Dance at Kingsbury Springs Satur­ day night, April 15, and have a good time. Loveland’s Param ount Or­ chestra. 189-3 Columbia Hotel — The Columbia hotel has registered as its guests, the following: W. C. Davis, D unsm uir: Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Johnson, C rants Pass; D. H. Wells, W. B. Skiner, Los Angeles; George! P. Listman, O. F. Dozier, R. Krae- Dance, Moose hall, S turday night,'ETNA MILLS RANCHER ger, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bock, Seattle; April 15. Leedom’s O. chestra. 1803 H. V. Smith, J. S. Wertz, E. R. F ran ­ DIES APTER RUNAWAY cis, P ortland; Henry C. Dabstrom For easy money, easy payments. WEED, Calif., April 15.— A ranch­ and family, Los Angeles; A. Brown, See Beaver Realty Co. 188-tf er from E tna Mills, by the name of C. Homer, San Francisco. Haiten, died a t the Weed hospital, Here for Week-End— Yeo sez: I sell life insurance. 189 He was plowing and his team ran ______ Mrs. Abraham s and daughter Ellz- away. His skull was fractured and O rres’ Suit Sale will be extended, a beth, Roseburg, are here for the week-end, which they will spend with he was otherwise injured, He did three more days, on account of the not regain consciousness. It was bad weather. Monday, Tuesday and th eir daughter and sister, Miss Dor- evidently some time after the acci­ W ednesday Only. 191-3 thea Abrahams, a teacher in the local dent before his brothers found him. schools. Called to Sacram ento— i ----------- RAILROAD INCOME IS REPORTED ON UP GRADE WASHINGTON, April 15.— Amer­ ican railroads are on the “ up grade” to prosperity, _______ according to reports filed with the in terstate commerce commission, covering February in­ comes. With only 57 roads showing deficits, the total net income all car- riers for the month was approxim ate ly $48,000,000, compared with a de­ ficit of more than $5,000,000 in the same month last year. R. L. W ardle, of Third street, was, oin sPec*a *s at $28.50 at Orres SUSANVILLE STORES ALL CLOSE ON GOOD FRIDAY called to Sacramento today .by the !Tailor Shop— Monday, Tuesday and SUSANVILLE, Calif., April 15.— death of his mother, Mrs. A. M. W ar-i „ , “ ,, ,11» . Frank Rumet, traveling represen- Good Friday was observed by all the dle. He left on train 13 tins morn- .. . .. ™ .. Jng tive of the ‘‘Oregon F arm er” maga business houses in Susanville yester-1 ______ ! zine and the twice-weekly Spokane day. The stores closed between th e ! See Detrick (or whipping c re a m ! SPokeemanReylew h a , again re.u rn - hours of 2 and 3 p. m. During this th a t whips. 184tf “ ‘° Ash'a " (1 an hour there were services held in a Ashland hotel, where he intends to theater, with the Rev. C. H. H. EVEN WITH A MACHINE remain for a few weeks previous to Moore of the Baptist church, Rev. Cliff Payne makes hat racks. TO HELP going to Klam ath and Lake counties. W. A. Bean of the C hristian church, He will be pleased to renew acqualn and Rev. Ira E. Price, of the Meth- 1. W ater to be drawn and heated. Here from Rogue River1 tance with those whom he met on his odi9t church leading, 2. Clothes to be hung on the line. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson, last visit here. The subscription to! The gram m ar school was closed to 3. Starch to be mixed and cooked. of Rogue River, spent Friday in Ash­ his popular weekly paper is only $1 perm lt the students to attend in a The machine cannot relieve you of land. The Robertsons expect to lo­ body. for five years. all this heavy, tirin g work. Our 191-1 cate in Ashland in the near future modern way of washing does— we Make Trip to M ed fo rd - MAY VOTE ON REPEAL take all of the steam and bother of Columbia records redaced to 65c Lloyd Crowson, Molly Clary, Car- OF HIGHWAY BOND ISSUE wash day out of your home; we'll do at Rose Brothers. 152tf roll Holmes and Geneva Moore mot­ EUGENE, April 15.— Lane county all of your washing for you, the iron­ ored to Medfofrd last evening and voters will have an opportunity at ing, too, if you wish, at a cost within Jacksonville Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes made were entertained a t the Paul electric the May prim ary election, if they your reach. desire, to rescind their action in vot­ We have several different types of a trip to Jacksonville on business shop by a radio concrt. ing the $2,000,000 county highway service. Each is thorough and econ­ yesterday. Wednesday. 191-3 bond issue, insofar as th e unsold omical. No initial investm ent is re­ Have a fit at Orres. Orres cleans portion of the issue is affected. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday quired; there are no monthly install­ Steps have been taken to place on m ents to be met. are the last three big days a t Orres' clothes. Phone 64. 