X ÁsüLÁstfl ítÁilí tîm JSÎ PAGE tW Ó Tuesday, April i »»irte | Then came the m ighty battle of ha-' students who have made a study of ing larger than the combined areas The .Puilniah u iiib a n j have long tu re 's forces. The bosom of the the history and the resources of the of England and Scotland, which sup- charged grand opera prices for E stablished 1876 mountain heaved and trem bled with state, to assist in counteracting e r-.p o rt a population of more than 35,- their berths. Now they announce they Published Every Evening Except '■ - the earthquake shock; stream s of roneous reports of Oregon, circulated 000,000 and which are the founda- are going to train porters to sing Sunday r A CC1M A T I NIC n F C C D IP T in iS I A N n r R A P H i r A l I V T n i n 1 ■iiuid ^ire seared his spotless brow by other states, and to spread in fo r-'tio n and cornerstone of the British negro melodies for the entertainm ent THE ASHLAND PRINTING (30. rA SC lN AllW I* UlSPViQrJIUPl A IN U l& K A r r llv A L L Y 1 U L U g reat geas of java were hurled upon mation th a t is correct wherever they em pire.” of the passengers. -1 OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY LEGEND OF CRATER LAKE. his kingdom below. The elem ents go. PAPER r P a rt of the letter follows: seemed bent on his destruction. T E L E PH O N E '39 ‘ The specific thing which we re- There is a m ighty quiver, his founda- E . J. BA RR ETT, E d itor precipice and started his camp fire, tions gives way; down, down, down, quest you to do when preparation is By IRVING E. VINING N ature hath her secrets. The reve- Here he lay down to commune with plunges the m ountain m onarch into being made for the graduation exer- subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month .................................. 8 .65 lation of these secrets to the utilLy the Great Spirit. Sleep closed his the very bowels of the earth. Above cises, is to confer with the valedic- Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 of man is the touchstone of human eyes. Soon strange voices arose from him yawns a black, jagged and torian for your class, the student Six months .................................. progress. Invisible currents of po- the w aters, weird sounds filled the smoky chasm, a veritable hell on who delivers the farewell address on 0118 y \i«ii ’¿ i d R urai Routes ’ itentlal energy ran ram pant through air. When he awoke, the sun was earth. W ith his fall, th e forces be- behalf of the graduates. You should One n'onth . $ -65 the universe. In ages ¡past th eir high in the heavens. He arose and come silent, th e cliffs cooled, the impress this student with the fact Three months .............................. 1.95 battles were fought, and today we jo in e d his tribe fa r down the moun- pitying w aters gathered to lave his th a t he should include in his fare- Rix months .................................. 2.50 ,reaj history upon the oceanic tain. At night, he came again; an scorched remains. Thus was formed well address a stirring appeal to his One year .................................... cjjff8> volcanic cones, the glacier irresistible power seemed to call him the beautiful, sublime and awe-in- fellow students to rem em ber and to back. Again, he slept till m orn; spiring C rater Lake— one of e a rth ’s preach the beauty and grandeur of paths, or the m ountain lakes. ADVERTISING RATES each visit seemed to increase the marvels. The ingenuity of n atu re Oregon’s scenery, which rivals that D isplay A dvertising Upon no spot of earth can a more BlD. ie Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c interesting page of n atu re’s history charm. The voices were soothing to never conceived a shrine of more im- of the world-famous Alps; Oregon’s YEARLY CONTRACTS be found than in the C rater Lake his spirit. A fter many moons spent pressive solemnity. Stand upon the agricultural wealth which perm its D isplay A dvertising One tim e a w eek.......................27% c region of southern Oregon. A mighty on the cliffs, he climbed down to the sum m it of Liao rock and gaze two the growing and harvesting of any Two times a week...................... 25 c wound in the brow of the Cascades, lake and bathed his limbs in its wa- thousand feet below to the surface agricultural or horticultural crop ’Sveiy other d a y ......................... 20 o C rater Lake memorializes the awful ters. Frequently he saw m ysterious of the fathom less waters. Feelings suited to the tem perate zone; Ore-1 Local R eaders beings glide to the surface; they re­ hitherto innate will awaken withinI gon’s tim ber wealth which includes Each line, each tim e .................... 