Aprii tt. Itfaii AsaUSB uiiLï íwiáúS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Parses T lu o u g h City __ J. H. Dyer, general manager of the Southern Pacific company, passed through Ashland this morning in his private car, on train 13. Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, chick­ ens, rabbits. Call Tel. 104. Ash- -^and Fish and Poultry Market. 186tf H ere from R ogu e R iver__ A. R. Brashear, of Rogue River,; was in the city yesterday on busi­ ness. Let us brighten up your old suit. Charles Rogers, who has charge of Paulserud’s. 198tf the construction work for the A. D. Kern company, which is operating Ci anile Quarry Meeting— near Merlin, was in the city on busi­ A meeting has been planned for ness a few days ago. Wednesday evening at the city hall, f at which time the present status of If you have any wiring or electri- the granite quarry will be explained caLrepair work, phone W. L. Sams, as well as the proposed action. It 298-Y. ‘Contracting a specialty. is understood that a company is to be formed and an effort made to fi­ W ill Move This W eek — nance the proposition locally. Carl Loveland expects to move in­ Phone 119. We call and deliver. to his new home on Iowa street the Paulserud’s. latter part of this week. 198tfl A good home property to trade for Medford home property. See Bea­ 197-tf' If it’s economy and service, call ver Realty Co. W. H. Sams for all electrical work. Phone298-Y. 162tf At W ork A gain— George F. McConnel, clerk at the Ideal grocery, who was confined to D rives T hrough A shland— his home last week with an attack Ben C. Sheldon was seen driving through Ashland Monday evening of influenza, is on duty again, hut is rather weak in the knees yet. y-with his car full of people. Have a fit at Orres. clothes. Phone 64. K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, Orres cleans repairing and dyeing. 168tf 191-3 Buried at H ornbrook— ¿ I ü C T hree Here from M erlin— I One cent the word each time. A T Hotel Vendome for a real place to eat. H om e cooked m eals served fam ily style. B reakfast to order. R egular dinner, 5 0 cents. Sunday chicken dinner, 75 cen ts. J u st across from Library— 425 E a st Main. St. ''IP. nnd MRS. HUDNELL, Props. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS j I astc is a matter of tobacco quality W c state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are o f finer quality (and hence o f better tastej th an in a n y o th e r cigarette at the price. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ thorizes his announcement as a can­ didate for the nomination for the office of County- Commissioner of Jackson County, subject to the de­ cision of the Republican voters of said county, at the primary election. May 19th, 1922. Ltjui'U & M ytn Ttbacc» Ct. Z A V isits T able Rock— DR. MAI’D INGERSOLL HAWLEY Visiting Chiropractic Physician. Neuritis cases a specialty. Phone 118-J. Treatment given only in your own home. BLUE BIRD —and— WHITEWARE SETS LŸ PLUMBING H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ ing and day work. 248 Fifth St. phene 166-J. lOOtf <4 PIECES—$9.00 H OLM ES A rrivals a t G oluum hia H otel— Cí>NVA LESCENT HOMR The following are late arrivals at been lo­ the past the Columbia hotel: Mr. and Mrs. place in J. J. Fogarty, C. H. Pickett, C. L. Enders. McCaslin, Charles E. Thompson, A. B. Brown, J. H. Garvin, Mr. and K. Nelson makes suits to order. Mrs. W. C. Reed, Dr. Elsa Sheppard. Hotel Ashland Block. 168tf Mrs. E. M. Cooly, E. S. Kramer, Portland; O. F. Riebel, Roseburg; ; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jose, Grants Pass; H ere from Medford— Mrs. Marion Barnum, of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. O. Storey, Pasco, Wash. F. E. Keenan, Sacramento; Mr. and was in our city Monday. o f Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended Mrs. W. J. Hires, Eugene; Sam Ed­ Lower Prices The famous Victor 10 inch record wards, Medfofrd, and Mr. and Mrs. 20 now 18c has been reduced from 85 cents to William Secontb, Hartford, Conn. 10 now 9c 75 cents. Three thousand to select Thoroughly on the job every Special! Yakima Netted Gem po­ (Two 10’»—18c) from at Rose Brothers. 