pAtíd potrà ASHLAND DA í LT TLDÍÑGÍ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. S«>n On Our Streets.— Thursday, April 13, ítíiiíi Danoe, M oose hall, Saturday n ight, April 15. Leedom 's O rchestra. 1893 •WAR DUMP” EXPLOSION; THREE MEX ARE MISSING START CAXXIXG BRtXVO LI Rev. H arcourt W. Peck, who con­ Something new— E aster novelty ROSEBURG, Or., April 13.— The Yeo sez: I sell life insurance. 189 ducted a revival here a few weeks greeting with each leaf of Blue Rib-' CHARLESTON, S. C„ April 13.— Roseburg cannery will start canning Good Friday Hot-Cross Buns at ago but has been In Medford for the bon and Malted Milk Twin breads Three men are missing and are sup­ broccoli this week. This is the first Home B akery,^59 N. Main St. 189-1 pa3t two weelt3> was seen on our put out Saturday thi9 week. Get a posed to have been killed at Port tim e that the canning of broccoli has Train Load o f Troops— 'streets, today. loaf Saturday. 188-tf , Terminal, ten miles from here, as been undertaken here, and it is ex­ Fresh home made marshmallows, A special train passed through the result of a “ T. N. T.” explosion pected th a t the cannery will take 189tf. In a magazine. P ort Terminal was care of much of the broccoli which loaded with troops who are on th eir Here to Organize Lodge — out used as an am m unition dump during is too ripe for shipment and which way to Camp Lewis. Wash. L. S. Finseth, of Dallas, Oregon, ’ ' the war. otherwise would be a loss. Detrick sells b u tte r ror less. 184tf grand chancellor of the K nights of . Da" c® at Kingsbury Springs Satur-j F o r easy money, easy payments. • Pythias of Oregon, and W alter L. ay n gh t’ Aprl1 l5 , and have a good See Beaver Realty Co. 188-tf Tooze, Jr., of McMinnville, are In 1 me Lovela nd’s Param ount Or- R etu ras to A shland— Ashland for the purpose of organize C estra- 189-3 Estella Jones, who has beeu In in8 a K - ot P- lodge here. K - Nelson makes suits to order. 168tf Portland for the past few months, > On account of the cold w eather Hotel Ashland Block. Forest fires breed poverty— put , returned to Ashland a few days ago Orres will continue his big suit sale \e o sez: I w rite insurance on a u -ja ll this week. Sale closes Saturday them out. tomobiles and trucks. 189tf night. Many people have taken ad- R eturns H om e— Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. • vantage of the great savings. 188-2 Mrs. Pixley, who has been visiting la k Premier Tread »10.85 We call for and deliver. 188-2 i M oves into Jackson H ouso— H E F i s k P r e m i e r 80 SO i x 3 3 ^ t i 4 - F - -Extra-Ply Non-Skid Fabric . 14.85 with friends for 'a few days, Re­ 30 x 3 ^ —Extra-Ply Red-Top 17.85 "■ ~ Non-Skid ant to liquidate that old debt?! Mrs. Robertson, who has been re- turned to her home in San Francisco Tread is a tire which S O x S S -Six-Ply Clincher Cord . . 17.85 -PB— eayer Realty C o,_______ 188-tf siding at .323 Almond street, has this afternoon on train 53. ix -P ly Non-Skid yields an honest, generous 30 x 3 M -S Cord Straight Side 10.85 moved into the Jackson property on 31 x 4 —Six-Ply Non-Skid TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. A ttractive spring suitings at Paul- C o r d .................... 27.00 measure of service at a low 3 2 x 4 —Non-Skid Almond street. seru d ’s. ‘ 180tf Cord . . 30.50 CONVALECENT HOME— The best 32 x 4' -j—Non-Skid Cord . . 30.00 Get your order in for a spring price. 34 x 4 ‘ ¿ -N on -S k id Cord . . 41.00 doctors adm it th at it is N ature af-i Camp fires are dangerous— put 35 x 5 —Non-Skid Cord . . 61.50 ter all th at cures. Take the M ilk’suit th ’s week at Orres, and save them out. It pays to be careful with Diet and Rest Cure. 189-lJfrom $5.00 to $20.00. Delivery in jf ire. See this tire and compare 188-2 FOR SALE— A bargain, light six six _ to , twelve days. Have Fine Session— with any at a competing sport model Paige roadster. 2 0 3 ! Columbia records reduced to 65c Malta Commandery No. 4 met in , Mountain Ave. Phone 413-J. 189-3 I at Rose Brothers. 