♦ i*AcMs r u ó ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS U’edneMlay, April 12. lia s i ' I __________________ _____ _____ «m ■ .1 . ! ■■ ■■■ ■ ... «■' wishing. Man grows only by work- about 11 per cent of all sweet cher- nent supply of w ater near the apiary, EUGENE REALTOR DIES No day of all the year means more Union E aster S eriic« ing. It is not enough to have faith ries in commercial orchards with This is especially im portant in the EUGENE, Or., April 11.— Clyde E ., than E aster day to the one who loves ' The Christian Endeavor societies Established 1876 Black T artarian and spring. Measure your success as a Sellon, realty dealer of this city for Published Every E vening Except that we shall come out of the \ alley pollenizers. and serves, even in the smallest of the Presbyteria«, Christian and of our discontent. We m ust have Black Republican were recommended beekeeper by the average yearly pro- 11 years, died suddenly Sunday things. Sunday Congregational churches will hold a TH E ASHLAND PRINTING GO. the faith th a t inspires work and the as pollenizers for the dark species duction of honey Trorn your colonies, morning at the age of 44 years. He union E aster service prayer meeting ..eal of precept th a t enthuses exam- such as Bing and Lam bert, and W a> and not by the num ber of swarms is survived by a ’widow and two OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Grazing and lum bering are two and breakfast Sunday morning at the pie. If w® would live aga.n in th e , ter house for the light colored such you get. Learn to prevent swarms. children. P A PE R great industries which are largely Presbyterian church. All members piping times of peace and plenty we, as Royal Ann and Napoleon, TELEPHO NE 39 Climbing P ests H u rt Trees dependent upon the national forests, i are cordially invited to be there a t m ust labor for-them . How many growers acted on the Young pear and filbert orchards Livestock needs grass and w ater, i Forest fires kill all the green trees 6:30. Please bring 10 cents each to E. «I. BARRETT, E ditor _ _ . wu o recommendations is not known, but especially suffer serious injury in the forest fires mean an end of both. and destroys the grass. cover cost of the breakfast. WAS C O L lM ill S A JE h ? J th a t a t least 5 per cent of them d ’d early spring from bud weevils, climb­ su bscription P rice D elivered in City: Almost any school child, if ques-!ja certajn One m onth .................................. > .65 .................. , . „ . , - ---------- The net gain annually ing cutworms and sim ilar bud-infest­ Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Mooed, will tell one th a t C hristopher eve„ th|a sm al| , o( ing insect pests This is especially Six months .................................. 3.75 Colombus discovered America In taU . bM rln|, tree, „ about uno * tru e where the orchard is on new uua year .................................... 7.50 1492, th a t Columbus was an Italian,! . x. , . Mail and R ural R ou tes ’ „ , , , .1 Had all growers followed the plan ground, B arriers of tree tanglefoot in Genoa, and that the good1,. . . .. , . , , . a. One month .................................. $ .65 born _ - . . _ . . _ aw 11 is estim ated the annual value of placed around the tru n k s 11 to 18 . Three months .............................. 1.95 Queen Isabella of Spain ttTrned her • , . . into . Pl wi trip * <„ the cherry crop in Oregon would be .inches from SAY IT WITH Hix m onths .................................. 3.50 jewels cash w * to finance his , , the ground are an ef- . .. five times w hat it is now— >1,800,- fective checks against these pests. On« year .................................... 6.6t a to the new world. These items are , , . _ »«nn a ™ / , . w,, w . .. , 000 Instead of >360,000 as at pres- ’Home made barriers of cotton b at­ so long established th at it seems In- . _ ' ADVERTISING RATES ent. Growers who have reported on i n g may be used. Cut the batting D isplay A dvertising considerate, if not sacrilegious, to the plan had b etter results than the four inches wide and long enough to SlL'.Ue insertion, each in ch ........... 30c disturb them now. estim ated 500 per cent increase in lap slightly. Tie it reasonably tight YEARLY CONTRACTS But now it happens th a t the S p a n ­ D isplay A dvertising production. at the lower edge with a thin cotton iards and the Portgugese, with equal One time a w eek.............................. 27 %c string. Then take hold of upper edge A m m onia T ries to E scape Two times a week.............................. 25 c lack of consideration for oor tender *Svery other d a y .................................20 c feelings, are claiming Columbus was To prevent loss of ammonia from and pull the band down over the Local Readers fluffy, m anure, eith er land plaster or super- j tied edge. It then forms a Spanish Jew, while Portugal claims Each line, each tim e .................... 