M oi m Ashland isííLÁflft liÁiir ïwiÂvà Tidings MZtXffi, the PRINTER’S devil April 21, luyq By Charles Sughroe JThis Is Worth kernembering Established 1876 Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. Published OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 E. J. BARRETT, Editor lubscrlptloH Price Delivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s ........................... .. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.75 One year .................................... 7.50 Mail aud Rural Routes One month .................................. $ .65 Three months ....................... 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 Ona year • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6.66 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Sir ie insertion, each in c h ........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One tim e a w eek........................ 27 %c TOMORROW doubtedly always will be, at a dis-i 7th grade, W agner Creek school, dis­ grade, Central Point school, Eagle Two times a week........................25 c advantage with other cities— Med- trict 56. Second place, Alice E. Point route, district 89. Third place, 1Cveiy other d a y ...........................20 c Ha ve you ever noticed, how d a y iford particularly. That city has a Arm strong, 8th grade, Lost Creek Lora] Readers Rose Stancliff, 6th grade, Central Each line, each tim e .................... 10c in and day out, a man will come to background of sm aller towns on school, d istrict 42. Third place, Eva P o in t school, district 6. F ourth place, To run every other dtey for one an obstruction in „ th e road; walk whlch to draw and hag the uniqu6 L. Kerby, 7th grade, W agner Creek Frances E. Wilson, 6th grade, Sams month, each line, each tim e. . 7c clear around; perhaps curse it; and advantage th a t they are towns off school, district 56. Fifth place, Hel­ Valley school, d istrict 20. To ru if every issue for one month Make Ashland the ‘‘City Fifth or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c then a stranger comes along and the line of and never Hkely to be en Scheldereiter, 7th grade, Belle­ place, Lester Scott, 6th grade, Cen­ Beautiful.” Plant your kicks it out of the way. I t’s n o jreached by the rallroad> Their t raf- view school, d istrict 73. Classified Column tral Point school, district 6. One cent the word each time. longer an obstruction, and thp man flc tben mU8t come through Medford Pupils of fifth and sixth grades gardens, f I o\v e r s and To run every issue for one month wonders why in the name of “ Barn­ assuring th a t city of a commercial i in schools of second apd third class: or more, %c the word each time. hill" he had not done th a t himself supremacy for many a day to come, shrubs now. We have all Legal Rate F irst place, Helen Simerville, 6th j Ashland has no back-country to draw' grade, Central Point school, d istrict F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c long ago. tools you need; the kind Each subsequent time, per 8- The things th a t are under our very: upon; neither agricultural or corn- 6. Second place, Alfred Peil, 6th point line .................................... 5c noses, are generally th e things t h a t; mercial> but lt ba3 it8 wonder£ul> that makes your work a Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 receive the least attention. As an heaith.giving litb ia , sulphur and Obituaries, the l i n e ......................2% c pleasure. Call in now and example, how much does the average 8Oda 8prlngs Ug beautiful park> and Fraternal Orders and Societies supply your needs. Advertising for fratern al orders resident of this vicinity know about* i8 ne9tied in a cluster of m ountains, All Kinds pf Grey Iron Work or societies charging a regular initi­ the assets of the community in which! in a l, the g ran d eu r of ruggedness ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ he lives, and of which he has tangible and the lure Qf unscathed n a tu re . A Casting and Welding ligious and benevolent orders will 'be charged the regular rate for all ad rem inders, o f-one kind or another,I Teritabie show place of the gods> BRASS WORK 37-30 No. Main Phone 203 % vertislng when an admission or other pretty nearly every hour of the day? wbere the cup Qf gcenic beauty m&y charge is made. How many of you, for instance, have be drained to the depths. It is in-j FOURTH STREET climbed to the top of Mount Ashland evitable th a t sooner or later, these' What Constitutes Advertising FIRST FROM AND In order to allay a m isunderstand­ and looked down on th e glories of great advantages, which today set ing among some as to w hat consti­ the most entrancingly beautiful val­ LAST TO DEPOT tutes news and what advertising, ley in the world? How many have us ap art from the commercial ad-* vancement of o ur neighbors to the we print this very simple rule, which QUICK LUNCH AND SERVICE is used by newspapers to differenti­ taken a sim ilar view from historical north, will in themselves be com-! PRICES REASONABLE ate between them : “ ALL future Table Rock? Have you explored the mercialized, to the extent th a t they Phone 236 events, where an admission charge Oregon caves? Have you visited the Money in the hank gives tin* sort of courage is made or a collection is taken IS “ city of the gods” ? or have you will be made to serve as the magnet that enables men to get on in the world. to draw h ith er a vast*concourse of ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every trekked over the lava beds or the travelers, bent on health or recrea­ “ bad lands,” in th a t wondrous coun­ tion. We suggest that you open a savings account, kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after try between here and C rater Lake? with us and begin now to build up a cash they have occurred is news. It’s safe to say, th a t not one in a THE VALVE OF SERVICE reserve. