Ì»ÀGB F o t îf i ASHLAND DAILY T ÍD íÑ ü á Monday, Aprii 17, 19SBÍ TO iw F * » « T Ashland News in Paragraphs A t RI A L »• s v e r u a r i «» w ia v « V Local and Petsonal s m o w im IR O T R U H K M T « R C C .C IV IW C -------------------------Side Light« ......... TO R l t t l l t « how to C O M R « |* i m S SET TKS AS comm clt TH C O tO C R lR tO R A D IO -y in « REDDING, Calif., April 17.__A river will leave its course at the fam- » W R F IC . • " O W O «« B R O A D C A S T *. ous old raining camp ol Shasta near ¡ S ' here to accommodate northern Cali- ’ fornia Shriners who will hold their: Cliff Payne makes sewing tables. tS L tR M O N « annual ceremonial at Redding April 23. For the entertainment of the visitors, real gold will be panned from the bed of the diverted river as in the days of long ago. RCCCWRR« -ò ~ ò - pel Mont., stopped last night with new ¿11 kinds of upholstering at Mr. and Mrs. P. E. French. They left the New Auto Top Shop. Park Street this morning for Medford and Grants 192-6 Pass, where they will visit ‘with friends for a few days. The Tobys Dress shirts, night shirts and çilk have been in the south, spending the pajamas. Mitchell’s. 192-tf winter, and are now enroute home. Getting tired of. buying worthless work shirts? Try Mitchell’s next time. 192tf Wanted—Fat hens. Ashland Fish Porter’s confectionery is display­ ing a few fine lillies which they re­ ceived from Miss Mae Hatfield, who is spending a few weeks with friends at Santa Cruz, Calif. The lillies were in a good state of preser­ vation, but a number of roses which were sent in the same box did not hold up nearly so well. WAT I A T *?. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ATTRACTIVE EXCHANGE — 11 acres irrigated melon land on Rogue River, paved highway, in edge of town, to exchange for home in Ashland, up to $3000. p h -'k aCU™ redu!red- E. E. - Phipps. Real Estate Broker. 192-1 Hotel Vendome Test Buzzer Is Needed slowly move back and forth, thereby How to Make Purchase an ordinary buzzer, one varying the wave length and by so dry cell and a push button and con­ doing bring it into tune (resonance) station. A Radio Set nect as shown in the diagram. If with There a transmitting are stations sending all the SPOKE WITH SOME AUTHORITY DR. JAMES EADS HOW See Detrick for whipping cream Mr. Perkins' Position Probably in No that whips. 184tf Danger Because He Turned Fresh home made marshmallows Plaza Confectionery. 189tf Spray pumps scientifically re­ paired. Fixlt Shop. 186-tf K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, repairing and dyeing. 168tf Ed V. Price— Who’s Your Tailor —Spring and Summer. Mitchell’s. 192tf “BIG JOHN” KELLY, MINE HEAD OF ’SO’S, IS DEAD BRIDGEPORT, Calif., April 17.— Jobn W. Kelly. a n°ted mine super­ Intendent of Bodle during the “eigh- ties,” when the camp wis booming, „ dead. He wa9 72 yeara age. ------here irom Virginia EASTERN OREGON — 301 acres, i Kelly came good improvements, deeded water City, where he had a prominent part right, worth $20,000. Can be in the Comstock developments. He bought for $4000 on account of was generally known as “ Big John.” mortgage foreclosure. $3000 cash will handle. See E. E. Phipps for particulars. ELECTION PAMPHLETS POR MAILING BEING COMPILED CITIZEN’S RANK BUILDING I •uu«« TMT J’1'“ '“’ d l' * t , i ««• «»"•» .»-«I» d fa,nil,’ r' IUC,‘1''’ d," ner- 5,1 cents. Just across from Library— 125 Ejust Main, St. MR. and MRS. HUDNELL, Props. Snug as a Bug in a Rug — llial s the way one of our customers face­ tiously referred to his valuables safely tucked away ¡n a box in our vault. '»on can have for your valuables the protec­ tion that he enjoys—ami the freedom from worry tor a lew* cents a wTeek. Vaults pro­ tected by latest Electric Burglar Alarm Equipment. The Citizens Bank Orres' Suit Sale will be extended i '•onnec ions with the wire you sic will be teirly sharp and clear. the same way If all right" wichntan three more „ on account have left over from the coll. to Tune Your Set ! 8houl(| ive a „n2Z J 0't corre« bad weatber. Monday, Tuesday and Bef° re attempting to receive, it Adjusting the telephone receivers the fault nOt’ C°rrGCt \Vtwiii' day' ^ e t s have a smokeless summer. you have an electric door bell bend time, but most of the radio-telephone the hammer back so it will not hit NEW YORK, April 10.—After broadcasting stations transmit be­ Tomorrow is the last day to regis­ the gong, remove the cover and con­ tween 7 and 10 o’clock in the even­ erecting the aerial and having a good ter for county and state elections. At nect a piece of wire to the vibrator Billings’ office. 