r. PAGE POUR A S H L A N D D A IÍ.Y }n Paragraphs € in the San Antonio flood. 1EU1C ----- a . l .----- ----- a . l .----- A discovery th at H arvard, Neb., didn’t have a way of getting tne lat- est news on the w eather, crop^ and current events, caused an old" navy radio operator to get busy. Now the American Legion is issuing “hot off the w ire” news to the H arvard) citizenry. legion g t3 © » 5Z> Spring Is Here BWWT»’: 1. E ast 1 Because the ex-soldier doesn't speak German, and the man he named does, Congressman Edward — Side Lights - ■ Voigt, of the Second Wisconsin dis- tr ’.ct, refused the request of the O rres’ big three day sale 9U rt9. All wool suits at 518.50 at O rres’ American Legion that Clyde Ellis, Saturday (tom orrow ). 184-3 three day sale. When the Paris “ Figaro” pub world war veteran, __ be appointed 184-3 lished a cartoon against the p ay m en t' postm aster at E lk h art Lake.** W l7 ----- a . l . ----------- i The best home m id e candies can of the expenses of the United States ' Leave for K la m ath F a l l s - ____ 4 L ____ I A.L.------ ! “ if the Legion w ants the flag tak- arm y of occupation, the American Mrs. L. Jacobs and Mrs. Aimee be had at Rose Brothers. , When a tornado struck C o rin th ,. en down, they can hire a couple of 152tf Legion in France registered Enders left this morning on train 13 healthy kick. The picture showed a ‘¡ V * 6 Araer1’ steeple japks and take 11 down-” was for K lam ath Falls. Mrs. Jacobs does Lavendar stockings, speaking making in doughboy 7 pushing J ,7 M * arianne , can , 81 post t0 to fUrn.ish furnish an an arm arm ed ed ¡ the the answ er the board of commis sion- aside as P not expect to return again this spring generalities, are rem inders th at good puahiug aside M arianne aa pa. ro , to preve„, made to the Littleton, Colo . and the son, Rudolph, will make his and evil walk on equ ily comely m e ly legs - : " (rro » X X ‘ the ox - I a », American Legion post when it pro­ home with Mrs. Wing until the end service men were on the job in the tested the improper care being given of the school year. -A.L. Try Detrick for good things to stricken areas. , flag on t he court house. Nothing eat. When John A. Isham , of Boise, 184tf A.L.------ ■ loath, a couple of old mast climbers Idaho, discovered th a t Oscar Wey- See Detrick for whipping cream Judge Kenesaw Mountain L an d is! turned the trick. that whips. 184tf Columbia records reduced to 65c mlre, his old bunkm ate in the army, flatly refused^o become an honorary, ------ A.L.------ at Rose Brothers. 152tf had not paid his American Legion member of the American Legion, Their own hero’s death from old Dew Drop Inn— for lunche«. dues, he decided ♦ to Weymire Tho r,,,.,. visit onn 1 hen the honor was Offered him fol-' war wounds has caused a Des Mo nes ,, . . , . 1 . For pleating, see Orres. 184-3 The latter was trapping 300 miles , , . T v j . . lowing his speech before the Mobile' family to send a request to the II:» m E y e O peration — but Isham made the trip by .... pusit ..... , . . ■ „ Meddling with another m an’s folly away, . . . . . . . •'¡Ala., post. No man who has not American Legion for an ex-service Mr. B urnett, of Glendale, Or., has is the most thankless of all thankless foot, horse and skates a n d J good music should hear Mr. Davis — tran sfer and storage, g en eral!to the a i|fhorities proved of no avail, hauling, household goods and long Charles E. Young Sr., of St. August- and his famous triple toned golden distance hauling a specialty. Ex­ ine, Fla., used the old sea method chimes. pert crating and packing; satisfac­ Buttons made to order at Orres. tion guaranteed. A. G. Adams, of showing distress and hung the 184-3 office 240 Third St. Phone 460. American flag on his hostelry upside 184-lm o . down. The American Legion protesf- W anted, a m arried man with small ~ ; ed the act and Young publicly apolo- FOR RENT— Garden ground on the family to do farm work. W rite giv­ shares. Free irrigation. Phone gized ing full particulars. Box 368, Ash­ 478-J. 184-21 -A.L. land, Oregon. 184-2 The Chicago, 111., board of aider- FOR SALE— Good fresh cow. W. E. Moor, 171 Helman St. 184-eod-tf men, has voted to send a delegation' Paulserud’s suits are the com fort­ of five of its members to W ashing-1 able, fitable, wearable kind. 180tf LOST— Saturday night at Kingsbury ton to help in the fight for the A m er-! Springs dance, pair of nose glasses. Finder return to Tidings ican Legion’s bill for adjusted com- ■ Buys New Car— office. Reward. 