191-3 the ballot what is term ed the “ Lane Tailor Shop, for real values in suits. You’ll find this way of washing a W ant to liquidate th a t old debt? county road bond repealing law .” most welcome relief— phone today 191-3 : See Beaver Realty Co 188-tf Petitions for signatures have been and have our representative call. Detrick sells butter for less. 184tf printed and will be circulated a t Visits Sister Hera — once. Returns to Ranch— Mrs. Fedde and Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Ralph Clary, who has been sisters of Mrs. L. Price are here from Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. PHONE 165 visiting friends in Ashland for some ------ Bend, Or., visiting with the Price tim e past left this week for her family for a few days. home near Rogue River. Are you contem plating building? Fresh home made marshmallows, fume and fus« over your B etter see Beaver Realty company. WHY? ” “ * • Easter Dinner when when the Plaza Confectionery. 189tf. ______ ( 188tf Table de H ole NELDA CAFE can do it for you, and On Sick List— ! L -I-S -T -E -N ! Don’t miss th at you can be sure of Service, Cleanli­ Mrs. G. H. Hedburg, of Second j dance at R ingsburv Springs Satur^ ness and Quality? street is confined to her bed with an day night ‘ P 6 a t“ r attack of influenza. g -n » . --- ---------------- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Spray pumps scientifically re­ paired. Fixit Shop. 186-tf WANTED— Woman or girl to do housework. Phone 302-R. 191-3* Washing Is Hard Work Ashland Laundry Co. BALDY OF NOME, NOTED SHEARING COMMENCES ALASKAN DOG, IS DEAD IN TEHAMA COUNTY BERKELEY, Calif., April 15.— Baldy of Nome, one of the most not­ RED BLUFF, April 15.— The wool ed Alaskan dogs, died yesterday a t : growers of Tehama county this week the home of “ Scotty” Allen, who had are in the midst of their heaviest driven him in Alaska sweepstakesj sheep shearing for the season, and races from 1909 to 1917. Fifteen reports from all sections indicate years old. Baldy had gone deaf and they are making satisfactory prog­ was nearly blind. His burial place ress. RANKER FINED FOR FISHING WITHOUT A LICENSE EUGENE, April 15.— L. L. Good­ rich, vice-president of the F irst Nt- tional bank at Eugene, was fined $25 at Eugene on a charge of fishing without a license, according to ad­ vices received by the state game and fish office. A HAPPY EASTER Compliments of Bon Ton Bakery M a c h in e E q u ip p e d a n d U p -to = D a te Ashland, Oregon 0001020002234853232323534848485353232348000200000100000001012348232348480002005353234848485348484853485323 Easter 75c NELDA CAFE M EM U FOR SALE— Monmouth Bronze tu r­ key eggs. 50 cents each. Jesse Late arrivals a t the Hotel Ashland L. Neil. Phone 15F3. 191-3 are registered as follows: E. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Virgin, J. C. My­ HELP WANTED— Good pay, steady work. Drawer 698, Dallas, Ore­ ers, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Allen gon. 191-6* Mattison, Medford; H. J. T h ra ll,!________________ _______ __ _______ Hotel Ashland G uests— Roseburg; H. O. Winslow, Mrs. H. CONVALESCENT HOME __ N ature Wolson, Los Angeles; L. R. Haslett Cure is no mystery. Air, w ater St. Louis. Mo.; Russell Summers,! f° ° ? P ^ p e rly adm inistered, with rest and pleasant surround- George W. Carr, San Francisco; W ings will heal and restore. C. • Davis, D uiiaiiiu unsm uir; Kruse, 11 , v C. _>. n H. . i\r use, f ~ *- Cleveland, O.; Mrs. J. C G riffith F ? ? RENT— Furnished room, light Mrs. Jam es. Halbert, Thomas G al-! — hoUsekeeping- Pf«>ne 340-J. 1 9 ltf bert, Salem; Mrs. L. E. Custer, Mon­ FOR SALE— Two common extension tables in good condition, $3 each. tague, Calif.; D. E. W arren, Chicago- 153 Granite St., or phone 411-R. F. W. Smith, Gladstone, Or., and J. 191-1 S. McKeown, Aloha, Or. FOR RENT— Furnished, two room K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, h apartm ent, running w ater, bath privilege, $15. 153 Granite RELISH Head Lettuce Dill Pickles Ripe Olives SOUP • Cream of Chicken with Noodles FISH Fried Halibut with Butter Sauce ENTREE Fidcasse of Chicken, Egg Dumplings . ROAST Spring Lamb Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Leg of Veal with Sage Dressing VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Cream Cauliflower DESSERT Choice of Pie, Ice Cream and Cake O ver 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 o w n e rs D odge B rlthers MOTOR. CAR Your Choice of Meats R X SOCIETY BASKET CABARET April 21st, 9 to 2 a. m. TH E ORIGINAL INDOOR SOCIETY PICNIC The Social Event-Beautiful Special Cabaret Acts Don’t stay at home because you have­ n ’t a dress suit — Dam few of us have! Unique! Gorgeous! Entertaining! A ll s c a t s n o w o n s a l e a t R o s e B r o s , r e g a r d l e s s o f w h e t h e r y o u p u r c h a s e f u ll t a b le o r n o t Don't be a stay-af-home, be a live one for once Prizes for best decorated tables $1.00 INCLUDING WAR TAX, PUNCH AND COFFEE Sedan $1665. Coupe $1490. Touring Car $1075. Roadster «moi: I anel Business Car $1165. Screen Business Car $1040 Chassis No. 1 and 3, $890 GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. 16-18 S. FIR MEDFORD, ORE PHONE 304