152tf minute tatoes, $2.00 per hundred pounds.1 Hetricks’ Groceteria. We sell for Club H ouse G row ing Popular__ Ring a lively alarm less- 196tf The regular dance at Helms club house at Kingsbury Springs was well P urchase New Car— Shuts off at a touch attended last Saturday night, and no 00025353020009050102300502000000020102000904030200100002010200050700010101000102000000010001010002000102000100060506050102000200000500100200000200020000000100 Mr. and Mrs. Bergner, who recent­ doubt will grow in favor as the A correct timekeeper spring weather makes the club house l y sold the Vining theater, have pur­ chased a new Studebaker car and are more popular. enjoying life these days. Try Detrick’s sliced rindless bason Special! Yakima Netted Gem Po­ packed in sanitary cartons. Costs no more than the ordinary kind. tatoes, $2.00 per hundred pounds.' 195tf Detrick’s Groedtei)ia. We sell for' less- 196tf G R O C E R Y Waterbury C IG A R E T T E S Alarm Clock Special S1.35 HOMESTEADS I have a b ig snap in. good land Here on B usiness— Schmidt Brothers, of Gazelle,: near. here. Can lo ca te you w here Calif., were in the city a few days you w ill m ake good m oney. E . T. ago on business. * Staples, A shland, Ore. liWltf COLDS Bros« TJto Star, HOMES • The best bome raade in d ie s can Over 17 Million Jan Utca Yeary .be had at Rose Brothers. ir»2tf rIIE R E ’S comething fascinating about a fair. are always moving. Things Folks come from near and far to s six-cylinder automobile l> The Jewett is a 50 horsepower priced at $1065 Designed and built by Paige W rite or telephone our Mr. R. E. Judy nt the Hotel Ashland regarding details. He will be there Thursday April 27th. PORTLAND, OREGON W A N ! KD. WANTED— Board and room for two men in quiet place for day sleep­ ing. reasonable terms. Inquire 296 Helman St. 197-3* WANTED— Position as cashier. Ap­ ply 777 General Del., Ashland, Oregon. 198-6 FOR RENT— Furnished apartment. Close in. Modern conveniences. Adults only. Inquire 166 Harga- dine St. or phoue 122. 182tf But nobody would think of going to a lair every day. would take too much valuable time. ha\e lealized it. E. F. 192tf FOR RENT— Furnished apartment. Allen Building. 197tf Renting, Loans, Transfers FOR RENT— 160 acres. Cherry Creek, Klamath county, Oregon; cultivated and pasture lands; best woven wire fencing; irrigation wa­ ter; small buildings, etc. Rent paid by improving place for year or term of years. Excellent terms to right party. Write J. P. Rose. 133 Lathrop street, Madison. Win. 198-12 BXAVER REALTY CO. IQ F irst St, Phone 68 FOB SALK. Tt Besides, there’s a con­ F or the Tidings conducts a regular fair every day in its advertising columns. W e Buy and Sell Real Estate FIRM INSURANCE INVESTMENTS STAPLES REALTY AGENCY H otel A shland Building A shland, Oregon Phone 20 or want display before you their most attractive wares. You FOR SALE— Five room house, with bath and pantry, four lots, corner Eighth and B streets. Inquire 139 Second. 182tf ________________________ FOR SALE— Cheap, six room house with bath and garage, fruit for family use, small garden and chicken yard. Inquire at 271 High street, Ashland. 188-12* FGJt SALE— Fourteen young iheep, also Duroc hog. Phone 4F12. 197-3* FOR SALE— Reasonable, good seven room plastered house. Call at 128 ' Nob Hill street, or phone 354-Y. 198-tf have only to choose at your ease what you care most about before actually going to see tike products so displayed. There’s a world of information and interest in the adver­ tisements. The time and trouble they save you are beyond calculation. Always feel you’re shopping when you read the ad\eitisem ents. You’ll find the habit pleasant and profitable. JUST ARRIVED! WHAT? FENCING! WHERE? Peil's Corner Before sending away your or­ der, come and see Peil's new car­ load of fencing. Every variety— barbed wire to fancy yard fencing — He guarantees to beat catalogue prices. Garden tools, hose, and new and used sewing machines always on hand. Provost Bros. POSSIBLY YOU CAN QUALIFY Cook & Gill Co., Inc. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— Wood transfer and storage, general hauling, household goods and long distance hauling a specialty. Ex­ pert crating and packing; satisfac­ tion guaranteed. A. G. Adams, office 240 Third St. Phone 460. 18 4-1 mo FOR RENT— Housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple; adults only. 438-L. 614 Boulevard. 198-5* • IIcic the m erchant and makers of everything you need Automobile Franchise is open for Ashland ♦ and vicinity T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FER — Good team and motor­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ able price. Phone 83. ORCHARDS see, to hear and to compare. —and— JEWETT RANCHES Notary Work tinuous substitute right in your home, though yon may not THE PAIGE FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, call Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 11$. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Ashland. 66t£ FOR RENT— Llthia garage. Smith. Æ Is Available TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. FOR RENI. The Overland Shoe Shop will be Melt in spoon; inhale vaporst closed Monday,' Tuesday and Wed­ apply freely up nostril«. nesday for repairs and general over­ hauling. J. D. Mars, proprietor. It Business Opportunity CONVALESCENT HOME — Facing Llthia park— cottuge plan. Milk diet and other Nature cures. Mre. W. M. Barber. Free consultations 2 to 4. 153 Granite St. Phone 19 2 -1 mo APARTMENTS N otice to tlie P ub lic— A WONDERFUL J- KMMENB— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses supplied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. fr. and H. B.dg,, Medford, Ore. Phone 567 CHIROPRACTOR«. DINNERWARE Andrew McGee, who has cated at Klamath Falls for six years, has accepted a the grocery department at . DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and I to 6. Sweden burg Bldg,, Ash­ land, Ore. 73-tf DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- ing and by appointment. Phone 28. SPECIAL —in— Lawn mowers put in first class or- Here’s a new one— sliced rindless bacon packed In sanitary waxed pa- t,er- We call for and deliver. Fixil per cartons. Detrick’s Groceteria. Shop’ Beaver Block. Phone 1 83-lt We sell for less. 195tf 192tf < PHYSICTAN8. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER — George Alford, of Phoenix, an­ nounces himself as a candidate on DR. MATTIE B. SH-4W^Speclal at tention to mothers and children. the Republican ticket, for County Internal secretions and endocrine Commissioner of Jackson County, glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio- Oregon, subject to the deoision of the neer avenue. Telephone 28 Of- Republican voters of said county, at fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 6 the primary election. May 19th. 1922. p. m. The Moore, Holmes, Crowson and Otis Hall, who died here Satur­ Cadamo families, motored to Table day, was buried at Hornbrook Mon­ day. Rock Sunday, and report a fine trip T akes P osition at E nders— B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS SPRAY PUMPS PRUNING SHEARS HOSE— and LAWN SUPPLIES REAL ESTATE We have a very fine 10 acre tract, well improved, located with­ in the city limits of Ashland, and with advantage of city water, that is being offered for a short time at a low price and is well worth investigating if you are looking for something of that kind. A good share of the place is in hear­ ing orchard, fine varieties and ex­ cellent quality. The price Hs $4500. . We also have some one-acre tracts that we consider good bar­ gains at the price asked. Any one of them will make a good home and furnish a large amount of produce for the man who will give them attention. Prices will vary from $1300 to $1800. Now is the time to secure these prop erties. Billings Ageney REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 K. Main St.