PAGE TWO Á S fíL Á V ü DAILY TIDÍNGS Saturday, April «, 1II2J tions to unite in thought and action There has been some talk of put-* for the preservation of our common Established 1876 ting an Ashland candidate in the ra c e ; heritage by planning such educa­ Published Every Evening Except tor state senator against Ben Shel- tional and instructive exercises as „ §unday don. Under existing conditions, shall bring before the people the dis­ TH E ASHLAND PRINTING GO. such a move would be a big mistake. astrous effects of the present waste O FFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Ashland already has a candidate in by forest fires and the need of indi- PA PE R TELEPHONE 39 the person of Thomas H. Simpson vidual and collective effort to con- for county commissioner. It is of serve the forests and increase our E. J. BARRETT, E ditor more than passing interest to Ash- tree growth for ornam ent and use. In witness thereof, I have here- Subscription P rice D elivered in City: land th a t she be ably lepresented in One month .................................. $ .65 the county court. It v ould be h a r d , unto set my hand and caused the seal Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 to find an Ashland man who would • ° t the United States of America to Six months .................................. 3.76 Ou«> year .................................... 7.50 be more valuable to this section in be affixed the state senate than Ben Sheldon. Done, in the D istrict of Columbia. Mail and R ural Route« One month .................................. $ .65 He has stood by Ashland interests in this 31st day of March, in the year Three m onths .............................. 1.95 season and out, both as a member of of our Lord 1922, and of the inde­ Six months .................................. 3.50 pendence of the United States of On« year ..................................... 6.5? the legislature and as a citizen. Ashland can nom inate and elect America, the 146th. ADVERTISING RATES (Seal) WARREN G. HARDING. Mr. Simpson as county commissioner, D isplay A dvertising By the P res’dent: if it centers its force on it, but by ■ intie insertion, each in ch ........... 30c CHARLES E. HUGHES, putting in a m ultiplicity of candi­ YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising Secretary of State. dates for other offices, they will di­ One tim e a w eek.......................2 7 %c vide their forces as well as lose down Two times a week...................... 25 c WOMAN INCITES CRIME; TJvejy other d a y ......................... 20 c valley support th a t would be given YOUTH PA Y S PENALTY Mr. Simpson if he was the only Ash­ Local R eaders KITTANNING, Pa., April 8.— It; Sack line, each tim e. ................ 10c land candidate In the field. To run every other dby for one It is to be hoped th a t no ill-advised was the man who paid here the other month, each line, each tim e. . 7c action will be taken th a t will result day. A fter a jury had found Mrs. To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c In Ashland losing all her candidates Amelia W hann, wife of a wealthy Chicasaw physician, guilty of incit­ in the prim ary elect'on. C lassified Column One cent the word each time. ing Eugene Sanz, her Cuban lover, to To run every issue for one month PR ESID E N T ISSU ES PROCLAMA- m urder the doctor, his benefactor, so >r more, %c the word each time. TION COUPLING IT W ITH they could “ begin life anew ,” she Legal R ate FOREST PROTECTION was released on $2500 bail. First time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c W EEK ia c h subsequent time, per 8- The youth was brought into court point line ............................... 6c and sentenced to 10 years and six Card of t h a n k s ............................ >1.00 W hereas, the protection and per­ months in the penitentiary. Obituaries, the l i n e ......................2 ^ c petuation of our forests are vital to Despite her husband’s faith, which F ratern al Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders our continued industrial w elfare and i survived the most damning state­ or societies charging a regular initi­ national strength and to our individ­ m ents of Sanz on the witness stand, ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ual health, comfort and prosperity, a jury found Mrs. W hann guilty of ligious and benevolent orders will be and inciting the youth to m urder him charged the regular rate for all ad W hereas, a period of fifty years and fire th eir home. vertising when an admission or other charge is made. has passed since in April, 1872 there was instituted in the state of Ne­ "P rin tin g is the inseparable com­ W hat Constitutes Advertising braska observance of a day especially panion of achievem ent.” In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat co n sti­ set ap art and consecrated for tree! tutes news and what advertising, planting and known as Arbor day, • w e print this very simple rule, which and J Is used by newspapers to differenti­ W hereas, both through widespread: ate between them : "ALL future events, where aa admission charge annual celebration of Arbor day and Is made or a collection is taken IS through the increasing observance of ADVERTISING.” This applies to Forest Protection week, public atten-j organizations and societies of every tion has been commendably directed kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after to the value of trees, the unnecssary, All Kinds of Grey Iron Work they have occurred is news. waste of our dim inishing forests Casting and Welding All coming social or organization through preventable fires, the de-l m eetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, in iti­ plorable effects of forest d ev asta-. BRASS WORK ation charged, or collecton taken IS tion and the need for remedial mea­ NEW S. sures against depletion of an essen­ O’BRIEN IRON WORKS Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon.. tial n atu ral resource, Therefore, I, W arren G. Harding, Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ formerly ter. president of the United States, do' urge upon the governors of the var-! Ashland Iron Works ious states to designate and set a p a r t; Phone 236 c S umme &P layground 1 the week of April 16-22, 1922, as OF/ n ERICA' ' Forest Protection week, and the last day of th a t week, April 22, as the golden anniversary of Arbor day, and to request officers of public instruc­ tion of counties, cities and towns and of civic and commercial organiza- Ashland Tidings M ULTIPLICITY W ILL W EA K EN B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. LOST. Easter * ght . cooloays •L DAYS C j a RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY N NIGHT. | SOLOMONITES Much money has been made in the United States by doing people rath er than by doing things. • • Good will, bought with money, does not stay long bought. Good will, won by service, is lasting. • * Men. individually honest, when working together in tru st formation, collectively, may be damned rascals. • • If advertised persistently, the tru th will out, no m atter in what form or in what kind of type, it is expressed. • * You can often beat the game with what everybody would call a weak hand, if you know the cards the oth­ er fellow holds and his habit of play. • • One great story in the personal achievement series rem ains to be w ritten. It is th at of the typical American who won his position and fortune by convincing a couple of bankers and a few other prom inent citizens that he was strictly on the level. • • Before any more distinguished guests of the city are taken for a spin through our beautiful park and around the High Drive, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have the scrapers go over the road. The entire roadway needs surfacing and there are all too many nasty chuck holes to make the drive one of unalloyed pleasure. « • New \ ork is much w rought up over MacMonnies' statue of Civic V irtue, which represents a rude, husky gent kicking two prostrate la­ dles out of his pathway. If we were modeling a statue designed for erec­ tion anywhere in New York, we should either depict a visitor from the middle west lying prone with his trouser pockets turned inside out or a hotel clerk in the act of telling an arriving guest th a t the room which he had reserved would not be avail­ able until 9 o'clock in the evening. It takes a very small coward to hide behind a woman's sk irts nowa­ days. —Greeting Cards VIRGINIA CAFE M on arch S eed an d F eed C o. 317 E. Main MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 260 “ The F arm er’s Service Station1 ASHLAND BRANCH Oregon State Normal — AT Ashland, Oregon June 19 -- July 28, 1922 F u ll Norm al Course. P ractice Mrhonl for ail grades. M usic de­ partm ent very strong. Psychology, educational m easurem ents, sociology, and school m anagem ent on dem and. For inform ation w rite G. A. BRISCOE, Director Independence Avenue-Not Easy Street Count over the people of your acquaintance who 5 are comfortably well off. Nine out of ten fol- a lowed the slow but sure method of spending less than they earned. We help our patrons along the route that leads * not to Easy Street, but to Independence Avenue. The Citizens Bank —Rabbits Ashland, Oregon 3nlanj —Boxed Candy —Fancy Candy Guns Repaired FISH ING RODS W R A PPE D B arrels and P arts Supplied and F itted for Any M ake o f Gun April 16th is Easter Sunday Make Your Selection NOW M c N a ir B ros. R. Middleton Xter, »81 E. MAIN ST. S p e c ia l E a ste r S h o w in g o i M illin e r y SATURDAY, APRIL 8th At surprisingly lo w prices Wineland & Shepherd HAIRDRESSING PARLORS Room I U pstairs DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at tentfhn to m others and children. Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. and office, Í08 Pio­ neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Inquire Mrs. Henry Provost, above Citizens Bank. 174tf DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office FOR RENT— Garden ground on the at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- shares. Free irrigation. Phone ing and by appointment. Phone 28. 478-J. 184-2 HAWLEY Physician. Neuritis cases u specialty. Phone 367-J. Treatm ent given only in your own home. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ thorizes his announcem ent as a can­ didate for the nomination for the PLUMR1NG office of County Commissioner of Jackson County, subject to the d e - 'H r u u u c ------7— 7------ cision of the Republican voters of *in g and day work g ’ to n tr a c t' 248 Fifth St., said county, at the prim ary election,! nbnn„ ic c t lOOtf May 19th, 1922. j - i uunB — 1 L . car w ash ing FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER George Alford, of Phoenix, an- FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and nounces himself as a candidate on polishing, $2.50. Llthia Garage. the Republican ticket, for County Phone 114. 113tt Commissioner of Jackson County, TR AN SFER AND E X PK B 88. Oregon, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of said county, at the prim ary election, May 19th, 1922. FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, call W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone l i t . INTERU RBAN AUTOCAR CO. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Ashland. 56tf (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1022) 1 LV . MEDFORD LV . ASHLAND T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS FER — Good team and m otor­ 7 00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. trucks. Good sei vice at a reason­ 8 00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. able price. Phoue 83. 9 00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10 00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— Wood 11 09 a. in. 11-00 a. m. — transfer and storage, general: 12 00 noon 12:00 noon hauling, household goods and long 1 1 00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. distance hauling a specialty. Ex­ 2 00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. pert crating and packing; satisfac­ 3 00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. tion guaranteed. A. G. Adams, 4 00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. office 240 Third St." Phone 4 60. 5 00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ 184-lm o 6 00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. FOR SALE. 7 00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8 30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. in. OR SALE One Ford light dellv 9 30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. ery, good repair. Call at Square 10 30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Deal Grocery. 1 8 0 tf Sunday Schedule Leave Medford for Ashland and FOR SALE— Twenty head of good Ashland for Medford everv hour on milk cotos; one recently fresh giv­ the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; ing 35 pounds of milk per day. then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. T. W. Bailey, Talent. 174-12* Ashland waiting room— E ast Side Pharmacy. FOR SALE—-Hatching eggs. White MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE Minorcas, Pekin ducks, drake from Dally (Except Sunday) prize winning birds. 922 Boule­ LV. M EDFORD LV. ROSEBURG vard. Phone 457-R. 163-lmo* 10:00 a .m . 1:00 p. m Travel by stage; shortest route by FOR SALE— Five room house, w ith 20 miles; one of Oregon's m ost' bath and pantry, four lots, corner Eighth and B streets. Inquire 139 scenic trips; we save you time and Second. 1 8 2 tf money. F are— M edford-R oseburg, $ 4 .0 0 ; FOR SALE— New rag carpet and G rants-Pass-R oseburg, $3.00. 184-6* rugs. 215 Gresham. M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS D aily and Sunday FOR SALE— Seven room house close LV. G’T ’S PASS LV. MEDFORD in on paved street, garage and 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. fruit, screened sleeping porch; all 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. clear. 550 East Main. 184-tf 4:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m. G rants Pass waiting room— Th« FOR SALE— Reed baby buggy, first Bonbonniere, phone 160. class condition. Call at Golden Office and waiting room— No. 6 Rule store. 184-2 S . F r o n t S t .. N a s h —Candy Eggs EVERYTH ING HOME-COOKED j FOR RENT— Furnished rooms, $1 per day. Car storage free. Union Rooming House. 160 F ourth St. 180-tf POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS • DR. MAUD INGERSOLL —Visiting Chiropractic —Novelties TH E BE ST O F EATING i LOST- Saturday night at Kingsbury DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice Springs dance, pair of nose limited to eye, ear, nose and glasses. Finder return to Tidings throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and office. Reward. 184-2 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. 73-tf APARTMENTS OR. J. J. EMMEN8— Physician and | FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Surgeon. Practice limited to Close in. Modern conveniences. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasse? Adults only. Inquire 166 Harga- supplied. Oculist and aurist for dine St. or phone 122. 182tf S. P. R. R. Offices, M. i 1. and H Bldg., Mtdford, Ore. Phone 667 FOR RENT . C H IR O P R A C T O R S . —Baskets —Chickens 29 First St. TESTED Priced Right You can depend upon seeds you buy from us. They are pure, strong and true to name Buy your seeds at home from Iron Foundry Now Open 'OREGON? WASHINGTON & .BRITISH I _________ SEED S TESTED ph y sic ia n s . Rare Tire Quality at Remarkable Prices Mason Cord quality is the highest that can be built into a tire. We want you to know that the price, strange as it may seem, is remark­ ably low. We do not sell Mason Tires on price alone, hut you get this advantage as well as the quality, when you buy them. This means that you get low price per mile and less trouble per trip than you have ever known be­ fore. With this goes a guarantee which knows no mileage limit and a stan­ dard of service we’re proud of. MASON CORDS C itizens Bank Bldg. H o te l b u ild in g . R O S E S . FLOWERING SHRUBS. Bulbs, F ruit and Shade Trees, Ber­ ries, etc.— Stock from the most re­ liable nurseries, florists and land­ scape gardeners on the coast. Let B A R B E R me have your order now for spring planting. Every house should Children's W ork A plant more flowers, berries and fruit. Am sending in orders every Specialty day now. Let me know y o u r Safety bladeB resharpened ; wants. Mrs. Fred R. Neil, 263: Oak St. Phone 310-R. 182-w-t-s like new. Single bit, 30c I___________________ I doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz f o r s a l e — The Redwing H atchery incubates 250,000 eggs every three weeks, being the largest and C. B. L A M K I N finest equipped electric hatchery * in the Southwest. We are booking orders for immediate and future BARGAINS IN REAL delivery of all popular breeds of baby chicks; Pekin. Muscovy aud ESTATE Indian R unner ducklings and Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys; also our celebrated strain of Ore­ City and Ranch Properties gon-Corvallis W hite Leghorns. We can supply pullets of all kinds at H ouses to Rent all tim es; also incubators and brooders. No order too large or too small to receive our careful