MiiUW M itt tin fö April in, BaadM Ashland ■ a^ B > Tidings ST. LAWREftCE RIVER PILOT HONORED APTER THREE CENTURIES Established 1876 Every Evening Except gnnday •THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Published TELEPHONE 3» E. J. BARRETT, Editor One month ............................. $ .65 Three m o n th s........................... 1.95 Six months ............................... 3.76 One year ................................. 7.60 Mail and Rural Routes One month ............................... $ .65 Three months ........................... 1.95 Rlx months ............................... 3.50 Ons year ................................. 6.5f BRITISH WXR j h ip * k O N THE \ ST u -A wbence 1UN pe a pHE ICUNS pp JQVEBEC /C itadel ■1» ie insertion, each inch.......... 30c OF A ST LAWRENCE FISHERMAN Local Readers AMMU» M U * - monument to first cwt L kOMtS »Kon KING 'S PILO T O N ST LAW RENCE R lV tR . Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Legal Rate First time, per 8-point line........ 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- polnt line ................................. 5c Card of th a n k s .......................... $1.00 Obituaries, the l i n e ....................2*4c Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will 'be charged the regular rate for all ad vertlsing when an admission or other charge Is made. What Constitutes Advertising In order to allay a misunderstand­ ing among some as to what consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule, which is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them: “ALL future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS NEWS. Should not be "dosed." Treat them externally with— V -A P Ó R V B Ceatum« Suits Offer Splendid Oppor­ tunity for the Use of the Two Materials. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Each line, each tim e...................10c To run every other ttey for one month, each line, each tim e .. 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each time. . 5c HiLDRENS COLDS Over 17 Million Jan Uted Yedrly' Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One time a week..................... 27%c Two times a week.....................25 Nveiy other day....................... 20 WILLIAM S. FIELDING Combination of Broadcloth Pro­ duces Stunning Effect. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising BLACK AND WHITE ' A new object of historic inter- B^t t will soon greet visitors to Quebec, one of particular appeal travelers embarking and de­ bt* rking from the ocean liners that • s* this port. It is a monvment t® the memory of the first St. Law- wnce River pilot, Abraham Martin. Mis name is also perpetuated in thv historic Plains of Abraham which were part of a grant of land r a g fïS g : R ID IN G THE LA C H IN E R A P ID S O N T H E ST LAWRENCE R IVER IN S A F E T Y inscription, in both French and English, reads: This Monument I Recalls to the Passer-by Abraham Martin, Called “The Scot” First “King’s Pilot” On the St. Lawrence Who tilled the land On the illustrious plain« Which bear his name. The tide of travel and com­ merce that now rides the mighty St. Lawrence, would startle La­ Salle, Marquette, Joliet and the early explorers who picked their way up the unknown stream twixt banks inhabited by hostile Indians. During the 1921 ment 01 Quebec. He is also BoT’ttan sA fS » « . shipping «tPPing season 863800 claimed as the first. .. *_______ claimed as the first Scotchman istering a tonnage of 2,598 494 ^bl°y in^North" America. and departed front I y • TT°, America. | Montreal. A huge percentage of o i to ^ fir ^ r o ln n i? * f f m ou Y t ’?i.s sh ip p in g w a s r e p r e se n te d Broadcloth is being used for some of the new two-piece models, and, be­ cause of the smoothness of its linisli, it has an elegance of charm that is not touched by other materials. The French designers, observes a fashion writer In the New York Times, are making a great point of putting black and white broadcloth together, and this, of course, makes a stunning ef­ fect, whether it be used for frocks or cupes or dresses. It Is something which is always becoming to a certain type, and for that reuson it is always more or less in the fashion, though it huppens to be more so just now. The costume suits offer splendid op portunlty for the use of two materials, for witli tlie extra coat or wrap or cape as the case may be, there is a largeness of surface on which to carry out a divergence of the principle of W illiam S. F ield in g , m in ister of using two materials. Perhaps it is tile fashion of two materials that help- fin a n ce of C anada, p h otograp h ed in the costume suit to be