152tf price. It is your best pur­ regular session last evening and in­ FOR RENT -P iano, t4 per month, i N“ “ e- chase if you want a low- Robison Garage, or 842 B oulevard.' An e rio r was made ln Sivi“ S the itiated two candidates. A number of Medford members were up to at- 189-3 report of the accident on F irst street -«• — — priced tire. WANTED—-Pant r vm ni C Mr’ the name Roy being used tend lodge and ¡ncidently partake of , man and dish- _» — x T._._ I the fine feed th at was staged after washer. Hotel Ashland. 189-2 Vistead of Robert Hale It is a FiskTire.and is Fisk Help protect your forests. Fire is the work had been completed. FOR SALE— Milk fed broilers, 30 dangerous— be careful with it. P au lseru d ’s suits are the com fort­ character clear through. cents per lb. Come and get them able, fitahle, wearable kind. 180tf Spray pumps scientifically re- a t 298 H argadine street. 189-2* m r e d . Fixit Shop. 186-tf P rom pt Service Saves Building — T h e r e 's a F isk T ire o f e x tr a v a lu e Keep th® forest fires from bu rn -| The prompt work of the telephone in e v e r y s iz e , f o r c a r, tru ck Crida Mara ft»« u » Pa« O«. ing. 'Vour duty— care with fire. girls in calling for help early this T im e to R e -tir e ? o r sp eed w agon ‘ 3 u y F is k | K. Nelson does cleaning, pressing, morning prevented what might have’ repairing and dyeing. 168tf proved a very serious fire in the P ersons o f Note— j Rosemont apartm ents on East Main Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ladd stopped street, when the red hot stove pipe MUSICAL last night at the Hotel Ashland. M r.; fell to the floor. Mrs. Conner, in Ladd is connected with the Ladd and whose apartm ent the fire was, called COMEDY Tilton bank of Portland, and is also for a number, and the girls at the a big stockman. exchange, realizing the seriousness You are wanted! To help prevent of the situation, were busy until help fire. arrived at the apartm ent. The blaze Are you contem plating building? was extinguished with little damage. B etter see Beaver Realty company, j See Detrick for whipping cream 188tf ' th at whips. 184tf comoare GET TH A T N EW Easter Hat T AT M IT C H E L L ’S GOING EAST? If so, have your ticket routed Through California “ The Sunshine and Open Window Way” A Choice of Routes Convenient Schedules Liberal Stopover Privileges DA P C TUESDAY NICHT APRIL 18 Through Sleeping Cars Obesrvation Cars Dining Cars HIT Every part of the service contributes to the Traveler’s Comfort. Stop at San Francisco and Los Angeles, world famous and beautiful cities , 2 Y ears 1 For fu rth er particulars, ask agents or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. in N ew Y ork MHHIIIIIIIfflilllHIflllWfflÄ The Greatest Girl in thp W o rld If You Care to Order by Mail Easter Creations in Hats Address letters, make checks, post office money orders to Page The­ ater. Include self-addressed and stamped envelope. P rices Floor, $2.75; Balcony, $2.20, $1.65 and $1.10. Includes g war tax. FO R Beautiful and entic­ Give Her a Box of These ing models. YOUR The latest from New York and Paris. Easter See them at the Table Sugg Millinery Crisp, snappy bacon and strictly 39 E. Main Street fresh e2gs—plenty of each. Cot­ tage hams, boiled hams, chipped beef. CANDY FOR EA STER — Y ellow Turnips TODAY ONLY With strong cast including MATHESON LANG — P im ento C h eese— Yam s — Bananas . — Sw eet P ick les — O ranges — Pure O live Oil — Lem ons — Salad O ils — Grape F ru it — Maple Syrup — M arshm allow s How often have you asked to see “ something new, some­ thing different, new faces, new scenes,” in a motion picture? — H oney Here is THE DIFFERENT PICTURE! — Olives— ripe or green — Y ou ng A m ericas • G O T O N IG H T D e tr ic k ’s G ro ceteria Next Friday—Saturday— W a lla c e Reid “The Home of Good Things to EeU' WE SELL K )R LESS I <«| ;i!!!!,r M» ;:¡|ü¡¡' ¡Wiüblllllülblillliiii . ■ * CARiWIVA — G reen O nions L ettuce ( ottage C heese — C auliflow er — Cream C heese Jii, Jlllllltlillülllllllllllfflllllllüillí blÄIIM'bliMIblOIIIIIIW Plaza Confectionery — W hipping Cream — B utterm ilk B ilitlllllllllllllllllli < < H A R G R O V E ’S M IL L IN E R Y PIO N EE R BLOCK -m - THE WORLD’S CHAMPION » > Coming Sunday—GEORGE ARLISS in DISRAELI