Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 12, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, Aprii isé. 1922
, - •
....................2 J _ - -
Oh! See What the Easter Bunny Brought
daily tidings
Munsing Wear
Men, Women,
The Reason
We Sell
Only Four More Days to
We have just received a new shipment of Ladies Coats and
Dresses, so we are ready with a good selection of wearing ap­
parel. The various models are truly representative of the latest
dictates of fashion. Make your selections now.
Suits for Women and Misses
Suits of Unlined Homespun in the new shades....................... $11.60
Blue Serge Suits, some embroidered, some braided. $19.00-27.95
Trieotine Suits, in embroidered and braided designs. .$19.50-48.75
Coats for Women and Misses
Sport Coats, half silk lined, in loose hack and semi-fitted
models, at \ ............................................................ $12.95-25.00
Sport Coats, full silk lined, in new shades, a t ..............$18.75-25.00
Loose wrappy Coats, full silk lined, newest ideas in trim ­
mings, sleeves and collars ..................................... $15.00-29.00
Capes, unlined and lined .................................................$9.95 25.00
t * ASTER time is ’most as thrill- morning, just as sure as they’re novelties.
ing to the youngster as
Christmas time, for, if one is both
a good and fortunate child, there
Is the visit to be expected at dawn,
of the Easter Bunny. The Easter
Bunny is as mysterious a visitor
as Santa Claus, and like him, he
brings gifts to the children; and
like Santa again, no one ever
catches him at it.
The best way for the children
to make ready for the call of the
Easter Bunny, is to twist a long
scarf, or Turkish towel into a
“nest,” and leave it at the win­
dow, or at the kitchen door on
Easter Eve ** Then, on Easter
born, they will find the “nest”
filled with a fine family of yellow
chicks; a white rabbit or two with
pink velvet ears, and colored eggs!
A dazzling dozen of ’em. Some
red, some blue, and some in the
most fashionable colors a grown­
up could sigh for. And—
Some will have faces painted
on them! Lots of pretty little
lady faces in various expressions
depicting shyness, roguishness,
hauteur, flirtatiousness, or dis­
dain—and all of them hard-boiled.
The photo shows a “bon voyage”
fruit basket that has been deco­
rated in yellow and blue crepe
paper, and filled with Easter
The contents of the
basket were gathered together by
Betty Compson, star in the Para­
mount picture, “The Green Temp­
tation,” who has found t ne to
prepare a surprise party for some
kiddies. In the basket are some
egp that have been very cleverly
painted; on each one there is a
piquant face that has been carried
out in a few strokes of a brush,
and each face is different.
They are miniatures of their
“big sisters.” those Fashionable
Ones, the painted wooden doll
heads that stand in the milliners'
windows, posing under dashing
French hats—
one b u t o fte n se v e ra l E a s te rs , each endom of th e P a sso v e r id ea by w hich
d efen d ed by its a d v o cates.
In th e i th e pasch al lam b becam e th e C h rist,
In A ll Landa and in A ll T im es the j
c o n tro v e rsy b oth sun a n d m oon have o r r a th e r C h rist th e p a sch a l lam b,
t Celebration o f th e R ebirth
in th e b e a u tifu l c h u rc h sym bolism .
been called in to give testim o n y and
Has Been G eneral
And f u r th e r back th is r a r e tim e of
since th ese tw o w itn esse s failed fully
s p rin g ’s re b ir th , of n a tu r e ’s ow n r e ­
W ar9 h a v e been w aged over w h a t to a g re e th e re h a s grow n up a d iff e r ­ s u rre c tio n , h ad been c e le b ra te d in!
sh o u ld be th e p ro p e r day fo r th e cele­ ence, so th a t o u r C h ristia n E a s te r pag an lan d s, b ecau se o f th a t in s tin c t;
b ra tio n of E a s te r.
C h u rc h e s have m ig h t be called th e su n E a s te r, th a t seem ed to have a s s e rte d itse lf
been r e n t by d iffe re n c e s of opinion w h e re as th e n e a r-b y P a sso v e r of th e in m an a t c e rta in tim es of th e y e a r,
a s to how th e fe stiv a l sh o u ld be ob­ Je w s m ig h t be te rm e d th e m oon E a s ­ ! to p a u se am id his ro u tin e lab o rs a n d !
serv ed .
E a s te r h a s been th e f irs t te r o r m oon P a sso v er.
I t w as in ­ I give th a n k s to a s u p e rn a l pow er, in -'
day of th e y e a r, a n d , fo r h u n d re d s of deed, a c co rd in g to m u ch w eig h ty visible a n d a ll p re s e n t, fo r th e g re a t
y e a rs a t a tim e, th e r e have been not te stim o n y , a c a rry in g on in to C h ris t­ tr u th s of life.