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no hundred residents of Ashland and money contribution is solicited, initi­ its vicinity are fam iliar enough with The doctor who answ ers a hurry Your account is •welcome here regardless of ation charged, or collecton taken IS any, or all of these wonderful assets call with the greatest speed is more size. NEWS. of southern Oregon, to be able to valuable than a physician of equal! Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, tell an inquiring to u rist much, if skill who drives up to the p atien t’s Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ anything,.about them. door at his own convenience. Serv­ ter. And yet, they are as much an in­ ice counts. It is worth money. W h o , tegral p art of the Ashland of the fu­ is there who doesn’t agree with this Ashland, Oregon <¿ ummer P laygrouno ' ture, as Main street. There is prob­ general principle? And doesn’t it ably no place on the face of the apply also in the buying of m er­ earth ; not California, with all its chandise? widely exploited attractiveness; cer­ The progressive m erchant in tainly nowhere else on the Pacific your own trading center gives serv-i coast, from Vancouver to San Diego, ice along with the goods. He has! where can be found as grippingly a selection of m erchandise continu-! glorious rugged scenery as is to be ally in stock. You don’t have toj found on the trails leading out of wait. When you enter the store y o u , and into Ashland; and most of them are able to see the article itself inj within an easy day’s travel, to go which you are interested. You see! and come. it with your eyes, feel it with yourj In order th at these great assets fingers; note its actual size, shape may be utilized to the best advantage and color; compare it with o th e r' SOLOMON ITES Develop pluck; let the other fel­ we have got to develop a community goods at different prices, and, if it is spirit that reaches out beyond the what you want, take it away w ith ! low tru st to luck. confines of the city lim its and takes you. « « Idleness moves so slowly that pov­ in the whole of southern Oregon If you have questions to ask you! from G rants Pass to the California are given an explanation on the spot. erty has a cinch overtaking it. line. The day is coming when the The answ er given your first question 1 « « Sometimes it is better to stay put mention of Ashland will, in the may suggest another query. It is! mind's eye of the stranger, be synon­ answered within half a m inute o f 1 than it is to jum p at conclusions. HE general public has little all diseases which produce deformity X-ray equipment may be purchased « • ymous with all the beauties with the first interrogation. No tim e is idea of the progress made in in either the bones or the organs of by anyone with the means to buy it; Enthusiasm breakfasts on ob­ which n atu re has endowed this sec­ lost. You benefit from the dealer’s but possession of such equipm ent medical and surgical science the body. stacles, lunches on objections and tion. T h at’s the boundary of com­ practical knowledge, from the f a c t1 does not imply ability as a roentgen m unity interest— southern Oregon— that he is on the ground and ready during the past five or ten years. dines on competition. Today, a roentgenologist can ex­ ! specialist, or the knowledge needed « * which, one day, and th a t not far dis­ at all tim es to see to it personally There is still a long way to go; but amine the lungs, the bowels, the kid­ to make X-ray exam inations which Charlie Chaplin says th a t trying to ta n t— will be the Mecca to which th at the article he has sold you gives the advances made have placed the neys, an d even the brain; so th a t are of value to the patient, any more be funny is the hardest job in the tourists will tu rn from every part off satisfaction. diagnosis and organic location of dis­ diagnosis and treatm ent are now than the possession of a high-pow­ world. But Charlie doesn’t try. He the world. But the development of The wise buyer will not forget th at ease beyond the stage of experiment. placed beyond the stage of guess­ ered racing car would make a man : this community interest and the ex- such m atters have a dollars and cents is. work, and are based upon exact a successful racing driver; even • • 1 ploitation of these w onderful re- value and should enter into the reck­ The science and a rt of X-ray diag­ knowledge. though he were expert in the me­ nosis and treatm en t is now only 25 Funny that the woman who never source8 can never go very far, so oning whenever a price comparison chanical knowledge of automobiles. It will be readily'seen th a t a phys- years old; during which time it has had a husband can always tell ju st *on£ as we cling to the small-town is being made.