PAGE F o t t i ASHLAND D A ÏL t TIDINGS Kingsbury Darice, Saturday; April If It’s economy and service, call 8th. Portland Orchestra, O’Connor W. H. Sams for all electrical work. Melody Boys. Snappy, jazzy music. Phone298-Y. 162tf 183-3 Local and Personal Secretary Davis suggests th at par­ A m ateur gardeners are digging in ents make their boys work. I t’s the ------ Side Lights------- places where you can’t ©van raise boys th a t make the parents work, A. F. & A . M. See Ju n io r High Pageant Friday your voice. night a t Armory, 7:30. Adults, 35c. Ashland Lodge So. 28 Look! Lawn mowers sharpened; Beautiful fluff rugs made from 183-2 satisfaction guaranteed. Flxlt Shop. worn carpets. The Medford Fluff Shrine S tated Session— 174tf Each one a champion in its class— Rug Man will be In Ashland Friday Hillah Temple meets Friday even­ ing, April 7. Im portant business Packard, Hudson, Essex and Nash. of this week. We want to buy some See Junior High Pageant Friday 183-1 Ingrain carpet, tan or brown in color. connected with ceremonial at Med- Class A garage. Phone 175. 183-1 night at Armory, 7:30. Adults, 35c iord May 26. Petitions, initiation, 183-2 etc. F. J. NEWMAN, Potentate. Business Meeting of Baptists — A woman has been given $1 in There will be a special business W. H. DAY, Recorder. Lenine is said to be at d eath ’s door meeting of the memb -rs of the Bap­ ! breach of promise suit. Evidently and has called a German doctor to Rev. G. H. i her promise w asn’t w orth much. Limited am ount of Scratch and tist church tonight. pull him through. Chick Food and Baby Chick Mash. Young, director of the Baptist Chris­ I Free— Closing out at wholesale price while tian education for the state is here W atch F rid ay ’s paper for inform a­ Have you seen the new Packards it tasts. Square Deal Grocery. 183-t-s and will present an im portant mes­ tion how to get free h eater at Uni­ on the street? If not, visit the Class sage. All members and friends of 183-1 the church are urged to be p re se n t.. versal Stove and Furnace dem onstra­ A garage now. Boy Scout Hike Postponed— tion a t Swenson and McRae,s F u rn i­ Troop two, Boy Scouts, hike, 183-1 Limited am ount of Scratch and If you have any w iring or electri­ tu re Store. which was planned for Saturday, Chick Food and Baby Chick Mash. cal repair work, phone W. L. Sams, will have to be postponed on account In Our City— 298-Y. Contracting a specialty. Closing opt a t wholesale price while of the absence of the scoutm aster. F. G. Lewis, traveling agent of the it lasts. Square Deal Grocery. 183-t s 181« traffic departm ent of the Southern See Junior High Pageant Friday Pacific, was a caller in the city today. Red Sticks— the new 5 cent pack­ “ Help another across with his night at Armory, 7:30. Adults, 35c. age of matches. A sure lighter. Det­ boat, and, lo, tliine own shall reach Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, chick­ 183-2 rick’s Groceteria. 1 7 5 « ens and rabbits. Call Tel. 104. Ash­ the shore.”— Arabian proverb. Service Station Nearly Done — land Fish and Poultry M arket. Visits Sister — See Ju n io r High Pageant Friday The service station, which is being Mrs. W inetrout, of G rants Pass, is night a t Armory, 7:30. Adults. 35c. See Ju n io r High Pageant Friday erected on East Main street, adjoin­ in the city today visiting with her night a t Armory, 7:30. A dults, 35c.j 183-2 ing the Shook building, is nearing sister, Mrs. Clifford Jenkins. 183-2 completion, the roof having been put ‘Build with the B irds.” on the first of the week, and other Don't wait until the last moment parts of the building are being as­ and then crab because you couldn't Return to Grants Pns¡ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Miss Patricia Gale, who has been* sembled as fast as possible. No de­ get a table reservation at the Society finite date has been set for the open­ Cabaret, but get your table planned the week end guest of Miss Gladys FOUND— Boy’s bicycle, owner may have same by proving property Inlow, left W ednesday evening for ing. and paying for ad. Inquire 286 B now. 182-2 her home in G rants Pass. street, after 6 o’clock p. m. 183-2 Paul- You’ll like our clothes, Limited am ount of Scratch and Columbia records reduced to 65c FOR SALE— W hite Leghorn laying 180tf Chick Food and Baby Chick Mash. serud’s. hens and hatching eggs from 200- 152tf egg hens. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 264 Closing out at wholesale price while a t Rose Brothers. K. Nelson makes suits to order. it lasts. Square Deal Grocery. 183-t-s W ightm an. Phone 257-Y. 183-1 Hotel Ashland Block. 