popular, am) W a sh in g to n , w h en he w a s urging re-I perhaps the reasoning may be just tin cip ro ca l tra d e r e la tio n s b etw een th e other way round; but, in any case, U nited S ta te s and C anada. there is in this respect a very happy Keep our wooded hills free from union of ideas. forest fires. Another stunning combination is that of a piece of paisley shawl jvitli a dark twill, which Is illustrated in one of the drawings. There are many ways in which to make use of paisley- material, along with some plain mate­ rial, for the dull reds and blues in fllA O L P an cak e F lour— a little w ater or m ilk — a q u ic k stir— an d th e y 're read y to cook. Lv 1 col°ms,ts of Canada, re- ■ ships of the Canadian Pacific Rail w irtil’f •al?ilff3ldeu tbat nf waY and it is this company that Martin s and it is Henri Hebert, a perpetuated in granite the s t n r ,i« who has designed the artistic his hand to carpentry redeemed memorial of granite showing a pil-j a farm from the wilderness aid lar crowned by a ? ’*obe x.of ,the tauPht himself to be a pilot am? an world, supported by thistles. King’s Pilot rendered valuable œ î in u low ? â reli Ä Carved sea. The Í ests. Ehrich, of the Horse’s Aid society has told the Reverend Doctor Myers, who owns the horse, that she will pay all the horse’s living expenses, including horse doctor’s bills. Many have sent money to care for the HORSE. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Up to date, however, the fate of Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ the clergyman, over 70, too old for ter. the pulp)*, has not attracted any particular attention. There is noth­ r^UMME P layground ' ing absorbingly Interesting in a 0FÄMERICA' clergyman, after a lifetime of service, being too old to preach and being re­ tired on a dollar a day. But a horse 50 years old— that’s different. “Ain’t it the truth?” ¡definite annual output of timber big Were it humanly possible or phys- eUOUgh to cut‘ If the thinning of Rally endurable, a close reading o f.the lot be done with Judgment, the the Congressional Record would a f-: production for following .years will ford a daily treat that has the comic;be increased rather than diminished. Fire is the great destroyer. Hot strips put to shame and relegated to ashes carelessly knocked ‘out of a the level of the scientific delibera tions of the Amalgamated Society of pipe’ falling on dead leaves—a camp North Polar Expeditionary Forces o r;“ *® “Ot 7 h° lly extinguished— these the Bureau of Analytical Fourth Di are the chief causes of the mighty conflagrations. And they are wholly mensioners. Verbosity and redundancy run preventable. rampant and apparently nothing can, Nothing in the world is more beau- stem the tide of oratory once it ¡8itiful ° r more Useful than a tree‘ Thi9 begun. That has come to be an a c -|iS the Week tO think about trees’ t0 cepted part of the deliberations ¿ f |Gnjoy them’ to plant tbem‘ that august body and probably it is; UNDERSTANDING THE too much to hope that it can be INDEMNITY changed within another century or! MRS. KOLTSKI NOT TO BLAME WASHINGTON A BRITISH COLUMBI so. BRIGHT. COOL DATA > But when the congress of the Unit-j Her Testimony Showed That the Dog A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. In the midst of much loose discus­ ed States in solemn assemblage cori-i Had Deliberately Disregarded Orders She Gave Him. sion regarding the amount of the venes and makes the following addi-j German indemnity, this passage in a tions to the new tariff bill with as * SOLOMONITES Judge Oscar Hallam, in his address dispatch from an American corres much sobriety as a bunch of federal! before the South Dakota Bar associa­ Broadcloth and Piece of Paisley Shawl Make Thia Interesting Street Cos­ pondent at Genoa to the New York judges, we have to laugh: tion, told this good one: Do thing right today. tume. World is clarifying: “I recall a case of assault and bat­ Champagne and other sparkling • * tery, against the Koltski family, and the antique design are always becom­ “I mentioned to a German dele- wines, $6 a gallon. Ail the goid in the golden rule has gate today that at present values. Brandy, cordials, liquors, absinthe, in the course of the examination it ing and, when not too much of It is been well tried and can easily be Germany’s reparation debt, with 60 kirschwasser, ratafia and bitters of developed that the Koltski family dog used, it becomes extremely interesting. kinds (except angostura), $5 a had taken an active part. Mrs. Kolt- guaranteed to be 24-karat fine. This model shows one of the sleeve­ years to pay, was about $12,000,- all gallon; angostura, $2.50 a gallon. j ski, when on the stand, was