192-1 ground connection the next step is post and from there to the ground, ings. We will publish at an early date a map giving the calls and lo­ to connect the various pieces of ap- as shown in the diagram cations and hours of operation of all The revival meetings at the Naza­ paratus so you will be able to “listen Deaden the noise of the buzzer as the radio telephone broadcasting rene church will continue all this in” on what America's new giant' much as possible by covering it, or stations in the United States. week. Meetings every night at else place it in another room. It is 192-1 ! Tradio) is saying. Do not be disappointed if you hear Are you going? What are you go­ 7:30. ' not the noise of the buzzer that does no messages, but prepare yourself to How to connect instruments: ing to wear? Will a big crowd be ' the work, but the vibrator sends out go trouble hunting. Brother Smith will preach tonight : Take the coil and —— connect weak electromagnetic (radio) waves --- tuning ------ ■= —........— •— iwea there? and ever so many other ques­ Look and see if your aerial is mak at the Nazarene church on the sub- the aerial lead-in wire to the binding and is in reality a minature radio tions are being asked daily concern­ jing ject, “Our Time on God’s Calandar.” ; post to the left, and connect the¡transmitting station,"and "thus " ^ H nK an a“ accidental acc,t*en*al ground «round by by touch touch- ing the society basket cabaret which Come and hear him. 192-1i ground wire to the ?inding post on I ableg you tQ tggt ascer. >»g a part of the roof or some other is to be staged at the Armory Fri­ the right. The center binding post Gaining if it is in working condition. * “7 , V ®°’ J 6”1®*17 7 Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. of the tuning coil connect to the dou-l How to test the detecor- Be SUr® that 3 connectlons are day evening. It is not likely that any ble binding post of the detector, and Have patience and after a little| Soldered whera Possible, other society event in this city could V isito Friends H ere— the small binding post of the detec- practice you will have no difficulty thp T 7 b6. an open circuit in arouse so much interest. Perhaps it Dr. Frank Wood, of Oklahoma, - ................. " — ’ ....... .. stopped over in Ashland Saturday for tor connec* t(J the ground. Connect in keeping your detector always in o one end o""coil ^ h e ^ th e r poT of pany have always put the affair on a few hourg enroute {rom vlsU ^ 1 ^ terminal of the telephone re-I adjustment. Do not be deceived when i hllZ5!pr tn nno L I with so much eclat heretofore. Pendleton. Dr. Wood at one time re -' 7 / er tO eaCh bind,ng post of the y°u touch different connections on connect the other end of coil to the Splendid acts have been arranged. | gided here being engaged in the idetector- and then connect the con-1 your set and hear a sound that the remainlng sjde of battery, and if the ¡denser across the telephone receiv-' detector is in adjustment When i t ![ema,n,nR S'de of battery- and if tb< with the aid of local and Medford praclice of dfentl9try. ______ ! •» » >" «■» diagram. M ake',, adi„stm .n . signals « d m “ i a" ,!r‘ehI" talent. Mr. and Mrs. De Losh, of Medford, have consented to give a society solo dance, and all Ihe Rogue River valley knows of their remark- able and graceful dancing. In answer to some of the many questions: Tables, forks and spoons will be furnished by the First com­ pany, but guests are expected to bring their paper plates, knives, table cloths and any other table equip­ ment they desire. Punch and hot coffee will be served free of charge to all. The whole idea is wholly new, the affair combining the fun of a picnic, with the features of the ball room. Seats are about two-thirds sold out already, though the event is not to take place until next Friday. Med­ ford society people made a rush for seats yesterday, and they expect to take many more. Seats are on sale at Rose Broth­ ers, and can be bought by full tables or part tables. P " " ' ° W “ " ** --------- - lüixt« R eceives F in e Box o f Flow ers— Detrick sells butter tor less. 184tf COURSE FOR SHRINERS m «« L A r« « d ia g r a m Come and hear the Smith family sing at the Nazarene church.* Meet­ Yeo see: I sell life insurance. 189 ings every night this week at 7:30. 