PAGE TWO ■ ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, Aprii 17, 192d Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except ____ Sunday , . THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND CÓV nt F PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Home Dressmaker Can Get Individuality With Handstitched Pattern on New Frocks E. J. BARRETT, Editor Subscription Price Delivered in City: One m onth .................................. $ .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six months ............................... 3.75 One year .................................... 7.60 Mail and Rural Routes One month .................................. $ .66 Three months .............................. 1.96 Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ..................................... 6.5< The Southern Pacific company has issued a folder entitled “ Oregon Camping, Fishing and H unting Guide,” in which the following state­ ment is made in regard to Ashland: “One of the districts that has seen rem arkable development during the past few years is the m ineral springs district, of which Ashland Is the cen­ ter. Ashland, capitalizing her cli­ m ate and her numerous mineral and medical springs, has become one of the recreational and health resorts of the state. Not only Is Ashland a land of beauty, health and pleasure, but It is the center of a district of great scenic charm. H er extensive parks, her well-planned drives, and the conveniences provided for auto tourists have added greatly to her prosperity and fam e.” The folder has a very attractive cover In four colors and is nicely illustrated w ith sketches and maps. It also contains directions for reach­ ing the various hunting and fishing grounds. It tells about road and i trails, outfits and clothing, and var­ ious other inform ation th a t is In­ valuable to pleasure seekers. The booklet should be In the hands of every sportsm an and lover of the outdoors. Copies may be obtained free of charge from any agent of the Southern Pacific lines, upon appdl- cation. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising ■I d le Insertion, each in c h .......... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One tim e a w eek........................27 Vic Two times a week....................... 25 ’Cveiy other d a y .......................... 20 Local Readers Bach line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other dtey for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. Legal R ate F irst time, per 8-polnt lin e .........10c Each subsequent time, per 8- polnt line .................................... 6c Card of thanks - .......................... $1.00 Obituaries, the l i n e .................... 2 Vic Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular Initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will Se charged the regular rate for all ad vertislng when an admission or other charge Is made. Wliat Constitutes Advertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule, Which is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them : “ ALL future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred Is news. ' All coming social or organization ' m eetings of societies where no • money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS NEWS. CALLED LAND OF BEAUTY IN S. P. IT IS the handwork on a dress 1 that raises it out of the whole­ sale class and puts it into a class t-y itself. It is the handwork on 8 dress that raises its value far shove the level of machine-made things— and it is the handwork a dress that gives it its indi­ viduality. Therefore, if you would have a unique dress, see that there Is a touch of handwork on it. Above are three dresses each with a handstitched pattern work­ ed out on it in silk. Each pattern is small and simple, and polka-dots the whole dress. This is a stunt that the home dressmaker can do —she can select, or design, her own motif, and then apply it to gee dress, and is also on a pongee the dress, thus stamping it with “clunky” parasol to match. individuality. A dahlia design was worked out In the upper sketch to the right, on the dress in the photo, with a simple wheel motif was chosen. the result that it was found pretty It dots the whole dress at distant enough to be put in the movies intervals, and is consequently and worn by Agnes Ayres, Para­ very effective. The dress, by’ the mount star, who will be seen with way, is a simple chemise model, Jack Holt in William deMille’s lat­ with a deep bertha with inserts est picture, “Bought and Paid of accordion pleats over each arm, For.” The skirt was polka-dotted matching the skirt panels at thè with this motif, but the waist w « sides. The pleatings are plain. left plain— the motif only bord*a»- In the lower sketch, a cubist ing the neckline, and appearing design was selected. It is made in a group of three over each e l­ up of two squares of different bow. A ribbon of a dahlia shsAe colors, with a wiggly little line ■circles the waist and hangs hcl*»w below. This design is on a pon-^a deep hem. FABLES OF THE FOREST A W oodsm an R eform ed, Or Chapter From th e H istory o f P aul Bunyan. TAKE THIS WEATHER FORE­ CAST FOR WHAT IT S WORTH WASHINGTON, April 17.