brands of powder 1 at hast discovered that the bitter taste some­ times found in hot breads was caused from alum in cheaper grades of powder. So I am now an ardent booster for Royal Bering Powder.” L. A. J. N or q u a lity reputation and standard performance—for it takes more than one full season for any new tire to demonstrate where it stands in quality and value « • With so many tires rush­ ing into this $ 10.90 price United States Tires •re Good Tires C o p y r ig h t 1922 lU.S.Tii«Ce. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for Now R o ya l Cook Book—Ws FREE Royal Baldn« Powder Co., 130 William St., New York Where You Can Buy U. S. Tires: N. DIX & SON -fA