asked If less coats which are bound to be pop­ • • 000,000, while France, with slightly Still wines, including ginger wine, j she didn’t Instigate the activities of ular during the spring and summer Only the fool blames Providence more than half the population of ginger cordial, vermouth and similar the dog. She insisted that she did not. seasons. They give such a tremendous for such calamities as might have Germany, owed England and France beverages, $1.25 a gallon. Tlie attorney said: ‘Didn’t you say, opportunity for showing the beauty of Ale, porter, beer and fluid malt “Sic ’em, Caesar?” for that was the been prevented by the exercise of about $6,000,000,000. His reply extract, the wide sleeves without subjecting $1 a gallon. common ordinary horsesense. dog's name. She said, ‘No, I did not.’ them to the confining influence of was that I did not understand the We have scanned the list closely * • “The attorney said, ‘You said some­ tighter oversleeves, and thereby spoil situation.” and find that there is no reference thing to the dogF Business is, in the main, a mere lng the effect of the gown as It was The amount of money the allies “She replied: ‘Well, what If I did?’ originally Intended to be. matter of mutual benefit; he who are trying to get from Germany is to the dodo, the mugwump, the dino­ “He insisted: ‘Tell us what you said ‘‘beats’’ in business gets beaten certainly not at all excessive, gauged saur, or the esoterllycisis. Neither have we been able to find any refer- t0 dog.’ sooner or later. He best succeeds by the damage done. The only ob- “She answered : ‘Why, I said, THE SCARF FOR SPRING WEAR ence to the duties on clallalum or. who best serves. jection is that Germany is in such the paper pulp now reported to be i “Don,t 3lc ’em’ c^ sa r” ’ • • Stole Serves as Wrap to Throw Over bad shape financially that she may one of the principal products of Shoulders When Subjected to Congress is buying seeds for dis­ not be able to pay the comparatively Unsuspected Knowledge. Mars. Chilly Blasts. tricts affected by the drouth, but it small sums demanded without her The Woman has a young college Why play favorites? Shouldn’t graduate friend who Is Just entering has done nothing so far for the lo­ business system going to smash. And A long, flat fur scarf is an excellent the business field. Louise has poise cal ties hit by the eighteenth amend­ although such a fate might be a just we be protected? thing to own and helps its owner to What are the congressmen trying and educational background, which ment.— Harney County News. penalty for Germany’s crimes, i t j to do? Prepare for the second com- she disguises beautifully by means of be well dressed. You can wear It * • a pair of big blue eyes, homemade with a suit. You can wrap It around Bryan is “in Dutch” with some would be mighty hard on the allies, j ing of liquor or simply jolly Vol- pink cheeks and a mop of bobbed your throat when a topcoat needs ex- ! incidentally pretty hard on the stead? Again we say that Dooley of the Baptists in Kansas City. Some and tra warmth. You can wear it in early 1 brown curls. United States. was right. spring as your only wrap, and you car would like to have him make one of She does not know whether to call For here’s the rub. If Germany’s i her latest experience a compliment or use it to throw over your shoulders bis cimracteristic talks at the con« business system collapses, Germany ln the evening when, suddenly, you , the reverse. TREES ference, and others say that if he is no longer affords a market for for­ Yesterday Miss Isabel, the chiefs are subjected to chilling blasts of air permitted to as much as “cheep,” The week of April 16-22 has been These useful flat stoles are good In eign goods, and America and the al­ stenographer, dashed into Louise’s of­ they’ll cut off their contributions. set aside as Forest Protection week, fice, notebook In hand, and made for squirrel, in one of the lighter toned lies all lose a profitable customer. This latter settles it. If there Is and its last day as the golden anni­ the big dictionary, gasping in her caraculs, in kolinsky, in seal and it Moreover, if such a collapse comes, any possibility of a stringency in the versary of Arbor day. The president flight: “What on earth does m-od-u-s some imitation furs which have taker Germany cannot make the small re­ a fast hold on fashion’s creations. money market, you can count on has issued a proclamation asking the) o-p-e-r-a-n-d-i mean?” paration which the allies are still The flat scarfs of fur are ajways in Method of procedure,” said Louise Bryan being out of it. nation to celebrate the week, and the hoping for; and if they cannot get neatly from her