— W ea­ ther outlook for the period April 17 to April 22, inclusive: Pacific coast states: Generally fair with tem perature near or somewhat below normal. C O R E THROAT fcX Gargle with warm salt water then apply over throat— V J V C K R S A r la a o R a u 1 b a a Over 1 7 Million Jar, Ashland Realty Co. HOUSES RANCHES C H E A P !’ Opposite City Ball Ashland, Oregon Ready for a Safe Hit Unquestionably those hats of ours have made more base hits than any other bats in this te r­ ritory. We carry a most com­ plete line, ail have the stamp of approval on them. We make a specialty of base ball goods at regulation prices. Nothing is lacking to outfit clubs or indi­ viduals. SIMPSON’S 3 7 -3 0 No. Main HARDWARE Pitone 203 ASHLAND BRANCH Oregon Normal School ASHLAND, OREGON Paul Bunyan was a famous log­ JU N E 19 (o JULY 28 1922 ger. As the story goes, he had a camp on the moon and brought his logs to earth with a “ski-line.” Any­ a k i A / \ x-weeks’ sessio’> o‘ the Oregon Normal School will be held at n en thC a b ° Ve n and convenience how, back in 1765, Paul did accom­ of ¿ m l pany General Braddock over the Al­ of Southern Oregon teachers who desire further professional tralni ting. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, leghany mountains. He was head Postoffice as Second-class Mall M at­ COURSES AND INSTRUCTORS ter. swamper then and the forest was so The regular normal courses given at Ashland will be the same as dense th at the arm y made only a tio se given at Monmouth and the same credit allowed therefor. In fact, mile a day. “ Slash ’em and burn P layground ’ ’em ,” said Paul. “ It will be a m il­ at the close of the term, all records will be sent to the State Normal a t lion years before anyone will need Monmouth. The courses will include psychology, school management, these trees.” Nevertheless, we are rural school problems, methods in reading, arithm etic, language, geog­ for W anam aker has been the reig n -Ito at least a small portion of this ril to early May planting is best, a n d , now paying $50 per leg. for dining raphy, etc., for all grades, public school music and physical training. mg “ m erchant prince” for many vast sum to be expended in improv­ In addition to the above courses advanced work will be given by some about one inch is the proper d e p th .' tables made from what little is left years. ing the roads of this portion of the Screening the seed into large, med-1 of those hardwood forests. first class person from one of our best universities. These courses will county, instead of all of it in the iuin and small sizes makes it easy But Paul moved on to the pine include a general discussion of standard tests, measure of intelligence, eastern part of the county leading to to get an even stand with a seeder. STILL CAPTAIN OF HIS SOUL forests of Michigan. “ I will get me J teachers’ grade m arks, etc. A large part of the courses will be to develop C rater Lake and other sum m er re­ an ox team ,” said he. “And invest a sense of responsibility to use these new aids in benefitting the people H arvest the Cutworm Crop sorts, which are used alm ost exclus­ my profits in real estate. The tim - ! Wb° are in our schooIs- Ex-President Wilson may be down Our most injurious garden cu t­ her here will support mammoth ively by outside tourists who pay . A Practice school, embracing all elem entary grades will be main- but he isn’t out. He may be im­ no taxes here and have no interests worms pass the w inter as partially cities.” So he hauled logs day a n d ' . ” , th roughout the entire term of six weeks. At all times the rooms paired in body, but he isn’t impaired in this county. grown caterpillers in garden soil. night, the city grew, Paul got rich, i „ be *in charge of the regular norm al staff teachers, yet practically SOLOMONITES in will. His physical appearance For instance, a paved road be- Destroy the cutworm crop before the and would have lived happily ever / tf/ teachlng win be done by sum m er school students. The staff of teachers will include: may have changed, s a t s i s Inner i tween Medford and Jacksonville, the garden plants are available for them after, thus ending the story— if th e ' Oh, yes, this girl, she was clever. This can be done by broadcasting spirit is the same, says the Medford j county aeaL five miles in length, G. A. Briscoe, Supt. of Schools, Ashland, Oregon. tim ber had held out. But it didn’t, 1 Instead of replying, “ no, never,” Mail Tribune. 