192-1 Srops With Friends — Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Toby, of Klais- NEW TOP makes your car look RIVER TO LEAVE ITS “You’ve had another hard day, haven’t you, dearie?” asked Mrs. Potts as her husband came in from the oi- flee. “I’ll tell the world I have,” Potts agreed. “I’m plumb fagged out. Every­ thing in the world went wrong. “That’s too bad,” sympathized the lady. “Almost landed the biggest con‘Tact of the year,” Potts announced, throw­ ing his coat down on the chair by wav of emphasis. “Had the man all ready to sign up—pen In hand—when the bottom dropped out.” “How was that?" inquired Mrs. Potts, taking her cue from years of wifely experience. “Oh, Perkins had to come sticking his head into the matter!" exclaimed Potts. “There were one or two of the clauses to the contract that he didn’t think were Just right. Said he didn’t quite approve of the time limit, either. And, say! I had given the Arm six weeks more time than we would have ever required to complete the contrac’ Some people are so conservative that it ceases to be a virtuS. Yes, sir, if it hadn’t been for Perkins I’d have landed the biggest contract that the firm has had In 18 months." “My!” exclaimed the lady. “I should think the firm would be terribly mad at this man Perkins. Will he be able to hold his position after causing you to lose such a big contract?” “Oh, yes, I suppose he will," Potts ' admitted. “You see, I took It for' granted that you knew. Perkins Is president of our company.”—Kansas Dr. James Eads How, the “million, aire hobo,” joined the varied classes of tourists in San Diego, Cat., recently and he ie here ehown on the occasion of an address he made to fellow tour ists of the nonworking olass. He has instituted a movement in 8an Diego t« found another of his “hobo” collegee. FOR SALE—Stockman’s saddle and surry. Roscoe Applegate, 996 Oak SALEM, Or., April 17.—With the s t- 192-2* filings for the primary elections com­ FOR SALE— Pigs. L. Moore, pleted here late Friday night, Sam Belleview. 192-6* A. Kozer, secretary of state, has be­ J OR RENT—Lithia garage E. F. gun the task of assembling the argu- Gold Mines in Ancient Graves. Smith. 192tf ments and 9tatements t0 be Printed The latest method of gold mining is WW’TK’n_;------------------------- in the voters’ pamphlets. Under the * v i t i i — Woman to helo care — for grave robbing. Modem Indians of invalid woman and wait on table laWS theae paraphlets muat be in tbe western South America have discov­ at meal time. Easy work. W rite1 raalla ei^ht days before the primary ered that buried in the mounds that H. F. McCrarry, Siskiyou Siation, i election, which will be held this vear City Star. contain the skeletons of their ancleut Oregun* 192-4* May 1J. ancestors there also can he found gold WANTEI -Day porter. Hotel Ash- i —trinkets. They burrow into these, INCIDENT CONVEYS A MORAL “ land. 192. t I grants pass hi debaters claim the trinkets as an Inheritance PUT IT OVER KLAMATH FALLS Illustrating Once More That Physical und melt these priceless relics of Amer FOR SALE—Eight good young hor lea’s wonderful pre-Columbian civiliza­ Force Is Altogether Ineffective ses. one roan Durham bull one tion into gold of commerce. as an Argument. light truck. H. L. Moore. 364 Vis­ Grants Pass high school was given Archeologists of the bureau of Amer ta St. Phone 187-J. 192-6* ___ _________ a 2-1 decision over Klamath Falls lean ethnology of the Smithsonian in One great man who had delved Into FOR SALE CHEAP—Electric wash J Friday night* Thia glves the Grants scientific methods for many years was stltutlon declare that such practices! ing machine; double deck rabbit Pass 9Ci1°°i the championship of two passing along the street one day when | are destroying forever the early his­ hutch; two boys’ bicycles; pile of districts of Oregon, the southern and he was halted by a householder, who j tory of South American Indians. scrap lumber and ladders. Come south central, Large Images of gold and silver said: Monday evening or Tuesday fore- were made by the prehistoric gold “Sir, you had an article in your pa-! noon. 105 Water St., Ashland. smiths. The records of the early per yesterday." BUCKEYE BAKERY BROKEN 192-1 Spanish explorers are filled with de “Yes, I did," was admitted. INTO SATURDAY NIGHT WANTED—Unincumbered, reliable "In that article you said that tbe scriptions of these golden articles some of which were as large as carl lady wishes employment, store moved.” The Buckeye bakery was burglar­ world wheels. preferred; other work considered. “And so tbe world does move.” P..O. Box 246. 192-6* ized some time after the bakeryTT “You are a liar, and I can prove it. ized some time after the place closed I drove some stakes on my propertr CON VAI/ESCENT HOME Mistletoe Has Brains.