184-2 pensation. P. S. Provost has purchased a new ------ A.L.------ SALE— New rag carpet and Standard eight from A. M. Beaver Jr. FOR Alexander Lochwitzky, a form er; rugs. 215 Gresham. 184-6* who is the Portland agent and has. „ -------- Russian count, and a m ajor in the in on p a V e d 'T r e e T ^ g a ^ : ^ A m e r i c a n army during the w orld| been selling these cars here for a few days. fruit, screened sleeping porch; all w a i* “ a S sen^ an appeal to the New clear. 550 E ast Main. 184-tf York American Legion asking th a t If you have any wiring or electri- a job be found for him “ doing any­ cal repair work, phone phone W. L. Sams, | FO? SALE— Reed baby buggy, first ir work, m v 7, cla" condition. Call at Golden thing.” He speaks eight languages Y. Contracting a s specialty. n e c la ltv Rule atore _____________ 184-2 ; fluently. Everything he had was lost H < ® ® X x. ¿a- — — œ — 8»® P ~ ® ® ' ** I— » 7 75 J •*' *• 2 *"— 'A 7. 75 ~ X T ak es a 4-cylin d er B U IC K S e e Mr. ROWLEY A shland Hotel Must be sold by Saturday night » G ives This Id eal UNIVERSAL Hot Blast Heater Away SWENSON & McRAE FURNITURE CO. “ W e F u r n is h H a p p y H o m e s ’’ E A S T M A IN ST ., P H O N E 75 á í ■ ■-L I Spend less for your heat and get more heat for your money by using an C O L D A IR W e d n esd a y , APRIL 12th Id eal U n iv e r sa l H o t B la st T he m ost economi­ WARM AIR REGISTER WARM AIR PIPÉ CARRIES ALL HEAT T ull return air chamber HECHT adjustable to ANY BASEMENT CLEAN OUT at 4:00 o ’clo ck p. m . and Wednesday at our Universal Stove and furnace demonstration. No purchase is necessary to get your chance on this heater. zr Each day there will he continuous demonstrations by factory repre­ adds t>0% to the heating pow er o f the cheapest k in d o f coal. sentatives of the merits of the wonderful UNIVERSAL COMBINATION A beautiful stove, heavy, well fitted and dur­ RANGE i— the range of Simplicity and Economy. It is the absolute super­ able, and so easy to operata, a ch ild can con tro l it. Don't fail to get your FR EE chance lative of ranges embodying all the conveniences of a gas range with all the advantages ot a coal and wood range while occupying only the space an ordinary range. of Remember the dates. on this heater. I 1 1 t 3 = = tz n 1 ZZ7T CHAMBER INNER CASING LARSE WATER PAN A SSU R ES PBOPiR MOISTURE HEAVILY INSULATED CIRCULATION AS It burns the smoke and gas that is UNIVERSAL RANGES and FURNACES i EXTk’A LARGE ( OOUdtE POORS COLO AIR RETURN TREE RETURN AIR Retail Value $65.00 See Our Demonstration on O U T E R C A S IN G POUR lNCl-1 IDEAL UNIVERSAL perfect coal com bustion, . . , A t t . circles e n tire inside o f body ju s t above the fire p o t and spreads o ver the fu e l a sheet o f heated a ir, w h ic h , m ixe d w ith the sm oke and gas becomes com bustible and produces the most intense heat e ve r k n o w n fro m a coal fire . pasted on other styles of heating stoves, and TURNS TO ruRNACE Ml* PÖNTÖT CAS ing ) Come in find get your COUPON on this Heater Monday. Tuesday Hot Blast Ring Insures Perfect Combustion latest in v en tio n for UPPER ROOMS RE­ ADJUSTABLE TO Stove e ve r in v e n te d . Burn« a n y k in d o f fuel, in c lu d in g cheapest grades o f soft coal or alack. Produces m ore heat w ith less fu e l because the This ring, the very TO UPPER ROOMS COLD AIR PROM cally operated Hot Blast Q RETURN Waten Saturday’s paper for full detail of Universal Stove and furn­ ace demonstration. aateuted S h e l l SURES 100% HEAT­ BAR GRATCÔ ING EfTlClENCY On Exhibition Next Week The famous UNIVERSAL Pipeless Furnace—Asbestos- Insulated—widely known as “ The Perfect Pipeless Furnace.” We have just received a shipment of these wonderful heat- makers and fuel-savers. We have a furnace set up in our show room, and will cheerfully explain to you how it gives you more heat with less fuel. How it takes place of stoves or unsatisfactory old-style pipe furnaces. How it gives you a warm house and a cool cellar, saving hundreds of dollars in heat that now is wasted. SATURDAY - - MONDAY - - TUESDAY Ashland T ID IN G S