desk. fashion, for If they cannot be used specific day, by “uniting in thought what-Germany owes them, they can­ Miss Isabel sniffed faintly and dived in one manner then they can be em PENALTY OF AGE not pay us what they owe us. Our and action for the preservation of iuto Webster. In a moment she was ployed in some other way and an in­ .our common heritage.” out agaiu and looking dazed. vestment thus placed gives value In $10,000,000,000 of foreign war loans Forest fires, with greedy and care- “It does mean method of procedure!" return of good looks for all oc­ In the news columns a day or two goes back to Germany, and will be less timber-cutting, have brought us i »aid she. “How on earth did you know the casions. paid—if it is ever paid—out of Ger-1 ago a story was published about the | to the point where it is absolutely that?”—Chicago Journal. Rev. Myers, an eastern clergyman man money. Cleaning Silk. . necessary that thought and action be being retired on a pension of a dol­ Hear* Concert in Bod. Never use h stiff brush to clean i taken if any of our common heritage DOOLEY’S PROPHECY lar a day. He was too old to preach The acme of comfort and conveni­ silk garments. Use a piece of velvet of woodland is to he preserved. ence in the hearing of wireless con­ to remove the dust. Do not use a hot and for his simple wants he said he Hardly anything is so easily de­ could manage to get along on that A good many years ago the like­ stroyed as a forest. The compensat­ certs has been achieved by Ronald iron to press silk—it will injure the Gurd, an amateur operator of Loudon, fiber and may ruin the color. Silk stipend. But his horse, fifty years able and humorous Mr. Dooley said ing fact is that hardly anything is Ont. By using a little originality he stockings should be washed with tepid old, and reputed to be, perhaps, the words about the congress of the so easily replaced—if one wants to is now able to lie and listen to the re­ water and white soap after every oldest in the world, the faithful com­ United States which it now appears wait long enough. All it takes is production in his own room of music wearing and silk undergarments panion that he had driven on his have grown more apropos with the played several hundred miles away. should be frequently washed with the rounds for nearly half a century; he passage of time, says the Marshfield time and letting alone, and a cut­ Bed springs solved the problem for same care. These small items In the over land will produce another for­ Mr. Gurd, who realized that the sup­ care of silk wearing apparel mean was more concerned about him, than Daily News. est. A burned over land may also ports of his mattress made excellent prolonged service. he was about himself. On a dollar a “Whin thot time comes,” said Mr. do so if the burn does not go too terminal connections. He .capitalized day, either man or beast would have Dooley, or words to that effect, Footwear Styles. mighty scarce rations. And so the “Whin thot time comes, whin a con- deep. Where roots or seeds are left, on his knowledge by eliminating the outdoor aerial wires over his home. the trees will grow. Strap shoes and slippers are to con­ world came to know of the Rev. My­ grisman calls the sky the sky and It is not at all necessary that tim­ One end of the springs Is grounded and tinue popular for spring and summer ers and his horse. not the jooled, ooltramarine canopy bering operations cease, in order to the other end is used for the attach­ and there is an increasing leaning to The New York jockey club has ar­ of hiven, thin we can expect repre- of the receiving Instrument and sensible, low heel models for genera! replace our forests. It is only ne­ ment the sound amplifier. ranged to pay all the old horse’s ex­ sentashun.” wear. cessary that care and thrift be used penses as long as it lives. Mrs. In the vernacular of the street, In the cutting. Any woodlot has a It pays to read the classified page. Let’s have a smokeless summer. Hotel Vendome fo r a r e a l p la c e t o c a t . Hom«- c o o k e d m e a ls s e r v e d f a m ily s t y le . B r e a k f a s t to o r d e r . R e g u la r d in n e r , 5 0 c e n t s . S u n d a y c h ic k e n d in n e r , 7 5 c e n t s . J u s t a c r o s s fr o m L ib r a r y -----125 E a s t M ain S t. MR. ami V ? 'll DNELL ops Snug as a Bug in a Rug 1 hat s the way one of our customers face­ tiously referred to his valuables safely tucked away in a box in our vault. You can have for your valuables the protec-’ tion that lie enjoys—and the freedom from worry—for a tew cents a week. Vaults pro­ tected by latest Electric Burglar Alarm Equipment. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon