P age two Ashland AStíLAÑB DAILY TWîtftfSi Tidings Friday, April 14, GENOA CONFERENCE " W a Cold storage Plant installed which, pects will meet all the demands ho It is not unlikely that much good | ¿ when completed, will be the most will make upon it. Except may come from the Genoa confer­ | | commodious of any in the valley, ence, notwithstanding the haze of un- g IJ This will solve quite a problem for THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. j certainty surrounding its proceedings No forests— No wealth. $ J (the restaurant. Mr. Avery raises on j In these early stages. It Is the firs t' No trees—No health. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY ly ij'h is a n ranch all the fruit, butter, i time since the war that all the n a-! He who fires and runs-.away,’. ’ PAPER eggs aud milk he uses, and to keep i tions of the continent have been able TELEPHONE 39 Will live to, pay a fine; next duv. these things, as well as meats and ! to get together and discuss their E. J. BARRETT, Editor ¡fish, during the hot weather, is one _______________________________ ‘ mutual problems, and while there Fire is destructive— handle with ' I HE. meaning of Easter and its message of joy, the of the banes of the restaurant busi­ care. Winds won t blow camp fires •'Ubecrlptlon Price Delivered in City: are many divergent interests to be ness. His cold storage plant, he ex­ out. One month ............................... $ .65 reconciled, it is more than likely,! 4 revival of hope and the buoyant renewal of our aspi­ ihree m o n th s........................... some of the deadly miasma of war' Six months ............................... 3.75 hatreds may be lifted, toward the! ration come to an old and tired world this morning and One year ................................. 7.50 end that Europe may resume its nor­ Mail and Rnra! R outes pervade our lives even as the springtide floods and fills One month ............................... $ .65 mal industrial functions. The fact Three months ........................... 1.95 that Russia and Germ ny are partici­ the meadows with her everlasting miracle. Six months ............................... 3.50 pating in the conference augurs well One year ................................. 6.51 for progress, and while It is improb­ irresistible human impulse, we seek out our ADVERTISING RATES able that Germany and France will 1 h a t w ill m a k e you proud a s a peacock , finest and most fashionable raiment, and that im­ Display Advertising ever get together to the extent of flin le Insertion, each inch.......... 30c burying their national enmity, a sat­ pulse is parallel to the natural processes in the world I I? i I V K B Y T H I N G w ill be so YEARLY CONTRACTS isfactory status quo, based on com­ « Display Advertising charged w ith lovelin ess th is about us. If the earth can put off her drab habiliments mercial expediency, may be arrived One time a week......................27 E aster! New Hats- ■ new everything. Two times a week...................... 25 c at, which would have a tendency to ?£ and f°r£et the somber, sunless hours, so can "Sveiy other day........................ 20 c clarify the industrial atmosphere of And of course you too want to look Local R eaders the children of earth. In every life today there may be your m ost dazzling best. Each line, each tim e...................10c Europe. It is well, perhaps, for the United To run every other dlay for one a resurrection from the dead. In every life old things month, each line, each tim e .. 7c States that we are not represented. may be discarded. He has not caught the spirit of the 1.00 f Ä o f uli are The public can now draw an unin­ Obituaries, the l i n e .................... 2%c ln gly low each of us, whatever creed we formally profess, there terrupted sigh of relief. The Ar­ Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fraternal orders buckle case has ended. “Fatty” is dwells the feeling that the day betokens. It is the or societies charging a regular initi­ free and will re-enter the “ movies” ation fee and dues, no discount.- Re­ assurance that life is worth the living and that love ligious and benevolent orders will 'be in the hope of being restored to pub­ V. charged the regular rate for all ed lic favor. It will be an interesting can never lose its own. We stand today not a t the vertlslng when an admission or other study to watch this staging of a brink of a tomb but on the threshold of this eternal charge Is made. “comeback.” His “movie” manager A*-'’« seems certain of the outcome. In What Constitutes Advertising life and of this love immortal. In order to allay a misunderstand this case, however, it would seem Ing among some as to what consti­ that the “wish is father to the ■T SSW ÂÿV,'-. tutes news and what advertising, thought.” The attitude of the public :&A-. ¥ we print this very simple rule, which 8 OH I is used by newspapers to differenti­ cannot he gauged to any degree of ate between them: "ALL future certainty. It is a pretty difficult events, where an admission charge matter to reseat in all the prestige Is made or a collection Is taken IS of former glory, a dethroned Idol. ADVERTISING.” This applies to WHY "ROGUE RIVER” INSTALLING COLD STORAGE organizations and societies of every Witness what has happened to In the earliest maps of southwest­ “America’s Sweetheart,” Mary Pick- kind as well as to individuals. PLANT AT NELDA CAFE ern Oregon, made by French-Cana­ All reports of such activities after ford, and her present husband, Doug­ they have occurred is news. dian trappers, they call the river Mine host Avery of the Nelda cafe All coming social or organization las Fairbanks. Both were at the “Riviere Rouge,” as it runs through is getting ready for the tourist trade, zenith of their careers, when the hot meetings of societies where no a red granite formation. By a mis­ which he expects to be heavier this money contribution is solicited, initi­ breath of scandal swept across their take at Washington, D. C., the carto­ year than ever before. In anticipa­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS path, blistering their reputations to NEWS. graphers transposed the letters and tion of the hot weather he is having the extent that they have been rele­ it has been known as the Rogue river Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, gated far to the rear of the place ever since, and it certainly 19, at most Fostoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ they once held In public estimation. seasons of the year, in the canyon ter. And to that extent have they lost To those who have journeyed in prestige. True, they are big draw­ Switzerland the word “Easter” con­ below Galice. rSuMMEttPLAYGROUHD’ ing cards today, because of sheer jures far more than a vision of tower­ ing peaks or snow-clad mountain. ability, but who will say they hold ranges of A merica shining in an eternity of snows, C'OMMANDKRY WILL the warm spot In the American and of lakes as blue as lapis lazuli, OBSERVE EASTER SUNDAY heart, or ever will again, that was framed by emerald vineyards climbing theirs before the marital fiasco. Malta Commandery No. 4 will ob­ up Alpine meadows. It recalls to one vividly the popular fetes and national serve Easter Sunday at Medford, in dances of the people which bring joy Masonic hall. At 1:30 o’clock there “A STITCH IN TIME” to their hearts after the long, hard will be a fine lunch for the Sir Fruit growers just at this season Alpine winter Is past. WASHINGTON A of the year sometimes are apt to feel Despite the shadow of their moun­ Knights and their ladies, who are all .BRITISH COLUMBIA a bit discouraged when the Inspector tains and their eternal struggle with invited to attend. At 2:30 the Eas­ , ÌK5HT. COOL D A Y 3 Ì J I //O R T H W E S T grain» [A RC5TFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. comes around and says, “spray or nature in the form of disastrous ava­ ter ceremony will be presented by Rev. P. K. Hammond. Excellent lanches or similar catastrophes, the get out of the business.” Success in an d n o r t h w e s t Swiss are a buoyant people and apply music has been provided for the oc­ J. H. McKRNZIE, Prop. this, as in any other calling, is won SOLOMON ITES people g i v e y o « themselves to merrymaking with the casion by the committee in charge. A notorious bigamist would turn W heat H earts and " ’k ?,sp:w ,he,r work' «•' , .. narvest of the. Next to August 1, when they celebrate j tho voar „„_ _ .„ a evangelist. He carries his own choir. other O L Y M P I C fruit, the grower must be on the the birth of their confederation, much the year for the commandery, and • • • it is the intention to observe in a I cereals. 1919 Studebaker, Special 1919 Velie City administrations in the East fight. But this is another illustra­ as we do our Fourth of July, to which fitting way. A large delegation of it is equivalent, Kaster Is looked for­ tion of the “stitch in time” policy. Six, 4-passenger. 1918 Buick Six are boasting a great saving—in day­ ward to more than any other festival Ashland knights and ladies will at­ It is not difficult if each step is taken light. 1920 Nash Six 1918 Ford tend the meeting. at the proper moment. One bug in of the year. • • From the time the first blossom ap­ It takes a pretty smart man to be time saves nine millions later.—Ex­ pears on the meadows preparations for change. Camp fires are dangerous—put FLOUR CEREALS FEED Easter are in progress in every iso­ a crook, but what a ding-batted fool them out. It pays to be careful with lated peasant home and in every a smart man is to be a crook. chalet in the hamlets and towns fire. * * WEDNESDAY CLUB IS If *t is true that children in Rus­ ENTERTAINED AT CHURCH nestling at the foot of the fnountains. One of these Swiss homes is typical j sia run out in the streets to get their of all the rest. If it is old enough , The Wednesday club was enter­ it has acquired the rich sepia and share of cod liver oil, we will be­ lieve auything else they say of that tained yesterday afternoon at the burnt sienna tones characteristic of country. 61 NORTH MAIN STREET Presbyterian church by the newly- the country, and frequently on its TH E THEATER BEAUTIFUL • • front walls Is a motto or a legend1 elected officers of the organization. Get one of those live Bunnies—50c each It is reported that the regimental Mesdames Plummer, Harner, Lam- In black gothic letters that proclaims, to aH who behold, the sentiments of bands of the American troops recent­ kin, Van Sant, Shinn and Poley were those who dwell therein, or It tells the Has just what you want for that Easter Dinner—say ly recalled from the Rhine country named as the calling committee. year In which the owner cuused it to I A can of Brussels Sprouts aro now frequently playing “How Several plans for future work were be built by what master-builder. In Fancy Maine Corn Dry I Am” and “The Girl I Left Be­ discussed, among them being a plate addition to the garden space about j —in— hind Me.” shower for the culinary department It there Is a pear tree trained up inI Red Kidney Beans—Sweet Potatoes • * of the church, Mrs. Shinn and Mrs front against the balcony, while the1 F ruit Salad ledges of the two-storied balconies are' Pause today and let your mind Harner to select the dishes. Also Shrimp or Tuna Fish with potted plants blooming! dwell on the fact that nearly two An Arbor day ceremony was then adorned profusely. It Is in Just such a com-1 thousand years ago today, the great­ observed by planting shrubs In the fortable peasant home that Vrenell, I JUST OPENED est tragedy in human history was en­ triangle of ground by the Helman the eighteen-year-old daughter, can be' Round One— He is branded N. G. by Fresh kegs of Chow Chow, Sweet, Sour and Dill acted. Picture to yourself that street entrance for the following pio­ pictured In the act of announcing that Dad and driven Into the crooi, crool, world! Pickles, Ripe or Green Olives scene on Calvary, where the Son of neer members: Father Williams, the she has found the first “Alpenrosli,” | Round two— He is Gunboat Wil­ God, who had come to save the world first missionary in southern Oregon as the little Alpen rose Is called. liams, fistic artist supreme! Best of Potatoes at $2.35 per Hundred was nailed to a cross; suffering ex­ and founder of the church; the three Reveals Coming of Easter. Round three—He is wined and dined cruciating agony, between two male­ sisters, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Mrs. Anne by society’s creme de la creme! Instantly there is great excitement' This is the last v