168« This Society Cabaret, stunt is go­ ing to be a whirlwind, and you must Returns from Eugeni fin Way to Portland— G. H. Yeo, who drove to Eugene get a move on you if you want, table Mrs. Applegate, who lives out of the first of the week with some of the reservations. Rose Brothers, now. — Have your car washed and pol­ Vshland, was in the city this morn- local University of Oregon students, 182-2 ng on her way to Portland, where has returned and is again a t his ished at the In Ashland on Business— ihe has been called on account of office. Rev. VanNuys, of P ortland, is in j :he illness of her daughter-in-law. the city for a few days on business A ttractive spring suitings at Paul-, connected with th e. Presbyterian serud’s. • 180tf Free— either day or night. For your Sunday school. Universal heating stove given convenience call 30 and we will Del Monte Green Gage Plum s, 10 j «■onie and get your car and retum away at Swenson & McRae F u rn itu re it to you like new. 183-0 Seats for sale for April Society Ca­ Store. Inforfm ation in tom orrow ’s cents per can. “ Less than the cans - cost.” D etrick’s Groceteria. 1 7 5 « baret, at Rose Brothers, now. 182-2 ! paper. 183-1 Ashland a Paragraphs A The Telephone Directory Good telephone service depends vitally upon care in calling telephone numbers. A wrong num­ ber called causes loss of time to you, to the party called and to the operator. Every instance means avoidable inconvenience to all concerned. It is not the loss of time to you alone or to the operator that concerns us most, but it is the annoy­ ance to the party called. Your mistake cannot be explained to him, and the Telephone Company is held responsible for your error. Consulting the current issue of the telephone di­ rectory, instead cl trusting to memory; giving your number cleady, and quickly correcting the operator if she misunderstands your call, will gieatly in­ crease the efficiency of the service. Spring Is Here CLASS A GARAGE 11 u m i i i 111 i l l 1111111111 i l 1111111 i l 111111111111111111111 i l 11111 i l l 11111 l i I n 111 i i l I i i u 1111UUII n l i m u n n i ih iiiiiiiiiih i ..m i. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company ■ w m ( » H « i t i i i ( i i i i » « i i i u i i i i i i i i H w i N i i i > i M i M i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i l l i i > i l l l l u i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i l l l l i i i l l l i l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l i n i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i < 1i i i i u i m m i i ' McGee’s 12th Anniversary Sale N in e M ore D a y s-E n d in g S atu rd ay, A p r il 15 BLOUSES—$3.49 Tricolette, Pongee, Crepe de Chine, and Georgette blouses and waists, won­ derful values at $3.49. SILK DRESSES $16.95 to $35.00 In Canton crepe, crepe-knit, taffeta, satin, and crepe de chine. STYLISH SKIRTS Stunning new materials in plaited skirts and plain serges; also in plaited models. $9.75 to $16.50 FIBRE SILK SCARFS The latest fad in the scarf line-all colors, tubular knit, fringe ends, $4.75 SILK SWEATERS All silk and fibre silk sweaters in beautiful shades. $9.50 to $17.50 FINE TAILORED W AISTS of crepe de chine are very stylish this season. We are showing a splendid as­ sortm ent at $3.95 to $7.50 BRAMLEY DRESSES A chic style in two piece worsted jer­ sey dress, plain skirt with short blouse, trimmed with leather collar and cuffs. At $11.50 Unusually good looking kitchen, house and street dresses, in gingham, crepe, linon and percale. CLEVER SUITS EXPRESS THE COSTUMER’S SKILL 1 his promises to be a big suit season, and sensing the importance of the suit in the Spring outfit, master cos­ tumers have employed their highest art in making them smart and desirable. Dressy suits of trieotine, or serge, business suits of tweed or homespun, and the nonchalant little box suit —these at their best make up this distinguished pre­ sentation— P rices—$19.75; $25.00; $29.50; $35.00; $44.50; $48.00. COATS, CAPES AND WRAPS There is something particularly pleasing about new Spring wraps. The materials in the dressy styles velour, sliawsheens, Yalama, trieotine and serges. the service coats, tweeds and polo are used. Prices • reasonable, ranging from $8.95 to $67.50 the are In are STYLISH-STOUT DRESSES AND SUITS No need to go away to find stylish-stout garments. We are featuring these garments in particularly pleas­ Knit, Muslin, and Silk Underwear Specials for 12th Anniversary Sale Ladies knit vests, 3 f o r ..'..................50c Ladies knit union suits in band or bodice tops, white reg. sizes 55c, ex size 60c L adies’ union suits, pink, band top, reg. sizes—«60c; extra sizes.................... 65c Kaysers cotton union suits with .jersey silk top, sold at $4.50; now........... $2.98 Reubens infants vests, cotton...........30c Reubens infant vests, part wool......... 50c Silk pongee b lo n iers............................ $2.98 Tricolette bloomers.......................... ;$4.95 Bluebird crepe gowns, .................. $1.95 Crepe de Chine chemise,. .