PAGE tW O ÍSHlxAAD DAILY TIDING» M k . Ashland Thursday, April J a, m üi/ the case in court for several genera­ school superintendent like the one at “IR E N E ” MUSICAL COMEDY The famous Victor 10 inch record tions.— Eugene Guard. Atlantic City, who decrees that a AT THE PAGE NEXT W EEK has been reduced from 85 cents to E stablished 1876 teacher’s efficiency is curtailed to P ublished Every E vening Except 75 cents. Three thousand to select The case of Mrs. C. L. Norvall, the the extent th at her hair is bobbed. Çuuday There have been musical comedies from at Rose Brothers. SLICED 152tf THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. chiropractic physician, who was re­ In other words, her ability is to be ’ galore, many of them trem endous SW IFT’S PREMIUM cently fined $300 in Red Bluff for measured by a hair line. ■successes; several of them tra d i­ OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY HAM practicing w ithout a license, is being PAPER Curious people may wonder what tional, but none possess the unequal­ — and— TELEPHONE 39 watched with considerable interest will happen to a teacher with hair led record of “ Irene,” the Jam es GOLDEN GATE here where Dr. Norvall is very well naturally short, or one who has to Montgomery, H arry Tienrney and E. J. BARRETT, Editor COFFEE known, being the aunt of Mrs. Geo. have it bobbed because of fever. For, Joseph McCarthy musical comedy subscription Price Delivered in City: J. Kinz, whom she has visited several of course, if short hair is undignified which the V anderbilt Producing SPENCER FISH ING RODS W R A PPE D One month . . . times. It will be recalled th a t she it is undignified, regardless of the company presents a t the Page Theter SWEET PEA Three months . • • • • • • • • • • • « 1.95 refused to pay the fine and declared' cause of such indignity; unless, in­ Tuesday night, April 18. This most B arrels and P a rts Supplied and PLANTS Si x months . . . she would work it out in jail rath er F itted for Any Make of Gun deed, it is proposed to put an O. K. One year . . . . ........................... 7.50 popular and universally appealing COPENHAGEN Mail and R ural Routes than submit to what she termed the , label on natural short hair or short musical comedy th at the world has CABBAGE PLANTS One month . . . prostitution of her p: :nciples. The hair acquired for medical reasons. ever known, will be given with all Three months . ........................... 1.95 states attorney, however, had differ-1 It would be a m atter of some in­ the distinction and charm which Six m onths . . . ent views and in seeking a means to! terest to know this official's views characterized its presentation at the On« year . . . . ........................... 6.5Í 381 E . MAIN ST. compel payment of the fine, instruct-) upon sport shoes, sweaters, short V anderbilt theater, New York, where ADVERTISING RATES ed the sheriff to bar her out of th e ' sk 'rts, one - piece bathing suits, it ran for two years. A splendid or­ D isplay A dvertising county jail. the reading of Freud, Sunday movies chestra is carried by the company, Bin ie Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c Dr. Norvall practiced here as a li­ and chewing gum, and his ratiocina­ and the New York cast is headed by YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising censed physician under the laws of tion regarding textbooks, training, P atti H arrold, who plays the p art of One tim e a w eek........................ 27 %c Oregon, and m aintains th at she has ability to teach, personal sympathy that winsome New York shop girl, Two times a week........................ 25 c Nveiy other d a y ...........................20 c the right to practice in California. with children and standing of classes Irene O’Dare. The orchestra is un­ 61 NORTH MAIN STREET She is upheld by the National Asso­ under the non-bobbed-haired would der the direction of Frank Robb. Local Readers Each line, each tim e .................... 10c ciation of Chiropractors, although In certainly be worth hearing! To run every other Jay for one Has just what you want for that Easter D inner-say California the state board of medical Be careful with fire in the wood9 month, each line, each tim e. . 7c examiners have refused to gran t a MODERN WOODMEN — all the time. To run every issue for one month A can of Brussels Sprouts license to chiropractors. Under the IN REGULAR SESSION or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c Fancy Maine Corn general laws of th a t state, any per­ C lassified Column One cent the word each time. The Modern Woodmen of America son practicing w ithout Buch a license Red Kidney Beans—Sweet Potatoes To run every issue for one month is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, meeting at Odd Fellows hall last F ruit Salad or more, %c the word each time. night was largely attended. Several B A R B E R and is punishable by a fine of from L egal R ate Also Shrimp or Tuna Fish F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c $100 to $600 or by im prisonm ent of application for membership were act­ Safety blades resharpened Each subsequent time, per 8- ed upon favorably, and a large class from 60 to 180 days, or both. lik e new . S ingle bit, 80c JUST OPENED polnt line .................................... 5c A ra th e r peculiar provision of this for initiation is being arranged for in doz. D obule bit, 60c doz Fresh kegs ot Chow Chow, Sweet, Sour and Dill Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 the near future. Obituaries, the l i n e ......................2% c lawr provides th a t 75 per cent of such Pickles, Ripe or Green Olives Neighbor Welch, the d istrict dep-l fines shall be paid to the board of Children’s Work A F ratern al Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders medical examiners, and the other 25 uty addressed the meeting and cre-j Specialty Best of Potatoes at $2.35 per Hundred or societies charging a regular Initi­ per cent to go to" the county. Out of ated considerable enthusiasm among! ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ those present by his rem arks on; This is the last week to buy Crown Flour at ligious and benevolent orders will be the fund thus created the board is W oodcraft. He has the backing of authorized to employ “ legal counsel, charged the regular rate for all ad $2.35 per Sack ¡a vertlslng when an admission or other inspectors and special agents; they the entire camp in the work charge Is made. may fix the compensation to be paid doing here for the upbuilding of the BEST MEATS AT RIGHT PRICES for such service, and may incur such order in this vicinity. W hat Constitutes Advertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ other expenses as it may deem ne­ ing among some as to what consti­ cessary.” tutes newB and what advertising, Under the circum stances it is not we print this very simple rule, which '—Greeting- Cards at all surprising th a t the board is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them : “ALL future should be particularly active In col­ —Baskets events, where an admission charge lecting fines, and should discourage is made or a collection is taken IS jail sentences. —Rabbits ADVERTISING.” This applies to At the last session of the Cali­ organizations and societies of every —Chickens fornia legislature, the chiropractors kind as well as to individuals. we are proud of the friendly-spirit which exists! All reports of such activities after put up a strong fight for recognition they have occurred is news. —Novelties as regular practitioners, but were de­ TH E BE ST O F EATING between our patrons ami ourselves. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no feated by a very small vote. They —Candy Eggs EVERYTH ING HOME-COOKED money contribution is solicited, Initi­ will try again at the next session to ation charged, or collecton taken IS have a law passed th at will place —Boxed Candy We endeavor to foster this friendship by being NEW S. them on the same plane as other —Fancy Candy at all times ready and willing to serve. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, physicians, sim ilar to th a t in Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ and pretty much all other states. JUST AR RIV ED! ter. W hether the tactics being used by W H AT? FENCING! W H E R E ? April 16th is Easter Sunday Dr. Norvall will be productive of any cSuMMEttPLAYGROUNO’ Make Your Selection practical results rem ains to be seen, Peil's Corner OFÁriERICAf ' but in any event she has many warm NOW Before sending away your or­ sym pathizers in Oregon. A shland, Oregon der, come and see Peil’s new car­ load of fencing. Every variety— barbed wire to fancy yard fencing TOLERANCE He guarantees to beat catalogue Rev. H arry F. Hubble, Presbyter­ prices. ian pastor, of Buffalo, N. Y„ says Garden tools, hose, and new and all churches should Install dance used sewing machines alwavs on 'OREGON* halls.” He argues that where there hand. WASHINGTON & »BRITISH COLUMBIA- is a “ dance hall evil,” the way to , _ SIGHT. COOL days Y ;, correct it is not to get rid of it, but [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT, i to grab it and put the church into it. If here were a few more m inisters K SOI.OMONITES with so broad a viewpoint, there My world is a garden of poses, would be less churches which fail to A vista of gestures and shrugs, hold the young man and young wom­ Where gentlemen worms with red an who today seek diversion where I noses they can get it— in the church, with Make love to the fat lady-bugs. the church’s wholesome influence, If • • • they can, but diversion anyway, This is the time of year when a church or no church! lot of people, with the aid of a real I t’s a long, long road from intol­ estate man, are learning how to be erance to sanity of thought. We jail­ content with their lot. ed people for kissing th eir wives on • * Sunday but a few score of years ago. A famous m anufacturer of beds When all churches lead the world in advertises: “ We stand behind every tolerance, all the churches will lead bed we sell.” You can bet he doesn’t the world in influence.— Exchange. expect to sell any to old maids. • • are Culp Plan prices on Empire Tires. They are low because all the unneces­ TEAC H ERS’ H AIR LINE Headquarters for Sporting Goods The “ F a tty ” Arbuckle escapade It m ust be wonderful to be a sary selling expense has been cut out We buy the entire factory output on a cost- did a lot of harm to the movie In­ dustry, but there are still 160 mov­ plus basis. Our prices are just about half what you’ve been paying. Read ’em and = ing picture industries doing b u si­ weep; ness around Los Angeles. Tidings For Easter Breakfast Guns Repaired R. Middleton H O LM ES GROCERY PLAZA MARKET W. A. SHELL Easter VIRGINIA CAFE In This Institution 29 First St. The Citizens Bank Q L O T H E S “Tai- lored to Measure by B o rn ” are best known, perhaps, for th e ir r e m a r k a b le wearing qualities. T he woolens are carefully selected and tested; they are pains­ takingly tailored un­ der intelligent super­ vision. Yet Born prices are actually lower than the figures often asked for clothes of uncer­ tain quality. If you like the idea of fine clothes at a modest price, we will gladly show you some v e ry i n t e r e s t i n g values. 0. A. PAULSERUD M cN a ir B ros. Fishing Season for Trout TIRE PRICES SIASHED WILL OPEN APRIL 15th We are arranging a TO -------- N 0 T I C E ! FISHERMEN’S CONTEST ONE-HALF and w ill make an award ol a $10 Fly Rod Io the one gelling the nicest siring of fish on the opening day. For further particulars apply at NININGER & WARNER * « The radio page tells about a new receiving appliance w'hich fits over the head. The time has come, ap­ parently, when we are to talk through our hats and boast of It. • « Chief of Police H atcher is said to be an agricultural sharp. At any rate he Is pretty well posted on the flucuations In the hay m arket. Ask him for quotations and he can fu rn ­ ish them right off the bat. • « Wisconsin is said to produce two- thirds of the cheeses made in the United States, but we have come in contact with a few “ big cheeses,” th a t were never turned out of a creamery. • * An exchange tells us th a t more than 3000 acres of English soil have slipped into the sea during the last 40 years. T hat’s about the only thing the English have let go of in that period and it took the invincible ocean to get that away from them. • ♦ Henry Ford says he has paid to the United States government $29.000,- 000 in revenue taxes, and Secretary Mellon has called on him to prove his figures. Mellon is one of those men who cannot conceive of anybody letting go of $29.000,000 once he had it in his possession; that am ount of money would h ire the best lawyers in the country and keep When Will There Be A Disarmament o f Dining Tables? Suppose everybody would recognize the fact that there’s no gain but much loss in keeping up hostilities with the stomach! Suppose the ancient aggrava­ tion of improper food on indig­ nant digestive organs should be settled with guarantees of sen­ sible diet and tranquil digestion 1 The saving would be beyond all possibility of counting. Yet millions go on declaring w ar on the stomach and accept­ ing w ar in return—loading up on starchy, heavy, unbalanced and highly-seasoned food at breakfast or lunch — and wonder­ ing why comfort, hap­ piness and efficiency are out of reach. Grape-Nuts makes a friend of the taste and an ally of the stomach. There’s a charm and satis­ faction to this delicious food which prompts appetite to say, “There’s a meal!” and digestion to answer, “Thank goodness, here’s peace at last!" Grape-Nuts is the perfected nutriment of wheat and malted barley—sweet, crisp, and won­ derfully nourishing. It digests quickly, and provides the neces­ sary elements, including the vital mineral salts, for body, nerve and brain. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today, and let a delighted taste pass a treaty of peace along to an enthusiastic digestion and assimilation. Grape-Nuts— the Body Builder “ There*s a Reason** Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. SIZE , ile» - I ab C o iti» N.S. N.S. 30x3 Clin............................................. J 7 90 30x3% Clin ............ » a no 3213 >4 S. S............................... ¡ J C $14.85 $19.14 $22.07 32x4 S. 9............................................. $18.72 $24.82 33x4 S. S............................................. $19.73 $25.30 34x4 S. S............................................. $20.15 $25.71 32x4% S. 9. , ................................... 33x4 % S. S.................................. ? .’.! *. 34x4% S. S............................................. $..2.So 35x4% S. S............................................. $33.92 36x4% S. S.................................. $34.62 33x5 9. S............................................. $39.13 35x5 S. S............... $41.08 37x5 S. S. $43.22 Red Tube» $1.90 $2.35 $2.70 $3.25 $3.35 $3.50 $3.70 $4.30 $4.45 $4.55 $4.60 $4.85 $5.25 $5.65 $5.90 Gray Tulien $1.35 $1.55 $1.70 $1.85 $2.00 $2.10 $2.30 $2.50 $2.65 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 $4.00 $4.75 The Empire Tire & Rubber Company has been making rubber goods for 53 years. It is one of the oldest tire companies in the business. Its tires have stood the test of the hardest service in the East, where they have been among the most popular brands for years. \ o i l ’l l find the Empire a thoroughly-made, strong and serviceable tire. SOLD BY Class A Garage ASHLAND HOTEL BLDG., PHONE 30