10c battle of n a tu re ’s forces by which southern Oregon was partially forged sembled his brethren, except they you to respond to the grandeur of one-fifth of the standing tim ber of To run every other day for one the United States; Oregon’s mineral! lived in the water. Again and a g a in ' n a tu re ’s masterpiece month, each line, each tim e. . 7c and shaped. wealth which has scarcely beeni he returned to spend the night a n d 1 To run every Issue for one month No human tongue can, with word or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c or tone, reveal the feelings of awe bathe in the lake. Suddenly, he be-J touched as yet; Oregon’s undevel­ C lassified Column oped w ater power, which, including and sublimity th a t enwraps the per­ came hardier and stronger than his One cent the word each time. the Columbia river basin, represents To run every issue for one month one-third of all the undeveloped wa-, or more, %c the word each time. L egal R ate - l ter power of the United 'States; Ore- F irst time, per 8-polnt lin e ......... 10c gou’t tem perate climate, where hur-l Each subsequent time, per 8- I ricanes, blizzards and tornadoes are point line .................................... 5c 'unknow n and extremes of heat and Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 t cold are unusual: Oregon’s trem en-i Obituaries, the l i n e ..................... 2%c * F raternal Orders and Societies dous size and opportunities for fu­ Advertising for fratern al orders ture development, the land area be- or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be High school graduates of Oregon charged the regular rate for all ad vertlslng when an admission or other are being asked to do everything charge Is made. within th eir power to boost Oregon W hat C onstitutes A dvertising and assist in the development of re­ In order to allay a m isunderstand­ sonality of the tru th seeker as he brethren. FISHING RODS WRAPPED The mysterious waters sources by the Oregon state chamber ing among some as to what consti­ Barrels and Parts Supplied and tutes news and what advertising, views this revelaition. ,There has gave him power far greater than that of commerce. This step is being we print this very simple rule, which been but one th ro at capable of nar- possessed by any other member of taken on suggestion of Irving E. Vin­ Fitted for Any Make of Gun Is used by newspapers to d ifferen ti-. rating the history and significance his tribe. ing of Ashland, one of the directors ate between them : AX*L futu re ^his regjoni an(j t ha t ¡s now Cold Others followed him and sought brents, where an admission charge . . , the influence of the magic water. of the state chamber. Is made or a collection is taken I S i and dead— an extinct crater fettered The plan is to send letters to pres­ ADVERTISING.” This applies to • within the blue chill of the waters, Old w arriors sent th eir sons to visit idents of graduating classes of all 381 E. MAIN ST, organizations and societies of every ; As I stood upon the dizzy height this region and receive strength to high school of the state, appealing kind as well as to individuals. cope with their neighboring tribes. of the cliff and gazed adown the to them as loyal Oregonians, and as All reports of such activities after rocky steep to where the water, two Their superstition and dread of the they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization thousand feet below, decoyed the spirits at first only allowed them to n__ m eetings of societies where no sunlight to reflect its myriad dyes sleep on the cliffs above; in tim e money contribution is solicited, initi­ as it played with sands on the shore they ventured to the w ater’s edge; ation charged, or collecton taken IS rims and tried until my shocked at last they plunged into the blue NEW S. _______________________ senses revolted, to comprehend t h e ; waters medicated by the Llaos and Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon. blue depths th a t entomb the w aters, the coveted strength was theirs. A Fostoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ I could alm ost reiterate the senti- j young brave, becoming proud and ter. ments of the w andering K lam ath a s , haughty over his marvelous strength, he invoked the pardon of the Great dared to slay a m onstrous fish that G ood for UNITED c J ummed P layground Spirit for intruding upon the awful appeared on the surface. Immedi­ valuable ately the infuriated Llaos swarmed stillness of his repose. prem ium * Superstition could find no better to the surface, slew the Indian dare­ home than within the egg shaped devil, tore his body into small pieces bosom of C rater Lake, ranging which they threw to th eir children northeast and southwest, seven miles in the blue depths far below. And in length and six in width. The cliffs such will be the fate of every Klam­ rising in fantastical shapes, from one ath who dares to look upon the