$3.98 to $4.95 K ayser’s silk top vests, ..................$1.98 Jersey silk bloom ers..........$4.50 to $9.00 Ladies muslin gowns, surprising values, a t 75c, 98c, $1.19, $1.49, $1.98 Outs.izes at $1.19 Athletic style combinations at greatly reduced prices Interesting Items in Piece Goods NEW W ASH FABRICS AT TEM PTING PRICES 36 inch tissue* Ginghams .......... ................. ............. 58c 40 inch Everf&st Swiss P rin t ................. ...........50c 40 inch Bonnie Brae Batiste ........................, ........ 45c 40 inch Voiles, new check patterns- . ...................... 45c 40 inch Avon Linon, check patterns ..........,. • • .45c 27 inch Ceylon tissue . . ........ ,.......... ......... .33 l-3c 30 inch Flaxon prints ......................... ............. 33 l-3c 36 inch Im ported Check Organdie ....,.......... .-.$1.15 36 inch Ratine Fpogne .............. ....................... $1.25 36 inch Frolic Suiting . ............,___ . . . , ...............75c 32 inch Shirting Madras ......................... ,•............... 50c W onderful New Draperies and Curtain N ets Curtain Scrims . . . . .................. ..................,.15 to 50c Curtain E ta n iin e s .......... ................................25 to 65c Curtain N e t s ........................ ............... ....3 5 c to $1.19 Colored Madras ...................¡... ...............55c to $2.50 Panel Curtain Nets, yard ...........,___ ,.$2.25 to $7.95 New Cretonnes, yard, ...................... ,..........,.25c up LUSTROUS SILKS IN ENDLESS VARIETY NOW BEING SHOWN Crepe knit, new and stylish,................$3.2,) to $4.00 Canton crepe, a season’s fa v o rite ... $2.50 to $3.49 Skinner’s satin and taffeta, special................. $2.48 .$1.98 Sport shades, haronette satin, plain. .. .$2.25 Sport shades, haronette satin, strip ed .. .$2.49 New patterns in silk foulards,................ .$2.98 A special price on fairyspun silk .......... .$1.95 A good weight crepe de chine, all colors $1.49 Georgette crepe, our $1.75 quality, now A big assortment of wool velours for spring coats and capes, at yard, ......................................... $-3-95 DRESS TRIMMINGS We are showing quite a little the best assort­ ments of fine dress trimmings we have ever had. Ju st a little of some appropriate trimming may set off vour new dress to advantage. ing styles— Dresses—$18.75 to $37.50 Suits — $29.75 to $55.00 Our Special Anniversary Offer of a New Peace T2f/i Anniversary 12th Anniversary Dollar FREE with a cash purchase of $10 or more continues until April 15th. ASHLAND ORY cooDS OREGON Som e 12th Anniversary Specials p5c check patterns, Jap crepe..........48c 32 in. Devonshire cloth.....................32c 45 in. Voile, plain colors................... 48c 45 in. colored organdie.......... 58c to 79c 36 in. natural color art linen............. 75c 18 in. natural color art linen............ 48c 40 in. white voiles with corded stripes for waists, up to 75c, now........... 45c 36 m. cotton Georgette 49c 36 in. Plisse crepe for underwear. 29c 30 in. Bluebird, serpentine crepe. 35c 36 in. unbleached muslin,. .. 12c to 26c 36 in. bleached m uslin,... .12 l-2c to 25c 45 in. unbleached sheeting,........ 37 l-2c 42 in. unbleached Pequot sheeting. 42c 45 in. bleached Pequot sheeting....... 45c 40 in. Pequot tu b in g ......................... 44c 42 in. Indian head tubing............ 33 1-3 45 in. Indian head tubing................. 35c 42 in. Saxon tu b in g ........................... 43c 7-4 Saxon sheeting ......................... 44c 7- 4 Pequot sheeting .......................... 59c 8- 4 Mohawk s h e e tin g ......................... 53c 9- 4 Pepperell sheeting ...................... 55c 8- 4 unbleached sheeting .................... 52c 9- 4 unbleached s h e e tin g ................ 54c Jap lunch cloths,................... 48x48 1.00 Jap lurch c lo th s ....................60x60 1.48 Seamless la > c lo th s............... 48x4S 1.35 Seamless J«*p c lo th s ............;>4x54 1.75 Seamless Jap cloths..............60x60 2.19 Good bed s p r e a d ....................74x84 2.00 Children’s hose, double knee............ 19c Children’s kiltie skirts .................... 4.45 Children’s jersey jackets ................ 4.50 Wool serge dresses at .................... 6.75 Wool jersey jumper d re s s e s ............ 4.45 Full fashioned silk hose .................. 2.00 Fibre silk hose, long rib to p .............1.00 Strap wrist kid g lo v e s .................. 2.50 Jersey si lk p e ttic o a ts ........................ 1.98 Bloomers, fine colored s a tin e ...........1.60 Bloomers, striped cotton chameuse 2.25 Bloomers, cotton charmeuse, pink 2.50 $2.00 American Lady c o rs e ts ...........1.49 $3.00 to 3.25 American Lady corsets 1.95 $3.50 to 3.75 American Lady corsets 2.49 $5.00 to 6.00 American Lady corsets 3.75 $8.50 to $10 American Lady corsets 4.95