1 wouId be of more benefit and accom- poison bran mash over the garden and Paul went flat broke and hast­ Susanne Homes, County Supt. of Schools. Ju st smiled, as she said: plot as soon as the soil is thoroughly Method teacher, grades 1, 2, and 3. In the midst of all this confusion raodate a g reater num ber of taxpay- ened away to the yellow pine woods “ See father.” Method teacher, grades 4, 5, and 6. and unrest, these distressing gyra­ ers than any other road improvement prepared for planting. The standard of the south, where he took a con­ Method teacher, grades 7, and 8. tions of a topsy-turvy world, it is that could be made in Jackson cutworm form ula is bran 15 pounds, tract felling timber. Now she knew th at he knew calcium or lead arsenate four ounces, county. Instructor in Music. com forting and reassuring to note “ Cut the stum ps high,” quoth Her father was dead; salt four ounces, molasses or syrup And since this road is already th at one man— and with all his Instructor in typing, short hand, penmanship, bookkeeping. And knew th at he knew two quarts, and w ater to make a Paul. “ There is tim ber enough here graded and ready for the cement, the Instructor in physical training and playground. shortcomings, a great man— has in to supply the earth forever.” But The life he had led; coarse, crumbly mash. Advanced work. cost would be but a mere trifle com­ no essential p articu lar changed. soon the camps began to close down So she knew th a t he knew pared with m aking roads to sum m er Tying th e Flee«© Explained This fact is amply dem onstrated and the mills began to disappear, W hat she m eant when she said: LOCATION AND EQUIPMENT resorts, over which the average tax­ by the latest W ilsonian break— this The best wool on th e sheep is and when the boss said “cut ’em “See father.” The sum m er school will be located in the senior high school build- time with the faithful and ubiquitous payer never has the desire nor time found over the shoulders and along low," Paul Bunyan quit and started « • ing a unique mission type, having a pleasant and cool interior at all to travel. Perhaps there Is not a the back and every fleece should be for th e Pacific N orthw est, whefe Joe Tumulty. • • • We have no objection to the army times, and affording some of the most inspiring and beautiful views to county road in Oregon of the same It Is a grim and meloncholy figure graded on the basis of this wool, be­ th ere was plenty of tim ber and no and navy being reduced in size, pro­ be found in southern Oregon. The building l8 completely equipped with sitting alone before the fireplace on length, five miles, th a t is travelled cause It constitutes the m ajor por­ need of being so particular. vided congress agrees to do the fight­ library, gymnasium, laboratories, auditorium , and class rooms, all of “ S” street. Colonel Harvey has gone, more than is this highway between tion of the fleece, says H. A. Lind­ But he got an eye-opener when he ing the next tim e we get into a scrap. which will be wholly at the disposal of the sum m er students. The Ash­ Lansing has gone. Colonel House has Medford and Jacksonville. gren, extension specialist in animal crossed th e treeless plains. It gave • • land Carnegie library possesses some teu thousand volumes and affords gone, Dudley Field Malone has gone, husbandry at the Oregon A gricultur­ him som ething to think about.‘‘Great Forty-three cities report employ­ W. G. McAdoo has gone, and now the excellent facilities for study, especially along the lines of suitable books KEEP MONEY MOVING al college, Tying the fleece so th a t Scott,” cried Paul, as he slid over and m aterial for grade pupils. ment increases averaging 28 per faithful “Joe,” valiant and worship­ the good wool Is on th e outside Is, the Cascades, “They’re burning the cent. Of course, this Is the season ping retain er in many a battle, and When you hoard money away you therefore- not only an honest practice forests out here! We have no wood SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS when employment normally In­ au th o r of ‘‘Woodrow Wilson As He to w aste.” So Paul got a job as fire assist in stifling the commercial ac-