More New Suits
Wraps, Coats,
brought on for
Special Easter
$8.95 up
Dresses for Women and Misses
Beautiful dresses for street and afternoon wear, in Canton Crepe, Silk Taffeta, Crepe
Knit and Crepe de Chine. The latest authentic ideas in sleeve, neck and trimming effects,
at these popular p r ic e s ..................................................... $10.00, $13.00, $16.00, $22.00, $25.00
P o n g ee B louses, P e te r P a n
c o lla r ......................................$ 3 .3 5
H a n d m ad e B louses of B a ­
tis te , lace t r i m m e d .............$ 3 .2 5
E m b ro id e re d B louses of T ri-
c o lle tte , a t ............................$ 3 .3 5
B louses of G e o rg e tte an d
C repe de C h in e . .$ 3 .3 5 to $ 8 .50
Dress Accessories for
Easter Wear
Perrin *s 2-clasp .. $2.25-3.00
Do Not Overlook Your
Needs in
Strap W rist ........$2.50-4.50
Fabric Gloves
Kayser Silk .......... 85c $1.25
-Bags—1 ’ mbrel 1 as
Chamoisettes ....... 98c-$1.50
16-Bntton Silk ............$1.50
Knit Underwear
Silk Vnderwear
—The latest fad in the scarf
•line—all colors, tubular knit
-Muslin Uutlerwear
with fringe e n d s ..........$4.75
-Petticoats—Ski rts
Black S ateen A p ro n s— P olly P rim sty le ............................................... $ 1 .7 5
H o u se D resses of G ingham w ith a p p lie d d esig n s ...........................
B lack S ateen
G ingham
D resses, e m b ro id e re d
D resses, O rg a n d ie trim m e d
A t $ 1 .3 5 — V an R a a lte ’s six teen
b u tto n le n g th p u re th re a d silk
C o lo rs: W h ite , b lack,
pongee an d b eav er.
th e la te s t S p rin g sty le s, is o u r o ffe rin g In M en’s S u its fo r E a ste r.
D ress s h ir ts , n ifty in a p p e a ra n c e
a n d w ith w o rk m a n sh ip a n d q u a l­
ity to give you c o m fo rt a n d s a tis ­
fa c tio n , in P e rc a le s, fine M ad ras
a n d Silk S trip e s. P ric e d
$ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .5 0 , $ 2 .8 0 a n d $ 3 .1 5
N e c k w e a r o f A ll K in d s
New fo u r-in -h a n d tie s, k n itte d
tie s, ju s t r ig h t to go w ith y o u r
new S p rin g S u it, a t
50c to 75c
D resses
firs t class q u a lity .
C olo rs:
G in g h am D resses, in a v a rie ty
of sty les, a t
M iddies in m any sty le s a n d
........................... $ 1 .3 0 -2 .7 0
B lack, C ord o v an and W hite.
B lack, C o rd o v an , S ilver a n d W hite.
Back L ace— F rom
$ 1 .50 to $ 0 .00
At 50c— C h ild re n ’s H alf Socks, w ith fancy tops.
A t 23c to 4 8 e — C h ild re n ’s H ose In B lack, C ordovan a n d W hite.
F ro n t L ace— F rom
$ 3 .0 0 to $ 0 .75
At 75c— M en’s F ib re Silk Hose.
A la rg e a s s o rtm e n t of F an cy S trip e s a n d P laid s, In All W ool M a te ria ls, m ad e in
O. D. Serge S u its, 2 p a irs of p a n ts, N orfolk C o a t. . .$ 3 0 .7 5
Hats and
B lue Serge S u its, good q u a lity , a t ................................ $ 2 0 .8 5
M en’s C aps in th e l a t­
G rey S erg e S u its, 2 p a irs of p a n ts, a t ........................... $ 3 2 .7 5
est sty le s a n d colors,
F a n c y W o rste d S u its, a t
a t—
.................................................... $ 2 5 .0 0
$1 .0 0 to $1.75
Boys’ Suits
A la rg e a s s o rtm e n t of co lo rs a n d sizen in D u b b e lb ilt
H a ts
in a v a rie ty
S u its w ith tw o p a irs of p a n ts, a t ................................8 1 1 .4 5
sty le s an d colors, a t —
A nice a s s o rtm e n t of B oys’ 'S u its in G reys, B row ns,
a n d B lues, a t .......................................................# 4 .5 5 to $o.<MI
$1.75 to $ 4 .(Ml
Easter Shoes
You Always Save in This Department
S IL K S .
High in Quality—Low in Price
40 inch C repe de C hine, in a ll sh a d e s, a t ........................... $ 1 .4 2 -1 .7 5
40 inch G e o rg e tte , in all sh a d e s, a t ........................................$ 1 .4 2
36 inch M essalines, a ll colors .................................................... $1 .6 5
........................................$ 1 .0 5 -2 .0 0
Black a n d B row n, c o m b in a tio n last.
P ric e d .......... ...$ 8 .1 0 - 8 .9 0
M en’s W ork Shoes ........................................................................... $ 2 .7 0 -3 .9 5
E n g lish la st, D ark B row n ...........................................................$ 4 .7 5 -8 .3 0
M en’s B row n O xfords ...................................................................... $ 4 .5 0 -7 .0 0
........................................................................ 15c
inch Z ep h y r G in g h a m , p e r y a rd .........................................................27c
inch Im p o rte d G in g h am , p er y a rd ....................................................05c
inch Im p o rte d Silk G in g h am , p er y a rd ,..........................................8Oc
inch Im p o rte d Silk T issu e, p er y a rd ............................................... 94c
—All silk and fibre silk
sweaters in beautiful shades.
inch J a p C repe, a ll colors, p er y a rd ...............................................33c
In ch J a p W in d so r C repe, p e r y a rd .........................
.........< . .............................................................. 22c
H ope M uslin, 36 inches, p er y a rd ............................................................15c
F r u it of L oom , 36 in ches, per y a rd ......................................................... 21c
In d ia n H ead U nbleached M uslin, per y ard .......... : ........................ 20c
P e p p e re ll S h e e tin g , 7-4 w.dt-h, p er y a rd .............................................. 44c
P e p p e re ll S h e e tin g , 9-4 w id th , p e r y a r d ............................................... 55c
P e p p e re ll S h e e tin g , 10-4 w id th , p e r y a r d .............................................00c
P e q u o t S h e e tin g . 9-4 w id th , p er y a rd .................................................... OOc
P e q u o t S h e e tin g , 10-4 w id th , p er y a rd ..................................................73c
Tw o S tra p W h ite C anvas P u m p , a t .................................................... $ 4 .40
One S tra p B lack K id P u m p a t ..............................................................$ 5 .25
L a d ie s ’ Kid O xfords, a t .............................................; .............. $3.O5-$O.75
B row n O xfords, a t .......................................................................... $4.2 5 -0 .4 0
B u ste r Brow n Shoes fo r C h ild re n , g irls sizes 5 to 8 . . $1 .7 0 3 .5 0
G irls’ O xfords, sizes 8
to 11, a t ........................................... $2 .5 0 -1 .2 5
G irls ’ O xfords, sizes 11% to* 2. a t .............................................$2.9 0 -4 .7 5
Boys’ Shoes, bro w n , a t ................................................................. $ 4 .2 5 -4 .7 5
B oys’ Shoes, black , a t .................................................................... $ 4 .7 5 -5 .0 5
Boys’ O xfords, brow n ................................................................................ $ 4 .8 5
I n f a n ts ’ Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, a t ....................................................$ 1 .2 0 -1 .9 0
—Tricolette, Pongee, Crepe
de Chine, and Georgette
Mouses and waists, wonder­
ful values at ................ $3.49
—The special Anniversary Offer of a New Peace
Dollar FREE with cash purchases of $10.00
or over ends Saturday Evening
.............$ 4 .2 0 -4 .9 0
Dry Goods
3 6 inch T a ffe ta s , ex cellen t q u a lity
H ead,
g re e n , rose, a t ....................$ 3 ,85
At $ 1 .50— L a d ie s ’ p u r e th r e a d S ilk, rein fo rc e d heels, soles a n d toe.
C olo rs:
In d ia n
O uting D resses, in blue an d
k h a k i, w ith b loom ers, at $5.25
A t $ 1 .0 0 — L a d ie s ’ p u re th re a d Silk H ose, B u ste r B row n m ake, s tric tly
inch Z ep h y r G ingham
............... .................................... $3 .7 5
—of Crepe de Chine are very
stylish this season. We are
showing a splendid assort­
...................................................... $3 .7 5
co lo rs
inch G in g h am , p er y a rd
Fine Tailored Waists
$3 .3 5
D resses of Im p o rte d G in g h am , O rg an d ie trim m e d . . . $ 7 .5 0 to $ 1 0 .0 0
$9.50 to $17.50
-Silk Hosierv *
P e rc a le A prons, trim m e d w ith rick r a c k .................................................. 93c
At 70c— V an R a a lte ’s tw o clasp
G loves. C olors, w h ite, black an d
A t OOc— Van R a a lte ’s tw o clasp
p u re
th re a d
silk gloves w ith
s titc h e d backs. W h ite , b e a v er a n d
A t $ 1 .4 0 — V an R a a lte ’s tw o clasp
d o u b le th re a d p u re silk gloves of
e x tra heavy w eig h t. C olors: black,
w h ite, b e a v er, b isq u e a n d pongee.
$19.75 up
$16.95 up
House Dresses and Aprons
E veryth in g to W ear for Everybody
Phone 3