t*AGE tW O ÁSHLÁtf» DAILY T ftttfó á W ednesday, A p ril 5, Ashland a'(3£> T idings Established 1876 P ub lished Every Evening Except Sunday NEW LINGERIE A pril Showers TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND ¿OUNTY PA PE R j Clumsy, Starchy Cambrics Only Memories of the Past. TELEPHONE 39 E . J. BARRETT, E ditor Undergarments Have Grown Sheer— Matching to Shade Gown Is Latest W him. Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month .................................. $ TLiee m o n t h s ..............................' Six months .................................. On« year .................................... .65 1.95 3.75 7.50 More of MEIH O R D LEGION OPENS H USBAND’S STORY WILL DOORS TO ALL WAR VETS. AMAZE ASHLAND At the meeting of the Medford! ---------- post of the American Legion held H0 says: “Adler-i-ka helped my Monday night, says the Medford M a i l ' fe . gas ° n the stomach and ~ y iweatora Mail sour atomach in TWENTY MIN. Tribune, it was decided to open the UTES. It works beyond greatest club- rooms and meetings to other expectations/’ Adler-i-ka acts on war veterans of the United States. I B0TH upper and lower bowel re- As one speaker said “ While the nJ ° ' ing ^oul m atter which poisoned American Legion u an organize,ion exclusriely for veterans of the world for chronic constipation. Guards war, there is a common tie and in- a Sainat appendicitis. Adler-i-ka re- terest between us and all other vet- ’,noves m atter you never thought was erans who gave their services to the y° UF ayst®m and which may have Lingerie of crepes de chine and georgettes has wiped the sisterhood Mail and R ural R outes 6 m e*. v u .e s 10 m e been p o iso n in g you fo r m o n th s of the red flannels off the map. For One month .................................. $ .65 ’ 4 oo article in feminine apparel has un­ country. It therefore seems fitting T. K. Bolton, Druggist. Three months .............................. 1.95 th at we should bring them into a s _____________ ____ dergone the rapid change in recent Six months .................................. 3.50 years us has tile undergarment. From close association with us as we pos- Brighten the corner where you One year ..................................... 6.5C clumsy, beruffed, starchy cambrics sibly can.’’ are. they have grown more sheer each sea­ ADVERTISING RATES D isplay A dvertising son until now one could easily hold a •lo g ie Insertion, each in ch ........... 30c week-end’s supply in the palm of one’s YEARLY CONTRACTS hand. In fact, one New York house . D isplay A dvertising which specializes in lingerie has a One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c tiny, patent leather suitcase about Two times a w eek.. . . ........................25 c eight Inches long called “le petit Wviny other d a y .................................20 c trousseau,” which holds a nightgown, Local R eaders undenest and a combination set for Each line, each tim e .................... 10c SATURDAY, APRIL 8lh the bride. Imagine a bride of a few To run every other dfey for one years back trying to crowd her nighty month, each line, each tim e. . 7c into i t ! To run every issue for one month At surprisingly low prices or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c Tlie rise of the crepe de chine and Classified Column georgette in the making of undergar­ Qne cent the word each time. ments has been interesting to watch. To run every issue for one month How shyly we put aside our white lin­ or more, %c the word each time. ens and nainsooks as we gently Legal Rate stepped into our first pink crepe de F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c chines! Pinks have given way to more Each subsequent time, per 8- vivid colors. Rather venturesome HAIRDRESSING PARLORS point line 5c colors of former days are now cast Card of t h a n k s ............................ $1.00 Room 1 U pstairs C itizens Rank Bldg. aside as passe. Obituaries, the line t ................... 2% c Matching underwear to the shades F rate rn a l Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders of one’s gown is fashion’s latest whim (C opyrl.h or societies charging a regular initi­ and no shade can be too colorful for ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ the lingerie of this season. Hose of ligious and benevolent orders will be nation, rem ain tied up in securities gray fade into bloomers and petticoats charged the regular rate for all ad of the same tone. For the navy blue vertlsing when an admission or other th a t are exem pt from taxation, and costumes there are lovely shades of to th at extent the burden of taxation charge Is made. lavenders and purples. of th e common people is increased. The envelope chemise seeems to W hat C onstitutes A dvertising W ILL OPEN APRIL 18th In order to allay a m isunderstand­ The other day the announcem ent was > ,„„ii .k . . . . have been discarded for the present By WM. G. H. FINCH inch wall at the end. Build conden- j and the chemise with bloomers or step- ing among some as to what co n sti­ made th at the City Bank of New We are arranging a Associate Member In stitu te Radio tutes news and what advertising, York had invested $57,000,000 In ser up in this fashion. Take the two in drawers is the favorite sort of we print this very simple rule, which government securities th a t were ex­ Engineers binding post machine screws and i lingerie for Just now. This comblna- F IS H E R M E N ’S C O N T E ST is used by newspapers to differenti­ (W ritten for International News m ount them in base as shown. Take i t,on ls extremely practical, for the empt from taxation. Multiply th at ate between them : “ ALL fu tu re a piece of mica sheeting and place i t ! chernise can be made long enough to Service.) and w i l l make award of a $10 Fly Rod to the one getting e -rents, where an admission charge transaction ^ty thousands all over % of an inch from either end. Now ' Uke the pIace of a pett,coat ”r short NEW YORK, April 6.— The action Is made or a collection is taken IS the country, and some idea may be the nicest string ot fish on the opening day. ADVERTISING.” This applies to gathered of th e am ount of money th at results from applying a current 1 take a piece of tip foil, passing ma j enough to be worn with the heavier For further particulars, apply at organizations and societies of every th at is isolated and rendered immune to two or more conducting surfaces, chine screw through the hole on the gowns and suits. And as all gowns are made on straight body-fitting lines, kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after from bearing any part of the tax same being separated by a dielec’lc right. Now, take an o th er piece of these garments do away with all un­ (mica sheets, glass or paraffin pa- mica sheeting, placing It directly necessary waistbands. These chemises burden. they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization per) (see Fig. 1) is employed in over the preceding one. Then take a are all niade with the short empire Headquarters for Sporting Goods m eetings of societies where no many ways in radio circuits. Such I Piece of tinfoil and place it over the yokes with straps over the shoulders; NO LACK OF COURTESY money contribution is solicited, initi­ When General Joffre passed a device is called a condenser, and 1 machine screw on the left end and the straps are made of the same ruate- ation charged, or collecton taken IS , !t ., . . , . ,, . 1 rtal 89 the garment rather than of rib- through Ashland yesterday, a great!*8 sa ‘d to have a certain capacity o r . follow these operations until you | bon. They are made In gold and sll- NEW S. many people, and particularly the 30 many micro farads, depnding upon have used the seven sheets of tinfoil ver cloths to match the evening gown« Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, school children, were disappointed th e num ber and size of the conduci- and mica sheeting. You will see by as well as in the practical black. Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ because no stop was made a t the ing surfaces and the dielectic sepa- this arrangem ent th a t yon have al- Most of the American made lingerie ter. Plaza and the general remained ratin g them. This may be of a fixed ternated the tinfoil strips each time. is made of crepe de chine, georgette j or radium silk. From Paris we have j seated in his machine and did not — ------------- - __ _________You will then have three strips of ^SuMMEßpLAYGROUNi) • the triple voile which closely resem­ rise to acknowledge the greetings. , tinfofil connected with the binding ERICAf n