— (From the pregon been developed by physicists, electric lc,an or a 8Urgeon cannot devote how such an animal should be m an-. ,nethods of the past. We have got F arm er.) Grave danger attaches to X-ray aged to get out of the narrow , mincing engineers, photographic chemists, ^ me p,louKh to the medical and sur- work done by the unskilled. Inade­ and physicians. igical application of X-ray science to • ♦ stru t of yesterday, and get into the JACKSON COUNTY WINNERS j become proficient in it, and also in quate machinery may be purchased, If the average editor was asked long' far-reaching, pp-building stride IN DENTAL ESSAY CONTEST During the first 15 years progress : his own work. To fill this need a and the representation made th at it to name the most difficult problem ° f today- Get out of the rut! Throw v. , ■ , is adequate and th a t the possesser was slow and the knowledge gained new specialist has arisen in this new . .. . , in m athem atics he would probably small-town stuff into the dis- Essays w ritten by Frances M. Ab­ . , . , . , has Hie skill to use it to advantage, was limited, by reason of imperfect b ra n c h of m ed icin e, w hich is so i n ­ say, “ trying to make both ends cai-d! We are not living in the past bott of W agner Creek, Helen Sim- equipment. During these 15 years tricate as to den ind the entire time There are many so-called X-ray nor on the glory of th e achievements m eet.” merville of Central Point, and Emily the application of X-rays was re­ and study of the one engaged in lt— laboratories elsewhere in this region: • • * of a day th a t is dead and gone. Let Frazer Brown and Helen Laura stricted to the location of bullets, or i the “roentgeno’ogist”— the X-ray! but they cannot and should not be Scientists tell us th a t the length roseate memory thrive in th a t rael- Leach of the Medford schools, have the diagnosis of fractures or nth. rjspecialist. The X-ray specialist has expected to furnish m aterial aid to of time you can hold your breath is lowed vista. We are in and of the been forwarded to State Superinten­ diseases of bones. The in terp reta­ a ground work of medical science the patients, a test of vitality. Gee Whiz! Won­ present, and of the present we m ust dent C hurchill’s office. tion of such pictures was relatively elaborated by years of training in der what a dead man thinks of th at make the future. W hether th a t fu­ The school children of Jackson Between l’oi land, Oregon, and easy, and a physician with a small his special line of work. tu re is to have the horizon as its county have been preparing for this theory? Sacramento, California, there are X-ray machine ln>hiH office was the • » border, or to be encompassed within qontest for some weeks, and all es­ The public is not benefited by only two places where competent X- only specialist. Lloyd George started out as a the focus of a two-by-four vision, is says were completed by April 10. X-ray pictures. Their health prob­ ray service, furnished by an X-ray pace-maker in the Genoa conference, up to us of today. The American Invention of X-ray lems are concerned only with the specialist skilled by years of train- Since then a committee has been at. These assets, of which we have work m aking selection of the best but up to the present writing his machines, such as the “iu terrupter- interpretation of the results of a n tin g and with adequate equipment. activities have all been along the line scarce been conscious, so much have one from grades five and six. and less transform ers” and “ thermionic X-ray exam ination by a specialist in can be had. These are at the Sani- they become a part of our every­ from grades seven and of peace-making. tubes” prepared the way for great th a t work. The work of the roent- tarium in Ashland and at the Sac- eight, • * day lives, have attracted outside a t­ throughout second and third clasS advances. The medical use of X-! genologist forms only a part (though red Heart Hospital in Medford. Dr. tention to Ashland and its possibili­ schools of the county, and also from Read in the paper the other day: rays has-been, during the past ten an im portant part) of the whole ex- Lincoln Kalian Is the roentgenologist “ Styles of hats now being worn by ties, not because of, bu t in spite of districts of the first class. years, expanded to the diagnosis of am ination and diagnosis. ! in b o th places. women are much sim ilar to th a t pre­ our self-imposed isolation. Big men The w riters of essays arc in line vailing 4000 years B. C.” Wonder with big capital, are here now for for the $10 prize as winner or first the purpose of seeing ju st what pos place in the county, and they also where they get their data? « • sibilltlea, in a financial way, there have a chance for the state prize of are in these undeveloped resources $25 to the winner in each class. A Seattle crim inal is said to have at our doors. They have seen, if we served for six months as a member Pupils in first class d istrict— Med­ have not, the possibility of m aking ford: of the uniformed police of th a t city, while the rest of the force were Ashland the gateway to southern Seventh and eighth grades: First hunting for him. Talk about nerve! Oregon, the hub of and the central place, Emily Frazer Brown, 8-A ASHLAND, OREGON And speaking of the police, a news point of what may develop into the grade. item tells of a New York policeman greatest tourist traffic In the Unit­ Fifth and sixth grades: F irst ■ making his first arrest after having ed States. It is among the possibili­ place, Helen Laura Leach, 6-A grade.! been one of “ the finest” for 35 years. ties, no m atter how visionary it may Pupils of seventh and eighth new seem. Remember, th a t it is the grades in second and third class visionaries who have made possible schools of the county are ranked asi Forest fires destroy your inheri­ the greatest realities of life. follows: tance. Help prevent them. Commercially, Ashland is, and un- F irst place, Frances M. A b b o tt,' Beautify Ashland Iron Foundry Now Open Bon Ton Cafe SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Ashland Iron Works Dollar Courage Ashlandr Realty HOUSES RANCHES C H EA P! Opposite City Hall The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon THE X RAY T Dr. Jarvis’ Sanitarium A