10c phosphate can be used to advantage T unne* shaped barrier, he was a Portugese Jew. Sad to To run every other dhy for one month, each line, each t im e .. 7c relate, it is now stated th a t Queen by putting a handful of the m aterial VISIT OLD FRIENDS —See what a glorious variety you eau To run every issue for one month Isabella did not part with her jewels in the g u tter behind each anim al GRANTS PASS, SUNDAY choose from at The Ashland Greenhouse! or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c to obtain money to finance the ex­ once a day. Super-phosphate con- ! i w w w . , . , i Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Randles mot- Classified Column Lilies, Roses, Carnations, the gentle frag pedltion of discovery. It is said th a t tains both phosphorus and land plus- . z, . „ One cent the word each time. . w . » , . _ i ored to G rants Pass Sunday, where I t V lb » • Is « Z A A , Z > | W W W Z . M « F e - u 1 . _ « ▲ I . * ranee ol Sweet Peas, sturdy potted plants To run every issue for one month documents have been discovered, ter, hence is of more value to t h e ; tbpv were guests of Mr. and Mrs. | proving th at Spanish and Portugese land. Hydrated lime or ground lime or more. %c the word each time. they all carry Springtim e’s message of Roy McAllister. Mrs. McAllister will j Legal R ate Jews advanced the money to the stone should never be used with ma be remembered as Miss Olive Sober, beauty and cheer. First time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c queen w ithout em barrassing her to nure as they hasten the loss of am who was a graduate of our local Each subsequent time, per 8- —Better make your choice now lor Easter point line .................................... 5c the extent of taking her jewelry. monia. schools. Mr. and Mrs. M cA llister; Vetch Aphis Scarce Card of t h a n k s ............................>1.00 T h at’s altogether too much! W hat have recently purchased land» near! on can’t send a happier, more appro­ Obituaries, the l i n e ................... 2% childhood Illusions rem ain? Growers will not need to fear the G rants Pa9g and bu„ t a gmall bungft priate remembrance than Flowers — and F raternal Orders and S ocieties Ah. but the French are not to be vetch aphis as much as usual if early ,ow and are now rejolclng over the Advertising for fratern al orders there’s no better place to choose them lis * or societies charging a regular initl outdone. The French press is now indications hold true. The sev ere, advent of an o th er baby g ir, wb(J a r. than at atlon fee and dues, no discount. Re­ pushing the claim of Captain Jean w inter seems to have destroyed most r jved on March 9 ligious and benevolent orders will 'be Cousin, of Dieppe, as the real dis­ of these troublesome pests. ______________________ charged the regular rate for all ad coverer of America. Cousin is said B ees Need W ater Leave a clean camp and a dead vertlsiug when an admission or other to have reached South America i n , Be sure your bees have a perm a-lfire. charge is made. d 1488, four years before Columbus’ j W hat C onstitutes A dvertising famous trip. But what about the In order to allay a m isunderstand Norse discoveries of America. The Ing among some as to w hat con&i tutea news and what advertising Norsemen ought not to lack support. One m ust suppose th at Lo, the we print this very simple rule, which Is used by newspapers to different! poor Indian, welcomed all these dis­ PHONE 120 ate between them : "ALL fu tu re coverers to the shores of the new ¿vents, where an admission charge world. Lo apparently is classed with is made or a collection is taken IS “ I am convinced there is a difference in ADVERTISING.” This applies to potatoes, tobacco, etc., as a wild baking powder. I have been using any organizations and societies of every thing of nature. Isn’t it time th a t kind as well as to individuals. someone began pushing the claim of old powder for ten years but my cakes All reports of such activities after Lo and his ancestors as the real they have occurred is news. are 100 per cent better since I bought a All coming social or organization discoverers of America? can of Royal Baking Powder. I recom­ If th ere’s such competition *in E u­ meetings of societies where no ■' money contribution is solicited, initl rope to claim the discovery of Amer­ mend it to any housewife who thinks she atlon charged, or collecton taken IS ica, it m ust be they think well of mimmniinr knows all about cake making with any NEWS. us after all. land of powder.” E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat LEADING SW E ET C H ER R IES ter. N E ED CROSS-POLLINATION ■ , / < A ' Ashland ----------------- — ■ Tidings ------------------ -------------- — - -■ _ Easter plocuers j a aw A The A shland G reenhouse Mrs. L. writes: O rchardlsta A dvised to Top-W ork A bout 11 P er Cent o f Orchard W ith P roven P ollen izers SOLOMON ITES Don't howl. Cheering pays better. Oregon’s leading sweet cherries— Napoleon or Royal Ann, Bing and Lam bert— are not only self-sterile, but inter-terile as well. This s ta rt­ ling fact was brought out and an­ nounced by the state college experi­ ment station away back in 1911, 1912 and 1913. Based on these findings, recom­ mendations were made to topwork ROYAL . .Ù ..- BAKING POWDER ------ -z i . ¿z- ' » C Absolutely Pure Coo tains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for N ew R oyal Cook Book—It’s FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St., New York TIRE PRICES SLASHED « • Tailors are m aking clothes now with special reference to the conven­ ience of hip pockets. • • When you’re looking for Old Man Trouble, it m ight be as well not to overestim ate your capacity. • * Mark Twain once rem arked th a t a great deal has been said about the weather, but very little *had ever been done. • • A late release in movies is an ­ nounced as showing an eclipse of the sun. Ashland m ust have had a su r­ reptitious visit from the movie col­ ony at Hollywood to get the proper atm osphere for th at picture. • • Some folks fail to realize that the log cal time to kick is when you’re in swimming. Listen to this from an A shlandite who didn’t get in on the reception to Sir Auckland Geddes: “ Pshaw! Funny Englishman, th a t— didn’t even wear a monocle.” NO TIME FOR THE PESSIMIST The pessimist we have always with us. On every hand, in every age, are men who delight to drag a soap­ box out into the streets of the world and cry out to all who will listen th a t mankind is on the highway to pefdition. Sooner or later they are run down by traffic, in which grew- some fate they find complete vindi­ cation for th eir theories. The world today has many vexa­ tious problems, but what is im port­ ant to note is th at it has been troubled gravely before. And it has always come out, scarred but sound. Ever since s h o rly after the dawn of things there have been anarchists and reactionaries and profiteers and greedy fellows of every type, in every walk of life. They are forgotten now. as the trouble-m akers of today will be forgotten in another century. Many rem em ber long those who serve them well. Nations have been overthrow n before, and empires have expired, but mankind kept on de­ veloping through the centuries his knowledge and faith and power. But there Is uo progress through TO ONE-HALF These are Oulp-Plan prices on Empire Tires. They are low because all the unneces­ sary selling expense has been cut out plus basis. weep: We buy the entire factory output on a cost- Our prices are just about half what you’ve been paying. Read ’em ami SIZE 30x3 30x3 y2 32x3% 31x4 32x4 33x4 3 4x4 32x4% 33x4% 34x4% 35x4% 36x4 % 33x5 35x5 37x5 . c ; *js , HE splendid perform» ance of the New Series of the good Maxwell in every part of the country, empha» sizes the value o f this fine car. T Clin Fabrics N.8. > 7.90 > 9.93 .................... s. s.............. Clin...................... ........ S. s............... S. S. S. s................ S. s................ S. s............... S. S. s................ - - s. s............... s s. s................ Cords N.8. >14.85 >19.14 >22.07 >24.82 >25.30 >25.71 > 1 .4 6 .«,.2.15 >33.92 >34.62 >39.13 >41.08 >43.22 Red Tubes >1.90 >2.35 >2.70 >3.25 >3.35 >3.50 >3.70 >4.30 >4.45 >4.55 >4.60 >4.85 >5.25 >5.65 >5.90 Gray Tube« >1.35 >1.55 >1.70 >1.85 >2.00 >2.10 >2.30 >2.50 >2.65 >2.75 >3.00 >3.25 >3.50 >4.00 >4.75 The Empire Tire & Rubber Company has been making rubber goods for 53 years. It is one of the oldest tire companies in the business. Its tires have stood the test of the hardest service in the East, where they have been among the most popular brands for years. You’ll find the Empire a thoroughly-made, strong and serviceable tire. A.W. WALKER AUTO CO. Phone 18 SOLD BY MEDFORD, OREGON Good. Class A Garage ASHLAND HOTEL BLDG., PHONE 30