sac­ to two thousand feet above the wa­ red bosom of C rater Lake. This ter, can hardly be detected from dread haunts the K lam ath of today, their reflected couterfeita, so per­ who shuns C rater Lake as the abode EQUIP WITH THE BEST TACKLE fectly are they m irrored in the of the angry Llaos. In ages past, there arose on the .We Have the Latest and the , smooth and glassy surface, over SOLMOXITES present site of C rater Lake a mighty Best in M other’s i wh :ch the breeze creates scarcely a Next Sunday will be monarch of the m ountains. Lifting ripple. Shadows of clouds and cliffs day,” and oh, boy! don’t forget to RODS n REELS, BASKETS, EGGS, ETC. reflected in the water, have often his hoary head far into cloudland, write that letter home. he looked down upon the snowy m an­ been m istaken for m onstrous sea * « As a Precaution, so None Will Question Your tles of Hood and Shasta. A sentinel if you are bent on w riting a love serpents, while the legends of the Veracity, KODAK Your Patch of the W estland, he cools his brow letter to a m arried woman, play safe, K lam ath Indians people the dark We Have Them caves of the lake with Llaos, or in the air above Everest, the king of and w rite it to your wife. the East. Perhaps no human eye spirits. According to the favorite legend m easured his altitude; no voice be­ That a hoe is just as good for spoke his grandeur. A silent mon­ wholesome exercise as a golf club of this Indian tribe: Many, many arch, he ruled o’er a silent realm. “ Don’t Forget to Put Out Your Campfire’’ may be true, but who wants to prove moons ago, long before the paleface appeared to disturb the peace of the it? proud natives of the forest, when There’s one thing you got to h a n d !the deer were Plentiful and the the mosquito in the line of discovery. brooks teemed with fish, a band of They put us "next” on the tran sfu ­ brave K lam aths, while on a hunting expedition, came suddenly upon a sion of blood. huge cavern in the m ountain top. • * The braves were struck dumb by its Jack Dempsey says th a t the wom­ rem arkable walls and m ajestic pro- Money in the hank gives the sort of courage en of Paris wear their skirts so long. lie'll have to put on blinders when P°r t*on3- W ith spirits subdued and that enables men to get on in the world. quaking with fear, they stealthily TH E BE ST O F EATING he comes home. ' crept up to its edge and gazed into We suggest that you open a savings account EVERYTHING HOME-COOKED If the Mexicans who object to the its iathom leas depths. They con­ with us and begin now Io build up a cash in roduction of the American cabaret ceived it to be a lake, the awful still- reserve. had been at the Ashland arm ory last r.ess of which was appalling. Some­ Friday night, their objections might thing within told them the Great Your account is welcome here regardless of have been overcome. I Rplrit dw e,t th e re ’ and they dared size. « . not remain. Bowed with reverence B A R B E R The Examiner says the telephone the>’ crept down the m ountainside Safety blades resharpened company is going to start a wireless and camP«?d far away, like new. Single bit, 30< service, and in the same breath asks By some mysterious and unac- doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz will it be any different from th e ' c°untable Influence, one young brave, Ashland. Oregon serviceless wires we are now fa m ilia r.Wds induce<* to return. In the dead C hildren’s W ork A w11h 1 of night, he climbed up the moonlit Specialty • « m ountain to the very brink of the Ashland Tidings A D read T ok en Satisfies th e sw eet to o th and aids appetite and digestion. TO BOOST STATE .El Cleanses m outh and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Guns Repaired C o m b in es b e n e fit. p leasu re and D on’t miss the joy of the new WRIGLEY’S P-K -the sugar- coated pepperm int tid bit! R. Middleton When You Go Fishing A 5 NININGER & WARNER V IR G IN IA Dollar Courage CAFE 29 First St. W. A. SHELL The Citizens Bank The man with a past is more a t­ tractive than the man with a future, according to Lady Angela Forbes’ notion, but she adds, th a t a combi­ nation of the two is not far from ideal. • • News item says New Jersey will spend $200,000 buying coal oil for mosquitoes. Let ’em buy their own oil. Skeeters don’t need light any­ way. for they sure can wield a feeler in the dark. • • Congresswoman Alice Robertson, who is still "Miss” Robertson, and a leading suffragette, advises all wom­ en to m arry. And Lady A stor says, “ A career is all right, but you can't run your fingers through its h air.” She ought to know, having a seat in the house of commons and being the m other of six children. MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL By Charles Sughroe « Wertem Newipeper Unió. He Has a Following of His Own >