* CONVALESCENT HOME — Facing Saturday night and before opening last night, and found that they had One of the most curious illustration« Lithia park—cottage plan. Milk time ¿Monday morning. No money had not moved at all." of the working of intelligence in plant« “Rash man, but I can prove to you diet and other Nature cures. Mrs. been left in the place with the ex­ is offered by the mistletoe, whose W. M. Barber. Free consultations ception of a small number of pennies, that the world does move.” And he sticky berry, finding lodgmeut on a _ i 2 to 4. 153 Granite St. Phone turned the other around and gave him 411~R _________________ 192-1 mo which were taken. In addition a a kick which landed him about ten tree branch, throws out a tiny rootlet basket of eggs and some butter, rolls, feet away. which tries, to pierce the bark and CONVALESCENT HOME—The Hol­ doughnuts and a collection of canned thus obtain a foothold.. If the bark is “And I will prove to you that the stein be'ng the most vigorous of goods were taken. It could not be too tough, the rootlet swings the berry world does not move,” cried the house­ cows, ininarts more vitality to her over to a freSh spot, and makes an­ milk. Rich in minerals and poor learned how the place was entered, holder. And he hauled off and gave other trial. In this way such a berry in buttertat—you can “stay with but Mr. Butler, the proprietor, be­ the wise man such a blow In the face has been known to make five Jumps In it.” We are putting in purebreds. lieves a key was used to open the that he fell down and did not move. Moral—When a man cannot be con­ two nights and three days. On on« door, as the doros and windows were vinced. by argument, then blows, aud occasion a number of them were dis­ LOhT Last Saturday, bunch of keys all found locked just as when the kicks and black eyes will do no good. covered by a botanist in the act of on ring. Finder retun to Tidings store was closed. No clue to the visibly journeying along a telegraph office. 192-2* thief has been found to date. wire, trying to find places to grow.— Let a want ad sell it for you. Exchange. Oregon •IRENE” COMING TO THE PAGE THEATER, MEDFORD All the magic of youth and the joy of life are found in “Irene,” New York’s greatest musical comedy suc­ cess. which will be at the Page the­ ater, Medford, tomorrow night, Ap­ ril 18. It has provided a beautiful scenic equipment and wonderful cos­ tumes for the play and a special or­ chestra. The New York cast, with Patti Harrold in the role of Irene O’Dare, the shopgirl beauty, will be seen and a beauty chorus which can also dance and sing will give to “Irene” all of the verve and smart­ ness which distinguished the presen­ tation in New York for two years at the Vanderbilt theater. Such songs as “Alice Blue Gown,” "Castle of Dreams,” “The Last Part of Every Party," are the choicest melodies yet heard. The comedy and music are of high order and the play the sensa­ tional success in musical history of a decade. Down That Contract Ashland, ARLISS The Most Distinguished Actor on the Screen, in " D IS R A E L I” One of the most interesting and beautiful pictures ever shown TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY CHARLES RAY < ( —m— A MIDNIGHT BELL CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends for their kindness and sym­ pathy during the Illness and death of our beloved husband, son and brother.— Mrs. W. C. Gilliland, D. C. Gilliland and Eamily. 192-1* Don’t start what you can’t finish -Forest fires for instance. It pays to read the classified page. huwT Childrens Springtime Gam es and P laythings Jump R o p es.................... 30c Rubber B a lls ..........5c-30c Return Balls .................. 5c Sure-Shot Pistols ...........25c (A harmless toy pistol that shoots wooden bullets.) TENNIS BALLS MARBLES Bubble B low ers..............15c See Our Windows the »fui T ov Paint Creates Prosperly Save the Surface and You Save All The “ run down’’ house (there is one near you) is fast going to ruin merely because the owmer unwisely neglects to keep it protected with paint. It costs more not to paint than to paint. Paint saves the surface and protects the building from sun, rain, frost and varying weather conditions that bring destruction. Prosperity demands the protection of all exposed surfaces with good paint. ACMEQUAUTY I HOUSE PAINT gives lasting protection and beauty. It costs less because it takes less and las s longer. Call at our store and let us show you color samples and assist you in selecting the proper color combinations that will make your house appear, to the best advantage. )K0W Swenson, McRae Furniture Co.